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Autoface: The reason why ranged is imbalanced


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I dont need to play other mmo pvp games to know how full of ******** you are...


Running through someone IS NOT SKILL ITS RETARDED AND SHOULD NOT STOP CASTS!!! Use your gosh darn interrupts, ohh what was that Mercs/commandos are the ONLY classes without interrupts oh dear^^


I can agree that only the cast should continue and not auto face the character for the next cast however i guess ive never tried it since i follow people automatically .


And all of you that say ranged is so overpowered, do you even know how to play?

There are plenty of CC and gap closers available to melee and frankly if you cant keep close to a merc/commando for example you suck.


And yes one of my characters is a merc :rolleyes:


Put my interrupt on a 2 second cooldown and lock out a whole school of attacks, then. As it stands now, my interrupt is on a 10 second cooldown and interrupts ONE ability for 4 seconds. Yeah, interrupt... that'll do it :rolleyes:

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Agreed that autofacing on non-channelled abilities should be removed. Sadly, I don't think this is something Bioware will ever fix, reason being this imbalance is not measurable. You can't exactly just find a melee player and a ranged player of "equal skill", and have them fight to see who comes out on top. So they can't produce any hard evidence to back up their claim, should they ever implement this change. Without evidence, most ranged players would QQ because they're used to easymode win.
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Credentials (before I get trolled too hard).


Played mele through 2 Wow expansions successfully (Dk and rogue didn't do much arena made videos). If you watch you can see I have a upper echelon grasp of the mechanics of a mele class



Cut my teeth on warlock through 3 expansions with an average of 2.4k rating rival titles in wizcleave and non wizcleave seasons.


I don't take myself seriously and know what its like to be OP (I always admit OPness in my own class)


Back to the issue at hand:

Autoface has been standard on channeled spells since as long as I remember (7 years or so), but autoface on casted spells/abilities I have never even seen before. Having autoface for casted spells (plus the fact that you cannot lock out spell trees, just individual spells) is a very bad combination. This takes away one of namesakes of a mele class in an mmo: you don't want to engage them in mele range as a caster, kiting and opening distance is what skill as a caster is all about. My favorite example is if you white-bar my gunslinger: GG bro I'll shoot you even if your in my hitbox and I have higher dps, more defense as I spin rapidly firing off casted nukes.


This will increase the game's skillcap with minimal repercussions (people will adapt) and give mele less excuse to QQ.


(I play: Sage, Scoundrel, Gunslinger)



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I think this is a thread full of PvPers arguing with Bad Casters. Autofacing takes away the threat of melee. Autofacing abilities should have far greater cast times or do far less dmg due to risk/reward.


1.5-2.5 seconds on covered sniper shots not long enough for ya? Maybe we should make them 3 to 5 seconds then you could deal.

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I can't disagree with this one.


While it's funny to sit there casting Tracer Missiles at melee that are hopping around me and having my toon spin like an NPC caster to auto-face them, it really isn't right. By and large melee are already screwed in PvP in this game, ranged has so many advantages it's not even funny.


Hell, I don't even need to really pay attention to where my target is most of the time, I can just Tab to pick someone and start casting Tracer and oh there they are, I'm facing them now. Hi bro!


(Guardian and Mercenary here)



Hi bro.

i loled! :D

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Rift has a good system for this:


If you are facing the enemy at the start of the cast, they are hit at the end of the cast even if they run through you, but you do not autoface, so you need to manually track them to start your next cast.


so does this game, i often see you are not facing the enemy in pvp, theres a cone in front of you that allows you to cast, once you start to cast you autoface untill the cast is finished, if they are behind you when you want to cast your next spell you need to turn first


now in pve its different there you have 100% autoface

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Since when does immaturity make an argument more sanguine? Does the fact that some people played X game and other people play Y game have any true bearing on this game? Does it not seem cheap and exploitative to use a collision mechanic, i.e. run through, run just barely through, so that it cancels another's ability to use their abilities, but that it doesn't limit another's abilities? So melee want to be king in melee, and don't want range to be able to do any damage when in melee range...yet want to limit our actual range to a distance close enough for them to close the distance before any real damage is done, and can mop up by locking said range out of any of their abilities because now they are in melee zone?


And let's then back the semantics with rhetoric, childish analogies, name calling, and popular trend insults and belittle all opposed arguments with good old fashioned passive aggressiveness.


No, you can't have it both ways. You can't limit our max range, then limit our minimal range, just to suit your play style. Cheat all you want, use collision, use every obstacle in the environment you can, hide then come at us, then hide some more, then come at us again, but the argument that melee should be the only people that can do damage at melee range is moot, null, and void, and until such time as max range is set to as far as one can visibly see on the map then the playing field is currently even and auto-facing should not be touched.


