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Theres NOTHING to do now...


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Doesn't this apply to everything in life? such as any other MMO/game out there, once you clear everything and its all been completed, there is NOTHING ELSE TO DO CAUSE YOU DID IT ALL. your demands are unreasonable, if they constantly add something new just to satisfy you, it'll never be enough for you, cause you will complete it and then complain that theres nothing to do.









tldr: You play too much, get some hobbies outside of swtor.

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Doesn't this apply to everything in life? such as any other MMO/game out there, once you clear everything and its all been completed, there is NOTHING ELSE TO DO CAUSE YOU DID IT ALL. your demands are unreasonable, if they constantly add something new just to satisfy you, it'll never be enough for you, cause you will complete it and then complain that theres nothing to do.






Actually, no. An MMO full of nothing but 'static' content that is quickly consumed is a new idea of the last few years. There used to be MMOs full of dynamic content, and dynamic content cannot be consumed. :rolleyes:

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Found my self logging in less and less.

Here is why


- Ilum is well 15 FPS with a lot of lag, it isn't fun at all.

I love world pvp and zergs but even on a high end rig with a fast connection it's just terrible.

I can only imagine how bad it is for people that are not having good rig.


- Battlegrounds are alright, there are three.

Two of them I've played in other mmo's but well this keeps me some what interested


- Heroics, well done them enough.

They are the same as normal so not really interesting.



- Raiding is well.


1: One night to clear all on normal (like 3 hours or less)

2: Another night for hard modes.


That's it, done.

Truth be told the hard part of raiding is the bosses not bugging out or the server lag being insane.


Aside from my guild I don't feel like there is a community.

No realm forums and 24/7 LFG spam in general chat.




I do admit I can play an alt and I will enjoy the class story and some quests I haven't done.

But well I did all main quests on the planets so about 80% is redoing the same thing.

For me this is not worth an alt.


Not because I don't like alts just because SWTOR quests are boring.

Even with voice acting 'kill 10 droids' is getting old very fast, in fact I would have liked it more if I could skip the whole cut scene and what not.


I also spend my time leveling rep with ship companions.

No extra quests for them and half of them have such a short story it was not worth the effort.



Sadly SWTOR is mediocre in every way.

Class stories are great, main planet quest line awesome the rest of the voice acting is just no all that interesting.

I rather had 4 more bg's, working world pvp a good UI and what not.


wow, that's exactly what i've experienced the last 2 weeks. i've never had the time to write down what concerns me so much about this game but you pretty much listed everything.


- ilum no incentive at all, lag

- pvp luck based

- crafting completly worthless

- heroics/nightmare bugged as hell (still sooo many bugs.. )

- no incentive to play heroics

- no social features, no guild perks, pets to farm, reputations to earn, worldevents to do, like the only thing is datacron farming which is such a bug time sink that i will never ever finish this ****

- making money is nearly impossible because there is nothing to actually sell besides fcking biochem mats!

- daily quests HORRIBLE AND BORING, 120 tokens for one item which can easily obtained via normal mode raids

- is there any person out there who played an alt and went through the voice acting again? i think not!

- bugs everywhere

- bugs

- heroic bugs

- bugs bugs

- ----


the game is really really good but it has so many flaws.. it just needed another year or so.. it's definitely the best star wars game out there but sooooo many flaws ...

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start an alt.


Go help people on different planets...


if you want go take away kills from newbs if you are in a bad mood lol.


Illum isn't THAT bad as people say, go there and explore the whole map.


Go exploring on ALL worlds completely the WHOLE map so you know where EVERYTHING is,


if someone says you cant scale the mountain side or get on top of something big..there is ALWAYS a way, find them,


go exploring,


hack up npcs on every planet,


invite people to join your guild,


start a new guild on the alt,




know the maps in and out so that way, YOU will have the advantage.


Work on getting all codex entries,


work on getting all speeders so you can show off,


x out all your crew skills you have a try a different combo of them to see what is better or worse and what works out for you


go around, this one is actually harder than you think. Go around and put YOURSELF inside your character like YOU are the character. Not just PLAYING the character, YOU ARE THEM. You will feel very exhilirated and will want to play more


Don't focus on leveling, chill out in a cantina, dance, play some songs on the jukebox


Inform people of things that they need help with at lower levels


Be at the starting points in starter planets and when newbs come in say "Welcome to Star Wars: The Old Republic, is there anything you would like help with?


