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play the greatest saga ever: your own


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play the greatest saga ever told: your own


Your confusing this game with SWG, that was SOE advertising slogan.


But I agree that the amount of choice in this game is severly limited, especially gear progression. I can only name one MMO that TOR competes with for the title of worst gear progression and that would be Age of Conan. Just like TOR you are forced to wear a ugly brown sack for 40 levels!


I left AoC for the poor gear progression and it will be the same reason I leave TOR.


Perhaps a Barbie Dress Up MMo would be more to your liking?


Or an MMO where you design dresses and have fashion shows.


Sorry but the gear looks in line with the lore and to say you are forced to wear a brown sack for 40 levels is a bit of a stretch. Is it the skittles vomit inducing clown color explosion of gear that WoW has? Nope and some of us like it that way just fine.


Seriously though, if you're all about the dressing up, there are a lot of game choices for you.








Don't take this as an insult. My favorite thing about SWTOR atm is the fact that I get to play dress up with 6 characters at once. Not even kidding here.

Edited by Sparklehorse
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they are advertising this game like you could make any choices.


infact you cant make any crappy decision, everything is on rails or it does not make any difference.


- cant choose ship

- cant choose weapon

- cant choose where to level

- dark/light has no impact

- cant choose where to pvp

- cant choose crap



making Star Wars a themed mmorpg was a totally bad decision. The movies are based on an endless universe with countless of decisions to make, that have impact on the world.


smuggler do smuggle things, bountyhunters hunt other people nothing is possible in this game. Its just awkward and not starwars like. even SWG was better and it had real planets not just "zones"


There is nothing in the Zones why you should come back to them, everyone is hanging out in the fleet. Sry BW you failed .




Agree. BW started making this MMO when hotkeyed,themepark style was at a prime. In 2012.. it is over used and boring.

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I think the choices are fine. I love to read what happens depending on what you choose.


The game can't change permanently because it would impact your story line outside what has already been written and coded into the game. You still have to follow your "story tunnel".


It would be really cool to have that someday but as for now I love the RP aspect enough.

Edited by Arkerus
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So, if you think Star Wars shouldn't have an mmo, as you clearly stated in your rant, why are you here?


I mean if you thought it was a bad idea from the start just like that, I wouldn't have bought an account for said game and actively participated in it.


He said it shouldn't have been a THEMED MMO.


Which I kind of agree they could have went much further with a sandbox themepark hybrid.


I like the game, it's enjoyable enough but I agree their marketing jargon is complete ********. There are no amazing choices that total redirect gameplay or the flow of the story like we are led to believe. You choose this or you choose that, in the end it makes very little difference. The only real choice we are given is what AC to play, whether we are light or dark (which again has very little meaning), and which companion we want to use while leveling. Hell your abilities don't even change based on your alignment like they kept saying they would.



Choice in this game is a farce in comparison to other Bioware games. In fact it's a farce in comparison to any other game where you have choices.


Had they opened to and design the game based on a more sandbox hyrbid feel they could have accomplished the whole "choice matters" line. But as it is, they didn't.


I'm not saying it's a bad game but they really do need to stop toting the choice feature because that feature is irreparably broken.

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Okay so you bought the game without doing any research into it and are annoyed it wasn't what you wanted, to bad. Yet as people have said you are still subscribed and are posting here, It's either you just love these forums to much to leave or you used a game card.


It's a story based mmo, quite hard to give you complete freedom.


Light and dark choices do matter, they can change outcomes of quests.


I don't see why weapons is an issue It's the star wars universe troopers had guns and sith and Jedi had lightsabers It's just how it is.


You have complained a lot but not put any suggestions on how it should happen so from that I assume you don't actually know what you want and won't ever be happy with the game

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- cant choose ship

You picked this when you picked your class. And I'm sure there will be future content that will allow this.

- cant choose weapon

They're making it so you can swap mods from tier gear into other items. So you can get yourself a fully decked out vibrosword if you want once they do that.

- cant choose where to level

Space missions, PvP, questing, flashpoints. If you even go too fast you can easily skip planets. Just finish your class storyline on it and move on. I had to do this twice.

- dark/light has no impact

It's mostly a cosmetic thing. But there are quests that change based on your choice. Example being Black Talon where the first boss will change based on your choices. There are many quests that are effected by this.

