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The "Fullback" Build... for Huttball of course!


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Here's a build I've been using the last few days that is made for carrying the ball in Huttball, but also works well getting down the hallway to the next door VERY quickly in the Battle for Alderaan. I call it "The Fullback", for my own frame of reference... call it what you want.


It's a 12/27/2 build, but the "2" can be moved, as can a few others. I've tested several variations, including variations NOT using Ion Cylinder, and this works the best "for me". There's a handful of skills that can be moved around depending on your play style.


It's built around speed, defense, and more than anything the ability "Hydraulic Overrides" that gives you a 30% speed boost and the inability to be stunned, rooted, or slowed for 8 seconds. In 8 seconds you can get from the middle to the last bridge... with a little luck from the flaming platforms... further if you have a teammate to pull you forward.


It's a situational build, but has decent defenses and offense and can be used very effectively when chasing an enemy ball carrier as well as guarding doors and/or protecting a healer or other ball carrier of your own.


It's also an excellent build to get ahead of your own carrier to receive a pass from a team member... since you're moving faster than whoever might "cover you", or can activate your speed boost after catching the ball and not worry about being stunned or slowed.


It's not a DPS build, since it uses Ion Cylinder and has more defensive abilities, but I typically have NO trouble getting a last hit kill and enough damage for the first few damage medals. It works best when you have a healer (what build doesn't?) but doesn't depend on it. You keep the ability to guard another player using Ion Cylinder, but it should be turned off when you're running the ball yourself of course.


When not running the ball, your damage comes primarily from Rocket Punch, Rail Shot, and Retractable Blade. (all get skills that increase their damage and/or cooldowns in this build)


I've used this build to run fom the middle (ball spawn) to the end zone MANY times where in the past I feel I'd have been killed with other builds. I scored four goals in one game yesterday myself, and passed for a fifth. Keep in mind we already have a skill that "breaks" any movement or CC efects on us... so we can break one, then become invuln for a short time. (or visa-versa)


It's an incredible build if you have a premade and want someone to specialize as the carrier.


It's the best build I've found to run the ball with due to these skills;


When used properly you can increase your speed, lower/remove the chance of being stunned or rooted, and lower the damage you take by a huge percentage, due to the following skills...


Hydraulic Ovverides - Keeps you from being stunned, rooted or slowed for 8 seconds, as well as a 30% speed boost. With a 30 second cooldown it can be used frequently, and in many other situations as well.


Stabilized Armor - I like to add this as well, although the points CAN be used elsewhere. However, it reduces the damage you take by 20% when stunned. If you are stunned with the ball, (it still happens before or after using H.O.) the 20% less damage leaves you with decent HP's to continue without needing to pass.


Power Armor & Rebraced Armor - Reduces damage taken by 2% as well as increases armor rating by 16%, to give a bit more staying power as you're being barraged. Combined with Oil Slick it mitigates a LOT of incoming damage.


Oil Slick - This is used when you're not stunned, (or know you will be) but still being hit from all sides. The 20% reduction in attackers accuracy for 18 seconds means you take a lot less damage, leaving you with enough HP's to continue on and not be forced to pass.


Combust - Flame Burst and Flame Sweep reduce the damage you take by 4%. Use this at any time during your run to save some HP's.


Hitman - Reduces the cooldown of Quell, so you can interrupt those attacking you more often. It's another tool to keep yourself from being stunned or rooted.


Kolto Vents - Heals you for 7% of your hit points whenever you vent. Any healing you can get on the way to the goal line is useful.


Neural Overload - Slows your attackers by 50% for 2 seconds... sometimes giving you the edge you need to get away.


Offensive Skills found in the build to increase Rocket Punch, Rail Shot or Retractable Blade.


Iron Fist - Increases the damage done by Rocket Punch by 8%... however these points can be moved and used elsewhere.


Puncture - Rail Shot ignores 60% of the targets armor.


Hot Iron - Increases the damage of Retractable Blade (and Flame Burst) by 15%


Serrated Blades - Increases the damage done by Retractable Blade's DOT by 6%.


