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Yep, that's right Devs. I know your busy fixing stuff, but every day I will post asking for an explaination (please), why Republic don't have access to Purple Crystals and what your mindset was behind this.


To me it's just as big an issue as Ilum, as I haven't been to it so it doesn't effect me. I know that sounds selfish, however I am sure there are things you want that others don't care about and guess what, I am paying the same amount as you so I feel I have some justification in voicing my opinion just like you are free to do the same (even to flame me is fine as your paying dosh too);)


If they give a reason why, that would help as I don't have to agree but at least I would have more respect for the logic as to why Reps cannot get purple crystals.


/rant off.

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As a Empire player I also want purple crystals. I don't want to be forced to use X saber because I can't remove the crystal in it. I don't know about you but for me appearance is important (and the sound the lightsaber does) and I don't want to feel like a clone trooper.


Oh, and since I've a big fan of the "exclusive items for the neutral side" I propose that the purple crystal should be for the neutral side only while removing the ability to use blue (light) and red (dark) for neutral characters.

Edited by Citronvand
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Go to SWTOR-spy and look on there. As far as I can see there are no restrictions on faction in obtaining these. Just time and comitment.


Personaly, I can't see anyone realy getting these schematics and crystal unless they are the guild/raid articifer, or have a very dedicated group of friends.

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Not sure I don't think the crystal says requires dark 1 or anything so and it may just be it is more easily obtainable by the empire I don't think there has been anything says republic can not get it.


From what I read, it's obtainable as a LS only on PVP Empire side and Republic equivelant is Cyan.


I also hear that Empire only can get it from some other sources, but it seems it's "impossible" for Republic to get it. And I am not talking about Magenta.


All I want is a simple purple crystal that I can get a level 10 (I am 40 btw) as to me, it's all about the apperance of my toon. Isn't it with everyone? Do we all not like to deck out our toons with gear we like the look of?


Doesn't even need any stats...


And before someone talks about entitlement etc and that you have to work hard for rare stuff, trust me, after camping the Sandgiant in the ocean of tears for the ancient ring of ro in EQ, I know all about working hard. My point on this is that this crystal shouldn't be hard to get at all.


It wasn't hard to get in Kotor 1 or 2 so what makes this any different considering TOR is supposed to be Kotor 3,4,5,6,7 etc?


Finally, nope don't bring in the Mace Windu had to work hard for his, or that Sam Jackson asked for it, I know all this and it means squat because Kotor 1 is canon for this game, as it's set 3000 years before what we know and as mentioned, in Kotor 1, I was purpled out with 2 LS and was loving it.


Wheres my Purple dudes...

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Not sure I don't think the crystal says requires dark 1 or anything so and it may just be it is more easily obtainable by the empire I don't think there has been anything says republic can not get it.


The only weapons that have it are empire vendors on the Imperial fleet. Same with the cyan crystal on the Republic fleet. For those of you who haven't made 50, you'll note that all 50 gear is unmoddable. The actual "crystal" doesn't exist in the game per se. It only exist as a part of a locked item from reward vendors.

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The only weapons that have it are empire vendors on the Imperial fleet. Same with the cyan crystal on the Republic fleet. For those of you who haven't made 50, you'll note that all 50 gear is unmoddable. The actual "crystal" doesn't exist in the game per se. It only exist as a part of a locked item from reward vendors.


Yep, this is what I have been told.


Also, wasn't purple crystals and removal purple crystals in Beta and on both sides? I read people could get it from an early level and that it was no biggie.


When I look at all the database sites, they show a ton of items with removal purple crystals and quite a lot of quests that gave out purple crystals. This is no longer the case and the mission rewards have changed and the items changed too.


I am still at a loss as to why if this was the case, they changed their minds at release and said, "nah, Reps don't want purple and Sith only need it at 50".


Who thought it and why?

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there are no restriction on purple colour crystals. You should google or youtube it first before saying republic cannot get the purple crystal. You can get both light and dark purple crystals and you can get both empire and republic. They are just very rare and very hard to get.

There is a vid on youtube also showing how to get the schematics to craft a purple crystal you need a 4 man group of lvl 50s with competant gear to defeat world boss on belsavis i think which can drop a schematic for the crafting of a purple crystal. The mats to create this are even harder to get which is why they are rare to see people with purple lightsabres.


considering alot of people will want purple crystals im sooooo glad bioware made them a really rare item for the best players and guilds to get thats wat makes these games good to make sure everyone cant get everything by just doing their class quests.


well done bioware



and that is purple and not magenta i was talking bout

Edited by borntwokillsamos
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All I want is a simple purple crystal that I can get a level 10 (I am 40 btw) as to me, it's all about the apperance of my toon. Isn't it with everyone? Do we all not like to deck out our toons with gear we like the look of?