- cant choose where to pvp

I agree with this one. I'd say there's world PvP but I wont encourage Ilum....

- cant choose crap

You can choose not to play.



making Star Wars a themed mmorpg was a totally bad decision. The movies are based on an endless universe with countless of decisions to make, that have impact on the world.


You're once guy/gal. By the end of the current storyline you've just gotten into a true seat of power. Why should you have that big of impact on the world around you already?


smuggler do smuggle things, bountyhunters hunt other people nothing is possible in this game. Its just awkward and not starwars like. even SWG was better and it had real planets not just "zones"

I'd like to see a daily class quest based on these things. Create three difficulties to chose from to allow more challenges for higher geared players. I'm the Emperor's Wrath. Yet I have not received orders to do something with it.


There is nothing in the Zones why you should come back to them, everyone is hanging out in the fleet. Sry BW you failed .


Datacrons. They're overall fun. Unless you like 40minute balloon rides that like to pop out from under you 3 minutes from the destination forcing you to take 2+hrs to do a 40minute trip. Or the MGGS boss. Then they're all fun.

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Okay so you bought the game without doing any research into it and are annoyed it wasn't what you wanted, to bad. Yet as people have said you are still subscribed and are posting here, It's either you just love these forums to much to leave or you used a game card.


It's a story based mmo, quite hard to give you complete freedom.


Light and dark choices do matter, they can change outcomes of quests.


I don't see why weapons is an issue It's the star wars universe troopers had guns and sith and Jedi had lightsabers It's just how it is.


You have complained a lot but not put any suggestions on how it should happen so from that I assume you don't actually know what you want and won't ever be happy with the game


honestly there is no advertise that is telling you , that this is a singleplayer game with coop on rails.


Im not saying the game is bad at all but it could have been so much more, right now its not living up to having the Star Wars Name tagged onto it .


again this is my opinion

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Why can't people just enjoy this game for what it is?


Because people are brought in being told one thing and when they get there it's something unexpected. Natural response really.


I mean if a store in the mall says it's selling name brand shoes for $50.00 and you get there and it's just one pair of shoes with the logo "Name Brand" on them you'd be kind of upset too wouldn't you?




I'm not upset, I know how the industry works, I know everyone basically lies to get their product sold, but I completely understand some of the more legitmate complaints people have.

Edited by HavenAE
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Im not saying the game is bad at all but it could have been so much more, right now its not living up to having the Star Wars Name tagged onto it .


again this is my opinion


^ this is pretty much my opinion too.



The game is fun, but it doesn't live up to the epicness that it could be with a Star Wars IP, so far Bioware has failed to deliver on many expectation. But the game is young, we'll see how it looks at 6 months.

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just some other things :


why should a bountyhunter run around and heal people ? show me any Star Wars movie or book where a merc is healing people ?


same with sith inquisitor why should he/she care about other peoples health, star wars anywhere ?


smugglers are also not running around invisible while shooting peoples in the back with shootguns


some things in this game dont make any sense at all, they are just copied and pasted to fit in the current mmorpg standard.


innovations where ?

Edited by SwordoftheStars
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im just stating my opinion and you dont have to read it or agree, i respect your opinion of the game and i await the same from other people.


Don't give us that, all you're doing is moaning, torlling and hating on the forums. Doesn't take a long look at your post history to figure that out.

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I will apologize in advance for being all over the place with this reply because I am in a hurry.




Why would someone say that SWG was a "crapfest" unless they played the last year of its existence?


NGE was a crap system. And SWTOR resembles the NGE more than any other game i've played (since i never played WoW). Prior to NGE it was a intuitive game... Far more intuitive than SWTOR. I like SWTOR for what it is... I play it like a single player game with a chat system... I play alone most of the time because I only have one real life friend that plays this game with me and for the longest time we were 10-20 levels apart so playing together was sort of out of the question.


So we would do our class quests and just send /tells or /whispers to each other spouting what we liked and what we didnt like as we played.


I like to think im a reasonable person. I do have fun playing this game, but as I said before... far from intuitive... I feel like im playing a hundred facebook games within one big star wars game... What I mean by that is, I feel like crafting is like a iphone app game or some farmsville hybrid where im constantly clicking create buttons and hoping something different happens randomly (crits or REing schematics at random).


