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5 days early acces versus 7 days early access.


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While it might not seem fair, they run a business and have to stagger the invites. I would think it would be worse to have the server crashing and staying down for a long amount of time. As I've ordered the game in late October, I haven't received my invite yet. But in this case I completely understand and won't complain.
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the way I see it is simply like this. Many of my Guild mates got in on day one, the majority of them havnt made it past level 25 yet, while in all 3 of my beta phases I made it to 25+ in around 2 days. That said I have more or less unlimited play time so I imagine I will catch up to/pass them in short order, Basicly Bioware just evend the playing field a bit.


Same here 2 day's made it to 27 and was without the extra xp in the starter zone

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Most likely because they realize that not all the people they invited have jumped on at that particular time. Most people probably work and thus they know that populations spike after school/work hours. And so they invite during the early day and let the load increase on the servers for the rest of the day/evening. Just my thought on the situation. but i can't imagine it's really all that far fetched.


well that's quite annoying but I see your point

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It's not strictly fair, but it's also not a big deal. Someone who had three more days of head start now might have to spend three days in the hospital later. You know we'll all be sitting on a stable of 50s in a month or two.


What exactly is not fair about Bioware saying, "the earlier you pre-order, the earlier you'll get into early access" and then doing that.


It's real simple. If you wanted to get into early access on day one, you should have pre-ordered on day one. Period.

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I realize that those who preordered are going to be getting most likely 4 days early access. This is exactly what BioWare said may happen with there "Up to 5 days" bit. But what about those players who are getting 7 days as opposed to the 4 and 5 days.


My question is. Do you think it's fair that some people are getting 2 extra days of early access? Do you think it would be fair if they reset everyone whenever everyone who preordered has access? This is strictly an opinion question. No negative comments please.


Ya it's fair, Outside the technical aspects of server loads, they pre-ordered FAR BEFORE you and honestly it's like complaining because the people who showed up hours and hours ahead of you for a premire moving showing got the better/best seats over you.


They helped fund the game while it was being developed, by preordering and showing bw/ea that the game was wanted by players who would buy it.


Though when a gift is given out to make the experiance far better for every player, by literally enabling them to give 4 days+ early access to players who already had the game pre-ordered and not only that but enable future (upto like they day before) pre-orders to happen and get in without major trouble to the servers.


SO yes, it is fair & a very smart idea.


Besides honestly the only thing that might be effected is pvp because of gear, but with respects that can't take off to well with limited player base (the early early access)


players who are not able to look at a tactical gift that was given, should stop and take note of how the technical side works and how dang well this roll out of early access as been.

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I can respect this opinion. My response to that is that I feel BW is pretty much sticking the middle finger up to those who waited to preorder because they wanted some tangible feedback about the game before putting money down on it. What do you think?


I feel like they are doing exactly the opposite of that. They crunched the numbers and realized that people who ordered later wouldn't get in for 2-3 days. So, instead of only giving Dec preorders 1 or 2 days extra, they bumped back early access to the 13th.


It seems like it is because they value their customer base that they changed schedule.


Besides, letting 2mil players on all at the same time would have been...bad. Crashes, lag, massive queues. People would have been on the forums complaining about how horrible of a launch it was and calling them amateurs.

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I realize that those who preordered are going to be getting most likely 4 days early access. This is exactly what BioWare said may happen with there "Up to 5 days" bit. But what about those players who are getting 7 days as opposed to the 4 and 5 days.


My question is. Do you think it's fair that some people are getting 2 extra days of early access? Do you think it would be fair if they reset everyone whenever everyone who preordered has access? This is strictly an opinion question. No negative comments please.


Does everyone that pays to get into Ceder Point ride the new roller coaster at the same time or do they wait in line and wait for their turn???

Edited by boothek
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This point is mute,


This comes down to how long is a peice of string. If you preorder you get in sooner, bioware have stated you will get up to 5 days, by stringing it out over 7 days everybody wins everybody gets in sooner, most people will be in by tonight probably all by saturday, if it wasn't 7 then people would be waiting until after the weekend.


What do people want bioware to do, its just ridiculous self indulged idiocy

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Well I am a firm believer in fairness whenever it comes to products that are available to the masses....even if BW is doing us a favor buy letting us play early it just doesnt feel right to me that people are going to have an advantage over others.



They aren't doing anyone a favour.



Early access does one massive thing for MMO Devs, it spreads the load off Live day.


Yes Live day is still often a nightmare, but without pre-access players it's even worse.


So the more people they can get playing in pre-access, the smooth Live day goes for them.

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I understand your point but in reality, who cares if some people got in early two days or 7 days for that matter ? within a week everyone will be caught up. I understand this is a "I want it now" society but this game is going to be live for years to come and people are complaining about a couple days of being behind? in my opinion i think that just pathetic
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If you don't like it, play on one of the new servers that they open up today/tomorrow/etc.