As an aside, a bullet fired at point blank range does more damage than at the furthest distance of its possible trajectory. An energy weapon would be at it's fullest capacity at discharge, and the further away a target is the less damage the target would take. The case then becomes, range should actually do more damage close up, and even further negates this entire thread for removing a range function that would give melee an advantage in close quarters combat.



Edited by Ipsemeter
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I think it's cute you are using words like "skill" when talking about PvP in SWTOR.


Also if they are supposed to conform to "what every other mmo does" why even make the game in the first place? Tired of all the WoW tards who think they know **** about how I want to play this game.


Love it or leave it.

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I really liked playing casters in wow (disc priest shadow priest destro lock holy paly...).

Faking my casts , watching my opponents and following them was part of the "skill" ... yes i said skill because that was where the difference between a bad and an average player was made .

Now in Swtor i wanted to play a sage but as soon as i learned about about face i gave up .

Why ? Because sitting on the middle of a map pressing tab + spell spam till my target dies is not fun ... As a caster why should i feel in danger if i have a melee on me ? He can t affect my damage output (ok he can lock a spell for 4 sec every 8 sec big deal) . So the caster just spams spells /eating popcorn and the melee just pulls out a pve dps cicle . After a few seconds one of them is dead ... gj this is pvp !

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I think it's cute you are using words like "skill" when talking about PvP in SWTOR.


Also if they are supposed to conform to "what every other mmo does" why even make the game in the first place? Tired of all the WoW tards who think they know **** about how I want to play this game.


Love it or leave it.


Sorry but what i understand is that you dont want to play the game ... you want the game to play for you .

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Way to make my point for me champ.


You re welcome .


Ps: by the way Swtor is a wow clone... even more than rift . If bioware wants to copy wow they should do it properly and not make the game even more keyboard turner friendly.

Edited by Modjoconcarne
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I really liked playing casters in wow (disc priest shadow priest destro lock holy paly...).

Faking my casts , watching my opponents and following them was part of the "skill" ... yes i said skill because that was where the difference between a bad and an average player was made .

Now in Swtor i wanted to play a sage but as soon as i learned about about face i gave up .

Why ? Because sitting on the middle of a map pressing tab + spell spam till my target dies is not fun ... As a caster why should i feel in danger if i have a melee on me ? He can t affect my damage output (ok he can lock a spell for 4 sec every 8 sec big deal) . So the caster just spams spells /eating popcorn and the melee just pulls out a pve dps cicle . After a few seconds one of them is dead ... gj this is pvp !

Not to single you out, but since your vernacular was more concise than many other's previous posts I thought I'd use it to try to de-illucify some matters. Being accustomed to a certain mode of PvP in a certain environment should not have any true merit on another's. Auto-facing does not limit advanced game play and mechanics, does not hinder another player from using map power ups or restoration devices, does not negate any one player's ability from playing smart and using the environment to their fullest capabilities, all it does, and by all I mean ALL, is it removes the ability for any other class to use another's own player created character as an environmental object for line of sight purposes.


One range can stand in one place in this game and use their abilities on any other opposing character in their line of sight, and do that and nothing more for as long as they are allowed, and they will do that regardless of auto-facing. Max potential damage per second is self explanatory and evident. Auto-facing does not give any character created player an advantage over another, it simply removes the ability to use, or we should say, misuse another player's created character against them.


I'm a fan of outside the box thinking, a proponent of non-linear thought, but most of all, a misanthrope in concern to exploitation and abusive elements in the guise of good sportsmanship with the under-heading of selfish concern.

Edited by Ipsemeter
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You re welcome .


Ps: by the way Swtor is a wow clone... even more than rift . If bioware wants to copy wow they should do it properly and not make the game even more keyboard turner friendly.


Many similarities can be drawn from every facet of life. A bird is like a cat, they both breathe oxygen, they both require water, both mate and have offspring, both come in a variety of colors. Yes, yes, a bird is like a cat. One's vision becomes impaired when they only see in similarities and fail to appreciate the secular nature inherent in everything.


How does a bird differ from a cat...ah, now there is the crux, and now the question begs how one species of bird differs from another...how two identical species differ...and on and on and on.


How is SWTOR like WoW? That's just too easy and will give no further illumination.


How is it different?


That is where appreciation has a freak and begets a smile.

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I agree, autoface is dumb, especially vs Sorc, not sure what to interrupt really because they just switch to a different attacking spell, whether it's their channel their hard cast their instant or their dot, they always just go "Oh, okay" to my interrupt and switch spells, makes interrupting a sorc feel practically pointless.
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You re welcome .


Ps: by the way Swtor is a wow clone... even more than rift . If bioware wants to copy wow they should do it properly and not make the game even more keyboard turner friendly.


Yeah yeah, we have all played other MMO's and they all have things in common. I am sure you had a point, let us know what it was.


I think its great you used WoW as your reference though, a game that spent 7 years making it easier for casual players (keyboard turners) to get loot.


All this elitism crap is hilarious given the state of PvP.

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