Charged Gauntlets - Gives Rocket Punch and Retractable Blade a 25% chance to make your next Rail Shot "crit" automatically.


Flame Barrage - Gives Flame Burst a 30% chance to make your next Rocket Punch "free".


You also have skills that increase AIM 9% and increases any Rail Shot by 6%.


I've had a lot of fun using this build when I knew I'd end up playing Huttball... and again, it's useful in toher situations as well. If anyone has suggestions that would improve on it, I'm all ears... but I have tried small changes.


It does NOT give you "Jet Charge"... which I REALLY hoped I could use... however it's not possible to have both Jet Charge AND Hydraulic Ovverrides. Jet Charge totally relies on an opponent being in "the right place at the right time", and cannot be counted on. After trying builds with Jet Charge I have had much more success "scoring" (and winning matches) with this build.





Edited by ZNICK
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LOL, disregard whatever you want... I just scored 4 times again in one game because I take litle damage and it's very hard to slow/stun me.


And 20% less damage IS "a lot".



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What everyone is saying it that Oil Slick does not work against Force and Tech damage (which is the bulk of what people will be throwing at you when you're trying to run the ball). It can be useful in some PvP situations... but honestly you're better off using Sonic Missile, Flame Burst and Flame Sweep for de-buffing damage. Use Sonic Missile on people trying to merc your healers and DPS, Flame Sweep in a dog pile and Flame Burst in 1v1. There's more to it then that but look at this build and you'll be able to figure out most of what I'm doing.


BTW, Oil Slick is great 20 seconds in to a big fight, when a lot of people have spammed their way in to a corner and have no resource left. That's when you want to lay it down, even if it just gimps "passive" damage it can make a difference.


I don't have a cute name for it and it's never going to top damage charts... but it fits my play style and I can make life rough for just about anyone, sometimes I even kill someone. :rolleyes:



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i like Jugger Ball Carriers because they can leap to a Enemy or a Team Mate, and I think it is Assassins? because they have the speed buff (or is it the Sorcs that do that?)


As a BH I prefer to Guard, Taunt, and Grapple to protect the Ball Carrier, as well as using Flame "Noun" to debuff the enemy so they do less damage.

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All I can say is don't knock it till you try it, lol. It's fun and it works.


I've NEVER won as many games in a row, or scored as many points myslf until the last day or two. So far today I have played 14 games of Huttball and won 11, scoring in all but 2, and scoring at least twice in 7. I scored 4 times in 2 of them as well. (and games are going by fast)


Total strangers are commenting on how well this works...


A combo of high hit points, mobility, a speed boost, and the potential to go from center to goal line only being slowed or rooted once or twice works wonders. The 1st slow I break using Determination, then I hit the speed boost and can't be stunned again for 8 seconds.


With the defense and mitigation I have plenty of time to look for and pass as well...


Add a healer and sage to help pull you around and you're a machine. If you're not as closed minded as some of the people critisizing who have never tried or seen it, give it a shot... and give yourself a day or so to work with it.


I knocked out my weekly today in no time flat. :)



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If I was running a pre-made I wouldn't choose a powertech to be the ball carrier regardless.


I mean sure you can try and build a "spec" for it if you want, but even then there are other classes that are going to be much better at it.




Coming from someone who has both of these classes at 50 I can assure you that powertechs should not be running the ball.


If your playing powertech tank for pvp and you get in a Huttball your role should be to guard the Juggernaut tank (if available) who has MUCH better tools to score than powertechs.



If the Juggernaut is in the correct PVP spec, they will more than likely have Unstoppable which makes them immune to all movement stuns, slows and snares for 4 seconds as well as damage taken -20% after they leap -- which can be combined with force push to reset your leap timer for another 4 seconds of immunity/defense after that.


The Juggernaut tank also has better defensive cooldowns then powertech.

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So, what you've done is take an AP-build, and turn it next to useless by not taking the end tree skills and instead investing on useless stuff like Rembraced Armor? Yeah, nothing to discuss here.

