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Theres NOTHING to do now...


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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


So, clear the OP's in nightmare mode. Oh, i forgot.. nightmare actually IS hard and involves alot of wiping and some dozen of thousands cerdits in repairs, apparently not your guilds game.


Sorry to break your bubble but Bioware can't release content every week so that you no lifers who rush through everything can be pleased, it doesn't work this way.


Level 50 in four days?? It took me 26 days to reach the level cap. But then again i have a life, with a full time job, a fiance, real life friends and other every day life stuff going on. You and the likes of you should try it.

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Yes, but you are not going to 1 shot HM 25 raids in WoW unless it's already on farm. Ask Blood legion how long they spent on 25 man HM Ultraxion or Spine.




Most people "1 shotting" the HM raids here did it in every MMO they ever played. Really, once you understand the mechanics of an MMO you can play them all at a high level.


You should compare WoW HM to NM btw. The fact that SWTOR has 3 tiers, it's not fair to compare HM to HM.

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Did you not read the part about them saying they are adding more endgame content?


What's the *********** problem here? You are crying for nothing! Remember vanilla WoW when you would raid MC and the gear set graphics were not even in the game yet?!


You need to relax and stop clenching your mouse. Content will come; but i'm sure you will find something else to cry about.




Two problems with more content. 1 - that's coming in March. 2 - if it's anything like it is now (which it probably will be), then it doesn't solve anything.


Vanilla WoW started development over a decade ago. Things are different these days. MMO's are well established, development times are reduced, and expectations are much higher. Seriously, you can't use vanilla WoW to prove anything.

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Do a search on my name and posts before you call me a "fanboy". Probably my first post defending this game ever.


I am defending it because crying RL tears over endgame content in an MMO is about the dumbest thing ever. You KNOW it will come, you KNOW it will.


In two months.


This game should have had MUCH slower leveling than it currently had. I'm sorry but allowing people to get to max level, complete their Raid gear, and complete their PvP gear (champion set) all in under 6 weeks is terrible and you know it. In no circumstance whatsoever should a fresh 50 be able to PuG both normal mode Ops without needing anything from any Hard modes. Terrible design.


Yes, the complaints are all over the board so many people are tired of looking at it. However, it's a very valid point. Everything was too easy and too fast. They don;t have 2 months to wait. These threads are popping up more and more every day.

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It took me 26 days to reach the level cap. But then again i have a life, with a full time job, a fiance, real life friends and other every day life stuff going on. You and the likes of you should try it.
Took me around that long.


I guess you like cutscenes more than I do.


My jugg class quest line was boring as heck; picking LS is the only thing which made it interesting, but LS empire showcases just how preposterous the "story-driven" approach really is.

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Not a bad list, but most people have completed those.


1: ALL your guildmates are lvl 50? What did you just make the guild and only recruit lvl 50's? Or is your guild so small that everyone quested together? Even if, recruit more and help them out.


2: Every quest? I play on average 12hrs/day (I have no life outside my kids and wife...and i'm a night owl) and it took me 2 days to do every single quest on Taris. And I know there are still a couple there that I didn't do. I've heard that Tatooine is worse. (just got to tatooine so I'll find out)


3: It's not about having alts. Its about the storyline and different play style.


4: ok.


5: See? Something to do. ;)


6: Yes, datacrons, sorry about that.


7: An event doesn't have to be about RPing. Have a race, play hide n seek, egg hunts, dueling contests, there are lots of different types of events to do. Not just raiding.


8: Figured it would be...but some 50's don't so threw it in there.


9: "done for all the useful ones" Why not for the not so useful? Its something to do and when you get em all you'll have a sense of accomplishment.


10: If you're on a pvp server you could easily make an event out of world pvp. If pvp battlegrounds gets boring, well not much to say there...i'm not into pvp.

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Took me around that long.


I guess you like cutscenes more than I do.


My jugg class quest line was boring as heck; picking LS is the only thing which made it interesting, but LS empire showcases just how preposterous the "story-driven" approach really is.


oh the irony


It'll be a truly sad day when even this is lost from the forums, once the fanbois have no one to argue with and slowly start trickling away themselves.




What will be your excuse in 1 year from now when the fanboys STILL like the game.


by the very definition of the word, they are FANS ... you are not.


How is this still an insult?


Edit: also, why would you be around to see the fans leave if you don't like the game?

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In two months.


This game should have had MUCH slower leveling than it currently had. I'm sorry but allowing people to get to max level, complete their Raid gear, and complete their PvP gear (champion set) all in under 6 weeks is terrible and you know it. In no circumstance whatsoever should a fresh 50 be able to PuG both normal mode Ops without needing anything from any Hard modes. Terrible design.


