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Why do players like SW:TOR more than WOW:CATA? User score comparisons...


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ToRs lack of content, which is pretty large, is made up for by the things WoW doesnt have...


No cross server anything (especially), no add ons, no mods, etc.


I doubt all these items will not be here after long, so then the reaon for staying, at least for me decreases, unless they can do something enticing with the PvP and PvE content.


I would much rather stay and support this, and hope they can do something decent, than go back to WoW, which i haven't played in some time. There are other games out there i have my eyes on, but WoW isn't one of them.

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Only really watched people play cata as I was done with WOW in Wrath. I think the big difference for me is the questing. I know the missions are all still just go here kill this or go here and collect that. However through all of that in SWTOR there is always a conversation. I get some form of cinematic or enjoyable interaction out of most of the questing I do. An example would be the day I just spent questing on Taris. I could have moved on from Taris halfway through the quest line I was on as it turned green and I would get better experience from moving on to another planet. I stayed on Taris and completed that quest line because I enjoyed the interaction with Thana Vesh. Heck I did an entire quest line on Tatooine while it was grayed out. Firstly because it's one of those bugged unabandonable quests, but secondly and thankfully because it had an interesting story and the people and entities I got to interact with were fun and interesting.
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Cataclysm was not hard. It was also not a grind, no more than any other of the expansions... in fact, it is less of a grind that the first two expansions.


Cataclysm was a final straw for me. My mid-ranged guild was able to go 7/7 the first week on Normal Mode... really? Don't bolster the game and say its a challenge when it isn't. Hardmodes should be the Normal difficulty and then there should be something beyond. Mechanics are all the same, thrown into a bag, mixed up, and dumped out.



Star Wars may be equally as simple, but at least they are admitting it. I like this community more (overall) and there aren't as many elements to allow the "elite" players to tout their awesomeness. Sorry, its a game, not some true aspect by which I derive my sense of self-worth, treat it as such and move forward.


My coworkers play this game, there is no rush to max level, leveling is fun, classes are fun, and I enjoy Star Wars. At least it is an "original IP" unlike WoW which ripped off WAR. Bringing that up, had WAR not fallen, I would still be playing that... most fun I've had in an MMO PvP-wise.

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Only becase the game is new. Cata, as we all know, was a grind. Both games will equalize in time - tis the nature of the beast...



Not that Cataclysm was any good at all. Playing Alliance in that game and doing the "new" quest was a pretty droll experience considering that every quest chain involved losing your manhood to the Horde.

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People vote for what they like. Is it strange that people like something better than somethign else?


WoW's been around for years. I'd say it will be more and more difficult as time progresses to really make fans go nuts all over again. Most of em have played it for too long.


I would agree that it's senseless to compare a game that's been around for many years to one that is just out.


People often argue that they should learn and that new games should be better (and for all I know SWTOR did have a better release than WoW) but you can't really look into the other company's kitchen and for all intents and purposes this is Bioware's first MMO.


So, in the end, it might make more sense to compare SWTOR to the original WoW and not a more recent incarnation thereof.

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I think the most interesting aspect of Metacritic is not the actual scores, but the number of responses each game gets.


For example,


AC REV: 122

Saints Row 3: 258 (An admittedly fun/good game to those who have played it)

Minecraft: 1037

SWTOR: 1471

Skyrim: 2374

MW3: 4485


Just a small sample of the top currently reviewed games, but it's kind of an indicator of how much buzz these games are getting, good or bad. I know there are bots and whatnot, but it's interesting to see what games they are focusing on.

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I don't think you can really compare the two. Cataclysm caused WoW to bleed 2M accounts (so far), because they decided to swing the pendulum away from Wrath. Turns out the people loved the difficulty level in Wrath (see: not much difficulty) because it allowed you to play with whoever you wanted. When they tuned it up with Cata, it was like hitting a brick wall.


SWTOR lets people be successful in solo, group, and in some cases pvp. What developers will learn over time is that making things really difficult only caters to the hardcore raider base, which alienates 95% of your customer base. They just want to log on and play with their friends. They don't want to watch videos, read strat sites, min/max abilities, max out rotations, and worry about class balances.


Very well put agree 100%


Things may change though:(

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I would vote for swtor over wow. For me Cata was terrible and much hurt the game. In the end I started to find the game just a bore and not much fun. So I unsubbed.


There is a lot of good things in swtor and I find it enjoyable to this point. That may be because the game is new and everything is fresh and not seen before. I think that BW did a lot of good things in this game.


This is just my retarded opinion but, I also think that both games have challenges in the future. I loved wow in Wrath and think that the devs have lost their way and forgotten their customers. To me ghostcrawler is a big part of the problem and should go and the game should be rethought. I much do not think that Panda's will do it. The pokemon content will have some appeal to younger players but it is not clear how long it will hold them and what it will mean to the existing customer base.


I think that swtor has a raft of problems that will affect it over the long run. The ability delay issues are a problem to many. The combat flow in wow is heads above swtor. The graphics issues are a problem to many. The linearity of questing and lack of varied content is a problem that will affect the length of time that people keep their subs. There are bugs, bugs and more bugs. Just me, but I think that although the game clearly had to be launched and no more delays were tolerable, it was not nearly ready. So it looks like BW is trying to fix as much on the fly as possible. We will all see just what can and will be done.


