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Datacrons quests - one of the worst ideas ever


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Dear players,


I write this message to you, yet I also hope someone from the "amazing" Bioware/EA staff will get the idea.


I did 1/3 of the datacrons quests although I had to say I gave up a few.

To get datacrons you have to be a Quake player. From Bioware and from a MMORPG in general, I expect smart quests.


I understand if you have to guess a riddle, to travel till the end of the map, to fight hard tactical fights (kind of old wow Nax) and so on.

What I DO NOT UNDERSTAND is why I have to be proficient in virtual Olympic jumping to get those datacrons. I did not buy Quake but SWTOR.

Not to mention that the game does NOT contain any of the force jump abilities we are used in movies and previous sw games.


This situation, combined with a lot of bugs (already mentioned here and elsewhere on the web) and the "you pay real money, you get better stuff" policy, make me think how much I want to continue this game (which I waited since the announcement).


I haven't reached a decision yet, but I hope that the "smart" datacrons quests writers to be given the Nobel prise for their IQ.



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While it's not a huge deal to me, I tend to agree with your comments. It's cool that the datacrons are hidden around the worlds (unless you research locations on the net) and it's fun to have them in the game. However, I would prefer they be guarded by safekeepers to defeat or quests to finish to get them rather than the current Tomb Raider implementation. The concept of a Bounty Hunter wearing full heavy armor jumping anywhere is weird. In other words, I suck at jumping around. :D Edited by Bamajawn
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datacrons are a bonus. They aren't required.


If you dont want to jump then dont get those holocrons.

there are plenty that are easy as hell to get.


If datacrons have you questioning if you want to keep playing then you should probably move on.

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Dear players,


I write this message to you, yet I also hope someone from the "amazing" Bioware/EA staff will get the idea.


I did 1/3 of the datacrons quests although I had to say I gave up a few.

To get datacrons you have to be a Quake player. From Bioware and from a MMORPG in general, I expect smart quests.


I understand if you have to guess a riddle, to travel till the end of the map, to fight hard tactical fights (kind of old wow Nax) and so on.

What I DO NOT UNDERSTAND is why I have to be proficient in virtual Olympic jumping to get those datacrons. I did not buy Quake but SWTOR.

Not to mention that the game does NOT contain any of the force jump abilities we are used in movies and previous sw games.


This situation, combined with a lot of bugs (already mentioned here and elsewhere on the web) and the "you pay real money, you get better stuff" policy, make me think how much I want to continue this game (which I waited since the announcement).


I haven't reached a decision yet, but I hope that the "smart" datacrons quests writers to be given the Nobel prise for their IQ.




I define casual and I have 67/68 datacrons.


Why not making a thread about how fun are datacrons instead of just complaining about it?


PS: There are all documented on youtube. leaving only 2 being hard to get: Fleet and the "super mario in space" one on Nar.

Edited by IPaq
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I'm somewhat in agreement with you. I like when a datacron requires me to have to figure out where it is and go through some work to get to it. There's one on Taris that is excellent (as I'd never have thought to look there to find it, even though I saw it through a little slot once while wandering around the wilderness).


What I hate is when I feel like I'm playing some Nintendo game, being Mario while trying to jump onto a pipe and falling off because that's not why I play a game like this. If they would fix those to be less jump-intensive, I'd love the datacrons a lot. Even if they made them even harder to find, I'd be happy with it.


But they already made it like it is, so I guess there's no going back to the drawing board.

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I agree that datacrons offering combat stats makes players feel 'compelled' to find them all. This part of the game should feel optional, not 'mandatory', but that's not the case.


When you add up all the stat bonuses, it's a very nice chunk of survivability/healing/dps. Not something most min-max people will ignore.

Edited by Zannis
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It's a cool idea that adds some depth and difficulty on the side.


Why, when anything is ever any different, that is challenging and requires time and patience, that adds depth to the game, so evil in the eyes of some of the community?


The less of a "I WIN NOW" style game we have, the better.


Finding things in difficult locations however, is nothing new, and has been in many games. GTA comes to mind.



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Dear players,


I write this message to you, yet I also hope someone from the "amazing" Bioware/EA staff will get the idea.


I did 1/3 of the datacrons quests although I had to say I gave up a few.

