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Theres NOTHING to do now...


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How about Nighmare? I think its why they made it so when Hardmode is on farm you have something more to do......


I couldnt read 50 pages of this topic so if someone said this im just hammering in the idea:)


I think many people have, i certainly did lol. Hes complaining and he hasnt even gone through all the raid content yet.

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Ignore the fanboi responses. No, there is nothing to do other than to log in to raid once a week after you have cleared everything.




Of course, because you've already:


Fully geared all of your companions across all 4 primary classes in the best gear they can possibly wear.

Did all the quests that all of your companions can give.

Maxed out Social Skill.

Maxed out Light/Dark skill.

Gotten all the Datacrons from all planets.

Completely RE'd all the items in your crew skills so you can make all of them into purple or better items.

Explored all of the planets.

Completed all four stories for the primary classes.

Bought your VIP band.

Maxed out Speeder skill and bough tthe best Speeder out there.

Completed all the story quests for the opposite faction's four primary classes.

Outfitted your ships in the best possible gear for them and completed all the space missions.




No..what the OP did..was race at breakneck speed to max level, snag and bag all the gear he could so he could claim to be doing both operations on hard mode, then whine his arse off about how there's nothing to do, despite the fact he literally ignored about 80% of the game in his obsessive need to reach the point he's at and complain.


Essentially..the OP wasted their money for the game because they didn't bother to take the time to experience everything the game has to offer.

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I dont even know what thats referring too, i cant see what i quoted. And way to go changing whatever post that was from to i dunno. Im pretty sure none of us know what your referring to.


They cut the rest out to just take that out of context in an attempt to dismiss your opinion/response.


It would be like if someone were to just cut out the rest of his post other than "i'm really ashamed" and responded "exactly."

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What I don't get is why people think a game is supposed to last forever.


Yes, I know it's an MMO and it should hold your attention longer. I get that. However, there comes a point where you've squeezed all the enjoyment you wanted out of it.


On top of that, what is driving someone else to continue playing is not what drives you. Be thankful you didn't end up paying for months on end, cancel your sub, and come back in 6-9 months when they have more content. I did that about 4 or 5 times with WoW.


Me, I'm only level 21. I'm completely taking my time with this game and I'm sinking into the story. By the time I reach top level, there will probably even more content released. I'll have more than enough things to do that will keep me busy for months.

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I miss the days when people used to pvp for the thrill of the kill


Used to pve for the enjoyment of exploring content, characters and storys.


What im saying is you will never be happy no matter what you do, your tipping water into a cup with no bottom, you will never be full or happy. that is the truth


Nothing will ever be enough for you, you always want more because your never full :)

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I miss the days when people used to pvp for the thrill of the kill


Used to pve for the enjoyment of exploring content, characters and storys.


What im saying is you will never be happy no matter what you do, your tipping water into a cup with no bottom, you will never be full or happy. that is the truth


Nothing will ever be enough for you, you always want more because your never full :)


Well finally someone who understands.

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Use your imagination.



You don't need a £10/month paid subscription MMO to 'use your imagination'. He's paying for a challenging multiplayer computer game with ongoing developer support, not a cardboard box spaceship. The endgame content is lacklustre compared to The Genre Standard, and if you tell him to go roleplay, and imagine he's playing a game where there are still challenges left for him to complete, you might be apologising too hard for the game.


If you want to *imagine* you're a character in a succesful MMO, and *imagine* you have something to do with your time, then you would be served just as well by a robe and wizard hat, some dice and a dark basement.


I am reminded of this: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2005/05/27

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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


Mix in some patience, expecting a fully complete endgame in the first 6 months of launch is being naive. If you cant afford the sub til then try back later and buy a half dozen console games if you arent quite broke...

Edited by Draekos
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The more stories like this I hear, the more I realize that TOR simply isn't for "hard core" players. That's all there is to it. At least not now.


Depends on how long that hardcore player has been around. If they have been gaming since EQ or before they can deal with alot more then the WoW "leet" crew that started after lich king.

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Depends on how long that hardcore player has been around. If they have been gaming since EQ or before they can deal with alot more then the WoW "leet" crew that started after lich king.


Agreed. TOR is not for WoW/RIFT fans. They may be the majority of MMO fans out there, but this game is built for Star Wars fans imo.

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Exaggerations Exaggerations Exaggerations... maybe you should stop posting.


WoW had Ony and MC, we were on a PvP server and there was a ton of World PvP and it was actually fun. Instanced battlegrounds ruined ALL of that.


Yes he is asking for 7 years of development in SWTOR and rightly so!


This game has been in development for how many of those 7 years? How many of thier devs PLAYED WoW or at least studied the games mechanics? You can not tell me they didn't KNOW what the players would expect.


If you are used to a certain style of gaming - and have been playing it for many years. It is a shock to your system to pack up and leave to try to next "best" thing and find out you are back at square one and the next "best" thing is FAR from the quality of play you are used to.


Ony & MC didn't come until months after launch. Obviously you didn't play in Vanilla. Again, if you're not happy with SWTOR, then go play WoW. The rest of us have the patience to wait for Bioware to make this game greater than what it is now, and it will only get better.

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