Space combat is just Lego Star Wars with slightly better graphics. Creating ship parts is a joke. I miss the days when JTL (jump to lightspeed) first came out and i could spend countless days working on collecting premium components to RE into one super component... eventually making a ship that was incredibly ****** and set me apart from every other guy that just "casually" flew in space.... Why should I have the same lame ship as everyone else if I want to specialize in flying?.... Han solo had the fastest ship in the galaxy.... Its not like his engine was sold on the galactic market for 20,000 credits for anyone who wanted it.... Otherwise there would have been hundreds of millennium falcons.


Theres nothing to really set you aside from anyone else in the game...


Everyone in this game is "heroic". And for a "MMORPG" theres not much for "RP". When everyone has the same base story classes, then really everyone is just a clone of each other minus a few different "choices" they made... but we've all shot the same people... blew up the same factories... stopped the same bad guys.... blah blah blah...


I understand what the OP is trying to say... i dont think its a whine fest... just a let down on high expectations. I will still play the game with the hopes they will improve the things I don't like and continue to enjoy the things that i DO like.


As far as weapons go... I would have liked to be able to use rifles or heavy weapons if I wanted as a BH... I always halfway felt ripped off being forced to use a blaster pistol... What kind of bounty hunter doesnt switch up their loadout depending on the job?... I understand I have different gadgets... that part is nifty... But sometimes maybe using a rifle over a blaster pistol would be advisable... All the BH's in the SW universe had different styles... Not all of them were like Jango Fett.


So thats what my point is.... I just think there should be more options to set you apart from everyone else if this is to be a RPG... If not, its fine the way it is. It should have been KOTOR 3 instead of SWTOR based on how they designed the game.. thats my opinion.

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Don't give us that, all you're doing is moaning, torlling and hating on the forums. Doesn't take a long look at your post history to figure that out.


your decision to dismiss my posts, also im not going to read everyones post history


i think i have some valid points, you can think what you want, its only my opinion there is no need to dig out my entire post history


im not hating, i allready said i had some fun moments with the game but thats it, taking 15 bucks a month for this is just not right

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im not hating, i allready said i had some fun moments with the game but thats it, taking 15 bucks a month for this is just not right


Are you still paying just so you could dwell in the forums here then?


All you EVER do is complain and trash SWTOR yet you are still here, somethings fishy there.

Has Troll written all over the place.

Newsflash: SWG is dead as it should be, if it was any good in the recent years it would be alive and kicking, it was **** and it died.

So you can't have any choices in SWTOR but there are choices in SWG, a sandbox MMO, another thing you said that is pure trolling.

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Y'all people need to stop feeding the trolls. Let him whine and the thread die.


8 Effing pages of replies for a "this game sucks because I don't like it" post. I usually don't post in these threads as I don't want to give it the bumps, but that's not working.


Please let this thread die, and let this guy go away quietly. :rolleyes:

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wow, people have died and does this make you any different then the other 100000 people that made this decision ?


you are lvl 50 hanging out in the fleet and have maybe some dark teint in your face


Newsflash: This is an MMO. You are not a special snowflake


Seriously, the Story is phenomenal in this game. Yes, I know, every other Conuslar is hailed the Bar'senthor, every other Trooper rebuilds Havoc Squad, etc. So? Everyone who played Mass Effect is Sheppard and saved the Citadel from Sovereign. Only difference is in an MMO, there's more than jkust me playing, so, there's gonna be more than one Jedi COnsular or Sith Warrior. However, when my character speaks with the Jedi Council, my CHARACTER is the one who saved them and sits on the COuncil now, they make no reference or acknowledgement to the Jedi Consular who i passed on the Fleet.


This is part of an MMO. Seriously, do you know how many Kingslayers there were on myserver alone in WoW? Same deal. They helped to kill Arthas, in a raid, same as I did. The difference though, in WoW (or other MMO's) I helped. Heck, my raid didn;t even get to kill him, the NPC with the fancy sword did. We were the diversion. In SWTOR, Arthas would fall to my lightsaber and the weapons of my raid. In SWOTR, the PC's are the important ones.

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