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Theres NOTHING to do now...


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Welcome to the 1-2% margin.


I wish I had nothing to do... lol.


It's funny though... I wonder why post this? Why pay for the product and stay then? Why actually spend the time saying of how your guild does.. although not nightmare modes... as you did not mention.. NONE the less I would think you understood this is YOUR PERSPECTIVE.


That is the key words here... YOUR PERSPECTIVE....


I have been a 50 for some time and have yet to get all that I want to. NOT TO MENTION leveling another char...


Now unless you are the time that will sit and whine.. about not having anything to do when there is plenty in the game to do but you do NOT want to do it, well then you sound like one of my 13 year old kids.....


But hey... I am sure everyone on your server is like this.


Because we paid for a product that stops delivering?


Ironic that you criticize people for sounding like "13 year olds" but feel the need to CAPITALIZE random WORDS while failing to understand the POINT.

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Because we paid for a product that stops delivering?


Ironic that you criticize people for sounding like "13 year olds" but feel the need to CAPITALIZE random WORDS while failing to understand the POINT.


it only stops delivering in YOUR EYES.


clearly you didn't understand his emphasized capitalized POINTS.

Edited by djsmileey
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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode


you play way too much... and true i don't give a *** what you do with your time but I am just simply answer to your life-threatening problem "there is nothing to do on my videogame"


60$ + some other small munth fee does not necessary have to provide 12 hours of entrataining evreyday for X(infinite) days.


a) you get what you pay.... you can't expect full day entratainment for 15$ a month hell have u ever been to a cinema? try to put thing in proportion


b) get a life... for real... there is much more then play a videogame 6/8/10 hours a day... and if u are disable I assure you there are many other things you can do worth to try even if u are stuck at home force at your computer...


People need to get a reality check

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Because we paid for a product that stops delivering?


Ironic that you criticize people for sounding like "13 year olds" but feel the need to CAPITALIZE random WORDS while failing to understand the POINT.


The game hasn't stopped delivering at all. I'm quite enjoying it.

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it only stops delivering in YOUR EYES.


clearly you didn't understand his emphasized capitalized POINTS.


Your answer is what, then, go back and keep iterating on extremely similar content so i can hear another hundred ways of saying "go kill 10 rats"?


It stops delivering in many more than my eyes, as evidenced by the threads on this forum. Many at 50 feel there is no challenge left, nothing left to do.

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I think that certain people who complain about their OMG! 60 dollar investment are probably spending someone else's money, because it's pretty clear that they think 60 WHOLE dollars is a king's ransom and entitles them to a full-on virtual reality MMO in which content is created for them daily.


I can't tell you how many times I bought a game in the 80s and 90s that was a stinker. They are still on a shelf in the dining room that I turned into a software room. Should I cry over them? They cost the same amount then, BTW. Just be glad that video games are one of the rare products that hasn't been subject to out-of-control inflation.

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It stops delivering in many more than my eyes, as evidenced by the threads on this forum. Many at 50 feel there is no challenge left, nothing left to do.


This has been the case with every MMO I've played. Thankfully, they will continue to put out content, and add to end game as the game goes on. Nature of an MMO.


Will it match everyone's consumption level? Doubtful. But, many have been bored at max levels in many MMO's, and anxiously await content patches for more to do.


This isn't asking anyone to stay. Just saying, it seems to be how many others have proceeded.

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just like in every other game ever made, if you have finished everything, then there's nothing left to do that you haven't done yet.


shocking, i know.


There should totally be stuff to do that you haven't done before despite your having done everything there is to do already.....somehow...

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i bought this apple. i ate it as fast as i possibly could. this apple is not worth the money. my friend started eating an orange at the same time, and is still enjoying it.


i am entitled to have content dished out to me at the pace I play at, and not the majority. although my guild has only finnished hardmode, which is the equivilent of normal mode in other mmos, i feel we have finnished.


i know there are nightmare modes, which are the equivilent of heroic modes in other mmos, but once we finnished heroic, i decided we are done.

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I think that certain people who complain about their OMG! 60 dollar investment are probably spending someone else's money, because it's pretty clear that they think 60 WHOLE dollars is a king's ransom and entitles them to a full-on virtual reality MMO in which content is created for them daily.


I can't tell you how many times I bought a game in the 80s and 90s that was a stinker. They are still on a shelf in the dining room that I turned into a software room. Should I cry over them? They cost the same amount then, BTW. Just be glad that video games are one of the rare products that hasn't been subject to out-of-control inflation.


I know, when people do the same thing about cars it makes me laugh. They're like, "Oh my god my Toyota is giving me problems." People are so hilarious.


You don't know what car problems are until you own a Ferrari.

