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5 days early acces versus 7 days early access.


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This thread like all the others saying the system is unfair is pure and simple Jealousy, and the players themselves don't give a damn what system BW use to allocate access, as long as they get in.


Easily proven by the fact that when they get their email, they will leave all this and their moaning behind, boot up and start playing and be happy, and then they won't care again.


Before launch, we all knew this was a staggered access, but how many threads were here complaining then? none that I can remember. But now it's here and people realise they aren't in fact so special that they get in first and they will need to wait a few days, all of a sudden it's time to complain.


Personally I think it's pathetic! I'm a dec registerer and I'll be happy if I can play over the weekend, so if I can get in on tomorrows waves, that's cool. The rest of you still not in should have realised you would not be first, as you all registered much later than when pre-ordering was started, so live with it.

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So by your logic if so many people preorder there then should be a limit or cut off point when it becomes far too many to handle, that here wasn't the case, luckily for them they had the option of moving a start date to accomodate others.


I think this way is better than to cut off preorder-early access entirely, don't you agree?

Edited by Belsebill
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i think y'all are overthinking this a bit too much.

theyre trying to be carefull with letting everyone in all at once but that's not exactly the problem. in my opinion people should have been told what date you could access the game at pre launch. it would have saved a lot of qq ing. if i knew exactly when i could play i wouldnt be hitting the F5 button every day in my mail account, twitter and facebook. i totally agree on easing the players in but we couldve been more informed from bioware about what day we are getting in. the time isnt even important. just what day.

hope to cya soon in game !, and good luck to everyone who isnt in yet.!!:)

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I think this way is better than to cut off preorder-early access entirely, don't you agree?


Yes and no, I don't dislike the queue system what i Dislike is how it's been handled, huge lack of information towards what exactly is happening, I have posted in other thread that more information would of kept people happy for example " we are currently inviting people from dates july x - july x" at the end of that day then say tomorrow we are looking to invite preorders from july x - aug x over 4 waves if all goes well, if any problems arrise we will let you know of revised schedual. but that nerver happened it was all kept in the dark and thats where problems arrise. people like to know whats going on and keeps people at ease.

Edited by Gobrot
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I just found this thread. Some of you guys are amazing. I ordered on the 9th day of December, so I am not in yet, but I am hoping to be in by tomorrow.


I've been checking my email and reading the website every day since the 13th, but I don't feel at all upset about having to wait a couple of more days.


I'm unemployed, and I tend to spend most of my life going from hospital to another. I mean, why even care? Don't you having any more pressing matters to be upset about than holy lord, having to wait a few days?


Pulling equality into the argument doesn't even make any sense. The world would be horribly disorganized if everything was run according to an ideal with total disregard for the potential consequences.


Mind you, we have public health here, and priority lists for surgical operations. Both of which I approve of.

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Yes and no, I don't dislike the queue system what i Dislike is how it's been handled, huge lack of information towards what exactly is happening, I have posted in other thread that more information would of kept people happy for example " we are currently inviting people from dates july x - july x" at the end of that day then say tomorrow we are looking to invite preorders from july x - aug x over 4 waves if all goes well, if any problems arrise we will let you know of revised schedual. but that nerver happened it was all kept in the dark and thats where problems arrise. people like to know whats going on and keeps people at ease.


Well, they did post after yesterday invites that they will invite equally many today and that they count on getting to last week of november or so today.

So perhaps they read your post and heard you? ;)

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I just found this thread. Some of you guys are amazing. I ordered on the 9th day of December, so I am not in yet, but I am hoping to be in by tomorrow.


I've been checking my email and reading the website every day since the 13th, but I don't feel at all upset about having to wait a couple of more days.


I'm unemployed, and I tend to spend most of my life going from hospital to another. I mean, why even care? Don't you having any more pressing matters to be upset about than holy lord, having to wait a few days?


Pulling equality into the argument doesn't even make any sense. The world would be horribly disorganized if everything was run according to an ideal with total disregard for the potential consequences.


Mind you, we have public health here, and priority lists for surgical operations. Both of which I approve of.


Oh...... im in shame..... Thank you, thank you for open my eyes. Lets go sell back our game together.... And buy it again 20-th))) And difference for early access send to BW office for christmas gifts. Cmon Ellie_......Where are you?!..... Ellie?))

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I preordered on the 14th (just after midnight, in fact.)


I jokingly say I don't expect to get my invite until 2:20 PM on the 19th, which is 15 minutes before I go to work for the rest of the day - meaning the entire early access would have been lost to me.