Well, of course we all want to 'deck out our toon with gear we like the look of'... hey, wait, I love latex fetish gear, I want my Jedi chick to look like a deathdealer from Underworld (not going for more X rated option... though... ;))


Or maybe I feel like playing a bodytype 3 dude in drag today: some silver high heels, miniskirt... oh, wait, no, I actually want him to wear the dancer outfit! Yeah...


Seriously, are you sure that you want a purple lighsaber because you think it fits your character just right or because it is kewl to have one? :rolleyes:

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there are no restriction on purple colour crystals. You should google or youtube it first before saying republic cannot get the purple crystal. You can get both light and dark purple crystals and you can get both empire and republic. They are just very rare and very hard to get.

There is a vid on youtube also showing how to get the schematics to craft a purple crystal you need a 4 man group of lvl 50s with competant gear to defeat world boss on belsavis i think which can drop a schematic for the crafting of a purple crystal. The mats to create this are even harder to get which is why they are rare to see people with purple lightsabres.


considering alot of people will want purple crystals im sooooo glad bioware made them a really rare item for the best players and guilds to get thats wat makes these games good to make sure everyone cant get everything by just doing their class quests.


well done bioware



and that is purple and not magenta i was talking bout



Wrong. Purple do far is empire only. Magenta is pink. Check these forums, especially about crystals and it shows purple is sith only, pvp or columbi (spelling) items.


By know I think a lot of these "best guilds and players" as you say, would have found schematics and stuff with purple in them but nope.


Talking out of your....;)

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Well, of course we all want to 'deck out our toon with gear we like the look of'... hey, wait, I love latex fetish gear, I want my Jedi chick to look like a deathdealer from Underworld (not going for more X rated option... though... ;))


Or maybe I feel like playing a bodytype 3 dude in drag today: some silver high heels, miniskirt... oh, wait, no, I actually want him to wear the dancer outfit! Yeah...


Seriously, are you sure that you want a purple lighsaber because you think it fits your character just right or because it is kewl to have one? :rolleyes:


Interesting. I take it you don't care about the look of your toon? Well guess what, a large portion of players like the look of their toons and try to get them to match their favourite character from SW.


Guess what, I like Mace Windu and I like his purple LS.


I take it you think it's cool to use the word kewl, or are you just a crap speller as well as a troll;)

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I don't get why purple is such a big deal. Every other Star Wars game has made Purple reasonably obtainable and it's what I've liked to use all the way back to Jedi Knight II. I've used them in KOTOR, KOTOR II, The Force Unleashed, etc. It's just the color saber I like, and I don't get why it's so heavily restricted.


You should be able to get mediocre purple crystals all the way up to awesome ones as far as color goes, with the awesome stats being rarer rather than the color.


As far as rareness also, it doesn't really make the purple all that awe-inspiring just as a color since Level 12 mobs all over Dromund Kaas have them.

Edited by SingleCoilPickup
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It should be like the yellow and orange crystals (both which look the same...) but force you to use 2 blue and 2 red to craft.


PERSONALLY I think that artificers should get a BoP Color Crystal at 400 skill that we can use a color wheel to select the outside and inside color. Make it require that bio filament and a level 50 Artifiact so its not super easy but easier than the magenta.


I do understand WHY the purple is not available, they wanted people to be able to tell someone was using a PVP weapon or so I thought until I realized the columi weapons have purple crystals (that you can pull out)


Really you should be able to just have fun and get real creative if you are an artificer with it IMO.


For some fun though, here is me half nekkid playing with lots of LS colors...


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Interesting. I take it you don't care about the look of your toon? Well guess what, a large portion of players like the look of their toons and try to get them to match their favourite character from SW.


Guess what, I like Mace Windu and I like his purple LS.


I take it you think it's cool to use the word kewl, or are you just a crap speller as well as a troll;)




You are funny! :rolleyes:


Okay, guess what: I get that MMOs are all about the 'look' of your avatar.


Believe me, I'd bet on it that I've had a case of 'toonism' for a good many years more that you, potentially even longer than you've been alive (visual design for late 70s D&D characters!)


But here is the catch: just like back then no chainmail bikini was included in D&D (which obviously would have been great for 'babe' characters) SWTOR opted to keep the purple crystal an extremely rare item.


Why? Ask them! (Or try to paint your own picture using that fab tool called something like 'ghooooouuuggle'...)


Which in your case makes things rather simple: work with what you you got i.e. the available crystals (which may potentially lead to 'oooh, wait, I can't use a blue lightsaber, that just clashes with my overall look! I guess I have to go dark side...)


Or put all your energy into getting a purple crystal. (What did another poster say: for 500,000 credits on the market? Well, there you go!)

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You are funny! :rolleyes:


Okay, guess what: I get that MMOs are all about the 'look' of your avatar.


Believe me, I'd bet on it that I've had a case of 'toonism' for a good many years more that you, potentially even longer than you've been alive (visual design for late 70s D&D characters!)