All I can say is don't knock it till you try it, lol. It's fun and it works.

No, if anyone should try anything, it's you who should try an actual ST-build in Huttball and then come back. Or even a fully fledged AP-build instead of this sorry mess.


Understand that with the skilltrees being rather simple as they are, you could randomly puke your points around the trees and still make it "work." Hell, you could propably not spend a single point anywhere and still get medals.

Now the difference is whether you want a lackluster build that "works" or an actual optimized build that does great. It's your choice. But make no mistake, this build here is trash.

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I don't have a cute name for it and it's never going to top damage charts... but it fits my play style and I can make life rough for just about anyone, sometimes I even kill someone. :rolleyes:




If you're going to run that type of build, you should really have Hitman in it. The most common way people get those two points is by removing 1 in Shield Vents and 1 in Prototype Cylinders.

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So, what you've done is take an AP-build, and turn it next to useless by not taking the end tree skills and instead investing on useless stuff like Rembraced Armor? Yeah, nothing to discuss here.


No, if anyone should try anything, it's you who should try an actual ST-build in Huttball and then come back. Or even a fully fledged AP-build instead of this sorry mess.


Understand that with the skilltrees being rather simple as they are, you could randomly puke your points around the trees and still make it "work." Hell, you could propably not spend a single point anywhere and still get medals.

Now the difference is whether you want a lackluster build that "works" or an actual optimized build that does great. It's your choice. But make no mistake, this build here is trash.


Lol... mental m@sturbation at its finest.


I've played "an actual ST build" in Huttball and it comes nowhere CLOSE to the ability this has.


Since I started running this I've been invited to 3 premade groups on my server and I had never been asked before. Laugh all you want, but it's me who has the "last laugh".



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Just curious - since you've already gone so far up the AP tree, can you put points into Shield Vents in ST to kick in the Kolto perk? should result in you getting more health way more often


If you are looking for a passive build I don't really understand why you are putting so many points into offensive skills. Pass on the ion, add High Energy and get the speed boost that Pneumatic boots gives you.


Put more points into venting heat to kick in the Kotlto Vents to basically result in a constant life gain, your whole build is around NOT getting stunned, so it doesn't make much sense to have a 20% reduction in damage if you are not going to get stunned anyway.

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Just curious - since you've already gone so far up the AP tree, can you put points into Shield Vents in ST to kick in the Kolto perk? should result in you getting more health way more often


If you are looking for a passive build I don't really understand why you are putting so many points into offensive skills. Pass on the ion, add High Energy and get the speed boost that Pneumatic boots gives you.


Put more points into venting heat to kick in the Kotlto Vents to basically result in a constant life gain, your whole build is around NOT getting stunned, so it doesn't make much sense to have a 20% reduction in damage if you are not going to get stunned anyway.


Kolto Vents only works with the Vent Heat skill, not heat venting from any other source.


IGC grants a large amount of survivability gain. Sure, you sacrifice a small amount of mobility (passive run speed is nice, but as a carrier you'll often be snared anyway), but you need survival as a carrier.


I honestly think the build is really well put together. It's designed to excel at one role (running the ball). Hydraulic Overrides is an amazing skill for moving down the field. Sure, Jet Charge is a great mobility skill, but you need an opponent in the right position, and guess what: it puts you right next to the enemy, ready to be disabled in turn. Hydraulic Overrides lets you run ahead of everyone else while they can do nothing do stop you. Hydraulic Overrides literally says: you are immune to all cc effects 25% of the time. You'd take the talent any day of the week, even without the speed increase.


Your biggest threat to getting the ball in the goal is being controlled. Hydraulic Overrides is the best talent to negate that.

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Lol... mental m@sturbation at its finest.


I've played "an actual ST build" in Huttball and it comes nowhere CLOSE to the ability this has.


Since I started running this I've been invited to 3 premade groups on my server and I had never been asked before. Laugh all you want, but it's me who has the "last laugh".


So in other words you're content with lackluster crap and won't admit, not for a second, that your "unique snowflake" might not be all that cool? Well, that's your prerogative.


