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Education - laziness


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I have read alot off the "i quit" posts. and really -who cares, bye.


But what concerns me is for the reasons:

Most people are quitting because


1. no patience

2. did not read anything on the forum on how to fix it themselves. (this is really the biggest issue)

3. expect customer service to do everything for them, when there is probably about 700k-1mil people playing over the next few days.



these are the major reasons, but what concerns me is that we as a society are so stupid that we cannot/will not take the time to figure things out on our own. Go read some posts. " I quit because my "play" button is not highlighted" - hey dummy, your not granted access yet...read the forums.


seriously, go read some of these tools and you will feel the fear I have in our youth's education.

Got your little banner going there dude? And your little saying and post calling people morons. You're really cool dude, wow like neeto how to said those things to those people, wowie

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Terrifies me too, imagine if you met one of them in public and they turn up to a event late for something and someone whos been waiting longer than them gets their item first and the late comer starts raging...


Nah it is the annonimity of the internet that allows most of them to rage. Most of these people wouldn't have the nerve to stand up for themselves in real life face to face.


Unless it is in a bell tower with a sniper rifle.

Edited by Varkin
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I deal with this almost everyday, as an instructor(I teach welding...which is about 90% hands on). I normally dont have many issues with the older generation..30+ as they will normally take the initiative to do things on their own. Welding is a trade/skill that you have to learn through repetition, you cant read a book or find the answer on the net...there is very little instant gratification.


It's the sub 30 yrs olds that expect to recieve an "A" just for showing up.....the new teens, fresh out of high school think they can weld for two days and fully expect someone to give them a job making $60,000+ year. What's amazing is that most of the students fresh out of high school can't even read a tape measure or know the difference between 1/8" or 1/16" of an inch. They think just because they can pass the written tests they should be given an "A"...although their welds look like snot on a doorknob.


It's always fun to give them a good dose of reality the first day of class....and watch their faces melt.


Don't forget that the generation who raises the so called bad generation also shares some of the blame.

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Nah it is the annonimity of the internet that allows most of them to rage. Most of these people wouldn't have the nerve to stand up for themselves in real life face to face.


It happened once, I was waiting at the WoW cata launch and some fat ugly male teen was moaning about people getting two copies of the game, and then one of these people walked past with two copies and said "Well you dont see me complaining when you get two seats on a bus,train, plane for the price of one."


Everyone laughed at the guy and he went into the biggest nerd rage ever and ended up getting arrested and put in a police car and probably never got a copy. xD

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wow, i remember that movie. it is scary. But I also agree it very well could be alot of middle aged men living in the basement /ragequitting back to wow. either way, it is embarrassing.


It's funny how inaccurate this stereotype is when it comes to gaming these days, especially the gamers acting like children.

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I have read alot off the "i quit" posts. and really -who cares, bye.


But what concerns me is for the reasons:

Most people are quitting because


1. no patience

2. did not read anything on the forum on how to fix it themselves. (this is really the biggest issue)

3. expect customer service to do everything for them, when there is probably about 700k-1mil people playing over the next few days.



these are the major reasons, but what concerns me is that we as a society are so stupid that we cannot/will not take the time to figure things out on our own. Go read some posts. " I quit because my "play" button is not highlighted" - hey dummy, your not granted access yet...read the forums.


seriously, go read some of these tools and you will feel the fear I have in our youth's education.



If you're going to start a thread about peoples education and their apparent laziness, you should probably make sure your post doesn't contain grammatical errors and a severe lack of punctuation.


Not being a forum Nazi... Just saying...

Edited by Rycelow
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It happened once, I was waiting at the WoW cata launch and some fat ugly male teen was moaning about people getting two copies of the game, and then one of these people walked past with two copies and said "Well you dont see me complaining when you get two seats on a bus,train, plane for the price of one."


Everyone laughed at the guy and he went into the biggest nerd rage ever and ended up getting arrested and put in a police car and probably never got a copy. xD


That is awesome wish I was there wth a video camera. I would totally you tube that. If we are lucky he will never breed.

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