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Developer Blog: Busting Bugs and Fixing Exploits


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Ive been playing since Dec. 18th and havent run into 1 gamebreaking bug. I have run into a few regular bugs. I submit my report, and continue having fun.


Having to exceed the daily wins by multiple amounts counts as a gamebreaker- most of us that do the pvp daily are hit with this every single day.


There is no continued fun after having to win 20 times in order to get a quest done that requires THREE matches won...period.



My comment to the devs...get your act together- I had more faith in funcom after the botched Anarchy Online launch than I do with the engine and effort placed within the coding of this game. I love the voice/story...I do- but the lack of REAL communication on certain issues happens to be astounding poor...even by mmo standards.

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The fact that this game was released in the state it was in is no excuse...none, zero, zilch. The sheer amount of bugs and the content that was pulled before release like the high res textures is just badly done.


This team of devs had an almost an infinite budget, they put the game through Alpha, closed, and open betas that lasted MONTHS, problems that beta testers made aware to Bioware still made it to release regardless, and that is not right for customers who are paying their hard earned money.


Say what you want, but the fact that this game was released in the state it was in from one of the most major publishers/developers is just not right. Add to the fact that the FPS problems they are pretty much sweeping under the rug and saying that it is all the players computers is just ludicrous. Also having a fix in the patch notes that was there for over a week and when the patch is released and the problem is still there and then saying it was a miscommunication is again, sloppy.


How people can support such behavior from any company is beyond me, but everyone is different I guess, and to each their own. But i for one cannot excuse the sheer amount of problems wrong with this game in its current state. If you can, I salute you, you are far more forgiving then me.


I have a simple solution for you. Take your Imperial toon out to lake drown it, then delete your account, and go back to wow or wherever you came from.


C'mon, Your seriously hung up on stupid Hi-Res screen shots feature that was removed. Talk about border line EMO.


I play this game for end game PVP. I have yet to encounter a bug that would ruin the game for me, let alone a screen shot feature. With all these so called bugs just ruining the game our guild has managed to blow through hardmode operations. Where currently working on nightmare difficulty and the game seems to work just fine.


I have yet to encounter a quest that could not be completed, my fps is always at 80 to 100 my latency is always at 32ms. I run this game maxed out with fraps in the background with absolutely no issues.


I encounter bugs weekly, but I do as anyone serious person would and fill out a detailed and thorough report explaining the what, when, how, and where. This is how they fix issues. You guys think raging on a post will get them to fix it NO. They won't even read your QQ'ing.




I want to add one thing. I think we should start calling all you complainers WOOKIES!!!!


1. Listening to a Wookie is like listening to a Rev. Jesse Jackson at church, nothing makes sense!!!!


2. All they do is grunt and groin!!!!


3. They are annoying!!!!!!


4. Wookies always complain!!!!!!!

Edited by Chazmoto
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I have a simple solution for you. Take your Imperial toon out to lake drown it, then delete your account, and go back to wow or wherever you came from.


C'mon, Your seriously hung up on stupid Hi-Res screen shots feature that was removed. Talk about border line EMO.


I play this game for end game PVP. I have yet to encounter a bug that would ruin the game for me, let alone a screen shot feature. With all these so called bugs just ruining the game our guild has managed to blow through hardmode operations. Where currently working on nightmare difficulty and the game seems to work just fine.


I have yet to encounter a quest that could not be completed, my fps is always at 80 to 100 my latency is always at 32ms. I run this game maxed out with fraps in the background with absolutely no issues.


I encounter bugs weekly, but I do as anyone serious person would and fill out a detailed and thorough report explaining the what, when, how, and where. This is how they fix issues. You guys think raging on a post will get them to fix it NO. They won't even read your QQ'ing.




I want to add one thing. I think we should start calling all you complainers WOOKIES!!!!


1. Listening to a Wookie is like listening to a Rev. Jesse Jackson at church, nothing makes sense!!!!


2. All they do is grunt and groin!!!!


3. They are annoying!!!!!!


4. Wookies always complain!!!!!!!




[Applause] You sir...are my hero!!! lol

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TL;DR: We're selling the beta, but if you keep paying for another year we might get around to fixing bugs we knew about 6 months ago.