Have the experience of your life. Who cares about leveling..who cares about all the crap you have. This is about YOU and YOUR fun. Not showing off to somebody else "ooo yah that's right...who's 50!!!"


Enjoy yourself, run around the planets a bit, stuff like that.


Try all different story archs because the second you hit a different response than the last time you didn't, your story changes somewhat in some way shape or form.


That's all I do and I'm not 50 yet. I am 35 on my main Jedi Consular and I level when I level :) I use an mmo as an outlet from the real world and my enjoyment. It is no rush to 50, it is not "i must get to 50 next week!" kind of thing for me. I'm taking my time...and doing all the things I just said :)


May the force be with you

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Instead of just "QUIT TOR" or "I'M NOT BORED IN THIS GAME" why not tell us your reasons why you think this way.


Far out, I guess when I game is built around George Lucas's so called "Masterpiece" people just forget entirely about constructive criticism, and when you do forget about that you end up with things like the SW episode 1.



Ok, I enjoy the stories and the different planets.

I like two of the warzones, and they get even more fun when players get batter at playing them.


I've enjoyed alts.


I like the crafting mechanics.


as so on.

Edited by Jeopardydd
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I guess I'm the only one who did this but...


.....back in WoW I would unsub, go do something else, and come back months later and resub. I'd chew through the content in a month or less, unsub, and then come back again months later when they had more content.


I did that for YEARS with WoW.


Again, maybe I'm the only one.


Seems like a pretty normal thing to do


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Not really. The innovation they hasd with this game is that this is the first MMO that has an end. You can re-roll like you did in Fallout or it is over for you. :(


no no no. YOUR private story has an end...the game NEVER has an end. Don't get that mixed up please :)

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Actually, no. An MMO full of nothing but 'static' content that is quickly consumed is a new idea of the last few years. There used to be MMOs full of dynamic content, and dynamic content cannot be consumed. :rolleyes:


please name an example of this dynamic content you speak of. just one example of content that cannot be consumed. dont just use a catch phrase that is being used by a different mmo. go for it. ill wait.

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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?



Go outside, try actual social interaction, go to a bar, get a beer, try getting laid. Or if worst comes to worst just play wow........or just kill yourself <------- better option.

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I made it to 50 in just short of 3 weeks. Thats hardly rushing. My fiance who barely plays made it to 50 in a month. Its super easy to level in this game. Like ridiculously easy. The idea of getting a level every 1-2 hours even at high levels is totally viable. Making an alt, and playing through quests at 'normal speed' i can make it to 10th level in 2.5 hours or so. After that you are gaining 2-3 levels in a 2 hour sessions, and it eventually slows to 1-2, then 1, but regardless unless you straight up DONT play your going to reach 50 pretty quickly in this game.



So I dont understand this logic. Its been over a month since this game has come out and fan boys are saying "zmog you rushed, your fault". I dont see it. If someone made it to 50 in ONE week, yeah sure, 2 weeks? Thats a little fast. After that, thats silly. There isnt that much content leveling up to say that people rushed through it. Side quests are nothing more than kill/collect quests, have no/thin plots and are poorly written. The main quests are fun but overall are really a small portion of what you are doing.


And how is it the players fault that they finished the leveling content, which in ANY mmo is the minority of the content, only to find there is no end game content (which is the focus of any decent mmo?).


This is not a single player game, the reason people play MMO's is

A) to play with others

B) to play a persistant series of characters and improve them, generally via some enjoable content.


SWTOR more or less lacks B, and has no real tools that make A reasonable (LFD/R, shard forums, etc). Its feature list beyond "voice overs" is actually very thin compared to most any newly released MMO.


None of that is the OP's fault. He played the game, which despite being a great single player game, is a terrible MMO.



