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Resolve doesn't do anything to reduce the insane amounts of CC.


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Resolve should not diminish while still rooted/snared/stunned/(anything that causes your character to not perform, not move or move at a speed less than the normal character rate of speed).


Snares are a form of CC. Roots are a form of CC. They should count toward resolve.


Snares and roots currently are a nightmare for melee because they have no ranged abilities to use to pressure their targets.


Snares and roots are a nightmare for a caster type because they are squishy and movement is their main mechanic of defense. If you take that away, they die without being able to cast (spell interrupts).


Being snared and rooted is not as bad as being stunned but it's not too far off from it.


I'm still waiting for someone to post solid reasons why all of this should not be the case. Maybe we're all just missing something that will turn the lights on and have the current state of affairs make sense, but I don't think so.

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face it, roots and snares are no fun. Being forced to stand there and do nothing but die is not fun. I can understand the need for these but they are way out of control, there are far too many and they can be spammed at you by the other side to the point that you have no chance of breaking it.




Mind boggling that Roots and Snares don't fill Resolve, even more than there being dozens of CC abilities you can be hit with, but only one CC Break on a 2 minute timer. Two Minutes.....

Edited by Torcer
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Roots absolutely needs to be affected by resolve.


Whoever was responsible for this oversight should have been fired already. Roots is CC, especially for melee classes. If Resolve is supposed to grant CC immunity it needs to affect Roots.


On the other hand if snares were to also affect resolve meters my chilling force ability will become useless as it's AOE snare


Snares are not Roots. Snares are fine to be off Resolve, Roots are not. You can counter snares with snares.


It's not as though this is the fault of the Resolve system, either. Any system will have the same end result. Diminishing Returns, Short immunities based on CC type, etc...will all still result in you being dead in a stun or two if you're alone and have a couple people wailing on you.


Not true. If a diminishing returns system were in place it would punish CC spamming.


Imagine you get hit by 4 stuns all at once. The 4th stun would apply and carry all the diminishing returns, breaking you out nearly immediately and making you immune to further CC, and punishing the spammers.


Instead, under the current terrible system, you eat the longest stun, and you're screwed.

Edited by EternalFinality
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You didn't ask for an explanation. You intentionally took aspects of what I posted out of context and then refuted it without using any specifics I might add while implying that my post was a whine, cry, lack of skill, whatever.


All while trying to remain outside of the discussion so as to not leave yourself open to any kind of solid retort. It's the classic stance of the forum troll. I'm not saying that was your intent because I have no way of knowing that and I'm not going to try to put words in your mouth, for lack of a better way to put it, which is what you were trying to do.


If you want to be a part of a discussion then be a part of the discussion by refuting what you don't agree instead of using broad generalizations and skirting the edges of the issue while trying to sound superior.


In the immortal words of Yoda, see through you we can.


All you've posted is that you go into PvP, get CC'ed by a bunch of people and die, and that "some other system" would prevent that.


You haven't explained how "some other system" would do so when I've asked, and furthermore you haven't answered the point someone else brought up about why you expect to live through that scenario at all without heals or support.


All you've done is deflect those questions with stuff about "trolling" like you did above.


Snares are a form of CC. Roots are a form of CC. They should count toward resolve.


Snares shouldn't. Complete immobilizes should do something for resolve, or at least have the player be immune to them while the resolve bar is full.

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Why shouldn’t Snares fill resolve in some way? Ever try and close the gap during a Sorc lightning storm – anyone who has knows that snares ARE a form of CC. Maybe if Snares did fill resolve then players would need to think tactically about using them instead of spamming Snare.
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Not true. If a diminishing returns system were in place it would punish CC spamming.


Imagine you get hit by 4 stuns all at once. The 4th stun would apply and carry all the diminishing returns, breaking you out nearly immediately and making you immune to further CC, and punishing the spammers.


Instead, under the current terrible system, you eat the longest stun, and you're screwed.


Sure, that'd work if they coded new CC's to always completely overwrite old ones, which I highly doubt would happen. Though Resolve does already punish CC spamers, it's really easy to fill up someone's resolve bar will crap knockbacks and disorients and leave them immune.


Even if it did, that still doesn't prevent a few people from stunning you, wailing away, landing another stun at half duration, wailing away, etc. It doesn't fix the scenario the OP brought up, where he's alone with no support and the enemy team stuns and burns him down.