Yes, the complaints are all over the board so many people are tired of looking at it. However, it's a very valid point. Everything was too easy and too fast. They don;t have 2 months to wait. These threads are popping up more and more every day.


Haha screw leveling, it's a crutch to MMO's. I look at leveling as an unnecessary roadblock to start content at level 50.


Someday the perfect MMO will come out that doesn't deal with "leveling" endgame content starts as soon as you're good enough to do it.




You are arguing with me that SWTOR has no endgame content and you fail to realize that is not my argument. Find some other fanboy in this thread to shed tears out over that.


My argument is that endgame content is the same thing in every single MMO and if you don't enjoy playing the game you should just stop MMO's.


It will be 2-3 weeks before someone clears Panda WoW; one of the most polished MMO's out there. It happens, deal with it.


Until some game company changes the game drastically it wont change. Let's look at Lineage II; one of the worst leveling grinds out there. The endgame content was so bad because there were not enough people to do it; the playerbase resorted to running player made servers in order to experience it. It practically killed the US market for that game.


It's an MMO problem, plain and simple.

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Cut the dramatics, it takes 2 weeks to go from 1-85 in WoW with 7+ years of content that game has.


In two weeks I can go 1-85 and then LFR enough gear to do hard mode raids with my guild.


The fact remains, this is not a SWTOR problem; it's an MMO problem.


Just to compare apples to apples..You were able to hit the level cap within 2 weeks of WoW's ORIGINAL release and then raid for the best gear?


Did that happen when WoW first came out? (i actually have no idea)


I played WoW for 4 months from release and casually quit at level 42..I picked up SWTOR, played at the same pace and hit 50 in 3 weeks! And this includes doing all of the optional content along the way!


Dont think its an mmo prob, the pacing in this game is way off.


And for the record i think the game has max 1 playthru worth of replayability (rep vs imp)... Too much overlap and repetition across all of the non-class same faction quests

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Haha screw leveling, it's a crutch to MMO's. I look at leveling as an unnecessary roadblock to start content at level 50.


Someday the perfect MMO will come out that doesn't deal with "leveling" endgame content starts as soon as you're good enough to do it.




You are arguing with me that SWTOR has no endgame content and you fail to realize that is not my argument. Find some other fanboy in this thread to shed tears out over that.


My argument is that endgame content is the same thing in every single MMO and if you don't enjoy playing the game you should just stop MMO's.


It will be 2-3 weeks before someone clears Panda WoW; one of the most polished MMO's out there. It happens, deal with it.


Until some game company changes the game drastically it wont change. Let's look at Lineage II; one of the worst leveling grinds out there. The endgame content was so bad because there were not enough people to do it; the playerbase resorted to running player made servers in order to experience it. It practically killed the US market for that game.


It's an MMO problem, plain and simple.


I wish there were more people out there that understood this simple concept.


instead of trying to lump all problems on to each MMO as it's released.


everytime a new MMO comes out this stuff restarts again.

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Just to compare apples to apples..You were able to hit the level cap within 2 weeks of WoW's ORIGINAL release and then raid for the best gear?


Did that happen when WoW first came out? (i actually have no idea)


I played WoW for 4 months from release and casually quit at level 42..I picked up SWTOR, played at the same pace and hit 50 in 3 weeks! And this includes doing all of the optional content along the way!


Dont think its an mmo prob, the pacing in this game is way off.


And for the record i think the game has max 1 playthru worth of replayability (rep vs imp)... Too much overlap and repetition across all of the non-class same faction quests


Yes I did hit level cap in LESS than 2 weeks. I wont argue that this game has faster leveling, it's why I enjoy it more! :)


On Burning Blade someone hit level 60 in 3 days; he was far from the game first to do it.


I'll say it again, it's an MMO problem.


The "level your character then do endgame" is hard to maintain. To make one side happy will piss off another side.


For every 5 people who say this game is too easy, I can find 5 people who say it's too hard. Tweaking each side is a financial decision and not a developer decision at that point.


Anyone want to tell me how GW or GW2 will be any different? GW1 was basically team deathmatch over and over again. People still play it because they love the game (GW1).

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What did you expect?


It's a new MMORPG. It has a ridiculous amount of content. But...you have to know where that content is, and it's not at endgame. Yet.


Did anyone picking up TOR really think there was endless endgame content at release? Did you miss the part about storylines and hundreds of hours of content for leveling?


No new MMORPG has infinite volumes of endgame content.


This is nothing new, it's not a shocker, and if you have any clue at all you should take your time leveling and enjoying where the bulk of the content is instead of putting yourself in a position to have nothing to do.




