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TORtanic (operatives there are still life boats)


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The operative nerf has shown that Bioware doesn't test anything they release. The mere fact that they hired Gabe A from another failed MMO warhammer shows they were setting themself up for failure.



My question now that I'm in the lifeboat where do i row to? Which MMO?

Edited by JBGames
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If only Aion hadnt gone the way of a giant steaming pile of RNG


Look up TERA Online, I think it might be the only real competition with GW2 when that comes out (unless bioware pulls off a miracle with the march patch).

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Look up TERA Online, I think it might be the only real competition with GW2 when that comes out (unless bioware pulls off a miracle with the march patch).


I want BW to pull off a miracle. I want to love SWTOR... but they just seem so damn stubborn. They ignore logic and reasoning and instead are set on their own path to destruction.


I wish they would just remake DAoC. Give it up to date graphics and maintain it in its original beauty. I would play that without ever looking back.



EDIT: Hmmm. TERA looks interesting. Know anything about their PvP?

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Look up TERA Online, I think it might be the only real competition with GW2 when that comes out (unless bioware pulls off a miracle with the march patch).




TERA is a disgusting Korean MMO with hyper sexualized underage female characters, so if you're a pedophile you'll love that game.



I myself am kinda holding out for GW2...after a free trial or beta test in order to see if I like it or not, even if its f2p after you buy I would like to try it out....my fingers are very much crossed for Dark Millennium Online...Warhammer 40k mmo...yes please.

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Well... GW2 seems to be the only thing on the horizon... but even that is still instanced PvP with 0 world PvP.




They haven't released much info on their WvWvW systems yet, but from the sounds of it that's going to be the closest that any MMO has gotten to recreating what made DAoC's world PvP so good, if only because they're not retarded and actually implemented three factions (or servers, in this case).

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Rift has been taking some steps in the right direction lately. Plus its pretty much the same game. Instanced gear grinder. Except things actually work.


I reactivated Rift recently, much better game than it was at launch, that's for sure. Worth checking out for anyone looking for a semi-lively sub-based MMO.


As for TERA, I wouldn't bother. It's basically Lineage 3. No seriously, the guys that made it were 50% of the team from NCSoft that was making L3, and they left the company and within a year announced TERA. They are now sitting comfortably in Jail. TERA isn't doing so hot in Korea, and I wouldn't expect it to be much better here since our versions of the Korean MMO's always suck (Aion being a prime example).

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As for TERA, I wouldn't bother. It's basically Lineage 3. No seriously, the guys that made it were 50% of the team from NCSoft that was making L3, and they left the company and within a year announced TERA. They are now sitting comfortably in Jail. TERA isn't doing so hot in Korea, and I wouldn't expect it to be much better here since our versions of the Korean MMO's always suck (Aion being a prime example).


No one's in jail, NCsoft's "case" against Bluehole Studios is nothing more than glorified whining, they can't do anything about the game getting released.

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not true.......... theres going to be world pvp... thers also going to be arenas like gw1. there will even be pve dungeon/raid content...


Having played GW1 pre-expansions, I was under the impression that GW2 would continue to be 1 faction. Like GW1, you would enter their little PvP equivalent of a Warzone and duke it out against two other teams. Or, like GW1, you could do GvG fights. That is still instanced PvP, is it not? If you can explain to me how they will have world PvP I'd love to hear it, because that's something I desperately long for. I wasn't aware you could have World PvP in a 1 faction game (unless you count, say, RuneScape's wilderness...).


Now if GW2 had 2 or 3 factions... I'd probably unsub right now and dedicate the rest of my time trying to get into beta or drooling over the game, like I did with SWTOR.

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No one's in jail, NCsoft's "case" against Bluehole Studios is nothing more than glorified whining, they can't do anything about the game getting released.




"NCsoft then allege that project lead of Lineage, Yong-Hyun Park, had become disgruntled by his salary, and began plotting. Referring to him and others who planned to leave and form their own company as “conspirators”, they explain how he used NCsoft meeting rooms to recruit their employees, and was soon fired. 48 of the 100+ Lineage 3 team followed him out. Taking Lineage 3 with them in their brains was in violation of agreements they had signed previously, and NCsoft goes further to claim they also committed “theft”, putting “an extensive amount of proprietary data to, among other things, personal storage devices”. These are claims that seem to have been upheld by Korean courts, and fines and prison sentences were handed out to Park and three others."

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Having played GW1 pre-expansions, I was under the impression that GW2 would continue to be 1 faction. Like GW1, you would enter their little PvP equivalent of a Warzone and duke it out against two other teams. Or, like GW1, you could do GvG fights. That is still instanced PvP, is it not? If you can explain to me how they will have world PvP I'd love to hear it, because that's something I desperately long for. I wasn't aware you could have World PvP in a 1 faction game (unless you count, say, RuneScape's wilderness...).


Now if GW2 had 2 or 3 factions... I'd probably unsub right now and dedicate the rest of my time trying to get into beta or drooling over the game, like I did with SWTOR.




Instead of three factions, you have three servers running around what are essentially the equivalent of frontier zones from DAoC. There's a lot of info on this game out there - do some research.


p.s. GvG is gone.

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Instead of three factions, you have three servers running around what are essentially the equivalent of frontier zones from DAoC. There's a lot of info on this game out there - do some research.


p.s. GvG is gone.




You just made my night. I was under the impression that it would be just like GW1 preexpansion instanced PvP. I read on some FAQ for guildwars2guru that there would be no "world pvp," but this may just be the closest thing to that since DAoC. Sure, it technically is instanced, but it's a hell of a lot better than anything else out right now on the MMO market. Time to let the drooling begin.

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Well, I don't know what game I'm going to play next. I think the next game I play, I'm going to wait about 4 weeks after launch to start.


Then I will do research to see if Gabe Amatangelo has anything to do with it. If he does, I will avoid it like the plague.


Yes Mr. Amantangelo, if you are reading this, I hate you. I know that's a strong statement, but you ruin every game you touch. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and only you.


Subscription cancelled. That's all.

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Hi all,


We know the changes to the Operatives is something that the Operative community feels very strongly about. Feedback regarding these changes is always welcome as long as it is constructive. Since "I'm quitting" threads tend to cause more disruptions than constructive discussion, we're going to close this thread and ask that you continue your discussion in the ongoing Operateive changes thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=212330

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