Ultimately, resolve works quite well in any balanced scenario. Sure, 2-3 people can CC you until you're dead if you're alone, and that's never fun, but you can't expect to easily win in that scenario anyway. In any other situation where the sides are somewhat balanced, you'll find that resolve is quite powerful.

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Why shouldn’t Snares fill resolve in some way? Ever try and close the gap during a Sorc lightning storm – anyone who has knows that snares ARE a form of CC. Maybe if Snares did fill resolve then players would need to think tactically about using them instead of spamming Snare.


True, but look at the other side of the coin. If I were playing my Guardian and snare kept building resolve on everyone, I'd have a REALLY fun time trying to stick to any targets. For that matter I'd be reluctant to even snare anyone, because I don't wanna have 5 people around me with full resolve bars.


It sucks for melee to get snared, but it probably would suck even more for them to not be able to snare people.

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You SHOULD be reluctant to snare people – by that I mean you should have to think tactically about when to use your ability and who to use it on. I feel for pure Melees in TOR, but snare seems like a band aid slapped over the problem of putting Melee in a game with Ranged classes. Star Wars is a hella fun movie, but there’s a reason why Gun beats Sword in real life. Storm and Force Leap are much better answers to the pure Melee problem than nigh unlimited snares.
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Why shouldn’t Snares fill resolve in some way? Ever try and close the gap during a Sorc lightning storm – anyone who has knows that snares ARE a form of CC. Maybe if Snares did fill resolve then players would need to think tactically about using them instead of spamming Snare.


Snares don't prevent you from using gap closers like sprints and leaps.


Roots do.

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Sure, that'd work if they coded new CC's to always completely overwrite old ones, which I highly doubt would happen. Though Resolve does already punish CC spamers, it's really easy to fill up someone's resolve bar will crap knockbacks and disorients and leave them immune.


Even if it did, that still doesn't prevent a few people from stunning you, wailing away, landing another stun at half duration, wailing away, etc. It doesn't fix the scenario the OP brought up, where he's alone with no support and the enemy team stuns and burns him down.


It does help. You could pop your CC breaker after the first stun - then the second stun onwards are diminishing - you have FAR more control of the fight instead of waiting until the second stun to use it and being resolve immune. Overall you end up with more time controlling your character, and that's the goal.

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It does help. You could pop your CC breaker after the first stun - then the second stun onwards are diminishing - you have FAR more control of the fight instead of waiting until the second stun to use it and being resolve immune. Overall you end up with more time controlling your character, and that's the goal.


That depends on how the DR is implemented. It's not hard to get someone to pop their CC break on a stun and then hit them with a disorient that's on a different DR table than stuns, for instance.


Also, that doesn't address what the OP was talking about before, the fact that times when your CC break is down is when it really sucks.


I suppose you could just put ALL CC on the same DR and roll from there. But I think that'd only accomplish taking it to the other extreme where no one is ever CC'ed and we furiously try to burn down healers that we can't stop.

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That depends on how the DR is implemented. It's not hard to get someone to pop their CC break on a stun and then hit them with a disorient that's on a different DR table than stuns, for instance.


All incapacitating CC (mez/stun) should be on the same DR. A huge mistake WoW made.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Like I said though, I don't think that would accomplish anything but turning it into a game where no one is CCable 90% of the time, and healers are unstoppable. Either that or DPS is unstoppable because healers can't be protected for more than a few seconds. Either way it becomes a huge zergfest. I'm just not sure making ALL CC be on the same punishing DR would be any better than what we have now. =(
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I concur with the OP that Resolve is a flawed concept.


I understand how it works but I also agree that it's useless 90% of the time because you rarely survive being chain-CC'd.


It's not achieving what it was designed to to do (a better alternative to DR) but it's simpy, not good enough. I expect a change.

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Needed changes for Resolve:


- Snares need to be included.

- The full bar protection needs to be instant (it's delayed when it works at all).

- The decay rate on Resolve needs to be slowed down.


Additionally, everyone should have the cooldown on their CC breaker reduced to about 20s across the board.


The above would remedy a lot of the CC spam. Grey bar fighting is not just lame, it's un-fun. Just let players have a fighting chance before they die to go down swinging.

