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Leaving aside the rest of your unnecessarily snide and condecending post, I should point out to you that purple crystals are not rare. They're exclusive. There's a difference. Anybody who's level 50 can get one. So long as they're Imperial, that is.


Oh forgive me your royal wordliness!


Of course, it couldn't be that BW may have considered purple crystal to be rare in the SW(TOR) universe and therefore has made it an exclusive item to a chosen few characters?




You may want to notice the difference between the SW(TOR) universe lore and and the game mechanics.


Or can you show me anywhere in the SW(TOR) universe lore that Reps are actually incapable of touching purple crystals?


That they disintegrate upon contact with the crystal?


To allow only certain characters access to purple crystals it is a game mechanic that BW has implemented so that purple crystals are considered to be rare.


(You may also want to notice that when I say SW(TOR) I'm actually talking about both the SW Enhanced Universe lore as well as the specific SWTOR lore...)

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Oh forgive me your royal wordliness!


Of course, it couldn't be that BW may have considered purple crystal to be rare in the SW(TOR) universe and therefore has made it an exclusive item to a chosen few characters?




You may want to notice the difference between the SW(TOR) universe lore and and the game mechanics.


Or can you show me anywhere in the SW(TOR) universe lore that Reps are actually incapable of touching purple crystals?


That they disintegrate upon contact with the crystal?


To allow only certain characters access to purple crystals it is a game mechanic that BW has implemented so that purple crystals are considered to be rare.


(You may also want to notice that when I say SW(TOR) I'm actually talking about both the SW Enhanced Universe lore as well as the specific SWTOR lore...)


You really do have some issues don't you. You take things very personal and I think your age is more on the younger side then you are trying to show others. Not sure why but hey, their your hang ups not mine.


That said, this game's Cannon is KOTOR, the old republic, not Sam Jackson or Mace Windu. How he got it (which trust me, I know most things about Mace windu as he is my favourite character) has absolutely no bearing on this game. Want to know why?


1. This game is set 3000 years before Mace Windu.

2. In KOTOR 1 and 2 it was no great shakes to get 1.

3. In Beta, both sides had them from quests and from vendors so at the time Bioware didn't see it as something they wanted to be rare.

4. If they decided it is to be rare, then why rare to non existant (as in no one I have seen or read has got on on the republic) on the republic side and then PVP on the Sith with some columbi or something crystals on the other?


The original question still stands and that is why do Sith get Purple and not Republic.


Please feel free to once again use your condesending tone on me and other posters, but in the end I would prefer it if you crawled under whatever bridge it is you hibernate and troll on someone elses post please.

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Guess what: I like black (no emo!) Can I have black crystals by lvl 10?


Guess what: I like red! Can I use a red lightsaber without ever having been on the dark side?




Your lightsaber is not a fashion statement!


The SW universe has a mythology behind the colors/crystals.


Whether BW actually followed that is up to them.


But apparently they felt that yes, purple should not be a everyday colour for crystals.


Live with it! Or play some social game.


You're very quick to assure me that you liking black is not a fashion statement, so why do you think that my liking purple is one? Also, what's wrong with wanting color crystal diversity? Why don't you want your favorite color(s) available as color crystals in the game? Why do you care if anyone else does? Why do you act as if you are personally offended by things that other people would like to see added in the game? Is there anything you deem important enough to ask Bioware for? Should we know what they are so we can nitpick you over them and try to make you feel stupid for it like you try to do to.. well everyone everywhere that I see you post. Why do you post on these forums if you don't like anyone here? Why do you play a game with people you don't like?


So many questions.. but I have more. Have you ever thought about seeing a therapist? Or possibly someone that could teach you some social skills? Either one would probably do. Good luck out there~!