< has three characters level 32 ish with leveled crafts, yet not a fifty and not suffering from lack of content...why is that?



im sorry but NO GAME DEVELOPER IN THE WORLD can make enough leveling content to keep you entertained for 10 hours a day seven days a week for 2 or 3 years....it took wow a heck of a lot longer than that and multiple expansion, countless content releases to keep a new or old player entertained for hours on end, even then , people still whined that there was "nothing to do"


therefore your argument is ilogic too, given that i have managed to not rush it and lo and behold ive seen more "content" than you given that ive seen multiple class quests and storylines, multiple crew skills and its various items, and i still have a lot of content left to go


again, no game dev in the world can keep people like the op entertained very long, its literallly impossible to put out enough content to keep you entertained for months on end short of ridiculous faction grinds (wich im sure no one wants) or ridiculous mechanics and RNG on new content (wich im also sure no one wants, but i could be wrong? ) can you really deny me this?

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Actually, no. An MMO full of nothing but 'static' content that is quickly consumed is a new idea of the last few years. There used to be MMOs full of dynamic content, and dynamic content cannot be consumed. :rolleyes:


By "dynamic" do you mean sandboxes? If so, the new generation of MMOers doesn't want sandboxes, they've made this very clear since the advent of WoW (think "SWG NGE"). What can we do? Personally? I still go visit UO from time to time when I need my sandbox fix. I also go play around with scripting in Neverwinter Nights sometimes. Yes, I am a dork, and proud of it. :p

Edited by KippTabor
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If you find yourself bored of the game a month after release while many others aren't……. maybe you should ask the question if the game was made around your style of play or someone else’s?


I hate FPS games and would change many things about them…….. but many others like them the way they are, so I don’t play them or expect them to change.


Ever do a Google search on ‘star wars tor’?


Read what it says under the title………


Official site. BioWare and LucasArts bring you the next evolution in MMO Gameplay: Story.


If you're not engrossing yourself in the many different stories available in game, I’d suggest that you lied to yourself about what this game was going to be.


BioWare’s been nothing but up-front with this from day one.


Story, story, story………. and I never expected it to be anything more.

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First let's be serious. No MMO is hard today, those days are over. I could log into WoW right now and pug heal a hard mode with ZA/ZG gear. So don't sit here and complain the game is easy, because they all are. To the OP, I'm not sure is this post a brag about how many hours a day you play? Or that you can rush every piece of content to be at the top? Or prove you don't have a job? Or prove you are a NGT (non girl toucher)? If the game is so bad why did you spend every waking second accomplishing everything you could? If you didn't like the content options (which you were aware of) no one put a gun to your head. Where do people get off expecting 7 years of content in month 1?


Agreed, im always surprised at all these people complaining about nothing to do . Because they are the same people that lapped up the content way too fast. Meaning they were more obssesed with this game than 90% of the population that plays it. Id say even more than 90% of the population hasnt gone much beyond doing 8 Man EV normal so far.


Im sorry but no mmo is ever going to beable to cater to these people, what they can and will do is make the next raid content quite a bit more difficult. Total biscuit did and interview with the end game designer and he mentioned something about that.


Obviously introductory raid content is going to be pretty easy, i dont know what you expected. Think of Naxx and the sanctum when wotlk came out, those were pretty darn easy i didnt even play much and we certainly had them on clear before the next raid content came out. Not to mention that felt like less raid content then is being offered in swtor today.


And the heroics were kind of a joke, i find the hard modes (some of them) in this game quite a bit more challenging if your not completely overgeared for it ( i still need items from hm's and directive 7 hm certainly isnt anything to snuff at)

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no no no. YOUR private story has an end...the game NEVER has an end. Don't get that mixed up please :)


And the story doesnt really have an end, it has interludes (hence why now that i completed my story on the loading screen it says interludes) in march they are adding more story content so my interlude will be over and ill be back to my epic adventure :D

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Seriously? Seriously? Seriously?


Since when the endcontent of a mmorpg consists of:


... helping mates

... farming dailies

... doing other stuff which basically is farming more currencies (tokens, cosmetic stuff)?

... rerolling other twinks


If this is your argument towards 'no endcontent', then i'm really ashamed to have been a part of this community.


Another senseless argument is 'you're leveling too fast' - such a shame!


Welcome, Generation Facebook!

Edited by qIrwuMfh
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If you find yourself bored of the game a month after release while many others aren't……. maybe you should ask the question if the game was made around your style of play or someone else’s?


I hate FPS games and would change many things about them…….. but many others like them the way they are, so I don’t play them or expect them to change.


Ever do a Google search on ‘star wars tor’?


Read what it says under the title………


Official site. BioWare and LucasArts bring you the next evolution in MMO Gameplay: Story.


