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** Unofficial 3rd day EGA wave thread **


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I really hope they don't expect to send the December wave invites just before/after a System Maintenance tomarrow, that would be straight booty.


Also we should start a Guild guys.


L8te @ss Gamerz




Last Minute Men


I can go on.....

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yea on that last beta weekend I was downloading the game then my internet died ...then i got it back up and running and not 5min after I was done installing and befor i could log into try it the beta test weekend ended lol heartbroken!! ...12/8 I cant wait another day if I dont get in today I may half to go outside!! or maybe spend time with my girlfriend!! omg



so pretty please with suger on top ....12/8

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i dunno about anyone else but i have 3 tabs open then im switching to every second!! my email, swtor's twitter, and this forum!!!


I have auto popup on the mail. so when i get mail its plingling like a damn christmas bell. so i have only 2 tabs up. twitter and the forum.. switching once a second. :D

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