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5 days early acces versus 7 days early access.


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The fact is in their earlier advertisements it did not say upto 5 days it just said 5 days early access.


thanks for being dim though its a pleasure.


Thanks for the insult, kid. Way to go.


Anyway, if that is true (I didn't even know the game existed back then) then the moment you noticed that and disagreed, you should have cancelled the preorder. Not cancelling indicates agreement so my point still stands. Hell, even if you only noticed the change THIS minute, you can still cancel if you disagree.

Edited by Kagedfury
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Considering a large part of the world was denied a fair pre order for 2/3 of the time it's been up, no, i don't suppose it's fair. But everyone seems to forget that not everyone could pre order when it was available.


Everyone had an equal opportunity to follow the game once the MMO was even metioned. If your country or w/e wouldnt allow you to preorder the game earlier in the year when it was first announced then its your fault for not having a friend or 2 outside of the country who would be nice enough to preorder it for you. Their is always an option, no need to close your mind to the possible choices to get what you want in life. Just btw everyone knew it was 5 days. Only after the giant open beta weekend did they tell people that they were going to be able to let people in 2 days earlier. This is a bonus and people should be happy for it because if they were to stay at the same pace as they are atm then there would be a chance that not everyone who preordered who get in befor the 20th. Greed will compromise fair logic, its just how bias close minded people think. I forgive you, its the fair thing to do.

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The other option Bioware might/could do is to say right you get a maximum of 5 days EGA once you have had 5days EGA your account is suspended until Launch, there would be a degree of fairness in that method, but overall im not that fussed, i might get in on wave 4 today (or bonus wave) depends how quickly they advance it, but more likely im in tomorrow anyway so will have all of the weekend to catch up to people
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Look at it this way. When a band sells tickets to a concert The doofus who was camping out overnight gets the tickets closest to the stage. (earliest access) This is like the people who pre-ordered right away. The rest get less and less better seats (later access) as the day goes on. On the night of the concert(Pre-launch access) the people with the good seats go to the front of the stage. As for the waves thing its like the doors to the arena only so many people will fit in at a time. Makes sense to me. I just rue the fact I did not order sooner as I have been waiting for this game for 2 years now :) It's still better than waiting for street launch..kinda like a concert pre-party.
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In all honesty, it maybe legal to market this way but it is very unethical, and truly this just shows me BW's true color, it shouldn't be fair that we all paid the same money yet we get the good at different times (it might be as little as days, but that makes a huge difference for many people) ....if only they had thought this out a little better


So everyone in the McDonalds queue should always be served at the same instant? ... It costs people the same, the only difference being when then wlaked in the door ... That's it we have it cracked - Lets not serve anyone until the tardy turnups arrive :)

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People who pre ordered the collectors edition, are probably laughing about this.

Considering they may have pre ordered earlier than some here complaining.

They pay more money for Bioware product, and get no early access.

Unless I am mistaken about them, not getting early access at all.


I believe you are mistaken.

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So what you're saying is, people who preordered the game earliest, get into the game first? So it's kinda like a queue then? Where people who log on first get onto the server first, and the rest are left in a queue where the first to join the queue get in first?


So anyone not in the game yet is still in the queue.

A queue that doesn't indicate how long it is.

A queue that's measured in days rather than minutes or even hours


And the launch is so smooth because there are 'no queues'? Seems to me there are the longest queues in MMO history, just that you're watching your email account rather than a server select to find out when your turn in the queue comes. Kinda like standing in a line outside a venue for a gig for hours and hours, then when security lets you into the venue you can hand your tickets in at the turnstyles without any delay.

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I believe you are mistaken.


I thought the collectors editions, could only be bought at stores or pre ordered and picked up on launch day.

Or if you say pre order a game stop, do you get a code on the receipt to get early access online or something?

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I assumed the pre order cost of £5 was a deposit that would come off the price of the game. Its not its extra. The two things you get is a yellow crystal and 'up to five days'


While 5 quid is not a lot of money it is far higher than any other sub you will find in any other game. It would work out at best £30 a month. Forget the crystal, who would have signed up just for that!


Also buying from origin is about £10 more expensive than getting a physical copy in the shops, even with all the production and transit costs that are incured.


Buying the game from origin is in total £46 while the cheapest I have seen it on line is about £30. There is no 'gifting' going on here we are paying a high premium and a result I dont feel well done by in any sence.


I realise I will later enjoy the game but imo this has been poorly concieved especily when you think that on the 20th of this month a huge wave of new people are going to join at the same time, not staggered. I see little point in it being dragged out so long. Maybe a 24 hour period would make sence but not so many days.


This kind of phase testing should have been conducted either in beta or at thier own expence ie free early access after a 'deposit' with the digital copy of the game costing the same or less than the physical

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I think it is fine that the ones who ordered first get's in first.



Imagine someone camping for two weeks outside a store to get that copy of that one game first.

