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fresh 50 where do i start?


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I suggest doing the dailly weekly pvp and maybe get lucky in the epic bags you get from it.

They can have a token inside that give you tier 2 raid equivalent gears or very close.


Also for Flashpoint try black talon,Its the easiest.


Also the dailly on bel/illium as you mention

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If your plan is to get geared as quickly as possible, then your best bet is dailies (PvE and PvP). If you run all of the heroics on Ilum and Belsavis you can kit out one piece of gear a day. If you take the cash from one PvE daily run you can also buy a few of the epic mods from the GTN and speed up the process. Even better, join a guild and get epic mods for free from people who are already geared. I am currently helping two commandos gear up by giving them my mods from heroics.


Also, keep an eye out for blue belts and bracers with augment slots on the GTN. These two gear slots are difficult to fill in endgame, and the augment slots make these blues worth getting.


I would disagree with the poster above who said that a fresh 50 can run HM's. You may be able to run Esseles/BT, but the other HM's are going to be difficult for you. The enrage timers are tuned for geared players so you may get a bit frustrated with the number of wipes when running HM's. Instead, you should be finding a group/guild for normal mode EV raids. These are much easier than HM's, believe it or not. They also drop great columi gear.

Edited by Hiro-Protagonist
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