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Poll: Using the spacebar


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I doubt you're levelng alts then.


why is that? because i want to hear the story? i play on a RP server, the story is integral to my character and besides i'm the type of person that will watch a movie multiple times. 2 minute cutscenes here and there is not the end of the world when it comes to other things i waste my time doing!


I don't play to lvl the fastest, i play to enjoy the lvl'ing process and the story is included in that. other mmo's i always read the quests no matter how many times i have done so previously.

Edited by Mr_Crueak
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So I've started a second toon to level to 50 and, on the FIRST quest I got, I hit space bar through the entire conversation. I plan on doing so for all non-class quests.


Anyone else do this?


Mostly. Some quest dialogues are entertaining enough to go through again without skipping.

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On alts, depends on my mood, there are subtle changes to the exact words used based on your class, as well as if you are grouped or not. On stuff like daily quests or a FP I've done a dozen times, god yes, space bar please. However unless stated ahead of time in a group, I won't begrudge someone else watching the story.
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So I've started a second toon to level to 50 and, on the FIRST quest I got, I hit space bar through the entire conversation. I plan on doing so for all non-class quests.


Anyone else do this?


Yep. That's unless I haven't done the mission for a long time and can't remember what it's about.


BTW: They are Missions, not Quests.



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I have a 50 BH, 32 Sith Sorc, and as of last night a 40 Scoundrel Smuggler.


I think I pressed space bar maybe a total of 5 times, and that was because I had to use the bathroom really bad.


Love the story, and if you alternate between Republic > Empire > Republic it's not really bad at all cuz the stories change between the two.

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So I've started a second toon to level to 50 and, on the FIRST quest I got, I hit space bar through the entire conversation. I plan on doing so for all non-class quests.


Anyone else do this?


I played my Juggernaught to 42, and then started an alt, a bounty hunter who is now 34. I have seen many of the same quests (obviously all the non-class quests), and have never once pressed space bar to skip any dialogue. Not even one time. The way that characters interact with my bounty hunter is different, and the responses he gives is different, which paints the story of even the exact same quest in a different way, and I find it very interesting.


If I leveled another Sith Warrior I might consider pressing spacebar, but even then I would probably try different responses with more emphasis on lightside this time around, so I would probably still want to watch everything as that would change the dialogue and give it a different feel once again.


I think the amount of different ways which you can play the same quest due to your attitude and choices on each different character gives the quests a lot of variety and flavor, and I really enjoy that.

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I've got 8 toons all up, one at 50, four at around 20 and three at around 15. I haven't used spacebar for convo's yet and I doubt I ever will. I've noticed that even the non-class quests actually have quite a few class specific replies so it's not as repetitive as some like to state.
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I spacebar through some of them if I've done the quest several times alreaedy and I'm on a class I've played before (when I made my new shadow-to-be, I spacebar'd through a couple of the quests I've done 6+ times already).


Story quests? No. Though I do have subtitles turned on, so I'll tap the spacebar if I finish reading what they're saying before they finish saying it, at times. Likewise for alien speech, when I just read the subtitles anyway.


I'm on a RP server, so I tend to have a "persona" for my characters, and have an idea of how they'd react based on what's said, and HOW it's said.


If the NPC says "I need you to go check this out for me", for instance, and their tone of voice is somewhat polite, my "backsassing young turk" character might go "well, alright, they were nice about it" and agree. If the tone of voice is commanding or arrogant, she'd be more likely to say "up yours, I'll only do it if I want to! nyah!" Cause she's a rebel that way. :)


So, yeah. I spacebar at times. But not often. And not on class stories.


Plus, there are a lot of little hidden bits here and there, where there's a slightly different response from the NPC based on your class/gender/race. So that's always fun to find.


One of the quests on Imperial Balmorra, for instance, where you go to hide the fact that an Imperial officer killed a Chiss diplomat. My agent is Chiss, and one of the dialogue options later in the conversation was "So ... you're asking me to go deceive my own people about this?" My agent promptly shut the guy down and walked away. :)

Edited by LyriaFrost
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I did it with my first character, I get upset when someone in my group doesn't do it. If I can find out who is not doing it and they won't start once asked their most likely to get /kicked.


That's funny. I kick people who use improper forms of "they're." Far more annoying than wasting two minutes of my time to hear dialogue.

Edited by Kamikaze
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I did it with my first character, I get upset when someone in my group doesn't do it. If I can find out who is not doing it and they won't start once asked their most likely to get /kicked.


I don't like you on principle. I really really hope this mentality does not infest this game, and I beg that people who are like you will go find another game to crap all over.

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Sure, and did it the first time around as well on some filler quests. I mean, once you understood they just want you to go and sift through 10 piles of trash or light 10 lamps along the way, you don't really need to hear that AWESOME dialogue, unless the voice acting is funny.
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I don't like you on principle. I really really hope this mentality does not infest this game, and I beg that people who are like you will go find another game to crap all over.


Well I don't pug much, so there's no need to fret. However when I do pug I'm one of the best tanks on my servers so skipping the cut scenes is the price you have for an easy clean run.

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I did it with my first character, I get upset when someone in my group doesn't do it. If I can find out who is not doing it and they won't start once asked their most likely to get /kicked.


Personly unless you let me know before we started that we where going to spacebar though things I would not do it just becouse you ask me to if I wanted to see it. If you said it before we started and I agreed to it when joining the group then I could understand you being upset only.

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I don't like you on principle. I really really hope this mentality does not infest this game, and I beg that people who are like you will go find another game to crap all over.


Just play on RP servers, Fel. I've yet to see anyone act remotely like this. Hell, a lot of the times people in group are chatting during the cutscenes, making snide/amusing comments based on the dialogue.


My "standard" comment on Black Talon when Satele says "You'll be facing a Jedi. I hope you know what that means" is to say in group chat "It means we get a free lightsaber?" Usually good for a few "lol"s. :)

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Here is another arguement to that logic, and I never did understand why people will try and blame others or a company for this.


Mass Effect 1 and 2, i have beaten ME1 over 22 times, ME2 over 25 Times, and have well over 1500 hours between the two. I never space bar through these. Ok, well not much anyway.


Those storylines hardly change much at all outside of personal choices and options.


TOR has just as many if not more variations than ME or ME2 in the storyline. I love the stories and I couldn't even imagine just skipping over the content. The storyline is what helps me work through the quests without going out of my mind.


In FFXI you had to be the puller to not go out of your mind, in WoW you just needed a lot of we'll call them intoxicants.


I dunno, to each his own. Personally I think this game does an amazing job.

Edited by djsmileey
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Well I don't pug much, so there's no need to fret. However when I do pug I'm one of the best tanks on my servers so skipping the cut scenes is the price you have for an easy clean run.


Thankfully I only tank, so I would never have to be in your group ;) Also, as the tank, I am kind to my group mates and never make demands. I'm not in that much of a rush I guess. Nets me a lot of respect beyond just being good at my job.


Play the game the way you want, but let others play it how they want is my opinion. The cut scenes are not that long, and really, some people enjoy that as a big part of the game. Making them skip those is kind of imposing your will upon them, but if that is what you like doing, I guess that is your right to try ;)

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