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Are you still paying just so you could dwell in the forums here then?


All you EVER do is complain and trash SWTOR yet you are still here, somethings fishy there.

Has Troll written all over the place.

Newsflash: SWG is dead as it should be, if it was any good in the recent years it would be alive and kicking, it was **** and it died.

So you can't have any choices in SWTOR but there are choices in SWG, a sandbox MMO, another thing you said that is pure trolling.


so you are saying i cant have a different opinion on the game, critism is not allowed ? how does this make me a troll, i dont get it. I am just giving my opinion, maybe a dev reads this and maybe this will change things. I doubt someone in charge is reading this but at least i said what i am expecting from a Star Wars MMORPG (Massive Mutliplayer where is this in SWTOR ? Instances with 30 peoples, sorry)


I am comparing this to SWG because it was the only Star Wars Mmorpg out there. I have paid until the 21st of February and maybe i come back but im not willing to pay 15 bucks a month for this.

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Fanboy alert


truth hurts


It is so sad...Bioware won't even confront the fans on these forums, why? Becuase they are embarassed as hell for what has taken place here.


So instead we have fanboy drones coming here and defending Bioware for them. Blindly I might add.

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I miss playing an MMO. I've been playing a single player game devoid of all traditional facets that make an MMO enjoyable to play.


Please tell me what these facets are that are missing? I keep hearing people say this on the forums, they never say why or how?


I've played plenty of MMO's, ranging from WoW to DDO to CO to DCUO to AOC and eveything in between.


In SWTOR, I've run flashpoints, some multiple times because I either liked them (Esseles) or because I was hoping for a particular drop (Cadimimu).


I've crafted gear for me, my alts, my guildies, and people I don;t know and sold on the AH


I've fought other players in PVP Warzones and on Illum (and yes, Republic can and does win PVP same as Empire)


I[ve explored the various worlds I've gone to, found datacrons, and interesting things i didn;t know were there.



I've raided with 8 and 16 people in large scale PVE events


I've BS'd with people in general chat and RP'd with people on RP servers.


So, seriously, what is missing from SWTOR that makes it not an MMO? Please, enlighten me. Or are you just repeating something you heard someone else state on these forums?

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I'm all for sandboxes and open playstyles, but I have to disagree with you on one point because I'm a nitpicking nerd:




Actually, I think the movies suggest that choice is largely an illusion, and that everything is guided by this invisible 'Force".


Yep. I vaguely remember someone saying somehting about "You cannot escape your destiny"

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Please tell me what these facets are that are missing? I keep hearing people say this on the forums, they never say why or how?


I've played plenty of MMO's, ranging from WoW to DDO to CO to DCUO to AOC and eveything in between.


In SWTOR, I've run flashpoints, some multiple times because I either liked them (Esseles) or because I was hoping for a particular drop (Cadimimu).


I've crafted gear for me, my alts, my guildies, and people I don;t know and sold on the AH


I've fought other players in PVP Warzones and on Illum (and yes, Republic can and does win PVP same as Empire)


I[ve explored the various worlds I've gone to, found datacrons, and interesting things i didn;t know were there.



I've raided with 8 and 16 people in large scale PVE events


I've BS'd with people in general chat and RP'd with people on RP servers.


So, seriously, what is missing from SWTOR that makes it not an MMO? Please, enlighten me. Or are you just repeating something you heard someone else state on these forums?




Non-delayed combat

Combat log


UI customization

Guild functionality

Usable trade network


Grouping facilitation tools

Reliable tab targeting


That's off the top of my head. Just because it's a game and you can play it online with others, it doesn't mean it's what people would expect from an mmo. Feel free to make a rebuttal that all those features are coming soon, you don't need them and/or are not necessary. I'd be disappointed if you didn't.

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they are advertising this game like you could make any choices.


infact you cant make any crappy decision, everything is on rails or it does not make any difference.


