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Scoundrel here getting *****...


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Funnily about every Agent i met yesterday is now a healer or a Sniper, guess, concealment is out of FOTM.


What? Concealment never was FOTM. Anyone who says they were was delusional. At most I've seen 2 Concealment Op's in 1 WZ, and that was because they were Guildmates that leveled together. But you know what I did see? Teams with upwards of 6-7 Sorcerers, or 4 Sorc's 4 BH's. In the first month of playing an IA, I saw maybe 1-2 other per WZ, and most of the time I was the only one. I'm sure people will post about how their server had 15 per WZ, and they were the only non-Concealment Op, but I am willing to beat just about anything they are full of ****.

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I remember this same discussion and QQ years back when rogues got nerfed. Oh children, the things they find to complain about that don't need to be.


I get 2.6k crits with backblast on my scoundrel in rakata gear with 140 rating shotgun, AS A HEALER, even with the nerfs, we're very - very fine. 3 seconds to kill someone? HA, I don't need 3 seconds..

Edited by Kagato_Muyo
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Hey guys,


Just wanted to let you all know the whining worked. I now attack, then proceed to die every single time. 0 utility, 0 defense, 100% ****


Its terrible and I had to quit playing today before I nerd rage quit the game completely.


I've been informed that not much has changed, as due to the reduction of time that the player becomes stunned for, it is now easier for an operative/scoundrel to keep people stunned, as the resolve bar doesn't shoot as high as fast anymore.


Can anyone confirm this?

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Are they useless against good premades compared to the other melee classes? Yup.


Are they still good against pugs? Yup.


They always sucked at pve, and now they are just worse.


I have no problem leading dmg against premades post nerf, it is just the class has no utility, the dmg is inflated (throwing aoe grenades) and they lack mortalstrike, guard/taunt or a hard hitting aoe that can actually put pressure on healers.


They are the absolute WORST class in huttball.


If you just want a class that can kill people one on one? They are better at that now. Do you want to make a huge difference in a skilled premade vs premade or in rateds? Play another class.


Some people like a class that can crap on everyone one on one (unless they fight a skilled sent/marauder/assassin/shadow who will bend you over, but thankfully there are like less then 5 on every server).


They are still more then fine at that. When rated warzones come in though? They will be useless as healers and dps. Will they get buffed or given utility when it is obvious they are trash? Who knows.


As for me? Done with the class. Sentinel does same dmg with mortalstrike, and offers awesome group buffs. Guardian/jug aoes for WAY MORE then their stealth opener and offers guard taunt (most op thing in the game). They will definately be nerfed when rateds start though. Same goes with assassin/shadows.


Want the safe bet? Sent/Marauder. Are they harder to play then the other melee? Yup. Will they ever be nerfed? Highly doubt it. Add to that the steep learning curve prevents mass rerolls to the class. The problem with scoundrel/op is that any idiot could kill an average to bad with an opener and follow up (they still can). It took a skilled player to do well out of stealth, but it doesn't matter. Guardian/Jug focus spec has the same problem. Anyone can push a button hit their trinkets and aoe.


I would bet the farm that aoe is getting nerfed as soon as rateds start lol.

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I've been informed that not much has changed, as due to the reduction of time that the player becomes stunned for, it is now easier for an operative/scoundrel to keep people stunned, as the resolve bar doesn't shoot as high as fast anymore.


Can anyone confirm this?



If a scoundrel wants you dead, you will die.


A scoundrel will use shoot first, combo and or whip/blast, vanish and then proceed to repeat the process. Picking off people who are alone is the best method for a quick restealth and new target.


Edit: Resolve is still useless vs a Scoundrel

Edited by Kagato_Muyo
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I've been informed that not much has changed, as due to the reduction of time that the player becomes stunned for, it is now easier for an operative/scoundrel to keep people stunned, as the resolve bar doesn't shoot as high as fast anymore.


Can anyone confirm this?


600 expertise Operative here.


Yes its easier to stun lock, our knockdown doesnt fill resolve bar and we can followup with an insta stun.


Openers is looking more like 3.9k on crit MAX instead of the 5.3k i was able to dish out before. This is with relics and adrenal popped.


I seem to be able to take down sorcs easier now. Probably due to the fact most sorcs are poor players. I havnt gone up against a good sorc post patch, but before any good one could still kill me after the 3.5 knockdown by kiting.


I dont even both opening on Commandos any more. With the nerfs ill be lucky if i can hit for 2.2k. Then can just heal through anything i throw at them due to our poor sustained DPS. Our burst DPS was really our only chance against them.


