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Let's Keep Nerfing the Least Played Class in PvP


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I see plenty of ops and soundrels on my server. Maybe your server really likes sorcs?


I highly doubt that (and you probably are mixing in healing specced scoundrels and gunslingers).....and even then, it still wouldn't be 25% of the Sorc playerbase...plus all the Assassins out there.


You just head to Ilum during primetime and see how many Ops you find....it would be lucky to crack 5%.


PS Im on a PVP server so that should have even more Ops than usual!

Edited by _Morholt_
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What people asked for -- and got -- was a nerf to a class they found it frustrating to fight against on that class' terms.


Good players could force the fight onto their terms something like 9 out of 10 times, ergo summa, BW is trying to nerf skill.


This is going to be exactly like the Rogue nerf. You can't nerf skill, but you can certainly gimp a class for raiding. When BW "fixes" the class so it can raid again (and I hope they aren't stupid enough to try to do that by buffing Dirty Fighting because that will generate so much more rage) they'll essentially be back at square one and you ****** *** gear-dependent *****es will have your gear and be okay again.

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PvP players gravitate toward what they feel is the best class, and they tend to stay away what they feel is the worst.


Fixing player concern is good, but they need to do it without nerfing the class that can't afford any more nerf. :p

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Your server must be weird because I saw no less than two operative/scoudrel(?) on each side today and I played a good 20 WZs. Often they would make up half of one of the teams. An operative can knock me down and kill me before I get up from half health (7k)... it's a bit much. If you think Operatives are are underpowered and too much work, I have an assassin that would like a word with you. As an assassin I have to stay on top of no less than 24 abilities and cooldowns at all times in order to have a chance at getting 200k dmg, I see ops at 300k+ regularly. You need the nerf, it's coming, read and adapt.
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Christ, you say you'll be able to get them down to 10-20% while they are stunned AFTER the patch and still whine?


What? ops and scoundrels just shut down after their first burst?


Reading comprehension was not your thing in school, huh?

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You need the check the 1-49 WZ now mainly ops/scoudrels now.


Not on my server. I concede that this may be the difference.


Tatooine- 49 people, 3 Operatives using /who

Alderaan- 53 people, 2 Operatives, one of whom was also on Tatooine when I was.

I forgot to check when I was on the Fleet, though...


Did 3 Warzones today.

Huttball- 1 Op. Me.

Voidstar 1st time- 2 Ops, me and a level 14

Voidsatr 2nd time- Just me

Edited by RoadtoArkham
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