I don't really care, though. I pre-ordered because I'm impatient and lazy, and I didn't want to have to go out on the 20th to buy a box somewhere, if they could be found anywhere. Or even just wait until the 20th to order it online. Like I said, I'm impatient... I don't do waiting well, but I'm also lazy so I just complain about it midly, and sleep it off.

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I think you're missing the point. I also said no negative comments. Please take your lame trolling elsewhere.


I really don't understand why this same question keeps coming up over & over & over & over. I have been waiting to play this game since the day the game was announced. As such I registered for the site right away, I made the selection for BW to be able to email me updates about the game, I made sure my contact info was always up to date, I registered for beta as soon as it was announced & guess what...when I woke up for work the morning that preorders were announced (along with the early access rules) I ordered. In fact I wanted to be in the early access so bad I preordered the CE from WalMart, Best Buy & Amazon (nothing was charged by any of them until the product shipped so it didn't cost me a penny at the time) & I waited to see who got me the early access code 1st...Amazon won that battle so I cancelled my other 2 preorders. That's how important being in the early access was to me so when I hear all these cries for server resets all I want to say is "get bent...I earned this"!


And as far as why I quoted this line in particular...it really doesn't seem that you want to hear from both sides...it seems as though you just want people to fill this thread up with support for your point of view.

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I really don't understand why this same question keeps coming up over & over & over & over. I have been waiting to play this game since the day the game was announced. As such I registered for the site right away, I made the selection for BW to be able to email me updates about the game, I made sure my contact info was always up to date, I registered for beta as soon as it was announced & guess what...when I woke up for work the morning that preorders were announced (along with the early access rules) I ordered. In fact I wanted to be in the early access so bad I preordered the CE from WalMart, Best Buy & Amazon (nothing was charged by any of them until the product shipped so it didn't cost me a penny at the time) & I waited to see who got me the early access code 1st...Amazon won that battle so I cancelled my other 2 preorders. That's how important being in the early access was to me so when I hear all these cries for server resets all I want to say is "get bent...I earned this"!


And as far as why I quoted this line in particular...it really doesn't seem that you want to hear from both sides...it seems as though you just want people to fill this thread up with support for your point of view.


I approve of this guy.

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The whole thing is brilliant on the part of BW. What a way to create a buzz about your new game. Anticipation is what makes MMO's successful. Always keep you wanting the next set of gear or the next expansion. We are always trying to master the next dungeon or instance, achieve the latest title or accolade.


BW has created excitement and controversy about the launch of this game that has everyone talking. Once we are all in, everything will be fine. Then the struggle to achieve the next goal starts again.


It's the MMO way and BW has seemingly mastered it.

Edited by Lighte
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It is the best way it is done here - imho


Theres always room to optimize: The developer should say from start of pre-order what you get for early pre-order so everyone knows from start why to hurry

Edited by Azrhyel
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How is your math?


Everybody gets 2 extra days of early access, it's pure logic.


Let me elaborate:

Those who got in on 13th+14th would have gotten in on 15th+16th if B/W hadn't changed the early access-period.

Those who will get in today would have gotten in on the 17th if B/W hadn't changed the ea-period.


Do you see how this works? It's not as if they're stunting the flow of people being let in because they now have more time to do it in... Everybody just gets 2 extra days in the end, and so everybody should be happy.


Happy faces all around! :D

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Well I am a firm believer in fairness whenever it comes to products that are available to the masses....even if BW is doing us a favor buy letting us play early it just doesnt feel right to me that people are going to have an advantage over others.




its the gameplan. all games has this preorder crap and preorderstart and headstart. to tie up the masses and create a que.. open betas and stuff.. they do it to wake up the interest in the game and start selling copies ahead of the release.


now that we have a active subscription and all steps are filled in and still have no acess to the game. so explin why my game say no subscription plan when my account say there is?


headstart for preorder yes, no problem. but be open and start all at once should be the final stress test when the rest will try to login to the game.


just a small comment from a paying customer.. with a dvd and subscription in hand but cant acess the game yet.


(yes i did preorder and yes i was in beta aswell)

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I would disagree. I think those that preordered mostly did it for the early access game time. Why should some players have more game time than others? Whether people like to realize it or not we did pay for this game time. We all put down that preorder so that we could play....even if its less than 5 days. So why are some people getting 7? That to me is the only thing that makes this whole process unfair.