So yea everyone, you realy kind screwed yourselves because the only class that could throw a monkeywrench into a commando is pretty much gone.

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funny because yesterday i got hit by operatives same like always, and i was like "did they nerf them or not", it was ridiculous damage as always, well maybe a bit less than usually.

then i went to read patch notes and i read that they were nerfed..

was it enough..? i dont know.. requires more skills, still most damage in the game

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funny because yesterday i got hit by operatives same like always, and i was like "did they nerf them or not", it was ridiculous damage as always, well maybe a bit less than usually.

then i went to read patch notes and i read that they were nerfed..

was it enough..? i dont know.. requires more skills, still most damage in the game


Dunno, i still see sorcs pushin 530k out easy when im struggling to put out 300k. And they also have 100-150k healing.


Ide say sorcs put out the most damage in the gam eon average.

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funny because yesterday i got hit by operatives same like always, and i was like "did they nerf them or not", it was ridiculous damage as always, well maybe a bit less than usually.

then i went to read patch notes and i read that they were nerfed..

was it enough..? i dont know.. requires more skills, still most damage in the game


Uh no. I do 300 k a game solo queue against premades. My dmg was MUCH higher prenerf.


I can also do more with every single melee in this game now while also offering utility.


Solo? One on one? If you have no trinket up and they get the opener on you? You are 100 percent dead now.


They traded control for dmg. They are now the worst dmg melee class in the game for warzones.


Fun class is you want to run around solo on Ilum and pick people off. Horrible class if you plan on doing rated warzones. You can still do well, but you would do better/offer the team more on all other melee.


The people who care about duels? Yeah they will love the class. The people who could care less or want to raid dps? Class is garbage.

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Uh no. I do 300 k a game solo queue against premades. My dmg was MUCH higher prenerf.


I can also do more with every single melee in this game now while also offering utility.


Solo? One on one? If you have no trinket up and they get the opener on you? You are 100 percent dead now.


They traded control for dmg. They are now the worst dmg melee class in the game for warzones.


Fun class is you want to run around solo on Ilum and pick people off. Horrible class if you plan on doing rated warzones. You can still do well, but you would do better/offer the team more on all other melee.


The people who care about duels? Yeah they will love the class. The people who could care less or want to raid dps? Class is garbage.


Pretty much sums it up



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Uh no. I do 300 k a game solo queue against premades. My dmg was MUCH higher prenerf.


I can also do more with every single melee in this game now while also offering utility.


Solo? One on one? If you have no trinket up and they get the opener on you? You are 100 percent dead now.


They traded control for dmg. They are now the worst dmg melee class in the game for warzones.


Fun class is you want to run around solo on Ilum and pick people off. Horrible class if you plan on doing rated warzones. You can still do well, but you would do better/offer the team more on all other melee.


The people who care about duels? Yeah they will love the class. The people who could care less or want to raid dps? Class is garbage.


Agree fully, I am in the same boat.


I will be leveling another toon, simply because of the fact that I can play any other class now and not have to work as hard to get the same results whilst helping the team more, and my pve dps is more or less the worst in the game, especailly on boss fights, my guild has noticed the difference even.


Will I still play my toon? For pvp, Yes.


I have already adapted to the new playstyle, still finish 90% of warzones 1st is most categories, still wreck bad imps 3v1 in ilum, still have people run away when they see me. This in no way shape or form means I should have to work harder then other classes to do it though, so I won't as much once my alt is geared. The nerf was to much, period. I still wreck everyone, but am to lazy to put that much effort into doing so...maybe i should just roll a commando/bh and tell ppl to l2p like the rest of you clowns.


l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p lolz I am 12 and bad, l2p l2p l2p l2p l2p I suck at my class and need to whine for nerfs to win like scheen, l2p l2p l2p l2p.


lol, this thread is a good laugh.

Edited by Calihad
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Re specced my scoundrel to partly use the dirty fighting tree. Always open with some of the DOTS, shrap bomb and the old favourite vital shot really mess someone up. Shrap bombs especially as it applies an AOE DOT.


Seems to be working well, only level 19 on my sco atmo but can still mess someone up. Took down a few 40s last night just by adjusting my tactics as above. Just have to box a bit cleverer now.


Yes that means I can’t get flechette round, but still playing with it right now. Still a lot of fun. May change again later on.

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If a scoundrel wants you dead, you will die.


A scoundrel will use shoot first, combo and or whip/blast, vanish and then proceed to repeat the process. Picking off people who are alone is the best method for a quick restealth and new target.


Edit: Resolve is still useless vs a Scoundrel



You make it sound like they can use that vanish every GCD.