If you're not engrossing yourself in the many different stories available in game, I’d suggest that you lied to yourself about what this game was going to be.


BioWare’s been nothing but up-front with this from day one.


Story, story, story………. and I never expected it to be anything more.


Agreed the people who are complaining about being bored are the same people that skipped through the whole story and refuse to make alts etc. Ive gone back and done some low level fp's that i missed the story for even.


And yyou are totally right, bioware has been nothing but upfront about their intentions with this game. The reason it took them so long to make was because of the story and the vast amount of content involved in the leveling process. If you actually take the time to get engrossed in your characters storyline you shouldnt be hitting 50 within a week thats for sure. I played every day for multiple hours tried to complete as many full planets as i could etc. I still have 3 planets that i havent done any content except for class story on, and many more that i havent finished or didnt go back for the higher level bonus series. For instance nar shadaa has a level 32 bonus series and a whole level 32-34 bonus area that i knew nothing about until recently. Also going through the game and getting all the datacrons is a heck of alot more fun than i thought it would be. Especially on nar shadaa where you have to go in that incinerator and then go to that gambling machine to get a key so that you can unlock your matrix cube from another gambling machine on the planet.


Some of the ways they make you go and get these datacrons are very creative. I know it would take me several days to go and get every single one of them thats for sure.


Levelling wise i feel like this game has more content than any other mmo ive ever played, not to mention all that content is part of an epic story. Im getting excited just talking about it, im gonna go log on my vanguard, just got my ship!

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Actually, no. An MMO full of nothing but 'static' content that is quickly consumed is a new idea of the last few years. There used to be MMOs full of dynamic content, and dynamic content cannot be consumed. :rolleyes:



Pick up a dictionary please. read it.


I've yet to see an MMO that is able to out-pace its hardcore gamerbase.

but your right bro, your right and logic is wrong.

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Heh you do what our guild is doing:


Start another alt and do it agian...

Is GW2 out? No?

Start another alt and do it agian...

Is GW2 out? YES!!!!

Unsub and finish out the month.


WTH is up with the forums and GW2??? I mean I'm looking forward to the game too but holy crap give it a rest already. What endgame solution does it have? Oh wait, none.. There will be dynamic events...ok sweet, but how is that going to solve the OP's problems? Do you think this dude is going to want to see as many dynamic events as possible? GW2 has been put on some godly pedestal and I don't think even their fanbois no why

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Seriously? Seriously? Seriously?


Since when the endcontent of a mmorpg consists of:


... helping mates

... farming dailies

... doing other stuff which basically is farming more currencies (tokens, cosmetic stuff)?

... rerolling other twinks


If this is your argument towards 'no endcontent', then i'm really ashamed to have been a part of this community.


Another senseless argument is 'you're leveling too fast' - such a shame!


Welcome, Generation Facebook!


Chill out the next content patch is adding a new planet, new class stories, new raid, a new flashpoint, the full legacy system , guild banks. and much much more. sounds pretty good to me. And i dont think the end game content is anymore lacking than any other mmo at launch. Look at wow during WOTLK IT had naxrrammas and that dragon in the sanctum. I had naxx and the dragon on clear long before the next bout of content came out but as they released more patches with harder raids and and hard modes i couldnt keep up. I expect the same thing to happen here especiallly because they are going to be releasing content at a much faster rate then they did in wow, 1 major patch every 2 months.


And also if you dont think an mmo is about leveling alts then.... i dunno


Thats what a majority of the people i know did in any mmo. Once yyou have a raid on farm and you onlly have to log in 2-3 days a week to do that , thats what people do. It happens in every mmo this isnt something thats new with TOR. That way you have 2 characters to gear up and bring through raids and by then suddenly it seems like you have alot more to do at top level.

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WTH is up with the forums and GW2??? I mean I'm looking forward to the game too but holy crap give it a rest already. What endgame solution does it have? Oh wait, none.. There will be dynamic events...ok sweet, but how is that going to solve the OP's problems? Do you think this dude is going to want to see as many dynamic events as possible? GW2 has been put on some godly pedestal and I don't think even their fanbois no why


Its going to have the same problems end game if not worse because there isnt a monthly fee so the rate at which they release new content will be much slower (it certainlly was in gw1)

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