Yes most people pre-ordered most likely for the few extra days of early access. As far as I know BW has always had the stance of "up to" with no guarantee to any early access to the game. Had BW stuck with their 5 days, and the amount of pre-orders they have had has been astounding, they most likely thought they wouldn't be able to honor the early access time to everyone if they kept to the 5 day rule and thus added 2 days to ensure all pre-orders got some early access.


FYI I still haven't received my invite and I don't expect it till the last wave since i pre-ordered only a few days before EGA started. Should I get rewarded for having shown up to the party a bit late? no. It's no different than waiting in line at a store for launch either. First one there gets to race home and log in before the guy that got there 2 minutes before launch.


BW is doing a great job getting people eased into the game in waves and adding servers as they are going. Unlike other games "cough" rift "cough" for example (and many if not all other big mmo's), they too had a pre-launch event and they were adding servers on the run to try to keep up to the demand, many people lost time playing due to the queues and server crashes. I'd rather get an invite to play early and know that once I'm in things should be relatively problem free and i can go on my way to level without getting interrupted or getting in queues for hours on end.


Unfortunately it's not the point that BW is giving anyone any middle finger and telling people too bad you didn't trust us from the start, it's just the laws of society ruling. another example would be say you're shopping for a new TV, the one you are interested in at the store is the last one in stock, but you aren't 100% sure that's really the one you want. you keep looking at others and thinking it over, then you come back after 5-10 minutes and decide ok that's the one you want.. but it's gone. Someone else came by and bought it while you were thinkign about it. Do you have the right to tell this guy that since you've been thinking about it longer than he has that you should get it just as equally as him? as the saying goes.. you snooze, you lose.


And I for one snoozed until Dec 10th. I wasn't expecting to get much EGA at all, perhaps a few hours on the 19th if i was lucky. But with the added 2 days now I'll probably be getting 4 days. Based on the rate the waves have been going the last wave should be friday afternoon. Thanks BW for ensuring people do get a few days of EGA.

Edited by Hrapa
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12-20-11 none of these posts will matter :)


are you sure about that ;) what then if something crashes and we need to wait a week or so.. woudlnt be the first time it happens..


perhaps they think they can smooth up the start by letting in small amounts of people at a time.. in the end when it opens they will be huge ques and it will be crashes and no connection to servers..


but i guess we can start whining about that around 12-20-11

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Well I am a firm believer in fairness whenever it comes to products that are available to the masses....even if BW is doing us a favor buy letting us play early it just doesn't feel right to me that people are going to have an advantage over others.


Then you will be happy to know that they are being fair. They are slowly bringing their population up, and promised us that the sooner we per-ordered the sooner we would get in.


It would not be "fair" to those of us that took the initiative to buy early if they let later purchasers on before us.


You should have purchased earlier. Not seeing a problem with them, but your logic.

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Then you will be happy to know that they are being fair. They are slowly bringing their population up, and promised us that the sooner we per-ordered the sooner we would get in.


It would not be "fair" to those of us that took the initiative to buy early if they let later purchasers on before us.


You should have purchased earlier. Not seeing a problem with them, but your logic.


What he said. I am december preorder, dont mind waiting. Just want for game to go smooth. The only thing i am disapointed with is this constant whining. I thought I`ve left that on WoW forums...

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And the launch is so smooth because there are 'no queues'? Seems to me there are the longest queues in MMO history, just that you're watching your email account rather than a server select to find out when your turn in the queue comes. Kinda like standing in a line outside a venue for a gig for hours and hours, then when security lets you into the venue you can hand your tickets in at the turnstyles without any delay.


Yes, but in this case YOU chose your place in the queue, and are now complaining that they will not alter the entire plan, short change those that did order early, just because you feel entitled to special treatment.


You ordered late, you get in late. There is not issue here, beyond "me, me, me".


People amaze me.

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I understand the staggered launch thing and the whole first come first serve, but what i don't understand is why they put out a couple waves a day and then about noon seem to say screw it lets go home.


What is the difference between inviting in 4-5 waves that total say....100K people versus inviting 100K people in one day?

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I understand the staggered launch thing and the whole first come first serve, but what i don't understand is why they put out a couple waves a day and then about noon seem to say screw it lets go home.


Most likely because they realize that not all the people they invited have jumped on at that particular time. Most people probably work and thus they know that populations spike after school/work hours. And so they invite during the early day and let the load increase on the servers for the rest of the day/evening. Just my thought on the situation. but i can't imagine it's really all that far fetched.

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