Someone not seeing the darkside in everything! you sir are a scholar and a saint! Pims on the lawn! <-- not sarcasm surprise at discovering logic.

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Im far down on this forum, but I would express my opinion. I do think that perhaps giving others a few more days head start could be unfair and in many cases it just really unfair such as one of my guildies pre-ordered the first day but lost the code an did not find it until the 9th of DEC. In my own case i preordered at the beginning of November but did not have my account password. I spent weeks trying to get it recovered and i got no response from SWTOR, or origin eventually i was forced to create a new account and enter my preorder on there but by that time it was Early December so I doubt I will get Access until the last day.


Back to topic, it does give an advantage to the others BUT i do agree with many of the other people here in saying I don't think it's that big of a deal, inevitably we will all get to 50 4 to five days wont impact us enough to really matter

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In all honesty, it maybe legal to market this way but it is very unethical, and truly this just shows me BW's true color, it shouldn't be fair that we all paid the same money yet we get the good at different times (it might be as little as days, but that makes a huge difference for many people) ....if only they had thought this out a little better


Somehow I believe that if they did just open the servers wide and had issues this guy would be on the boards yelling, "worst release evah".


This is early access, not release. It is not a penalty to you, but a reward to those that ordered early. We all paid for what we got. Those that ordered early were rewarded for our investment. Those that ordered late are rewarded less. I got 6 days, you'll get less, but you chose your place in the queue, not them, and now you are attempting to blame them for your poor choice.

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We've all been waiting the same amount of time. Just because you preordered before me it doesnt mean I havent been aware of, and anticipating the game as long as you have. BioWare in my opinion is essentially saying "You didnt have faith in us so this is us telling you what's what".



Query: You've been up to par with the game.. yet you've waited until Dec 2011 (roughly 6 months) to register/enter code? You truly expected to get in on day one?


Statement: I can see If you were an uninformed straggler - You'd have deniability. I hope you're posting on an alternate acct of yours, Otherwise the real reason you're not getting full EA - is based solely on your own inability and failure to act.



Fictitious Quote from Bioware: So anyone who buys our game outside of our prerequisite time doesn't have "faith" In us as developers so let's tell them what's what. Query: You seriously believe a mult-million dollar company tells themselves that or wants to put that across as a message to their customers intentionally?


Blatant Sarcastic Conclusion : So of course the wise thing to do would be to intentionally upset a targeted audience of their subscribers; Obliterating any chance of revenue after the years/money invested in this project. That'll show them for doubting us by purchasing our product!

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Somehow I believe that if they did just open the servers wide and had issues this guy would be on the boards yelling, "worst release evah".


This is early access, not release. It is not a penalty to you, but a reward to those that ordered early. We all paid for what we got. Those that ordered early were rewarded for our investment. Those that ordered late are rewarded less. I got 6 days, you'll get less, but you chose your place in the queue, not them, and now you are attempting to blame them for your poor choice.


Sorry this is not a reward we are paying for this up and above the cost of the game. £5 for 5 days is a lot for a subscription for an mmo

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Sorry this is not a reward we are paying for this up and above the cost of the game. £5 for 5 days is a lot for a subscription for an mmo


No, you are seeing it that way because you are all about you. You want to go to the head of the line when you showed up last.


It is reward, you are acting selfish.

Edited by Blackardin
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No, you are seeing it that way because you are all about you. YOU WANT TO GO TO THE HEAD OF THE LINE WHEN YOU SHOWED UP LAST.


It is reward, you are acting selfish.




edit: bolded part sums up all these complaints in a nutshell.

Edited by Denzul
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Sorry this is not a reward we are paying for this up and above the cost of the game. £5 for 5 days is a lot for a subscription for an mmo


Actually, or at least in my case, yes i paid the extra $5 for pre-order, however they also charged me $5 less for the game in the end. the $5 was a deposit to hold your spot for a pre-order. Unless you bought it from some other company that decided to charge you the extra 5 altogether, then you need to deal with their policies. Most places that take pre-orders here all have a deposit fee which is then removed from the game's cost when you pick it up. Therefore you aren't paying anymore than anyone else.


And I'm sure if you check things, no where does it say that the $5 charge is for pre-launch access.

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No, you are seeing it that way because you are all about you. You want to go to the head of the line when you showed up last.


It is reward, you are acting selfish.


Words fail me..... Ok so I must redefine the term reward. Its what I get when I buy some thing. so erase the term transaction and replace with reward.


Just one thing when I go to pay my gas bill should I be grateful to them as I hand over my money? I would hate to appear selfish

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I think you're missing the point. I also said no negative comments. Please take your lame trolling elsewhere.


It's hard not to make negative comments when the premise of your argument is so fundamentally flawed. Your stance is purely emotional, "it's not fair!! :mad::mad:" A logical mind looks at the situation and sees it as perfectly fair, it's first come first serve, it's done every day around the world in countless situations.

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