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Question to those who think mara isn´t underpowered.


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My only problem is how do we kill a guarded healer?


At a very basic level with players of equal skill and gear, you are not intended to win a 1v2.


That said, if you have any skill and/or gear advantage, and you are spec'd for healer-busting, aka Annihilation, you can just pound through the healer. It's an attrition fight with the goal of collapsing the tank. You heal debuff the healer and chain regular interrupts (no mez and no choke) so the healer falls behind on heals. Your damage will drain the tank.


Then, you burn harder and use full interrupts, switch to the tank and execute them.


The paradigm shift is here:


We cant knock back to get the tank out of range, and we cant CC the healer long enough to kill the tank.


You're trying to CCBURST the healer. Marauders don't function that way. In most cases, this will leave you dry, with the healer/tank CCing you and refilling.


Marauders are not assassins; we have the option of taking it slow. You can take your time to properly set up debuffs and DOTs. Go ahead and eat a taunt and AOE taunt and sustain DPS through it. Load up defensive cooldowns, blinds, snare the tank and kite him around the healer.


At the end of the day, you should not win against competent players 1v2. Although Annihilation should give a good run of it.


If you are talking 2v2, I could probably waste any healer-tank combo in the game, with any teammate. Hell, take 2 Annihilation Marauders.

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Finally someone who understands my problem.

I´ve never complained about damage since it´s pretty good as it is.

The main problem is the lack of survivability, stuns, knocbacks etc.


Btw, I know we have some awesome abilities but when you´re surrounded by 5-6 people attacking it can be hard to survive, like when you get stunned more than 1 time, you use your "stun" and they break lose. Saberward can only be used once in a situation like that. And cloak of pain isn´t really enough to survive the army of a thousands *****torms surrounding.

Sacrificing 50% health for 5 sec is good idea, until the effect is over. Then you just got a smaller chance to survive.

Oh, and there´s a 2 min cooldown for unleash...nuff said.


ummm any class who is surrounded by 5-6 ppl IS going to die... are u kidding me? its like your asking to be immortal... wow this response sums it up for me lmao

Edited by Warlordomega
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At a very basic level with players of equal skill and gear, you are not intended to win a 1v2.


That said, if you have any skill and/or gear advantage, and you are spec'd for healer-busting, aka Annihilation, you can just pound through the healer. It's an attrition fight with the goal of collapsing the tank. You heal debuff the healer and chain regular interrupts (no mez and no choke) so the healer falls behind on heals. Your damage will drain the tank.


Then, you burn harder and use full interrupts, switch to the tank and execute them.


The paradigm shift is here:




You're trying to CCBURST the healer. Marauders don't function that way. In most cases, this will leave you dry, with the healer/tank CCing you and refilling.


Marauders are not assassins; we have the option of taking it slow. You can take your time to properly set up debuffs and DOTs. Go ahead and eat a taunt and AOE taunt and sustain DPS through it. Load up defensive cooldowns, blinds, snare the tank and kite him around the healer.


At the end of the day, you should not win against competent players 1v2. Although Annihilation should give a good run of it.


If you are talking 2v2, I could probably waste any healer-tank combo in the game, with any teammate. Hell, take 2 Annihilation Marauders.


Its not a 1v2 problem as much as teams stacking guard and healers. Without a huge amount of focus fire a full battlemaster healer that is guarded by a battlemaster tank will usually be immortal in any warzone.


On my server the republic will have maybe a couple guardians or trooper tanks, 4-5 healers and 2 DPS. Its impossible to kill teams like that, as you wont ever pressure the healers enough to kill them.


But thats more of a problem with the idiotic way they made expertise. If everyone is expertise capped you will have everyone doing the same damage as they would have if no one had expertise, but healers healing for more.

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Ok so most marauders complain that we´re underpowered and some says the opposite.

You who think that marauders are fine, what are you doing? Do you have full pvp gear?

Are there some secret skill combination you use?


Can someone explain WHY you think we´re not underpowered while the majority says we are?


simple answer. Marauders that think they are not underpowered are not baddies, the ones that think they are broken are baddies.

