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sets unbalanced


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the gear sets are really unbalanced, for tanks they are ok, arent perfect, but at least they are usefull.


healers the same, they are usefull for all them, sage one could be the worst, but they are the best heal so there isnt so much problem there.


but on dps?? some classes get 15% critic on ones of their skills.


tropers/BG get 15% critic on his spameable skill..... and they get 1 bullet with each critic so too much overpower, and they MUST neft the set of the talent, but now it is unbalanced.


-assassins are really good too, 15% critic on some skills and get energy with autoatacks(not sure)


-OP/scoundrels they get 15% too.


-sentinels: get 1 rage reduction on the finisher so is fairly useless and 15 secs on valorous call, useless set.


-Gunslinger/sniper: 10energy when we use a 2MIN CD( OMG 10 energy each 2 mins!!!) and 7 energy cost less on the finisher.




ok, most of the dps class get 15% critic on some skills but 2 class get totally usseles sets???? no, 2 class no, the only 2 PURES class get usseles set.

are u kiding me? they must hotfix it ASAP


gunslinger/sniper new set should be 15% critic on trickshot(i dont know about sniper one) and 4 pieces should be 2 seconds less cd on the 15secs dc skill(aimed shoot i think)


sentinel one should be 15%critic on the last talent point on each tree. and 4 pieces should be 1 rage more with the autoatack( the skill that give u rage and dont cost anything with 0 cd)



it is unfar that i wear other class set because it is better than mine

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Maybe if you posted this as more of a suggestion as opposed to a flame, it would be better received.


I agree that the sets aren't balanced, but it is hard to align one classes set bonuses to another.


it is unfar that i wear other class set because it is better than mine


Also lol I hope you're not wearing Sage gear on a Gunslinger, that might be where your problem is

Edited by ChekhovBear
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