- cant choose ship

- cant choose weapon

- cant choose where to level

- dark/light has no impact

- cant choose where to pvp

- cant choose crap



making Star Wars a themed mmorpg was a totally bad decision. The movies are based on an endless universe with countless of decisions to make, that have impact on the world.


smuggler do smuggle things, bountyhunters hunt other people nothing is possible in this game. Its just awkward and not starwars like. even SWG was better and it had real planets not just "zones"


There is nothing in the Zones why you should come back to them, everyone is hanging out in the fleet. Sry BW you failed .


Words of truth had been spoken here. Everyone who opposes his statements is a Biodrone.

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your decision to dismiss my posts, also im not going to read everyones post history


i think i have some valid points, you can think what you want, its only my opinion there is no need to dig out my entire post history


im not hating, i allready said i had some fun moments with the game but thats it, taking 15 bucks a month for this is just not right


Don't sweat it, it's a typical fallacy attack the person not the content of their remarks.


It's also typical fanboy behavior. This is the point where they actually begin to hurt the game. They can't or simply won't admit there's nothing wrong and so they give a false sense of the state of things when it occurs in large numbers. Same problem FFXIV had in beta, droves of fanboys vehemently defended the game when obviously there was a lot wrong with it. Square Enix chose to listen to them and launch as it was. And we see where that game is now.


This is also why they won't even accept a "Hey this is my opinion." Even that is wrong to them, because obviously nothing could be wrong. "Oh no not my game. MY game is AWESOME! HOW DARE YOU SAY ANYTHING REMOTELY NEGATIVE ABOUT IT! RAAARRGHH! You're a... you're a ... a ...a TROLL! Yes, that's what you are just a bad bad troll *hugs his chewbacca pillow*" yet oddly their opinion is pawned off as if it's fact.


Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being a fan of something. But when there are issues with that something, people need to open their eyes and admit it. Otherwise it may never get resolved.


Best bet is to ignore fanboys and hatemongers alike. There's a few of us around that have level heads and a rational view of this game.

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Non-delayed combat

Combat log


UI customization

Guild functionality

Usable trade network


Grouping facilitation tools

Reliable tab targeting


That's off the top of my head. Just because it's a game and you can play it online with others, it doesn't mean it's what people would expect from an mmo. Feel free to make a rebuttal that all those features are coming soon, you don't need them and/or are not necessary. I'd be disappointed if you didn't.


Just off the top of my head only two of those things has anything to do with it actually being an MMO. "Group facilitation tools", and ultimate this game has no less group facilitation than most MMOs. Maybe it's doesn't have the dungeon finder that you might think is standard because it exists in a couple of other MMOs, but it isn't necessary. I find it difficult to grasp how many people who keep harping on a LFD tool could have possibly survived in the MMO genre before a year or so ago. Economy is the 2nd one and I agree.


Trade network is usable, it's just a bit cumbersome. Search option need to be re-worked and expanded but it's entirely usable. Also not a necessity for an MMO. Many MMOs don't even have a trade system beyond individual bazaars.


Combat delay really has no bearing on whether or not this is an MMO.

Neither does reliable tab targeting. Both are really just poor game design but it's an MMO regardless.


Guild Functionality, while it would be nice to see it expanded is no more and no less than most other MMOs. Rare exceptions are WoW and Rift, who have guild progression systems, which again is actually a very new development in MMOs, not really standard yet but it should be. Of course guilds have had pretty much the same functionality for years in this genre and should have had the ante upped years ago.


Macros are nice, but aren't necessary, and also not a requirement for a game to be considered an MMO.


As with a combat log, although that is one industry standard that I really can't fathom WHY they decided not to include one. Simply bad planning. Still combat log isn't a necessity for an MMO.




Overall the problem with grouping in this game actually seems to stem from people simply not wanting to bother with it, and that's all on the players. Bioware could MAKE us have to group for everything but that would just be a horrible experience, because to be honest I don't even want to group with most people, at least not the childish and ridiculous people i see on these forums. The functionality is there, and there is good enough reason, but if people just don't want to deal with other people, then that isn't Bioware's fault.


Which is basically the same for every other MMO, even WoW. People only ever seem to want to group up if they absolutely have to.

Edited by HavenAE
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Don't sweat it, it's a typical fallacy attack the person not the content of their remarks.


