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Autoface: The reason why ranged is imbalanced


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In every single mmo made to date (this is a plus for all of them) being in mele range as a ranged cast is a "get the hell out of there" moment and not a "lets keep casting moment". If you sit in mele range and cast, you deserve to die; this is by a caster for casters.


This exactly.

Autoface should be turned off.

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So standing still trying to target a missile while spinning (without even moving your feet; terrible animation) while someone is swinging a lightsaber at your face that is realism for you.


In every single mmo made to date (this is a plus for all of them) being in mele range as a ranged cast is a "get the hell out of there" moment and not a "lets keep casting moment". If you sit in mele range and cast, you deserve to die; this is by a caster for casters.


It's a silly mechanic to want people to jump around like idiots and give them a free interrupt for it. Sorry but there you go. Play WoW or an FPS if you want, this game is about teamwork, coordination and reacting to what the enemy is doing not hopping around like a cracked out bunny.


Having played many many countless hours of CS I'll add here that if charging up your attack took 3 seconds you wouldn't be able to jump in that game either. When they give me a machinegun you can have your juking.

Edited by dcgregorya
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So exploiting position lag as melee is considered skillful play? Autofacing is fine, you have more than enough tools to use against casters without needing to exploit latency to keep a caster from doing anything to you.


Jumping through casters in WoW was never about clever skillful play. It was stupid and thanks to lag, even if you're turning with your mouse sometimes your cast fails and sometimes it doesn't. It was not about skill. Ever.

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No, I think it's fine. I never liked the lockout in wow. You should be able to just recast after an interrupt. Yes, I fake cast in wow, but a lock out discourages people from trying to use their non-instant cast. Autoface is working as intended.


If you don't want an autoface or a lockout after interruption go play wow. I'm tired of people asking for arenas, lockouts, remove autoface, and so forth. This isn't wow and if you want it so bad go play wow. If you don't like your class, then switch classes. It's like my sniper. I know snipers aren't very good at pvp, so I switch to some thing more viable.


I also dislike the whole running around players as melee or needing to turn to face melee classes in wow. It's an annoyance to play a caster in wow due to not having autoface and lockout after interruption. I doubt it BW will remove autoface at this point, since it's out of beta so major changes like that will not be made. Finally, I like cats and birds.

Edited by Knockerz
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So exploiting position lag as melee is considered skillful play? Autofacing is fine, you have more than enough tools to use against casters without needing to exploit latency to keep a caster from doing anything to you.


Jumping through casters in WoW was never about clever skillful play. It was stupid and thanks to lag, even if you're turning with your mouse sometimes your cast fails and sometimes it doesn't. It was not about skill. Ever.


Casters can turn... May not take a lot of skill to move behind someone, but takes just as much to turn as a caster.

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Casters can turn... May not take a lot of skill to move behind someone, but takes just as much to turn as a caster.


I agree, except for a gunslinger / sniper in cover, they can't turn because of that mechanics (which is required to pull off their big moves).

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Cover. Let's explain how the ability works, for those that don't know, and have played other mmo's, let's use a WOW example and equate it to a druid form. Cover works like a shifted form, giving the player access to all of their advance techniques, but unlike a shifted form a mouse turn, a stun, or an interrupt can take us out of it and lock us out of it. Roots can lock us out of it. Cover is a neat mechanic, but it's very limiting, in the time it takes to go into it, and to actually be able to dps, to the time one can be locked out of it. Auto-facing is only active for Gunslingers while undercover or in melee range, when out of cover and using any range abilities, we must face our targets manually, again, unless in melee range. Meaning, if a Gunslinger is running the opposite direction, and you are running toward them, and they are out of melee distance, then they have to turn to face you to use any of their Range abilities. So, Auto-facing only works for that class while under Cover, or in melee range, and auto facing is there only because any physical movement will take classes that use Cover out of Cover.


Am I to understand other range classes get to use all of their range abilities at any distance facing any direction, without being under Cover? Because if so...that's another hindrance to Gunslingers and Snipers and a capability other range classes have but we do not currently have.

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It's a silly mechanic to want people to jump around like idiots and give them a free interrupt for it. Sorry but there you go. Play WoW or an FPS if you want, this game is about teamwork, coordination and reacting to what the enemy is doing not hopping around like a cracked out bunny.


Your logical fallacy is showing:


Your playing a game were people with energy swords are fighting people with high powered energy weapons. To say that jumping around is ridiculous when a Jedi/Sith launches 30 feet strait up and 30 yards laterally and sticks a light saber in your chest.