To get datacrons you have to be a Quake player. From Bioware and from a MMORPG in general, I expect smart quests.


I understand if you have to guess a riddle, to travel till the end of the map, to fight hard tactical fights (kind of old wow Nax) and so on.

What I DO NOT UNDERSTAND is why I have to be proficient in virtual Olympic jumping to get those datacrons. I did not buy Quake but SWTOR.

Not to mention that the game does NOT contain any of the force jump abilities we are used in movies and previous sw games.


This situation, combined with a lot of bugs (already mentioned here and elsewhere on the web) and the "you pay real money, you get better stuff" policy, make me think how much I want to continue this game (which I waited since the announcement).


I haven't reached a decision yet, but I hope that the "smart" datacrons quests writers to be given the Nobel prise for their IQ.




Quest? They are not even missions. They are optional and they are meant to be a challenge. I find the quite fun. It looks like you don't but as long as they stay optional for people I see no problem.

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Uh this game is nothing like Quake! Quake has a much more fluid movement and jumping.


But im goin to have to agree with you op. they didnt build/modify the engine with platforming in mind. So it feels clunky and poor. Is it fun? Slightly yea, but it wouldve been better if the game was built for it.

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I agree that datacrons offering combat stats makes players feel 'compelled' to find them all. This part of the game should feel optional, not 'mandatory', but that's not the case.


We know they're optional and can be skipped, but when you add up all the stat bonuses, it's a very nice chunk of survivability/healing/dps. Not something most min-max people will ignore.


At the core of it they are optional. You do not need them to finish a class' storyline or play the game. Yes, min/maxers of course will deem them required but that is the nature of it. To make sure you get everything a game has to offer. Is everyone a min/maxer though? Of course not and that's why datacrons are optional and not needed to advance in the game.

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I think the datacrons are a fun side item to the game. It is not an integral part of the game but something to do if you want. I like it.


This, a thousand times.


Now, normally, I dislike very much 'mini-games' in my MMOGs. Why? because they tend to be poorly done to the point of nullifying immersion---which is vital for me to keep paying/playing any given MMOG. In this single case to-date (in my MMOG career :D ) I have found the datacron minigame exceedingly excellent. It's fun on some level I haven't figured out yet.


True, some of the jumps are bizarro...considering internet latency and the wonky jumping animation and so on, but I still love it. heh.



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I agree that datacrons offering combat stats makes players feel 'compelled' to find them all. This part of the game should feel optional, not 'mandatory', but that's not the case.


When you add up all the stat bonuses, it's a very nice chunk of survivability/healing/dps. Not something most min-max people will ignore.


If you're planning to min-max, you will not complain about datacron since you're planning to go after the hard stuff... ( bla bla bla intellectual dishonesty and so on )


HM/OPs are harder than those hard datacrons... an the Fleet one will have its grappling bug fix soon.

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Datacrons stats given is a bigger difference between Tionese gear and Rakata gear.


Basically collecting datacrons give you stats equivalent of 2 tiers higher than someone who didn't collect them.




Have fun not collecting them and being inferior.

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Clearly the community is split on this. If we're split, it's not, "The worst idea EVAR!"


A playable Gungan race is the worst idea ever. Don't exaggerate, it cheapens your point.


Hint: the people bothering to post on the forum hardly represent the community as a whole.

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Datacrons stats given is a bigger difference between Tionese gear and Rakata gear.


Basically collecting datacrons give you stats equivalent of 2 tiers higher than someone who didn't collect them.




Have fun not collecting them and being inferior.


Way to attempt to up your status in life by demeaning others. Go internetz!!


I think everyone agrees that if you get the datacrons your stats are greater( I thought this would be given knowledge through common sense? ). I have had fun at collecting them and not collecting them, thank you.

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After witnessing many of these threads, and doing the datacrons in game for myself, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that the players whining about datacrons are the same people that cant grasp the concept of "dont stand in the fire".



Given that, these complaints can be safely swept under the darkest corner of the desk with no further concern.

Edited by Solusrath
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First off, you're not going to be handicapped compared to players who got all of the datacrons.

Secondly, you're not going to be excluded from groups because you didn't get all the datacrons.

Lastly, it's 100% an optional side thing, something to do for fun if you want a challenge.

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