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On my server the republic will have maybe a couple guardians or trooper tanks, 4-5 healers and 2 DPS. Its impossible to kill teams like that, as you wont ever pressure the healers enough to kill them.


Pretty sure 4 DPS can focus fire a healer through guard and 3 crossheals. Throw in Roar and it's over.


Also, where are your 4 healers and 2 tanks :(.


This example doesn't have much to do with Marauder or non-Marauder. It is more an exercise of AOE mez and burst a target. Ironically, Marauders have an AOE mez ~_~.

Edited by EasymodeX
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Pretty sure 4 DPS can focus fire a healer through guard and 3 crossheals. Throw in Roar and it's over.


Also, where are your 4 healers and 2 tanks :(.


This example doesn't have much to do with Marauder or non-Marauder. It is more an exercise of AOE mez and burst a target. Ironically, Marauders have an AOE mez ~_~.


Everyone rolled a Sorc to lighting spam, everyone rolled a sage to heal. Ive gotten into games with 5 marauders, a juggernaught and 2 snipers. Matchmaking 4tw.


It seems there is about double the amount of healers on the republic than imperials. And 4 DPS cannot kill 4 healers if they have one tank on their team who is paying attention.

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The more I read your posts the more I realize you just don't know the class very well.

20% damage reduction would be cloak of pain, read the tooltip. It lasts 6 seconds if you don't get hit, it lasts 30 if you continuously get hit. A simple dot on you would keep it up.

So yeah, lets go down the list.

Saber ward 50% increased defenses and 25% red dmg from force/tech.

Cloak 20% reduction for 30 seconds

Vanish on a 45 sec cd (somehow you consider 45 sec long on a cooldown this powerful)

Undying rage 99% reduction on a 45 sec cd.

Aoe fear, accuracy debuff, predation to get away, charge can even be used to get away from a pounding.

What more could you need?


We don't need more mitigation, we are already extremely strong as it is and all the class requires is some quality of life/animation/mechanics adjustments.

Compared to a rage jugg, if they're getting teamed up on well, that's it. No healer on them = dead jugg. They might have higher mitigation through armor, we have escapes on very short cd's. Play better.


You sir, are full of it. Multiple small defensive cd's due not make us a powerhouse. One is not available instantly in PVP because it requires 30 fury. AoE fear we have is one of the worst spells in the game. We have have way too much active mitigation to make up for our horrible passive mitigation. You want 500 cd's and you still die faster than any class in the game. I will admit sabre ward owns and cloak of pain is the best spell in the game. Vanish is only worth crap if talented and doesn't drop you off their target bar.

You also left out how Undying Rage takes away half your health. So basicly you pop it when your on low health and you live 1 second longer. It has more strategic uses, but mainly thats for annihilation with berserk up.


Marauders are not that bad, its not all doom and gloom. We need a few minor fixes, animation fixes, tree fixes, mitigation fixes.


People who claim they are the best class in the game are


1. Stroking their ego

2. Only have 1 50

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I've played the Marauder for a Long time.... since BETA.


Marauder in terms of DPS output is fine.


Marauder in terms of surviabilty in PVP is horrible. Lack of CC, Stuns, and no knockbacks. And no.. full pvp gear doesn't help your survivability much since your opponents will have full gear to.


Marauder is a GLASS CANNON ... period. If your focused your DEAD. Unless you have a team of healers keeping you up, but that applies to all classes.


I'm to the point I don't enjoy PvP'ing with my Marauder. I'll only use him for Operations. My OPS healer can go entire matches without a single death. Its just irritating to go into PvP matches now with 90% SI's and Sages. You spend the entire fight in a constant state of CC. Pathetic really. Believe its time to NERF the SI and SAGE so all the noobs will play another class besides the flavor of the month. Every match... a team of SI's with one Merc or Agent.


I don't understand your reasoning. Any dps class in the game will absolutely melt when focus fired, thats why, when being focused, you should have the healers in the back line sustaining you, and tanks with guard on you. I've yet to play a game where a dps class actually had any real durability, sure, they may have vanishes, or 1 durability cd, but its never enough to outlast significant focus firing.