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i bought this apple. i ate it as fast as i possibly could. this apple is not worth the money. my friend started eating an orange at the same time, and is still enjoying it.


i am entitled to have content dished out to me at the pace I play at, and not the majority. although my guild has only finnished hardmode, which is the equivilent of normal mode in other mmos, i feel we have finnished.


i know there are nightmare modes, which are the equivilent of heroic modes in other mmos, but once we finnished heroic, i decided we are done.


The apple growers should have a forum for you to voice your displeasure on! What are THEY AFRAID OF? :p

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Your answer is what, then, go back and keep iterating on extremely similar content so i can hear another hundred ways of saying "go kill 10 rats"?


It stops delivering in many more than my eyes, as evidenced by the threads on this forum. Many at 50 feel there is no challenge left, nothing left to do.


there is also a much LARGER group enjoying it.




Edit: I would also like to add that if you actually look at the complaint threads in this forum. Each negative complaint is responded by 50 positive ones (obviously I'm exaggerating.) but the point remains.

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there is also a much LARGER group enjoying it.




Edit: I would also like to add that if you actually look at the complaint threads in this forum. Each negative complaint is responded by 50 positive ones (obviously I'm exaggerating.) but the point remains.


You can't prove anything you just said. These threads will become more popular in the coming weeks because the endgame is simply too short.

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You're for the love of god


I cringed xD


And nothing to do? This is worrisome. That can't be right. OP, if all you want to do is level one toon and get some pvp title and do 2 ops once, then I suppose you would be bored already.


Surely there is more to do than that xD

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Hobbies definitely start blurring the line into obsession/addiction pretty fast when you start spending that much time on them. It is in no modern MMO's interest to cater to people playing 80 hours a week. For that matter it is in no person's best interest to game for 80 hours a week. Learn a realistic definition of "hobby", and possibly some social responsibility on the side, and you will be a much happier person.


He is right, you are incorrect.


Ask that guy who golfs 3 days a week. Tell HIM he should read a book like YOU do for your hobby. He will basically tell you the same thing this guy did. No one dictates what our hobbies are, we get the freedom to choose.


How many hours do you read, watch television, play any sport, hike, camp, ect.... give all that up. You are probably spending too much time on it and there is life to live. :rolleyes:

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I cringed xD


And nothing to do? This is worrisome. That can't be right. OP, if all you want to do is level one toon and get some pvp title and do 2 ops once, then I suppose you would be bored already.


Surely there is more to do than that xD


Not really. The innovation they hasd with this game is that this is the first MMO that has an end. You can re-roll like you did in Fallout or it is over for you. :(

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Instead of just "QUIT TOR" or "I'M NOT BORED IN THIS GAME" why not tell us your reasons why you think this way.


Far out, I guess when I game is built around George Lucas's so called "Masterpiece" people just forget entirely about constructive criticism, and when you do forget about that you end up with things like the SW episode 1.

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Found my self logging in less and less.

Here is why


- Ilum is well 15 FPS with a lot of lag, it isn't fun at all.

I love world pvp and zergs but even on a high end rig with a fast connection it's just terrible.

I can only imagine how bad it is for people that are not having good rig.


- Battlegrounds are alright, there are three.

Two of them I've played in other mmo's but well this keeps me some what interested


- Heroics, well done them enough.

They are the same as normal so not really interesting.



- Raiding is well.


1: One night to clear all on normal (like 3 hours or less)

2: Another night for hard modes.


That's it, done.

Truth be told the hard part of raiding is the bosses not bugging out or the server lag being insane.


Aside from my guild I don't feel like there is a community.

No realm forums and 24/7 LFG spam in general chat.




I do admit I can play an alt and I will enjoy the class story and some quests I haven't done.

But well I did all main quests on the planets so about 80% is redoing the same thing.

For me this is not worth an alt.


Not because I don't like alts just because SWTOR quests are boring.

Even with voice acting 'kill 10 droids' is getting old very fast, in fact I would have liked it more if I could skip the whole cut scene and what not.


I also spend my time leveling rep with ship companions.

No extra quests for them and half of them have such a short story it was not worth the effort.



Sadly SWTOR is mediocre in every way.

Class stories are great, main planet quest line awesome the rest of the voice acting is just no all that interesting.

I rather had 4 more bg's, working world pvp a good UI and what not.

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I made 50 in seven days yet there are things to do in game. No not just alt leveling.


Did you even stop to smell the roses. Man i can not belive how much of the story you have to skip to power level to 50 in 7 days. Do me a fav. go in game and type /played. Tell me what your in game time is for that toon. For me i have 7 days and only level 43. I am just taking my time. Letting BW work on the bugs for end game content.

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