A bad attempt at a WoW clone isn't worth $15/mo, or even the original box price.

Edited by Khrak
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Hm ... what this text is about ? sigh ... :confused:


We dont care about new content, fix your game ...

exactly this, fix the game and its current content rather then continuing to release more and more content, with more and more bugs and problems that you guys seem to need to take the servers down every other day for..


W T F am I'm paying for, if I ain't able to play the game, I'm wasting money for nothing?


This game obviously needs to be free to play since you got some much down time and no fixes for any of the bugs/exploits.


I see the same replies/posts from the GMs claiming they're fixing some bug or exploit but then, every couple days later I see that exact same message up in the launcher/website once again, claiming the same sh*t as last time...


SO Please do tell, WTH are you really fixing? You're guys paychecks? :confused:


Oh ya and whats the points of the PTR if you ain't gonna test on it? Might as well dump it. ;)

Edited by LordHazanko
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Every week you take the servers down for maintainence and often for patches yet every time they are back up the same issues exist. Do you actually fix any bugs because from what i see said on my server plenty of people are leaving the game or at least considering doing so due to the lack of bug fixes. Also the crazy way you do maintainence for US and EU needs to be sorted. To have a game off for 6-8 hrs during the daytime is mmo suicide imo (EU servers).
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Yea, this should have been posted 1 month ago.


I kept saying this since release, that the devs need to communicate far more often than they have been.


Reading through these responses it shows that people don't trust or have faith in Bio now and are just pissed.


The damage is done


It will take a LONG time to win peoples trust back so they need to keep holding our hands and give us candy regularly..Eh..I mean communicate regularly.


If the devs wait until the community is in an uproar they will just get verbally abused like we are seeing here.


None of this really lets BW off the hook but if more dialog between the customer and the developer got going maybe there would be FAR less anger and more patience.

Edited by GothicSaint
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i need help every time I log into the game it boots up and then when i get to the server listing it is completely blank there are no servers listed at all is this because of down time or is something wrong with my game i am going on 3 hours now waiting, i have yet to play the game yet and spent 160 dollars on collectors edition and, the last 48 hours have been nothing but problem after problem never have i seen a game riddled with so many flaws *** are the devs doing can any one help me out


this is making this game the worst mmo experience of my whole gaming carrier and thats 25 years and running

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not to beat a dead horse but I am at a loss I pay 160 for a game and i cant even play it it is 12:06 now and i been messing around trying to fix error after error since 6 pm really... if it was not for the 160 dollar price tag i would of chucked this game already, some one please please help me. ; ;
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As for me, there is one very fundamental problem with SWTOR bug fixing. After each patch game is less and less playable for me. Really, I am experiencing crashes, freezes, lockups, game mechanics broken bugs 10 times more often, than it was in beta.


I asked around and it seems it is more my problem that a general problem, yet it spoils my gameplay hugely. This way after couple more "bug fixing" game will be totally unplayable for me. Which is shame, because I like SWTOR.


By god I thought I was the only one

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not to beat a dead horse but I am at a loss I pay 160 for a game and i cant even play it it is 12:06 now and i been messing around trying to fix error after error since 6 pm really... if it was not for the 160 dollar price tag i would of chucked this game already, some one please please help me. ; ;


Maintenance starts on the 2'nd

Edited by GothicSaint
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By god I thought I was the only one


wish I could even play i saw the first two intros of the game and it looks amazing sadly I did not make it through the char creation and now when I log in the server listings are blank, **** lest you played the game i haven't and i spent a lot springing for the special addition money well wasted, so count your self lucky.

