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Just dinged 50. Gear... um... wow.


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Then run sideways..


Why do you care how I back up? If I have to move 5m, why not backpedal?


Also that's not the backpedaling us hipsters bash on. The backpedaling we're talking about is when you're trying to run away from someone and just holding that sexy S key.


Yes those people should have their S key removed.

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The new bag system should help a ton as people wil be able to get centurion gear very quickly which will get you the expertise to not be just a free kill.



Even without expertise you'd still be a joke as a new 50 vs. the people with full raid gear.



This is the way MMOs are now and have pretty much always been with the possible exception of DAoC. Though even in DAoC you needed RR5 to really be at full potential.

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Fully geared guy blah blah it's not the gear that makes me good blah blah...




Gear makes a difference. It doesn't make you good or bad at PVP if you don't have it or do.








You're dumb. Not me though.










Although I may agree that the gear grind isn't extremely excessive trying to make a correlation between real life (RL) and a game is well... I mean... There are light-sabers... and ton-tons...









Im not dumb :( . Mooooommmmmm.


Generally ppl that suggest removing expertise think that that would solve the problem. Anyone that was ever crushed by a Hand of Rag/Thunderfury knows better.

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So lemme get this straight. I was lvling up. Playing both PvE and PvP. I was doing pretty well in PVP. Def holding my own. Dinged 50 and went into a WZ. SLAM! BLAM! BLAST! POW! DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!




I'm just supposed to get crushed for a while until I slowly gear up over a couple hundred games?




You summed it up pretty nicely. I'm ahead of the gear curve on my main but I still decided to roll a republic alt to enjoy the 10-49 PVP.

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So lemme get this straight. I was lvling up. Playing both PvE and PvP. I was doing pretty well in PVP. Def holding my own. Dinged 50 and went into a WZ. SLAM! BLAM! BLAST! POW! DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!




I'm just supposed to get crushed for a while until I slowly gear up over a couple hundred games?




So... you expect to just be instantly put on the same level as 50s who have already invested a couple hundred games in gearing themselves up?


Like a big magical hand of Obi-wan comes down and hands you the same gear others have been grinding for weeks for because... well u deserve it?!



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So lemme get this straight. I was lvling up. Playing both PvE and PvP. I was doing pretty well in PVP. Def holding my own. Dinged 50 and went into a WZ. SLAM! BLAM! BLAST! POW! DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!




I'm just supposed to get crushed for a while until I slowly gear up over a couple hundred games?




Yup really.


Gear scaled when you joined the 10-49 WZ. So people with good gear still had an advantage even then. But just like you, so many others didn't care about their gear so much as they're trying to get to the endgame. This is essentially casual PvP.

Now that you've reached the endgame and are playing with the big boys, everyone wants to win and will do everything possible to get every advantage. People will premake. People will Valor farm. People will collect all the datacrons. People will theorycraft so they can come up with the best combinations of gear.


You can gear up rather quickly if you do some dailies on Ilum/Belsavis and use them to upgrade your orange gear. Increased amounts of Centurion commendations are also on the way.

Welcome to real PvP.

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I hit 50 about 3-4 weeks ago and this was casually. Yes, some days I spent 5 hours playing others I spent less than an hour. Once I hit 50 I tried gettig groups for hard mods and regulars that which I didn't see yet and because I spent so much time sitting around with my thumb up my ***** trying to get groups, I queued PvP.


I never looked back. Yes I got served quite a few times in PvP but now I'm up to 8.75% expertise and level 43 valor. I found joined a PvP guild and my time is spent queueing WZs solid and group. Not once did I feel absolutely useless. My class has a lot of utility and I spent a lot of my time helping MY TEAM win matches. I may not get max medal or top the dps charts but my win ratio is definately over 50%.


I would love to see the introduction of level 50 brackets as long as it does not prevent you from queuing with friends. That would ruin things for a lot of people. For example, my brother is 50 and does not pvp often but when he does I like queuing with him. If I attain Battlemaster and he is still sub 30 valor, I still want to be able to queue with him.


So what point am I trying to make? It's not that bad! Hundreds of not thousands of people have started pvping later than the "hardcore" and have worked their way into the ranks. Yes things need to be fixed before another level of gear is added beyond Battlemaster. In patch 1.1.2 the speed at which you get gear is going to be drastically improved. Which brings up another good point. What about all the people who grinded their way to gear with the current system? They are going to feel shafted because getting 15 centurion commendations per bag instead of 3 is a 5x increase in gearing up...


Man (or woman) up and play to have fun


*edit* gg iPhone. I'm not fixing all autocorrect fails.

Edited by NKieffer
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I just hit 50 (Sorc) and experienced the same thing the OP experienced when I first got to Ilum. Here I was holding my own against most classes in Huttball or whatever. I couldn't even dent someone who ganked me in the Central area before I was loading at the med center. I had never seen gear like theirs and I came to find out they were in Battlemaster gear, head to toe.


I think it is important to reward those who have put in the time to get well geared. They should have the advantage, of course. But to have absolutely NO chance at all against someone in full Battlemaster gear when you are still wearing blues/purples/oranges...it simply made me not want to go back and even try because I knew what the outcome would be over and over and over. I felt like an ametuer 130-pound fighter going against a healthy and hungry Brock Lesnar.