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funny because yesterday i got hit by operatives same like always, and i was like "did they nerf them or not", it was ridiculous damage as always, well maybe a bit less than usually.

then i went to read patch notes and i read that they were nerfed..

was it enough..? i dont know.. requires more skills, still most damage in the game


Most damage in the game? Are you on something? I will soon post pics of WZs post patch.

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Anyone that says they don't notice a difference is either A not level 50 or B not specced all the way up concealment/scrapper. The damage difference is huge. I was critting similar geared players, possibly even lesser geared for 2400 with shoot first. Thats about 40% less damage. Normally would be around 4k, and on fresh 50s 5k+. Highest backblast was 2400 also, hitting much less, about 25%.


You honestly saying you don't notice a 40% decrease in damage from shoot first?



I will tell you why. Our whole damage rotation got nerfed, as I've said before:


> 20% damage nerf to Hidden Strike.


> 50% nerf to Jarring knowckdown duration.


> 20% nerf to Acid Blade Armor Penetration, which not only means Hidden Strike got a TRIPLE nerf, but also BackStab got nerfed, because Acid Blade only works on these 2 skills.


> On top of all that, due to the Acid Blade ArmPen nerf, every other skill (i.e. Shiv, Lacerate, etc) used within 15s of the opener also got nerfed and will be hitting for less.


The whole dam rotation got nerfed.

Edited by Treplos
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Re specced my scoundrel to partly use the dirty fighting tree. Always open with some of the DOTS, shrap bomb and the old favourite vital shot really mess someone up. Shrap bombs especially as it applies an AOE DOT.


Seems to be working well, only level 19 on my sco atmo but can still mess someone up. Took down a few 40s last night just by adjusting my tactics as above. Just have to box a bit cleverer now.


Yes that means I can’t get flechette round, but still playing with it right now. Still a lot of fun. May change again later on.



Not sure how that will work on people with Champ/BM gear, especially people who can use their skills well to defend themselves and crit you for 3-5k every GCD or two, while your DOTs are tickling their 16-18k pools of HP.


I haven't specced it so I do not know how it would work, but from the input I got so far, it simply does not cut it vs the amount of damage that get thrown out there.


I am preparing another pic album for post patch.

Edited by Treplos
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funny because yesterday i got hit by operatives same like always, and i was like "did they nerf them or not", it was ridiculous damage as always, well maybe a bit less than usually.

then i went to read patch notes and i read that they were nerfed..

was it enough..? i dont know.. requires more skills, still most damage in the game


You are either a bad troll, or a bad player. Not sure which.

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You are either a bad troll, or a bad player. Not sure which.


this x1000


I am getting ***** by good players. I can not win 1v1 against good tanks or heals (durr interrupt 1 spell for 4 seconds), and team wise my utility is gone. My utility was to kill the opposing team.


Now... well i sit in stealth and sap people as they try to cap. This is my new job. Thanks Bioware for making me a CC bot. Please make it up to me by fixing my class!!!

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Says it all that an attack Mercs can do ad infinitum from 30m does pretty much the same damage as our opener we do from stealth, from behind, that we have to spend minutes in stealth or waiting to restealth to set up does. It's a joke. Some people are in denial.


Sure, you can still stomp lower geared players, and even beat equally geared, but why bother when its much more effective on another character. My PT is better than my Op in every conceivable way.

Edited by Jimra
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Not sure how that will work on people with Champ/BM gear, especially people who can use their skills well to defend themselves and crit you for 3-5k every GCD or two, while your DOTs are tickling their 16-18k pools of HP.


I haven't specced it so I do not know how it would work, but from the input I got so far, it simply does not cut it vs the amount of damage that get thrown out there.


I am preparing another pic album for post patch.


Point taken, as I said, I will be re adjusting my style as I learn the class more and come up against better foes.


It is a lot of fun now, even after the nerf.

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Hey guys,


Just wanted to let you all know the whining worked. I now attack, then proceed to die every single time. 0 utility, 0 defense, 100% ****


Its terrible and I had to quit playing today before I nerd rage quit the game completely.


Meanwhile Sorc / Sages stand afar auto facing casting a ranged stun that does great dps and snares you, while they bubble and LOL at you!

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These posts are always the highlight of my day (not really, but they sure do make me laugh).


"I play class X. Oh my gawd...one of class X's moves now does 20% less damage. I'm now broken in PvE and PvP and can't play the game at all. I quit. Can I have some cheese with my whine?"


Seriously, some of you horrible Agent players need to reorganize your hotkeys or something...because we apparently arent playing the same game.

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