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so give us plenty of detail in bug reports, please!


i have submitted several bug reports with details on how to reproduce the bug. i have been doing bug/beta testing for games and professionally for years, and i am extremely disappointed with your customer service team.


i select the option "bug report" and file my bug report, and then i get some generic canned response from the customer service rep to 'type /stuck to unstuck yourself". well isnt that great, seeing as how in the text of my bug report i said that /stuck did not fix it. so i get the canned response and then they close the ticket without giving me any ability to reply and say, "hey guess what it says in my bug report that didnt work!"


then i submit another bug report for another issue and i get a response from customer service saying that they were the person to help me in game and therefore my issue was solved and closed the ticket. guess what???? no one helped me out, and obviously this customer service rep did not take the time to read my bug report because i was reporting a bug not asking for help. i know how to fix the problem, i just exit the warzone (this bug report dealt with the frequent instances of falling into space on voidstar and then respawning in space - oh and guess what? /stuck doesnt work - do you even know about this bug? cause if you rely on your customer service reps you certainly would not).


what i find most upsetting about this whole situation is that i applied for the customer service job and i know for a fact i would be doing a 1000% better job than the people who respond to my bug reports without even reading them and then closing them right away.


i would really like to report these bugs but how am i supposed to when i speak to a wall at customer service that has a sign saying "TYPE /STUCK IT FIXES EVERYTHING"?

Edited by hategambit
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Anyone else sick and freaking tired of the constant patching lately? I pay to play, to to have the servers down every 4 days... I appreciate that the game is improving and all that jazz, but save up all your fixes and tweaks and updates until the one damn day a week your servers should be down. Do not take them down every time a a person gets stuck. I mean Jesus, how hard is it to wait 3 more days. No bug makes this game unplayable, as is; so try and only take down the servers one time per week; Please?
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Anyone else sick and freaking tired of the constant patching lately? I pay to play, to to have the servers down every 4 days... I appreciate that the game is improving and all that jazz, but save up all your fixes and tweaks and updates until the one damn day a week your servers should be down. Do not take them down every time a a person gets stuck. I mean Jesus, how hard is it to wait 3 more days. No bug makes this game unplayable, as is; so try and only take down the servers one time per week; Please?


Well... since other people pay for this game too, There are glitches which are making it unplayable. One of which, is the freezing and chugging of the game, especailly in cutscenes. There is also the glitch that affects trooper quests if over level 30, and Jedi Consullar quests if you need to use your ships holo-terminal.


The class quests were glitched, and therefore, a couple hours isnt soo much to ask for.

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stop new content and fix the game. All your resources need to be put into fixing the game that exists now!!! You said you patched warzones not properly awarding wins, you lied. There is no argument there. You told the player base you fixed an issue when you did not. That is LYING.


Lying to your paying customers will result in you losing paying customers. As for the bug thing, it would be best for this "future" content you are working on to be tested this time. Please test it and increase the utility of the PTS. The PTS is useless as is right now. Add incentive for players to want to test your patches on there such as character copying!!!! Why is this so hard for you?????


flame much geeze

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First of all I realy love the game, been playing it since the launch...:cool:

I'm a fervent player of MMO's so i know bug fixes and server maintenance are inherent to the game-type.


The one thing that botheres me tho is that I'm paying a subscription fee every month:

For how many hours have the servers been down since the launch??

If my, say, telephone lines would be down this much I'd already stop my subscription!


But since we, players in general, do this for a hobbie it's kind of a subordinated position we're in :(


Though: I am a paying customer....

I'm wondering how we'll get compensated for the hours we couldn't play over these first few months...


Second thing is:

Why not put the servers down during the hours of the day when servers are least populated (at night e.g.)??



Ah well, Let's all kill time until we can play again then...


Edited by ShintaraShaetra
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Holy hell, would everyone really just chill out? If you think MMO launches are fine and dandy 100% of the time, you are sorely mistaken. There are bound to be many bugs at any given MMO launch, and if you used a bit of common sense, you would know this, and could of therefore taken the necessary action to avoid the heavy bug period by waiting a few months until you were ready to commit your subscription.


Wishful thinking on my part however, as common sense is somthing that many on the forum seem to be lacking.

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Second thing is:

Why not put the servers down during the hours of the day when servers are least populated (at night e.g.)??



Ah well, Let's all kill time until we can play again then...



The thing about that, is that I live in the U.S. and every time an update is issued it takes place around 2 a.m. - 12 a.m. for me because I live on the west coast. I'm sorry you that you guys over there in Europe and Australia and such get weighted down with all this down time, personally I don't feel the effects at all. :confused:

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