There really is no decent 50 gear for sale aside from some bracers when you get into Ilum spaceport (unless I have not found them yet). You can buy the very best gear the AH has to offer your class (which I do) and you will still be stomped by someone in full Battlemaster kit.


It would be nice if there was some kind of gap-bridging gear between what you can buy/make and what you earn in PvP battle, if for no other reason but to stand a chance to actually gain some traction in the PvP areas. Otherwise, I fear a lot of people will become disenchanted with the Ilum because it is frequently camped by top-tier geared players, which will ultimately hurt the PvP scene because fewer players means everyone is bored, even the well-equipped players waiting in the Central area to squash newb 50s like ants. I am sure they feel awesome standing the middle of the Central area in all their glory, impressed by their own sense of accomplishment and gearing...but even that has to be kinda boring when there is nobody to challenge you. (Or, maybe it's not.)

Edited by Frogggystyle
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I dont understand what about people cry every day???


When I got my level 50, I bought orange armour full set, bought upgrades for it and so I got all my equipment not lower 124 level.


I was pretty good on warzones with it.

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I dont understand what about people cry every day???


When I got my level 50, I bought orange armour full set, bought upgrades for it and so I got all my equipment not lower 124 level.


I have THE very best equipment available from the AH, and I make my own Superior/Mastercraft mods, etc. through Artifice. I have picked up a few items through quests to improve the gear I already had. I've RE'd gear for other classes to add mods to my own gear to improve my stats as well. It is still nowhere near the level of awesomeness that is Battlemaster gear.


That's not crying, that is simply stating facts. I still enjoy PvP in this game. I lose pretty much 100% of the time in Ilum because I'm not geared well enough to withstand what others in top-tier equipment can do (and withstand). It's still fun for me. I doubt it is fun for everyone in that situation though. Don't confuse facts for crying. Someone stating an opinion or their own experiences does not automatically equate to qq'ing.

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I have THE very best equipment available from the AH, and I make my own Superior/Mastercraft mods, etc. through Artifice. I have picked up a few items through quests to improve the gear I already had. I've RE'd gear for other classes to add mods to my own gear to improve my stats as well. It is still nowhere near the level of awesomeness that is Battlemaster gear.


That's not crying, that is simply stating facts. I still enjoy PvP in this game. I lose pretty much 100% of the time in Ilum because I'm not geared well enough to withstand what others in top-tier equipment can do (and withstand). It's still fun for me. I doubt it is fun for everyone in that situation though. Don't confuse facts for crying. Someone stating an opinion or their own experiences does not automatically equate to qq'ing.


tl;dr: Ilum not a friendly place for visible brand new 50s riding around by their lonesomeness, by design.


Ilum is the only unscripted area for PvP character progression post-50. Progress your character more and enjoy. This is a feature, not a bug--but they have indicated they are reducing the disparity that expertise creates in one of the upcoming patches.


I'm a heal spec'd Op with around 460 expertise in champ gear and a centurion off-hand. Smugglers on Ilum can still usually eat my lunch if my cooldowns aren't ready, but there's nothing quite as satisfying as healing someone through the big openers and then sending the enemy back to the medcenter, expenses paid.


I play on Belgoths Beacon though, where the Republics typically roll us several times a night between us camping/drawing them out of their base. Your mileage and ability to join an ops group when there are other factions out will vary.

Edited by OldSwab
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think of yourself as paying 15$ a month to suffer and not enjoy yourself until you win the lotto bag a bunch of times.


awesome right?


This just in! Getting to 50 quickly and playing more than other people allow you to gear faster!


Some people just want everything without working for anything. Welcome to America! where the poorest of the poor deserve to be given multi million dollar homes!

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Thought I'd post a follow up. Been playing tons of WZs and found although at first you do get facerolled pretty hard it doesn't really take long to start to become competitive. Having almost no dmg output really makes you a better player. I learned a ton about how to play Huttball well. You gotta when you can't dmg anyone.


As I slowly began to collect more and more gear my dmg output went up and at this point I'm able to play pretty normally. The occasional battlemaster woops me but all in all, like I said, it's really not that bad.


With the gear bayg changes from the most recent patch it should be very easy for any new 50 to become competitive quickly.

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Thought I'd post a follow up. Been playing tons of WZs and found although at first you do get facerolled pretty hard it doesn't really take long to start to become competitive. Having almost no dmg output really makes you a better player. I learned a ton about how to play Huttball well. You gotta when you can't dmg anyone.


As I slowly began to collect more and more gear my dmg output went up and at this point I'm able to play pretty normally. The occasional battlemaster woops me but all in all, like I said, it's really not that bad.


With the gear bayg changes from the most recent patch it should be very easy for any new 50 to become competitive quickly.


Rolling out at 50 in full orange with purple mods will help a lot, but there is no substitute for around 550 in expertise.


The bag changes will provide some predictable progression. It will be harder for some to gear up (compared to randomy), easier for others.


A good move over all.


To the poster above you who has personally built million dollar homes and welcomed the impoverished to live in them, I'm sure they appreciate it, and good for you. It's pretty dumb to bring that up in the context of a $15 per month game, though.

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