You know whats also ridiculous: basketball. All that jumping around like cracked out bunnies trying to rebound a ball; the game is about teamwork, coordination and reacting to what the other team is doing; not hopping around like a cracked out bunny. Jumping provides a competitive advantage.


I'm a caster; I jump around like a cracked out bunny because it can provide a competitive advantage. If someone charges you mid jump your momentum will give you a little bit more of a gap. Don't act like mele are the only people who jump. Watch my vid: count the jumps. 2:20 I run through some casts, abuse!!!!!


Edited by Stealthsultan
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Originally Posted by dcgregorya

It's a silly mechanic to want people to jump around like idiots and give them a free interrupt for it. Sorry but there you go. Play WoW or an FPS if you want, this game is about teamwork, coordination and reacting to what the enemy is doing not hopping around like a cracked out bunny.


lol mate actually tor is about account sharing

kill trading


speed hacks


afking BG's


for the perp of gaining as many shinys in as shorter time as possible. If you removed pvp gear, most of this lot would scream forums down.

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Hah, the only time bunny hopping even works is when you're fighting other melee. Autoface is total garbage design, meant for keyboard turners who can't react fast enough. Casters/Ranged are not punished for allowing melee to sit on them, when in this game they have more tools to keep ranged at a distance than any ranged in WoW could ever hope for.
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Melee do not have autoface lolz. Not sure why they gave it to ranged, but not melee.


They gave it to every ability with a cast time (not a channel time). For melee channels you don't even need to be facing your target after the initial hit.


Personally I don't really have a problem with auto facing. I think the problem that imbalances the ranged melee equation right now is a bit different. Not enough effect of the resolve system to institute meaningful diminishing returns on CC spam, and a few imbalanced abilities/bugged talents on caster classes.

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lol @ people who say autofacing removes a weak part of mechanics, in regards to melees running through their opponents.


autofacing itself is a weak part of mechanics, in that you don't even need to worry about anything other than tab targetting and pressing your attack buttons. no movement required.


considering that melees not only have to find their target, but move TO their target, it's not much to ask that ranged classes at least find their target themselves.

Edited by olagaton
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And where do the Gunslingers fit into this equation? Let me drop into cover so I CAN use any of my range abilities, oh wait no, I'm locked out...oh wait no, I'm rooted and locked out, oh wait no...I just got grenadeed and I'm locked out again...FINALLY!!! here we go, cover, now it's time to get my game on! Here we go...Oh crap, he just jumped behind me...ok let me turn, hit cover again and...damn jumped behind me again! One of these days...One of these days...I'll be able to go into cover and use one of my range abilites, u just wait.




Man Gunslingers are so ez mode!


oh boy...


On topic though - gunslingers/snipers arent considered "OP" as sorcs and mercs so they can either have their autoface on only while in cover or, preferably, BW can add some animation for turning around in cover (or use the one when you shoot). Easy, right?

Edited by Vesperr
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I'm not sure why running through someone is considered "lame" or something. It's not like it stops them from casting, it really only works against people who are keyboard turning or are otherwise very slow in their movements.




You are casting a 2 second spell.


Melee runs through you just as spell is being fired.


You whip your character around to try and maintain your front facing...


But if you DONT, which is a very normal possibility, your spell fails and you lose that 2 seconds of cast time. Completely wasted. That's huge, obviously.


Now, you may just say, "L2P" or "suck it up", but there is a difference between challenging gameplay and stupid and unrewarding gameplay.

Edited by JediMasterShake
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You are casting a 2 second spell.


Melee runs through you just as spell is being fired.


You whip your character around to try and maintain your front facing...


But if you DONT, which is a very normal possibility, your spell fails and you lose that 2 seconds of cast time. Completely wasted. That's huge, obviously.


Now, you may just say, "L2P" or "suck it up", but there is a difference between challenging gameplay and stupid and unrewarding gameplay.


I'm fine with the autofacing in the game... But really, being upset that "Ranged" are required to stay at "range" to be effective is just silly.

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I'm fine with the autofacing in the game... But really, being upset that "Ranged" are required to stay at "range" to be effective is just silly.


You can maybe say that if all melee closers and CC were taken away.

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Yea, actually I wasn't trying to take a stance in either direction in the greater argument, just pointing out how that guy's statement was wrong.


If you're standing toe to toe with melee, then you can't really complain when they run behind you... You have abilities to keep people at range, because you're a ranged class ^^

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