Do you bash on the people who came before you there aswell, demanding the store to let you, who camped outside the store for one minute, at the same time as the person who camped it for two weeks? The argument "I pay just as much as the rest so i should have the same benefit" apply there too, but it doesn't change the fact they was there for two weeks, you were not.


People were here from July and in a lot of cases even from 2008 here waiting for this game to release. It's not that strange they get in first ahead of us.


And no, i am not inside the game, hopefully i am lucky and get in today though, last wave or so.. :D

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I'm not in the game either.

I pre ordered in December, looks like friday for me.

I am pretty excited to, especially to see how poorly my computer runs this game. lol

Well I went to "Can you run it" .com and it says my computer passes at minimum.

So my plan is turn off shadows and hope.

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I thought the collectors editions, could only be bought at stores or pre ordered and picked up on launch day.

Or if you say pre order a game stop, do you get a code on the receipt to get early access online or something?


http://buy.swtor.com/uk/ ... look at the table ... it indicates CE get EGA ... and iirc there was ranting in the EGA threads where CE peeps were saying they should get preference as they had paid more.

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So what you're saying is, people who preordered the game earliest, get into the game first? So it's kinda like a queue then? Where people who log on first get onto the server first, and the rest are left in a queue where the first to join the queue get in first?


So anyone not in the game yet is still in the queue.

A queue that doesn't indicate how long it is.

A queue that's measured in days rather than minutes or even hours


And the launch is so smooth because there are 'no queues'? Seems to me there are the longest queues in MMO history, just that you're watching your email account rather than a server select to find out when your turn in the queue comes. Kinda like standing in a line outside a venue for a gig for hours and hours, then when security lets you into the venue you can hand your tickets in at the turnstyles without any delay.


You would be right if words like "May" actually ment "Will" which sadly it does not. People who dont fully understand word usage get angry out of ignorance. Good analogy imo tho even if its slightly wrong. The game isnt released until 20th which makes all queue times before that release date irrelevant. On the 20th all lag/queue complaints will be valid and even more so since bioware has ran this earlier access so these arguments "Uggh you make me wait to play this amazing game uggg i hate u!!" dont happen as often.

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It's very fair that game access was spread across 7 days instead of 5 days. If they hadn't spread it across 7 days, then everyone would of gotten less time. So to ensure that the majority of people were around that 5 day spot, they had to increase it to 7 days. You may think you're giving up two days of play to ensure server stability, but in actuality you're probably getting a net gain of play time because they can ease into the launch ensuring server stability.


Not everyone can get in at the same time, it just doesnt work like that. In fact, it doesn't work like that with most things in life. Part of life is waiting in line, and being patient. You keep saying you paid the same amount, so everything should be equal. What's not equal is when you paid your $5. That's what it boils down to. BioWare needed to ease the launch and a decision had to be made to the order in which people were allowed in. Allowing players in by the order in which they placed equal amounts of money down, is the fairest way it could be done.


To the person who stated that they took so many preorders in order to pay for extra servers, that is just ludicrous. What would be $10000 to you, is like $1.00 to them. A multi billion dollar company can afford to add 50k in expenses to support more people, because more people means a larger monthly revenue stream and happier customers, which will give them a return on their investment. Not to mention, at each of the server hubs locations, they probably have twice as many servers, brand new, still in the box, for when some need to be replaced, and new ones need to be added.


Also to the person about the percentage yield on a savings account, its no where near 2%. You're looking at a national (United States) average of around .25%. That's 8x less than what you said. The rates are slowly increasing as the economy starts to stabilize again, but at this point, you can't make any short term money through that type of investment, even with millions in the account.


Trust me, the money for this type of project has all been planned out well in advance, and with the backing of a company the size of EA, they don't have to worry about spending some extra cash to ensure a future profit. This whole project has been planned out down to the most minimal detail when it comes to operations.

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It's very fair that game access was spread across 7 days instead of 5 days. If they hadn't spread it across 7 days, then everyone would of gotten less time. So to ensure that the majority of people were around that 5 day spot, they had to increase it to 7 days. You may think you're giving up two days of play to ensure server stability, but in actuality you're probably getting a net gain of play time because they can ease into the launch ensuring server stability.


Not everyone can get in at the same time, it just doesnt work like that. In fact, it doesn't work like that with most things in life. Part of life is waiting in line, and being patient. You keep saying you paid the same amount, so everything should be equal. What's not equal is when you paid your $5. That's what it boils down to. BioWare needed to ease the launch and a decision had to be made to the order in which people were allowed in. Allowing players in by the order in which they placed equal amounts of money down, is the fairest way it could be done.