I honestly think the build is really well put together. It's designed to excel at one role (running the ball). Hydraulic Overrides is an amazing skill for moving down the field.

It's far from well thought out. HO is a fantastic ability, quite so, but there are better builds that include it, that can also offer utility this build does not have.

ST-builds like 25/14/2 offer far better durability and supporting moves. Builds like 8/31/2 and 0/23/18 retain the mobility offered by HO but also pack some actual punch and kiting power. Also, the whole premise of trying to do a build for a single warzone (to which we cannot even queue separately so there are no quarantees that it will even pop) is stupid.


People really need to stop coming onto the forums with some slight lackluster variation of an existing build, slapping on a stupid name, and then trying to market it as the best thing ever. It's not.

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This build is useful only on your server so long as you are one of the only people using it. If there's a second person on your team running this build, they are dead weight. Running this build on a server that favors the republic or has a balance and puts you in voidstar or alderaan more will make you dead weight. Honestly, its perfect for YOU for right now. Don't advertise it, no one else can get the utility out of it because its unlikely they can imitate your exact conditions.
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What is this nonsense? who cares about ball caps? I just want my medals. if the game goes the distance you get what 40 comms with this build?


In a 15 min game i get 105 comms on a LOSS as 8/5/28. Its the same build I PVE with.


If i want to cap the ball, you pass it all the way across and cap in seconds.


You should name this build the "Kobe" build because you never pass the ball.

Edited by Eroex
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Just curious - since you've already gone so far up the AP tree, can you put points into Shield Vents in ST to kick in the Kolto perk? should result in you getting more health way more often


If you are looking for a passive build I don't really understand why you are putting so many points into offensive skills. Pass on the ion, add High Energy and get the speed boost that Pneumatic boots gives you.


Put more points into venting heat to kick in the Kotlto Vents to basically result in a constant life gain, your whole build is around NOT getting stunned, so it doesn't make much sense to have a 20% reduction in damage if you are not going to get stunned anyway.


If you want to sure... you can get Shield Vents. There's a handful of points to play with.


I also put points into offensive skills because while I run the ball as good as anyone with this build, the majority of the time I am "not carrying it"... so I want to be able to do enough damage to kill the opposing runner as well.


Although I get stunned much less, I "do" still get stunned, so the 20% less damage when stunned helps a lot. Combined with other defensive skills after I break the stun I still have enough life to continue my run.



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What is this nonsense? who cares about ball caps? I just want my medals. if the game goes the distance you get what 40 comms with this build?


In a 15 min game i get 105 comms on a LOSS as 8/5/28. Its the same build I PVE with.


If i want to cap the ball, you pass it all the way across and cap in seconds.


You should name this build the "Kobe" build because you never pass the ball.


Because I'm still doing damage, shielding when I don't have the ball and scoring when I do, I get plenty of medals, I get 9-10 regularly... and win at the same time. I average over 100 comms per game and over 1000 valor.


It's people with the "Who cares about ball caps?" attitude that ruin the game for those who want to play it for what it is, a sport, not just a deathmatch.



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Because I'm still doing damage, shielding when I don't have the ball and scoring when I do, I get plenty of medals, I get 9-10 regularly... and win at the same time. I average over 100 comms per game and over 1000 valor.


It's people with the "Who cares about ball caps?" attitude that ruin the game for those who want to play it for what it is, a sport, not just a deathmatch.




Its not the people, its the fact that there is little to no benefit from trying to win in hutt ball outside of the daily quest. once that's done for the day wins and losses don't really matter.


You give no real reason to spec this nonsense build besides "oh i can cap the ball", who cares.


You also run the risk of having to use this terrible build in voidstar and aldaraan.


Not only that, Advanced prototype sucks... and i would have to respec every time i wanted to do something different.

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Personally I have more fun playing defense than offense in huttball. Grapples to the acid or fire, jet charge to someone crossing fire to stun them in it, scanning for invis targets at end zone, jet charging to intended receivers for the interception, and the always favorite grapple to the spawn insta-kill.
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