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Like I said though, I don't think that would accomplish anything but turning it into a game where no one is CCable 90% of the time, and healers are unstoppable. Either that or DPS is unstoppable because healers can't be protected for more than a few seconds. Either way it becomes a huge zergfest. I'm just not sure making ALL CC be on the same punishing DR would be any better than what we have now. =(


Better than the CC fest it is now. It would turn it into a game where carelessly throwing CCs doesn't work - a game where SKILL matters.

Edited by EternalFinality
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the big issue that snares/slows cant be on resolve as we know it is because there is SOOOO much slow spam that people will always be on full resolve and real stuns will never land. I think that is the general reasoning behind BW's leaving slows/roots off resolve.


the problem is it just makes roots/slows stupidly spammed and overused.


As i said earlier only thing i can see is having at least two tables of DR for cc just like every other game.


Imo if you give all the CC to everyone then well this is what you get. A giant mess.

WTB the old idea of CC not giving to every single class/spec. Imo CC should be spec'd into and a roll. not something from tanks to healers to have all of.

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From a group standpound, the amount of CCs and stuns are fine, a nice thing to have would be to hive healing classes talents that remove snare/roots from another person (not that healer), but thats about it.


As a pug warzone player however, being CCed sucks but you just have to deal with it until you can find people to premade with to work as a team.

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the big issue that snares/slows cant be on resolve as we know it is because there is SOOOO much slow spam that people will always be on full resolve and real stuns will never land. I think that is the general reasoning behind BW's leaving slows/roots off resolve.


the problem is it just makes roots/slows stupidly spammed and overused.


As i said earlier only thing i can see is having at least two tables of DR for cc just like every other game.


Imo if you give all the CC to everyone then well this is what you get. A giant mess.

WTB the old idea of CC not giving to every single class/spec. Imo CC should be spec'd into and a roll. not something from tanks to healers to have all of.


So maybe snares should be on longer cooldowns while Roots are added to CC that affects Resolve.


As it is now, teams CC the enemy and focus them down one by one. The stuns and roots are always ready while the CC immunity and breaks are not very reliable.


If Resolve were adjusted you would at least plausibly have a window to get away from the zerg assist train that is PvP.


Something has to give. Our CC breaker should be on a shorter cooldown and Roots should definitely add to our Resolve bars.


I see what one of you other guys was getting at with Snares being so prevalent that if they added considerable Resolve everyone would be running around with full Resolve bars. So doesn't that right there point a big foam finger at Resolve's shortcomings?


For something that is supposed to limit CC, it just doesn't do that to any significant degree.

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  • CC break needs to give full resolve.
  • Snares need to be included.
  • Full resolve should last longer.
  • It shouldn't take the amount it currently does to hit full resolve. People cannot survive through being stunned for 8-12s or whatever it is.


That is all.





Edit: Or scrap the system entirely and just put in a DR/Immunity timer system...which would work better.

Edited by Soazak
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Playing a Guardian I'm a bit torn about this subject. On one hand one of my biggest annoyances in this game is being knocked back thus filling my resolve to full in some instances and then realizing that I'm also rooted in place...now that shiny full resolve bar is completely useless because it does not affect root/snare CC's. So while I stand there being useless my resolve bar is slowly going down to the point where as I'm out of that root, I can be stunned again.


On the other hand if snares were to also affect resolve meters my chilling force ability will become useless as it's AOE snare will just give the enemy team full resolve very fast and allow them to move around freely not worrying about CC at all and marginalizing my role in group pvp even more. The chilling force is an essential skill for guard/juggs as it's the main tool for keeping in range once you've gained position. Making snares affect resolve will completely render it useless in PVP and it already has little to no use in PVE.


This is exactly my biggest problem with the resolve system. It seems mostly fine with stuns and hard cc only being able to be used 2 or maybe 3 short ones in a row. However with the chain casting of slows and roots it is very hard for melee players to compete. There is something wrong if a ranged can do 50%-100% of a melee's hp in the duration of their root. Not to mention that slows seem to last forever and there is no point in using a cc-break on them because they can be reapplied instantly with no penalty.

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From a group standpound, the amount of CCs and stuns are fine, a nice thing to have would be to hive healing classes talents that remove snare/roots from another person (not that healer), but thats about it.


As a pug warzone player however, being CCed sucks but you just have to deal with it until you can find people to premade with to work as a team.


It's not realistic to balance a games mechanics based around everyone being able to find a premade.

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