If you want to live through focus fire without a healer, go play a tank. A dps class is supposed to be squishy, otherwise the class becomes imbalanced.


I can melt a sage/sorc, or BH within 5-10 gcd's. Tanks usually take a little longer, and Marauders are some of the most durable opponents in the game - speaking as a Marauder. The class lacks an effective stun, but for everything else, the class is fine. For 1v1, Marauder is definitely one of the top dogs, I only really fear a very good immortal jugg, a good darkness assassin, or another Marauder. That's it. The class is balanced.

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Wait till you start doing the operations with the positional boss mobs while your trying to avoid obstacles, stay on the main target and work our 42 skills. While the mercenary's and sorc sit back and cast np and deal more damage than us.
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Wait till you start doing the operations with the positional boss mobs while your trying to avoid obstacles, stay on the main target and work our 42 skills. While the mercenary's and sorc sit back and cast np and deal more damage than us.




yeah multi tasking is so hard huh. clearly some people arent meant for MMOs but think they are. marauders are going to get nerfed before they ever get buffed by the way, i do too much damage and have too much survivability to not be good

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ummm any class who is surrounded by 5-6 ppl IS going to die... are u kidding me? its like your asking to be immortal... wow this response sums it up for me lmao


Dunno either Force Cammo or Undying Rage, can survive them for 4-5 seconds no problems. While running away. :D

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ummm any class who is surrounded by 5-6 ppl IS going to die... are u kidding me? its like your asking to be immortal... wow this response sums it up for me lmao


I´m not asking to be immortal. It´s just that I notice that the other classes survive longer/have better defensive buffs AND some kind of knockback/uber stun while i don´t.

I understand marauders are a melee DPS class but I can´t help but think we need something more on the defensive side. The main problem is getting in range to do damage when everyone is knocking me away to the next planet while I lose all my offensive buffs. If I could do the same(I know, why would a melee class want to increase distance to target) I wouldn´t feel as left out.

To you who keep saying l2p, check your abilities etc...THIS GAME IS NOT BALANCED! It isn´t balanced if one class require more time and more abilities to be used in order to survive an equal ammount of time.


Can´t count the times I´ve seen an assassin that needed 4 people to bring him down while I get owned by him later.

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I choose to quote Gagahumps from a different thread:


"ok, in beta i played a maruauder and a Bh up to lvl 20, both dps, both set up for pvp. I literally had the highest dmg ever single match with a BH, after got good at it i had the highest damage and close to highest healing Also, in the same match.


Now with my marauder, omg, Im being kited, my target just has to run a tiny little bit and i cant hit him. force scream isnt that powerful, no good stuns, its terrible. the ranged fighters still fight Just as well up close! And they have usually 2 stuns and 1 blowback to give me, my force jump doesnt refresh but only is good for 1 fight (my initial charge). I wanted to be a marauder so bad but they are so ganked in PVP its insane. need to be able to move faster then other ranged ppl so they cant just run away and shoot and kite us so bad. i really want to keep my new marauder but im really about to go back to BH. the PVP is just broken for close range fighters. I can do massive damage in PVE, but so can a BH."

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I choose to quote Gagahumps from a different thread:


"ok, in beta i played a maruauder and a Bh up to lvl 20, both dps, both set up for pvp. I literally had the highest dmg ever single match with a BH, after got good at it i had the highest damage and close to highest healing Also, in the same match.


Now with my marauder, omg, Im being kited, my target just has to run a tiny little bit and i cant hit him. force scream isnt that powerful, no good stuns, its terrible. the ranged fighters still fight Just as well up close! And they have usually 2 stuns and 1 blowback to give me, my force jump doesnt refresh but only is good for 1 fight (my initial charge). I wanted to be a marauder so bad but they are so ganked in PVP its insane. need to be able to move faster then other ranged ppl so they cant just run away and shoot and kite us so bad. i really want to keep my new marauder but im really about to go back to BH. the PVP is just broken for close range fighters. I can do massive damage in PVE, but so can a BH."


so you quoted a bad player, whats your point?

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I choose to quote Gagahumps from a different thread:


"ok, in beta i played a maruauder and a Bh up to lvl 20, both dps, both set up for pvp. I literally had the highest dmg ever single match with a BH, after got good at it i had the highest damage and close to highest healing Also, in the same match.


