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Autoface: The reason why ranged is imbalanced


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Ranged have their own CC/Roots/Snares, I can say that now... ;)


They have almost as many in other games too, but in ones with what you want, melee heavy groups always beat range heavy, unlike the fairly even state things are in now. The only ones there is significant issue with are merc/commandos, and arguably sorcs/sages, but that's more AoE damage that's easily healed and their shield.

Edited by Kuari
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They have almost as many in other games too, but in ones with what you want, melee heavy groups always beat range heavy, unlike the fairly even state things are in now.


I don't see the problem....


Melee are supposed to overrun ranged, there's no point of them being ranged if it were otherwise. Else they'd just be melee casters.

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Are you telling me ranged classes automatically face their targets?









That explains so much....




I still can't fathom it...


Is this what Bioware's "vast PvP experience" gave us?

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I don't see the problem....


Melee are supposed to overrun ranged, there's no point of them being ranged if it were otherwise. Else they'd just be melee casters.


Uhh, no, games are supposed to have some state of balance. There's plenty of point to ranged without getting their asses constantly kicked. Getting overrun with ease is not balance.

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oh boy...


On topic though - gunslingers/snipers arent considered "OP" as sorcs and mercs so they can either have their autoface on only while in cover or, preferably, BW can add some animation for turning around in cover (or use the one when you shoot). Easy, right?


How is it trolling when a change is being discussed to range class, and many of you haven't any clue how some of the range classes work, or as has been discussed, that Gunslingers and Snipers do not have auto-facing abilities unless in Cover? Vying to remove an ability and not even understanding how it will affect other classes outside your personal opinion of what is op and what is not is just... irresponsible.

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If you're standing toe to toe with melee, then you can't really complain when they run behind you... You have abilities to keep people at range, because you're a ranged class ^^


If you are implying that, as a ranged class, you never target a player who is within 12 meters of you with a straight cast (since a player can easily cover 12 meters in 2 seconds), you are bad at video games.

Edited by JediMasterShake
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I'm not really talking about gunslingers: I feel your pain. You are forced into being immobile as a slinger and due to the fact that you can't turn in cover: you need autoface until they change cover. Basically gunslinger needs a revamp in pvp to be less dependent on cover. I am talking about the other ranged classes as the representation is low for slingers.

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I'm not really talking about gunslingers: I feel your pain. You are forced into being immobile as a slinger and due to the fact that you can't turn in cover: you need autoface until they change cover. Basically gunslinger needs a revamp in pvp to be less dependent on cover. I am talking about the other ranged classes as the representation is low for slingers.


I'm also talking from an assassin perspective though... and having played some guardian/juggarnaut. I understand that mercs/commandos for sure need some nerfing given how powerful they are. Ridiculously so, but their autofacing is far from the reason. And the only other real true ranged combo is sage/sorc.. that's all shield and AoE damage that people complain about. Force lightning some, but channels aren't exactly something removing auto facing from works well with.


I'll teach Juggs/Guards and Sents/Maras a trick... did the range hitting you make you target them? OK.. stop moving, press charge. You're next to them now if they aren't a cover class :).

Edited by Kuari
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Anyone who thinks WoW is credentials for anything is a little deluded, infact saying you used to play WoW should be a dirty little secret that you don't tell anyone, like watching Sex and the City.


But your points are solid and i agree.


And playing TOR should mean what exactly... because it is exactly the same game as WoW, except tons of story and worse gameplay. Oh and lightsabers. Can't forget those.

Edited by JediMasterShake
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I agree that interrupts should lock out the whole 'family' of spells - like all healing spells, or all DPS spells, depending on what was interrupted.


However individual recast of this should be significantly raised. 6s cooldown with a 4s lockout for melee is too powerful. Raise that to 15s recast if you make it lock out all spells, so you still need to work as a team to shut down a healer.


And I dont think autofaced should be changed. We dont really need to promote melee classes bunnyhopping around casters, it looks stupid and thankfully in this game its pointless.

Edited by Daeth
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If anyone is against this honestly they prob never PvPed before. They like being able to faceroll everyone without any skill needed. TRUE hardcore PvPers like challenges. Running through people is a defense in PvP. If you are even smart before you start casting a HARD hitting spell that has a cast time you will have space. You are agreeing you should be able to stand still free cast hard hitting spells with some classes have 1 interrupt that is 2 min? How does that take skill or make it even fun?