Again in my retarded opinion although you can look at the ratings of both games, you do not get much because both are just unscientific polls of the sites hosting the ratings and both have big problems and are subject to long term challenges.

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i like the customisability and features the game has in cata but after 7 years im sick to the back teeth of wow.


physically cant bring myself to login. (cant deny how good a game it has been for me though)


im enjoying playing tor but im missing the customisability and features that cata has.


go figure huh :D


Personally, I think Blizzard are the only group capable of doing a SW IP Justice.


Also to people claiming anything from release to now in involving Cata's difficulty (being hard) ..


Edited by mcfabulous
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What developers will learn over time is that making things really difficult only caters to the hardcore raider base, which alienates 95% of your customer base. They just want to log on and play with their friends. They don't want to watch videos, read strat sites, min/max abilities, max out rotations, and worry about class balances.


And that, is what will kill MMOs... and basically gaming in general.

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People just like the VO and how easy SWTOR is. People hated Cata because the difficulty level was so much different from that of previous xpacs.


From a pure game play stand point you can not argue that SWTOR is better than WoW. WoW's combat engine and customization UI are just vastly superior to that of SWTOR. And before you cry, "zomg it's only been out a month", look at Rift. Rift has a combat engine just as good as WoW's.


Weird, the mention of Cataclysm and difficulty level made me fall down laughing, I could sleepwalk 1-endgame in Cata in less than a week, atleast SWTOR doesn't make me sleepy.


EDIT: I played cata for 2 weeks before I got bored and let the last ~3 months of my sub run out, didn't touch it once after those 2 weeks.

Edited by WereMops
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Cata sucked the life out of small guilds. You kill small guilds, you kill off millions who'd rather be playing with their circle of friends vs in a big homogenous group.


In the name of balance, they made EVERY CLASS THE SAME. All the melees were the same, all the casters were the same and hunters were beyond easy mode.


I sure hope Bioware doesn't make the same mistake of balancing the game around sand box pvp.


Cause really 1 v 1 anyone can beat anyone else, it's all a matter of skill, lag, and even a little luck.


Mmo's are a grind and a time sink, raid difficulty is a matter of perception. It's all equal, but if you tell me I can't play with my friends from other guilds because I can't gain "levels" for the guild I'm currently in (and love) then screw the game I'd rather hang with my friends.

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I don't think you can really compare the two. Cataclysm caused WoW to bleed 2M accounts (so far), because they decided to swing the pendulum away from Wrath. Turns out the people loved the difficulty level in Wrath (see: not much difficulty) because it allowed you to play with whoever you wanted. When they tuned it up with Cata, it was like hitting a brick wall.


SWTOR lets people be successful in solo, group, and in some cases pvp. What developers will learn over time is that making things really difficult only caters to the hardcore raider base, which alienates 95% of your customer base. They just want to log on and play with their friends. They don't want to watch videos, read strat sites, min/max abilities, max out rotations, and worry about class balances.


Exactly this. I had a blast in Wrath, Cata was fun to level but the Dungeons with the LFD were terribad. And to spite the PvPers, they took the epic gems and made them raid only. Blizzard catered to the Raiders with Cata and it is costing them. I assume that they will not be repeating this with Pandaland and from all accounts, Titan is going to be targeting the casual crowd. SWTOR is fun and I hope it stays that way.

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Personally, I think Blizzard are the only group capable of doing a SW IP Justice.


Also to people claiming anything from release to now in involving Cata's difficulty (being hard) ..



Really...? You think the studio that's famous for lifting everyone else's best ideas and wrapping them up in someone else's artwork is more capable of handling a SW IP than the place that did KotOR?




I'm no Bioware fanboi, and I've enjoyed a lot of Blizzard's output, but c'mon.

Edited by PibbyPib
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I'm wondering why players seem to prefer SW:TOR over WOW:CATA. I feel that user scores and other aggregate ratings paint a better pictures of a game's quality as they don't give a handful of very vocal players or writers undue influence on the outcome. I reference Cataclysm because it represents the most "current" incarnation of WoW compared to SW:TOR.




Star Wars: The Old Republic (2335 votes): 8.6

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (2255 votes): 8.0




Star Wars: The Old Republic (1469 votes): 5.9

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (386 votes): 5.2




Star Wars: The Old Republic (27 votes): 9.1

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (598 votes): 7.3




The numbers here are false. Here are the updated links.




SWTOR: 8.0


CATA: 8.5







SWTOR: 9.0


Cata: 9.0


Rift: 8.5


NOTE: Despite Rifts lower score, it won IGN's Best MMO of the Year Award.


It should also be noted that Rift won the MMORPG game of the year award. Since most of these web sites only review a game for its leveling experience and quick thrills, the rating is somewhat inaccurate for people playing the game long term. In the case of SWTOR, the only thing reviewers tested was leveling content and leveling pvp. In all of their reviews they note they have not reviewed end game content, which is where SWTOR falls on its face.


MMORPG consistantly goes back to games to review and relies heavily on the community for input, so an award from them means more than a good score from IGN or Gamespot.


Regardless, Cata overall beats SWTOR in reviews, and Rift won a bunch of awards last year from



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