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Why is my SWTOR launcher exe trying to contact University of New Hampsire?


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I bet there were plenty of German Jews who were clowning others with "tinfoil-hat" like references when the Nazis first took power.

I am not saying there is something nefarious going on here.. but there is something nefarious going on here.


Why wouldn't EA just have its own Library thing? That thing was up during beta.. and guess what if you blocked it during beta, the game would not go into server selection. I let mine run because I could care less in the end, if you have a problem with this I suggest you arm yourself like many others are doing.


Someone comes to your house talking smack.. aim for their teeth and pull the trigger.

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This is actually quite funny.


You see... mindless forum-goers complain that they're never given explanations for technical details, just PR cover-stories. Then, someone points something out and gets an answer from a developer giving real explanations for technical details and people proceed to go absolutely insane. Sure, two minutes of research would allow them to educate themselves. Yes, a bit of logic would say that a response from a developer in a field they don't work in might require help in actually understanding. Even an ounce of reason would at least tell them that if they don't have a clue what someone is talking about ("Der... what's a stun protocol?") that they shouldn't start making things up until they have at least some knowledge.


Moral of the story:


The (forum) community is wholly incapable of technical understanding and Bioware shouldn't supply them with any technical information, as they've proven they are neither intelligent nor mature enough to handle it.


Seriously... if you don't know what 'stun' is and couldn't figure out what the dev was talking about, you should have just shut up, or at most, asked for one of the more technically minded posters to give you the Common Person version (after agreeing not to complain that you got the Common Person version).


'stun' is harmless. Quit being whack-job paranoid nutjobs, people.

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I bet there were plenty of German Jews who were clowning others with "tinfoil-hat" like references when the Nazis first took power.

I am not saying there is something nefarious going on here.. but there is something nefarious going on here.


Why wouldn't EA just have its own Library thing? That thing was up during beta.. and guess what if you blocked it during beta, the game would not go into server selection. I let mine run because I could care less in the end, if you have a problem with this I suggest you arm yourself like many others are doing.


Someone comes to your house talking smack.. aim for their teeth and pull the trigger.


Aaaand Godwin's Law raises its ugly head.


You could research how 3rd party libraries work rather than start shouting about the dangers of a 4th Reich. Software developers often use code developed by others. Libraries are what allow us to keep from re-inventing the wheel every time we start a new project. I've used AJAX code that contacts Yahoo every time I do a build. That doesn't mean Yahoo is going to kick a jackboot through your front door.


Knowledge should be your first line of defense. Not a gun to the face of strangers.

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Aaaand Godwin's Law raises its ugly head.


You could research how 3rd party libraries work rather than start shouting about the dangers of a 4th Reich. Software developers often use code developed by others. Libraries are what allow us to keep from re-inventing the wheel every time we start a new project. I've used AJAX code that contacts Yahoo every time I do a build. That doesn't mean Yahoo is going to kick a jackboot through your front door.


Knowledge should be your first line of defense. Not a gun to the face of strangers.


He was being silly

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You do realize that BW could be shipping all our info to a clandestine group who is collecting it for the NSA or something right?


The point is we have no way of knowing what this is truly being used for other than some "oops we didn't realise" statement by a DEV.


People will start saying you are a tinfoil hat paranoid to even suggest it could happen but that's a laugh since that sort of thing has happened many times in the past on the internet with other things. A wise person doesn't just accept the first "oops we didn't know" explanation.


There is a difference between being paranoid and being wise.


So paranoid arnt you?


Just throwing it out, I have not had a swtor phishing email yet, I still get Blizzards... just sayin yo.

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The conneCtion isn't the issue its what data you may have had transmitted to this server. Have you logs of any data being sent to this unIversity?


If datA hasn't been sent then you wont need to worry.


Why did you randomly capitalize CIA in your statement?

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Dirty Cash I want you,


Dirty Cash I need you,




Money Talks,


Money Talks,


I once had Pride, but now that's all behind,


I want to get Rich quick,




Data Farming, lol, you never miss a trick do you EA :)

Edited by Tsaritsin
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Just so you're all aware, this thread has been linked in various places online, and the world is kinda laughing at you all.