Also think about in game collision. If they REALLY could do it accuratly it would still benifit melee. Your cast would be interrupted. I could walk into you constantly knocking you down getting few hits here and there. I would support the "smart range" players who want this. Also why it would be terrible. WHere you are on your computer isn't where you are on my computer. and visa versa. There is lag and it would have to have a huge box for it and again all range would complain.


It is very fair to turn off autofacing. Range is so OP right now it should be balanced. If you think Range isn't op...... You need to learn to PvP honestly. Just because you are doing bad doesn't mean there are not tons of other range that just dominate PvP grounds.

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Anyone who thinks WoW is credentials for anything is a little deluded, infact saying you used to play WoW should be a dirty little secret that you don't tell anyone, like watching Sex and the City.


But your points are solid and i agree.


People need to get over the WoW hate when you do it people find it hard to take you seriously.

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It is very fair to turn off autofacing. Range is so OP right now it should be balanced. If you think Range isn't op...... You need to learn to PvP honestly. Just because you are doing bad doesn't mean there are not tons of other range that just dominate PvP grounds.


And what about the melee who are doing well? Hmm? Not thinking about them? Again, autofacing isn't the reason why the most OP ranged classes are OP. Not even close.

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If anyone is against this honestly they prob never PvPed before. They like being able to faceroll everyone without any skill needed. TRUE hardcore PvPers like challenges. Running through people is a defense in PvP. If you are even smart before you start casting a HARD hitting spell that has a cast time you will have space. You are agreeing you should be able to stand still free cast hard hitting spells with some classes have 1 interrupt that is 2 min? How does that take skill or make it even fun?


Also think about in game collision. If they REALLY could do it accuratly it would still benifit melee. Your cast would be interrupted. I could walk into you constantly knocking you down getting few hits here and there. I would support the "smart range" players who want this. Also why it would be terrible. WHere you are on your computer isn't where you are on my computer. and visa versa. There is lag and it would have to have a huge box for it and again all range would complain.


It is very fair to turn off autofacing. Range is so OP right now it should be balanced. If you think Range isn't op...... You need to learn to PvP honestly. Just because you are doing bad doesn't mean there are not tons of other range that just dominate PvP grounds.


I dont need to play other mmo pvp games to know how full of ******** you are...


Running through someone IS NOT SKILL ITS RETARDED AND SHOULD NOT STOP CASTS!!! Use your gosh darn interrupts, ohh what was that Mercs/commandos are the ONLY classes without interrupts oh dear^^


I can agree that only the cast should continue and not auto face the character for the next cast however i guess ive never tried it since i follow people automatically .


And all of you that say ranged is so overpowered, do you even know how to play?

There are plenty of CC and gap closers available to melee and frankly if you cant keep close to a merc/commando for example you suck.


And yes one of my characters is a merc :rolleyes:

Edited by GrumpySwe
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Once the server and I more consistently agree with where my target is standing, I'll agree that autofacing should be addressed.


But for the time being, it's not "autofacing". It's a "Prevent Server Communication From Crippling You" checkbox option permanently set to on.

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If anyone is against this honestly they prob never PvPed before. They like being able to faceroll everyone without any skill needed. TRUE hardcore PvPers like challenges. Running through people is a defense in PvP. If you are even smart before you start casting a HARD hitting spell that has a cast time you will have space. You are agreeing you should be able to stand still free cast hard hitting spells with some classes have 1 interrupt that is 2 min? How does that take skill or make it even fun?


Also think about in game collision. If they REALLY could do it accuratly it would still benifit melee. Your cast would be interrupted. I could walk into you constantly knocking you down getting few hits here and there. I would support the "smart range" players who want this. Also why it would be terrible. WHere you are on your computer isn't where you are on my computer. and visa versa. There is lag and it would have to have a huge box for it and again all range would complain.


It is very fair to turn off autofacing. Range is so OP right now it should be balanced. If you think Range isn't op...... You need to learn to PvP honestly. Just because you are doing bad doesn't mean there are not tons of other range that just dominate PvP grounds.


lol pvpers wouldn't play tor BG farming. That isn't pvp an everyone knows it isn't. it's purely ab out getting shinys nothing more.


Proper pvp is world pvp where your not in a silly little round arena an you know where or when its gonna happen an who it's gonna be. I certainly dont rate BG farmers as pvpers.

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