I don't have enough time in the day to do everything I want to do in the game.


I don't know why people who want to skip 95% of the game just to do what little endgame there is (in TOR or any MMORPG) even play these games.


It's not like other games are different. WoW for ex, has been out for years, but there is only ever so much current endgame content. The latest tier of raiding usually features ONE raid to do...maybe 2-3 if a new expac has come out. Other MMORPGs are the same.


Most MMORPGs treat PvPers like stupid babies. They reward them just for showing up. They can do endless BGs (no lockouts), get rewarded for losing or not even trying, and get gear with stupid ease. TOR is worse than Rift for this and Rift is very bad - both are worse than usual at giving away uber gear in a hurry to pseudo PvPers who do nothing.


So, yeah, if the ONLY thing you wanna do in MMORPGs is run that one/few raids per week and max out on ez-mode BG pseudo PvP in a hurry, then I guess you'll be bored.

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Speaking as someone who doesn’t race his way through MMOs, I could care less if those that do are bored.


By the time I get to end game with the classes I want to play, BioWare will have already created an expansion.


Moderation…. Try it.

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My argument is that endgame content is the same thing in every single MMO and if you don't enjoy playing the game you should just stop MMO's.



I think we have similar views, but one thing I can point out that is wrong. End game is not just about raiding. Sure, raids will be beaten...eventually. It should not happen by a PuG less than a month into the games release. I love raids, but they should be difficult. Also, developers have taken the lazy route these days (not just here) and added difficulty levels instead of actual content. More adds, more health, hit harder, does not = a better raid experience. More unique raids = that experience.


End game also consists of PvP, which most people leave out. Sure, we have 3 warzones. They get old. World PvP that is meaningful is non-existant. Ilum was a complete failure on all levels. If you want world PvP, you need to go to a lower level planet and gank people until higher people show up to fight. That's poor design.

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They really need to add content and features beside fighting because there is indeed not much to do in this game. Give us housing, a living world, real space content, something...


They are --- give them some time to develop. They annouced that they have a team working on space stuff -- as well as some of the sneak previews on the main page of the site (raiding main worlds, etc).


I'm still enjoying exploration ---- haven't worked on nightmare modes yet -- and killing worldbosses / searching for datacrons / world pvp in tatooine. all this without rolling numerous alts. Enough content to last me until March with the next major update

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I think we have similar views, but one thing I can point out that is wrong. End game is not just about raiding. Sure, raids will be beaten...eventually. It should not happen by a PuG less than a month into the games release. I love raids, but they should be difficult. Also, developers have taken the lazy route these days (not just here) and added difficulty levels instead of actual content. More adds, more health, hit harder, does not = a better raid experience. More unique raids = that experience.


End game also consists of PvP, which most people leave out. Sure, we have 3 warzones. They get old. World PvP that is meaningful is non-existant. Ilum was a complete failure on all levels. If you want world PvP, you need to go to a lower level planet and gank people until higher people show up to fight. That's poor design.


I agree.


I have been defending SWTOR in this thread because I believe this is an MMO issue. But, if we are still seeing posts come Q2 2012 and there STILL is not enough content then i'm sure you will see my tune change. It's up to Bioware to fix it.


I will say that one issue I have is that adding more raids is pointless unless they add more gear. Running more raids just to obtain more chances at Rakata is not the answer.


They have already announced WZ's and rated PvP so my hopes are high.

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  1. Daily Belsavis/Ilum for Epic Mods/Armor/Enhancement + Commendations
  2. Weekly/Daily PVP for Champion Bags
  3. Heroic Mode Flashpoints (Gear Guide for Flashpoints)
  4. Finish Planet Storyline Quests
  5. Continual craft for purple stuff to sell on Trade Network (purp enhancments, offhands, hilts etc.)
  6. Operations, find a raiding guild
  7. Collect all Datacrons
  8. Fashion Matrix Cube
  9. Outfit your Companions in End Game Gear
  10. Get your Companions to 10k Affection
  11. World Bosses
  12. Title Collection / Mount Collection / Social Gear Collection


There is literally a TON of end-game content nobody really thinks about.


Stole this from a post in the Sage forums. If you think you have nothing to do it's a you problem, not a game problem.

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Haha screw leveling, it's a crutch to MMO's. I look at leveling as an unnecessary roadblock to start content at level 50.


Someday the perfect MMO will come out that doesn't deal with "leveling" endgame content starts as soon as you're good enough to do it.


And this is your problem. You don't actually play the game for content. You play the game to feel uber. I have no doubt that you used cheats on console games in your younger days.

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