Now with my marauder, omg, Im being kited, my target just has to run a tiny little bit and i cant hit him. force scream isnt that powerful, no good stuns, its terrible. the ranged fighters still fight Just as well up close! And they have usually 2 stuns and 1 blowback to give me, my force jump doesnt refresh but only is good for 1 fight (my initial charge). I wanted to be a marauder so bad but they are so ganked in PVP its insane. need to be able to move faster then other ranged ppl so they cant just run away and shoot and kite us so bad. i really want to keep my new marauder but im really about to go back to BH. the PVP is just broken for close range fighters. I can do massive damage in PVE, but so can a BH."


Lvl 20 is a bad level to judge an Advanced class by. Why not get both to level 50 and form your own opinion, just because 1 person cant cut it as a marauder doesn't mean you wont.

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So he´s a bad player because he has the same problem?


My point is that I´m not alone in this matter. He described my problem pretty good.

You can´t just say that everyone whis this kind of problem is a bad player just because

you´re not experiencing this. All I ask for is something like force pull or a stun in smash to make things easier/more fair compared to other classes.

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So he´s a bad player because he has the same problem?


My point is that I´m not alone in this matter. He described my problem pretty good.

You can´t just say that everyone whis this kind of problem is a bad player just because

you´re not experiencing this. All I ask for is something like force pull or a stun in smash to make things easier/more fair compared to other classes.


You cant ask for abilities for a class when you haven't fully experienced it as a whole.

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So he´s a bad player because he has the same problem?


My point is that I´m not alone in this matter. He described my problem pretty good.

You can´t just say that everyone whis this kind of problem is a bad player just because

you´re not experiencing this. All I ask for is something like force pull or a stun in smash to make things easier/more fair compared to other classes.


we know you are bad because you claim Marauders can be kited, yet the are the only class that can;t be kited.



Predation +50% run speed (can be talented to 80%) 0 distance leap (no 10m dead zone) 1 passive one active snare.


if you cannot stay on a target as a marauder that means YOU ARE BAD. The class is not broken when you fail to use the tools given to you, or just too lazy to use the tools given to you.

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So he´s a bad player because he has the same problem?


My point is that I´m not alone in this matter. He described my problem pretty good.

You can´t just say that everyone whis this kind of problem is a bad player just because

you´re not experiencing this. All I ask for is something like force pull or a stun in smash to make things easier/more fair compared to other classes.


whats the alternative?


hes a good player but im GOD??!?!?! clealry not


hes a good player but im cheating? nope, not that one either


hes a good player but i managed to find a way to play the class beyond its limitations? nope



Occams Razor ... if you are failing its because you are a failure

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we know you are bad because you claim Marauders can be kited, yet the are the only class that can;t be kited.



Predation +50% run speed (can be talented to 80%) 0 distance leap (no 10m dead zone) 1 passive one active snare.


if you cannot stay on a target as a marauder that means YOU ARE BAD. The class is not broken when you fail to use the tools given to you, or just too lazy to use the tools given to you.


Don't be silly, if the multiple enemies coordinate their CC and knockbacks marauders can never get to the target, clearly we're broken.

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Wow thanks for the self esteem guys. Are you hardcore players that take 8 hours a day to play or just avarage?


So everyone that has problems with just ONE class is a bad player?


Don´t even bother answering...I´m just gonna stop posting here and go back to playing the actual game and go through my technique, again.


PS: Listen to Sayc

Edited by Ramonihil
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PS: Listen to Sayc


So....you agree that we're balanced?


If a TEAM coordinates to deny ONE melee toon, they should be successful at it. Thats how balance goes, a team should outplay an individual. The issue is if an individual can entirely deny an individual melee(which they can't).


Likewise, it would be unbalanced in favor of the melee if an individual melee could succeed against a teams efforts.

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Don't be silly, if the multiple enemies coordinate their CC and knockbacks marauders can never get to the target, clearly we're broken.


This is what i´m talking about. Marauders are the only class I´ve seen NOT being able to easily run away from this.

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