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Tracer Missile truth!


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Please show me another class that can compete in anyway 2v1, 1v1, whatever with only one keybind. Oh and dont just run your mouth, I want a video of you using another class, with a single keybind, and be successful.


I'm waiting.


A geared sorc could most likely do what that bountyhunter did, but not all classes work the same so ofcourse they won't all be able to do it.


What matters in my eyes is that when played well, a merc will still lose to most classes also played well.

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Not trying to be an ***, But show me a video of another class pulling this off please. I cant believe this was intended.


Funny thing is I never really relized how bad tracer was before I saw that video. Dont get me wrong, I have been on the recieving end of a spammer but most of the time I'm able to avoid it with force camo, and my interupt.


I think its funny that I have every button on my G9 mouse, and every button on my Nostromo game pad assigned, and this class is able to rely on just a couple skills, maybe I'm just bitter.

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Seen this video before but doesnt seem that people actually pay attention to it, you realize the opposite team literally goes out of their way to avoid fighting them? :p


Oh and even bigger fyi.. notice the level on the enemies.. they arent all 50 in 50 brackets yet he clearly has geared up. Next time try paying attention to the details.


Oh and here is some quick little math based on the lol video in wich he fights lowbies. Let us assume the opponents have 15k life. At 2500 a shot *critical* he would take 9 seconds of pure cast time to kill someone. At a more realistic non critical attacks 1300 or so per shot he would take more than 20 seconds of uninterrupted straight casting to kill someone. You really going to ignore someone for that long you deserve to lose :p


*And fyi those calculations are assuming the opponent stands still, does not use any abilities or los.*


Pretty much any class when the whole match looks contrived to make the BH look good. The opposing team obviously isn't very good (possibly isn't even trying) and his teammates are actively keeping enemies off of him. A sorc/sage could easily do as well or better if allowed to freecast like that.




Please show me another class that can compete in anyway 2v1, 1v1, whatever with only one keybind. Oh and dont just run your mouth, I want a video of you using another class, with a single keybind, and be successful.


I'm waiting.


You dismiss the underlevel opponents, the fact the BH is geared, the fact that people seem to ignore him or his team shields him etc.


So keep waiting, there is no "I win" one button for any class on reasonably level ground. If the gormless lackwits he's playing against are going to let him stand at range and nuke them, they deserve everything that's coming to them. Kinda like the chuckleheads who let a sorc stand on the top of the gantries in Huttball blazing away, then complain they're OP... BW can't fix stupid no matter how many patches and nerfs they apply.

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Show me a twinked 49 in pvp, any other class using a single skill.


thank you.


Right, because SOME of the Mercs do it that means ALL of them do it amirite? You realize that sorcs have a spammable Force Lightning if talented, ontop of their OP bubble and their force speed right?

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put tracer on a 5 second cooldown, problem solved.


good bh's say tracer round is only used as part of a rotation so a short cooldown won't won't bother them


bad bh's say tracer rounds aren't op so it won't bother them either.


win win


ermm no i dont think tracer/grav is suppose to be dealing all this damage way i understand it, the move is SUPPOSE to set up a debuff so they can deal proper damage. I believe it is a design flaw its suppose to work like arcane blast in WoW where by using the attack is really not that damaging BUT buff/debuff it applies makes OTHER attacks worth using. As of now that isn't the case each hit from this attack can do 1500-2000 damage...that is as much damage as my chain lightning which requires a 3 second cast and has a cooldown...


in MY opinion damage should come way down and some of other attacks brought up to make it a filler attack and not there bread and butter. IE use tracer for debuff then use other strikes as main form of damage.


of course just my own opinion maybe design is infact just to spam tracer... wouldn't be much different from arcane mages design in WoW where be only cast 1 attack 90% of the time.


Right, because SOME of the Mercs do it that means ALL of them do it amirite? You realize that sorcs have a spammable Force Lightning if talented, ontop of their OP bubble and their force speed right?


which will hit for 1k at best where as tracer hits for 1500-2000 a tick is a HUGE damage difference.

Edited by Lokai
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which will hit for 1k at best where as tracer hits for 1500-2000 a tick is a HUGE damage difference.


Maybe if you are ungeared it will hit for only 1k PER TICK. Sorcs obliterate me with it all day long (and btw Im Bodyguard not Merc, so I dont even have tracer). And they have the shield on top of it absorbing the 2.5k crit of tracer, 2 or 3 of them. Force Lightning also provides a slow, making it take longer to LoS or get out of range, which in turn gives the FL more ticks turning that 1k per tick into a 3k damage ability, if the sorc is ungeared. And btw, Tracer doesnt tick, its a casted ability not a channeled ability, you are thinking of Unload.

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You dismiss the underlevel opponents, the fact the BH is geared, the fact that people seem to ignore him or his team shields him etc.