But here is the catch: just like back then no chainmail bikini was included in D&D (which obviously would have been great for 'babe' characters) SWTOR opted to keep the purple crystal an extremely rare item.


Why? Ask them! (Or try to paint your own picture using that fab tool called something like 'ghooooouuuggle'...)


Which in your case makes things rather simple: work with what you you got i.e. the available crystals (which may potentially lead to 'oooh, wait, I can't use a blue lightsaber, that just clashes with my overall look! I guess I have to go dark side...)


Or put all your energy into getting a purple crystal. (What did another poster say: for 500,000 credits on the market? Well, there you go!)



First of all, you don't know how old, I am m8 so what a stupid thing to put into a conversation;) and way to go trying to be condesending m8. But guess what, I am "old" enough to deal with people like yourself:)


However that said, when you say ask them, why do you think I am on here? What does the first line of my original post say?


Please, if your going to respond to a post, please read it first and also have the right information and don't post false stuff. You cannot buy purple crystals at all for either Rep or Empire. You can buy Magenta, but not Purple.



Nice try though.

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While I understand everyone has their own taste and all that....why do so many people want purple sabers? Is it because of Mr.Sam or what? I mean I've seen them yeah they look ok but I don't see whats so great about them that its warranted all the post I've seen about them.


No it has nothing to do with it. Purple is just my favorite color, hell, every article of clothing I'm wearing right now is purple, it's not some rare mythical magical thing. It's just purple.


And I'm already tired of blue/red/green lightsabers, they all look the same after awhile. I'm glad I at least found a cool looking vibrosword to mix things up a little, because playing this game for any length of time and using a weapon with almost no variability in appearance is going to be boring.


Plus, I am Empire, and I want purple too :S Honestly, I want more colors, not just purple. Why they gotta be so rare? Blue lightsaber, red lightsaber, blue blue blue, red, blue, red red red blue.. blehhh.

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First of all, you don't know how old, I am m8 so what a stupid thing to put into a conversation;) and way to go trying to be condesending m8. But guess what, I am "old" enough to deal with people like yourself:)


However that said, when you say ask them, why do you think I am on here? What does the first line of my original post say?


Please, if your going to respond to a post, please read it first and also have the right information and don't post false stuff. You cannot buy purple crystals at all for either Rep or Empire. You can buy Magenta, but not Purple.



Nice try though.


Frankly, boy, I have no interest in knowing how young/old you are.


You brought up the suggestion that I'm not interested in how my character looks. I countered that by advising you how long I have been caring about how my characters look. Condesending? If you say so *shrug*


(And yes, that 'boy' was condesending, because I'm not your m8, simple as that)


Fine, got magenta and purple mixed up... :o


Fact still remains that BW considers purple crystals to be extremely rare.


I assume you know why Samuel L. Jackson wanted a purple lightsaber? To stand out from the crowd.


And if I recall correctly the reason for the rare purple lightsaber he was using was given as Mace Windu having trained in a large number of (lightsaber) fighting styles, including dark side.


Which basically hardly any Jedi in SWTOR will achieve.


That is the explanation somebody non-BW here on the forum would give you. Or at least me.


If you want BW's official statement, maybe try raising a ticket with CS? :p


Purple is just my favorite color, hell, every article of clothing I'm wearing right now is purple, it's not some rare mythical magical thing. It's just purple.


And I'm already tired of blue/red/green lightsabers, they all look the same after awhile. I'm glad I at least found a cool looking vibrosword to mix things up a little, because playing this game for any length of time and using a weapon with almost no variability in appearance is going to be boring.


Plus, I am Empire, and I want purple too :S Honestly, I want more colors, not just purple. Why they gotta be so rare? Blue lightsaber, red lightsaber, blue blue blue, red, blue, red red red blue.. blehhh.


Guess what: I like black (no emo!) Can I have black crystals by lvl 10?


Guess what: I like red! Can I use a red lightsaber without ever having been on the dark side?




Your lightsaber is not a fashion statement!


The SW universe has a mythology behind the colors/crystals.


Whether BW actually followed that is up to them.


But apparently they felt that yes, purple should not be a everyday colour for crystals.


Live with it! Or play some social game.

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While I understand everyone has their own taste and all that....why do so many people want purple sabers? Is it because of Mr.Sam or what? I mean I've seen them yeah they look ok but I don't see whats so great about them that its warranted all the post I've seen about them.


I want purple blasters for my Gunslinger. Purple is her color.



Yeah, so what if my entire group of characters is like a screwed-up version of Power Rangers by having colors and color schemes? It's not like they're dressed in all blue or something.



.... They're like that in Champions, though.

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Fact still remains that BW considers purple crystals to be extremely rare.


Leaving aside the rest of your unnecessarily snide and condecending post, I should point out to you that purple crystals are not rare. They're exclusive. There's a difference. Anybody who's level 50 can get one. So long as they're Imperial, that is.

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