To the person who stated that they took so many preorders in order to pay for extra servers, that is just ludicrous. What would be $10000 to you, is like $1.00 to them. A multi billion dollar company can afford to add 50k in expenses to support more people, because more people means a larger monthly revenue stream and happier customers, which will give them a return on their investment. Not to mention, at each of the server hubs locations, they probably have twice as many servers, brand new, still in the box, for when some need to be replaced, and new ones need to be added.


Also to the person about the percentage yield on a savings account, its no where near 2%. You're looking at a national (United States) average of around .25%. That's 8x less than what you said. The rates are slowly increasing as the economy starts to stabilize again, but at this point, you can't make any short term money through that type of investment, even with millions in the account.


Trust me, the money for this type of project has all been planned out well in advance, and with the backing of a company the size of EA, they don't have to worry about spending some extra cash to ensure a future profit. This whole project has been planned out down to the most minimal detail when it comes to operations.


"What would be $10000 to you, is like $1.00 to them"

Especially this man, the game cost over 136 million dollars.

Right like a few servers would even matter after investing that much into this.

Of course they didn't know about the 136 million either.

Edited by zenas
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It's very fair that game access was spread across 7 days instead of 5 days. If they hadn't spread it across 7 days, then everyone would of gotten less time. So to ensure that the majority of people were around that 5 day spot, they had to increase it to 7 days. You may think you're giving up two days of play to ensure server stability, but in actuality you're probably getting a net gain of play time because they can ease into the launch ensuring server stability.


Not everyone can get in at the same time, it just doesnt work like that. In fact, it doesn't work like that with most things in life. Part of life is waiting in line, and being patient. You keep saying you paid the same amount, so everything should be equal. What's not equal is when you paid your $5. That's what it boils down to. BioWare needed to ease the launch and a decision had to be made to the order in which people were allowed in. Allowing players in by the order in which they placed equal amounts of money down, is the fairest way it could be done.


To the person who stated that they took so many preorders in order to pay for extra servers, that is just ludicrous. What would be $10000 to you, is like $1.00 to them. A multi billion dollar company can afford to add 50k in expenses to support more people, because more people means a larger monthly revenue stream and happier customers, which will give them a return on their investment. Not to mention, at each of the server hubs locations, they probably have twice as many servers, brand new, still in the box, for when some need to be replaced, and new ones need to be added.


Also to the person about the percentage yield on a savings account, its no where near 2%. You're looking at a national (United States) average of around .25%. That's 8x less than what you said. The rates are slowly increasing as the economy starts to stabilize again, but at this point, you can't make any short term money through that type of investment, even with millions in the account.


Trust me, the money for this type of project has all been planned out well in advance, and with the backing of a company the size of EA, they don't have to worry about spending some extra cash to ensure a future profit. This whole project has been planned out down to the most minimal detail when it comes to operations.


^You sir deserve extra experience points for an intelligent response. It is fair how the early game access works. People who purchased the game in July should have a day or 2 start before people who waited until Dec. I'm waiting patiently for the Dec wave to come through.

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I am not so sure you would have posted this if you was one of the lucky one's to get in from day one.


Having said that no i don't think they should reset why should they, just because they had the foresight to order before those that are still waiting.


If you and I go into a cake shop and you get the last piece of pie I have to wait for mine to be made.


If we pre order the same pie from the same shop on different days, do i then have to wait for you to collect yours before collecting mine?

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If we pre order the same pie from the same shop on different days, do i then have to wait for you to collect yours before collecting mine?


If they would have to make 1 million of those pies, and you want it after a day or two, i'd say chances are you won't even be able to order as it would be "full-booked"

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"What would be $10000 to you, is like $1.00 to them"

Especially this man, the game cost over 136 million dollars.

Right like a few servers would even matter after investing that much into this.

Of course they didn't know about the 136 million either.


You're right, its impossible to measure out your total costs at the beginning of a project. The best you can do is come up with a rough estimate, that gets fine tuned the closer and closer you get to the completion of the project. It is almost always projected to cost less than it actually does.


Disagreeing with the amount of time you get to access the game early is not a well thought out observation in my opinion. There are so many employees of Bioware who have literally spent the last 3 years of their waking hours developing this product. Since the release is around Christmas time, many of them will be missing quality time with their family to deliver this product to you. You complain (yes complain is the right word here, sorry if you disagree) about a couple days missed of entertainment while they're working their asses off to deliver that entertainment to you.


Yes I know, they get paid for it, it's their job, and for most I'm sure it's their passion. But the people running this launch, they are middle management when it comes to their investors. If things don't run smoothly, its their head on the chopping block. Balancing the disagreements from their customers and ensuring a smooth launch is their responsibility, and so far it looks like they are doing a pretty good job considering all the circumstances.

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If they would have to make 1 million of those pies, and you want it after a day or two, i'd say chances are you won't even be able to order as it would be "full-booked"


So by your logic if so many people preorder there then should be a limit or cut off point when it becomes far too many to handle, that here wasn't the case, luckily for them they had the option of moving a start date to accomodate others.

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