It's also typical fanboy behavior. This is the point where they actually begin to hurt the game. They can't or simply won't admit there's nothing wrong and so they give a false sense of the state of things when it occurs in large numbers. Same problem FFXIV had in beta, droves of fanboys vehemently defended the game when obviously there was a lot wrong with it. Square Enix chose to listen to them and launch as it was. And we see where that game is now.


This is also why they won't even accept a "Hey this is my opinion." Even that is wrong to them, because obviously nothing could be wrong. "Oh no not my game. MY game is AWESOME! HOW DARE YOU SAY ANYTHING REMOTELY NEGATIVE ABOUT IT! RAAARRGHH! You're a... you're a ... a ...a TROLL! Yes, that's what you are just a bad bad troll *hugs his chewbacca pillow*" yet oddly their opinion is pawned off as if it's fact.


Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being a fan of something. But when there are issues with that something, people need to open their eyes and admit it. Otherwise it may never get resolved.


Best bet is to ignore fanboys and hatemongers alike. There's a few of us around that have level heads and a rational view of this game.


Sorry to say it but you may have chosen to defend the wrong person.


game is allready dead, sorry to break it to you but you bought it for nothing


I feel the same, i really wanted this game to be cool and to succeed. I have watched the movies some hundred times and i own almost every Star Wars book that exists on this planet.


But the game is just not what i expected and i dont see that this problems can be patched away because there are just to much core problems and basic design failures


payed for one more month just for the forums.... so i can read the BW failure while at work


i just resubbed for the tears of op/scoundrels


gg bio, who needs a damn title if you can have a bowl of tears


I didn't just see someone not liking the game and attack that person. I see someone whose started to spam the forums with posts like these, a person who attacks and mocks people who say they like the game and a person who admits to only re-subing so he can access the forums, not hard to see what he does here either.


Fyi, I have issues with the game as well, character appearance customisation and teaming limitations being among them. I express these views from time to time, what I don't do is actively and intentionally try to make the game sound worse off than it is.


This last one, containing the remark about fixing unnecessary things goes quite well with your signature btw.

i would give everyone with active subs a nice title and start fixing unnecessary

things, like emotes on mounts and jedis with fat 4sses in robes


maybe i would also take a bath in all the money that i got from subs

Edited by Runeshard
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Are you still paying just so you could dwell in the forums here then?


All you EVER do is complain and trash SWTOR yet you are still here, somethings fishy there.

Has Troll written all over the place.

Newsflash: SWG is dead as it should be, if it was any good in the recent years it would be alive and kicking, it was **** and it died.

So you can't have any choices in SWTOR but there are choices in SWG, a sandbox MMO, another thing you said that is pure trolling.


How dare you ? didn't you see what changed in the last month of the game ? Atmo' flight , frigate vs frigate space battle with new tokens and ship , ground vs air fight , possibility to go in space with the atmo flight , as example of course :p

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I'm sick of this crap. This is a game. Many people, myself included, are really enjoying many aspects of this game. If that's not you, then find something that you will enjoy. I didn't wake up this morning and say, "I wonder if some random a-hole dislikes something I enjoy." .


He started the thread and that means your trolling... BTW, you chose to post in it...

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yes i can go to serveral planets but there are just no quests ? !


just another example, why does a smuggler has to use 2 pistols, why cant i choose vibro sword or rifle or anything ?


its just poor design and nothing more, they are taking away the star wars feeling because your smuggler/bh/jedi is the same like the other one that is standing next to you


This is so true :(

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Sorry to say it but you may have chosen to defend the wrong person.










I didn't just see someone not liking the game and attack that person. I see someone whose started to spam the forums with posts like these, a person who attacks and mocks people who say they like the game and a person who admits to only re-subing so he can access the forums, not hard to see what he does here either.


Fyi, I have issues with the game as well, character appearance customisation and teaming limitations being among them. I express these views from time to time, what I don't do is actively and intentionally try to make the game sound worse off than it is.


This last one, containing the remark about fixing unnecessary things goes quite well with your signature btw.


no one cares, you can quote my posts as long as you like, stop trolling this thread by posting offtopic things.


bioware defense force much ?

Edited by SwordoftheStars
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