Key points that the tinfoil brigade should consider.


1) You're not in the cast of the Matrix. Sorry. Plenty of nefarious things go on in the world, but tracking your SWTOR login habits - via a STUN server of all things - is probably not high on anybody's list.


2) If we ignore #1 and assume that the head of the CIA really HAS to know when the filthy citizenry is playing a Star Wars MMO, he could subpoena Bioware (or EA, whichever) and have those records handed over immediately. Cloak and dagger would be unnecessary and inefficient, however glamorous.


3) If Bioware couldn't supply this information, your ISP could (and would probably do so with a degree of giddiness), as well as far more interesting data into the bargain.


All in all, the idea that this is a clandestine operation by some NWO-esque entity is the most ludicrous theory I've read in months. The day such groups' best work is foiled by a single firewall rule is a sad day indeed. It's almost saddening that peoples' lives are so boring as to require livening up through as tenuous ideas as these.


The push to retain a right to privacy is actively harmed by teenage conspiracy theories such as these.

Edited by ciphero
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Just so you're all aware, this thread has been linked in various places online, and the world is kinda laughing at you all.





oh i see, "the world is laughing at us" therefore what we have said must be absurd...


nice to start your post off with the most obvious logical fallacy based upon an untrue statement. the rest of what you typed can be summarily ignored.

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you tell us sherlock. you have the answers.


Can I surmise, then, that you don't?


There's no sense in debating with somebody who fails to answer the most basic questioning of their argument, so I'll just rejoin the giggling crowd. If this is a trolling effort, well done to you, sir. You've got a good amount of attention from it.


Watching with baited breath!

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Hey everyone,


Due to the odd nature of this issue, one of our developers has asked us to post this on his behalf in order to clarify what is happening:


The network call in question is from a 3rd party library we use as part of our launching system. The call is intended to optimize the performance of a P2P feature of this library which we do not use and do not intend to use. Note that the call is to a public stun protocol server which is, in fact, hosted by the University of New Hampshire. A future update to our launcher will disable this completely.


We hope that answers your question!


wait, some university is stealing the data i have on my computer?

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You realize that this game is (in part) a massive personality test. You are presented with a variety of challenges and the game monitors how you respond. Yes you may be role playing a specific character, but the decisions your character makes are within you in some way. Furthermore, with the encouragement to create alts that is inherent in this game EA has set up a very crude scientific "control" group to see if your other characters choose the same options or play counter. It is valuable information for people to have about each user that plays every character dark. They could be spotting the next lone wolf assassin via Star Wars darksiders.
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You realize that this game is (in part) a massive personality test. You are presented with a variety of challenges and the game monitors how you respond. Yes you may be role playing a specific character, but the decisions your character makes are within you in some way. Furthermore, with the encouragement to create alts that is inherent in this game EA has set up a very crude scientific "control" group to see if your other characters choose the same options or play counter. It is valuable information for people to have about each user that plays every character dark. They could be spotting the next lone wolf assassin via Star Wars darksiders.


this is a very astute observation. the globalists utilize the most rigorous and clandestine methods of social engineering the world has ever seen. technology has paved the way for a new era in high tech surveillance, which is used not just to monitor citizens but mainly to categorize your behaviors and store them in a file, their heuristics programs such as the ones used in Echelon IV create a fingerprint if you will of each file, specific profiles of interest are flagged for further investigation by special agents. it's all part of the move to a global police state run via the UN , World Bank, IMF, BRICs.


Games like this that attract millions of international players are a goldmine of information to the government agencies tasked with this mission, such as the NSA. If you don't think they would stoop so low as to collect data secretly just research the links between the NSA and Google, or Facebook. Or check out the secret backdoors they put into every cell phone that not only monitor your activity, but can listen in to you, and retrieve any file on your phone without you ever knowing.

Edited by Gilbara
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