So keep waiting, there is no "I win" one button for any class on reasonably level ground. If the gormless lackwits he's playing against are going to let him stand at range and nuke them, they deserve everything that's coming to them. Kinda like the chuckleheads who let a sorc stand on the top of the gantries in Huttball blazing away, then complain they're OP... BW can't fix stupid no matter how many patches and nerfs they apply.


Hi! I'm a dps shadow with light armor.


Can I have an ability that I can spam at low force cost that can crit for 3-4K?



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Hi! I'm a dps shadow with light armor.


Can I have an ability that I can spam at low force cost that can crit for 3-4K?




Sure, roll Sage and spec whatever their version of the Lightning/Madness hybrid is.


While we are at it, can i haz bubble-speed-win?

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Hi! I'm a dps shadow with light armor.


Can I have an ability that I can spam at low force cost that can crit for 3-4K?




Seen a shadow hit a 5.6k project crit with a 2.8k procc crit, not spammable sure but it's instant and hits hard.


Also tracer doesn't crit 4k unless you're stucking buffs.


Edit: And no i'm not saying shadows hit regular hits like that=p

Edited by mutee
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From the sounds of things, mercs are saying "I have to spam tracer missile 5x on every target I encounter right away"


Obviously much harder than spamming. Having to count to 5 isn't easy


Only need to use it 3 times for max stacks of heat sig, but still, tracer is our filler skill, it doesn't do that much damage and is easy to interrupt, apart from being very basic i don't understand the complaints.

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Only need to use it 3 times for max stacks of heat sig, but still, tracer is our filler skill, it doesn't do that much damage and is easy to interrupt, apart from being very basic i don't understand the complaints.


I dunno, I guess people just don't like seeing 1 button heroes

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Ok, I am a trooper and gunnery is not my choice spec, but I did play it for a while. WE DO NOT SPAM TRACER MISSLE AND GRAV ROUND. We have several abilities that feed off it.


1. It akes 3 grav rounds to stack the 5x armor debuff.


2. Demolition round follows which it's damage is increased by the debuff grav round gave.


3. Grav round generates charged barrel increasing damage done by high impact bolt so HIB follows.


4. If not getting hit and full auto has proced with 25% damage increase use it.


Where in that rotation is spamming grav round? Do you other classes have no main ability that others feed off of.


We didnt design the class, bioware did, and when we get locked out of grav round by interrupts we have pretty much no other abilities save hammer shot or throwing a sticky grenade for low damage that can take it's place.


As many time as I have been ripped apart by being chained cc'ed by operatives, inquisitors, and marauders.....oh and lets not forgot vanguard/powertech bs.......you are seriously going to complain about grav round?

Edited by Condorius
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Seen this video before but doesnt seem that people actually pay attention to it, you realize the opposite team literally goes out of their way to avoid fighting them? :p


Oh and even bigger fyi.. notice the level on the enemies.. they arent all 50 in 50 brackets yet he clearly has geared up. Next time try paying attention to the details.



184 Expertise, and the 50 bracket.

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lol that vid is hilarious :D


bh/troopers will be nerfed eventually... you guys should have stuck up for concealment ops


now ops either have to heal or play lethality tree dps


after arsenal/gunnery is nerfed you guys can either heal or play pyro dps

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put tracer on a 5 second cooldown, problem solved.


good bh's say tracer round is only used as part of a rotation so a short cooldown won't won't bother them


bad bh's say tracer rounds aren't op so it won't bother them either.


win win


right, its debuff cool down is 5 seconds, you are supposed to stack 5 of them before using other skills.

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lol that vid is hilarious :D


bh/troopers will be nerfed eventually... you guys should have stuck up for concealment ops


now ops either have to heal or play lethality tree dps


after arsenal/gunnery is nerfed you guys can either heal or play pyro dps


Talking out your *** is bad.


Ops got fixed not nerfed, go watch the totalbiscuit interviewing the lead dev for pvp.

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Talking out your *** is bad.


Ops got fixed not nerfed, go watch the totalbiscuit interviewing the lead dev for pvp.


nah its more funny to watch this 1 button spamming merc and seeing you 1 button mashers try and defend it


ops concealment tree got gutted and nothing in return


arsenal/gunnery will follow the same path


lmao.... lead dev for swtor pvp... lol like he has any credibility since pvp is a huge mess

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nah its more funny to watch this 1 button spamming merc and seeing you 1 button mashers try and defend it


ops concealment tree got gutted and nothing in return


arsenal/gunnery will follow the same path


lmao.... lead dev for swtor pvp... lol like he has any credibility since pvp is a huge mess


Unfortunately it has a lot of difference with the concealment nerf, main point being that people can fight back and not instant win :p The vids are pathetic at best, you should see the one one where they just tag opponents and the team does the real killing.. fyi i can tag targets like that using missile blast or really any skill.



p.s. you want to convince anyone its op more than lame? show a vid 3 shotting someone.

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