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You're very quick to assure me that you liking black is not a fashion statement, so why do you think that my liking purple is one? Also, what's wrong with wanting color crystal diversity? Why don't you want your favorite color(s) available as color crystals in the game? Why do you care if anyone else does? Why do you act as if you are personally offended by things that other people would like to see added in the game? Is there anything you deem important enough to ask Bioware for? Should we know what they are so we can nitpick you over them and try to make you feel stupid for it like you try to do to.. well everyone everywhere that I see you post. Why do you post on these forums if you don't like anyone here? Why do you play a game with people you don't like?


So many questions.. but I have more. Have you ever thought about seeing a therapist? Or possibly someone that could teach you some social skills? Either one would probably do. Good luck out there~!




Eloquently put m8. I couldn't have responded any better. Er, am I okay calling you m8 or is that an insult;)


Devs, wheres the Republic Purple Crystals please...

Edited by Solomace
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Eloquently put m8. I couldn't have responded any better. Er, am I okay calling you m8 or is that an insult


Devs, wheres the Republic Purple Crystals please...


It's no big deal, I think he just enjoys a good argument over the internet, right Goreson? I wouldn't get too worked up over it :p


I'm just worried that Bioware has deemed purple to be part of the "Imperial color scheme", so to speak, and republic will never see it. They want to keep the factions distinct, but I don't think limiting color crystals is a very wise idea. The repuplic already has population problems according to (admittedly anecdotal) evidence

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This game is set 3000 years before Mace Windu.


Since Mace Windu was the only Jedi ever to obtain a Hurrikaine crystal, how can you obtain one 3000 years before he does?


That just doesn't make sense.


Sith get them because we know where they are...

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Everyone not having access to everything is a good thing. imo ...


That being said, I must tease you a bit about this cause I have seen it multiple times ...


/rant off.


This is redundant .... /rant is nerd speak for 'end of rant'. The 'off' is the '/' ... Using nerd speak requires correct usage. Nerds are very particular when it comes to proper syntax :)

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Since Mace Windu was the only Jedi ever to obtain a Hurrikaine crystal, how can you obtain one 3000 years before he does?


That just doesn't make sense.


Sith get them because we know where they are...


Hmmm, let me see, you know enough about the Purple Crystal that Mace got, but seem to exclude the cannon set 3000 years before him?


3000 years ago in KOTOR 1 and 2, you could get Purple Crystals from many people including getting them from the Crystal cave. So either all Purple Crystals were Hurrikane Crystals and were widely available 3000 years ago, or there were many different types of Purple Crystals.


All this harping on about Mace Windu and Sam Jackson, tbh means diddly about getting the Purple Crystal. I love Mace as a Character and want to model my own toon on him, but how and why he got his crystal 3000 years later, is totally irrelevant when put against KOTOR 1 and 2 and the EU universe at this time.


They are not that Rare that the Sith side can get them are they?


Tons of Sith NPC that I fight and kill have them, so why can I not pick theirs up? I don't see many mobs with Magenta LS or White or any of the fabled ones that are rare, so why make Purple rare for Sith and unobtainable for Republic?

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All I want is a simple purple crystal that I can get a level 10 (I am 40 btw) as to me, it's all about the apperance of my toon. Isn't it with everyone? Do we all not like to deck out our toons with gear we like the look of?


No, we all don't really care that much about the color of our crystals/gear. Some do. Most don't.

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No, we all don't really care that much about the color of our crystals/gear. Some do. Most don't.


You may not care about the colour of your gear or crystal, but are you saying you don't care about the appearance of your toon which having a purple LS for me, is just as important as me being bald, black with a goatee and size 3.


So how did you pick your race or did you just click on the first one it came up with? Second did you just keep it at female and the stock appearance? So in no way did you talior the look of your toon to what you wanted him/her to look? Big, small, black, white, hair no hair, all these things are appearance of you toon which you did nothing at all too?


If you were to say no to all these things, I call butkiss on what you say;). Okay, I know that some people don't care at all about their appearance, but I bet it's a small amount and by small I mean smallllll...

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