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Why do players like SW:TOR more than WOW:CATA? User score comparisons...


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Thats kinda unfair... a simple review of the forums here vs the current Cata or Rift forums is a great metric... Looking at the main 5 pages of cata this morning, i saw...


So thousands of documented and quantifiable scores are unfair, but a single user giving "from the hip" impressions of the first couple pages of game forums is oh so much more reliable?



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There's nothing unfair about it that I can see. A sampling is a sampling, no matter how long it's been going on, and a flat number like "user score average" seems, to me, a much more quantifiable measure than 'visit the forum and kind of take a general sniff and mix in your own prejudices'.


Not to mention it's comparing apples to oranges. Taking launch forums vs forums of already established games who have already gone through their "launch pains" will give you a very skewed view. I suspect though, that's exactly what the poster you quoted is after, anything that matches his/her opinions is what they will seek, and ignore all other variables. Not surprising , given their post history. ;)

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Because WoW is 7 years old, and it shouldn't be hard to beat a game that has been out so long, right? Because publications only base judgement on graphics, not terrible framerate, lack of optimizations, and tons of bugs, as those are all omitted from judgement.
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The day after my beta test weekend, I un-liked everything wow. I let my subscription go and I've never looked back.


I think WoW is a good game, but for me, it's not the mmo I wanted to play. I played Galaxies until I could no longer take what SoE did to that game. I only started playing WoW because I missed playing a MMO and that's what my friends where playing.


Now that SWToR is here, I have no desire to play WoW. I'd so much rather playing this game. I've always been a huge Star Wars fan and equally a huge Bioware fan. This game just does it for me. And I'm here for the long haul.

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Because WoW is 7 years old, and it shouldn't be hard to beat a game that has been out so long, right? Because publications only base judgement on graphics, not terrible framerate, lack of optimizations, and tons of bugs, as those are all omitted from judgement.


As they are for all games, rendering it a moot point. This thread is about user scores on these sites, and not publication scores btw.

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WoW has been played to death by now. Cataclysm feels way worse than vanilla. It's not just because it was new to us back then, it's because it wasn't so streamlined, because we didn't have gearscore and everybody didn't know everything all the time. For me it was also because PvP didn't have such a prominent role. You could go get yourself killed at Tarren Mill if you wanted, but we weren't yet subject to the tyranny of PvP balancing due to rated arenas and all that horrible business I wish they had never included in the game.


For me the welfare epics ruined it as well. Fine if you can upgrade your gear, but why can you skip whole levels of raid content just by doing heroics? I wasn't even that hardcore, but the sense of progression went away when you knew that next big patch, all your gear can be replaced by heroic gear anyway. Even in WotLK I did not really enjoy the game so much anymore. The only part of WotLK I liked was Ulduar, and one tier patch later that whole place was now irrelevant.


All in all, I'd say WoW just became way too formulaic. A large part of that has to do with it being around for so long of course.


SWTOR is still new. It can be and do a lot if it wants. I'm not convinced that they have the will to make it truly great due to the lack of communication and even acknowledgement of many issues, but for now that's still hope.

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Personally, I found Wrath's pace much more accommodating to my playstyle (lol scrub) because I take school and my friends seriously. Cataclysm had much more of a grind early on, and required more coordination and time-invested to make the same strides. And tanking for people who had been used to AoE zerg-fests (myself included) was just a chore.


TOR's difficulty, right now, seems about where I'd like it to be. Besides the fact that I love Star Wars, the storylines and moral decisions.

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People just like the VO and how easy SWTOR is. People hated Cata because the difficulty level was so much different from that of previous xpacs.


From a pure game play stand point you can not argue that SWTOR is better than WoW. WoW's combat engine and customization UI are just vastly superior to that of SWTOR. And before you cry, "zomg it's only been out a month", look at Rift. Rift has a combat engine just as good as WoW's.

What difficulty in WoW? I could honestly say WoW was too easy for me when I played it and it just gets easier as Blizzard dumbs down the game for those who have trouble figuring out which key opens their inventory. >.> At least TOR has enemies that punish you if you don't think properly and plan accordingly when you fight them.

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SWTOR is a lot more fun, personally.


I agree. I never saw the major appeal in WoW. With that being said, knowing what I know about WoW and it's expansions I probably would've liked Cata the best. But I'm one of those people who feels that WoW really dumbed down the MMO market. I haven't really liked any MMOs that I've tried since WoW came on the scene until this one. Even still I wish this game was a bit less like WoW. Soooo many instances ugh.

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The more I look back at it arena totally murdered what made WoW pvp fun. It became less chaotic and more about cookie cutter tactics. If you didn't follow those tactics you were pretty much handicapping yourself.


BGs didn't help this either. They really need to find a way to incorporate competitive world pvp. I like the feel of the randomness and how a peaceful area can turn into a giant mess of players.


Unfortunately after spending about 15 minutes at 3 fps at Ilum it REALLY was discouraging. L50 also just reminded me of WoW. Everything is there and nothing new was implemented outside of the 1-50 leveling experience. Dailies were more entertaining in WoW too.

Edited by Kabloosh
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Cata catered to the hardcores. The entry-level dungeons and raids were harder than the final tier of the previous expansion was. The "leet sauce" types to try to deny it are fools.


With Cata, Blizzard told me that I could no longer complete end game content with the friends I had made during Wrath due to increased difficulty. If I wanted to play the game, I had to abandon my friends and go hardcore. Instead, I stopped playing and found another game.


Sure, eventually Blizzard nerfed the content, but by then it was too late to ever win me back as a customer. An "I'm sorry" does not make up for a slap to the face.

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About the only thing I liked in cataclysm was the underwater level (world PvP happening in 3 dimensions=lol). The rest just felt like recycled content. Arthas was my favorite WoW character and knowing he'd been killed by ten sweaty nerds (at least it took 40 sweaty nerds to kill Onyxia and Ragnaros and 25 for C'thun and Kel'thurzad) kind of killed the lore for me.



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I like both games equally so far. Which is difficult. I wish I could commit to one but so far I still have both subs going. Instead of focusing on negatives I'll list the positives that I enjoy in each game.





-Class Story

-Fantastic Scenery






-Game mechanics


-Guild System

-Fast Travel




Established simply means if I want to know something, the information is available somewhere.

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About the only thing I liked in cataclysm was the underwater level (world PvP happening in 3 dimensions=lol). The rest just felt like recycled content. Arthas was my favorite WoW character and knowing he'd been killed by ten sweaty nerds (at least it took 40 sweaty nerds to kill Onyxia and Ragnaros and 25 for C'thun and Kel'thurzad) kind of killed the lore for me.




The underwater content was pretty different. There just was not much added.

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People just like the VO and how easy SWTOR is. People hated Cata because the difficulty level was so much different from that of previous xpacs.


From a pure game play stand point you can not argue that SWTOR is better than WoW. WoW's combat engine and customization UI are just vastly superior to that of SWTOR. And before you cry, "zomg it's only been out a month", look at Rift. Rift has a combat engine just as good as WoW's.


Cata wasn't hard. lol.

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