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Let's Keep Nerfing the Least Played Class in PvP


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Every Warzone i enter, I count the number of smuggler/imp agent. Half of the time I'm the only smuggler on my team, and other time I see a brand new 50 who hasn't realized their class is gimped in PvP. I see an imp agent maybe once every other game.


Thus it makes perfect sense to nerf that class every update right? Nerf smuggle/infiltrate so that they officially have no team pvp utility. Nerf scrapper/concealment damage so that not only does it have bad sustained dps, they will also have bad opening damage. What next for the most complicated/convoluted class? A paid class change to Commando/Mercenary or Sage/Sorcerer?


Designers need to FIX the class, not further break the class by senselessly nerfing it.


Hidden Strike/Shoot First is too much? Then reduce that and increase the sustained dps and ability to stay on target to compensate. Smuggle/Infiltrate is too strong...? wait... that's not true, idiots just need to L2P and stand next to the turret/door. That nerf was completely unnecessary.


At the rate it's going, any group that brings a scoundrel or operative into a rated WZ is gimping themselves. If you're a scoundrel/operative and aren't leveling another class, be ready to be kicked out of all rated warzone groups.

Edited by Sshate
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QQ more.



That post was bad and you should feel bad.


I agree that all the nerfs are a bit lame when it comes to op/scoundrel, but hopefully Bioware will see that and tweak it a bit. Not to its original form, maybe.

Edited by Maisuke
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Exactly right, leveling up my op i realized how gimpy the class was, especially in elite/champ fights, or fights with more than 2 trash mobs. They just run out of energy so quickly and have limited ways of getting it back, and we are oh so squishy.


The one trade off was the 1v1 burst dmg in pvp, i could usually take out a class if i was able to sneak up behind them in stealth, but now we can't even do that, we'll probably only get them down 10-20% (so they still have 80-90% of their hp left) and they will just turn around and destroy us.

Edited by Evuke
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Exactly right, leveling up my op i realized how gimpy the class was, especially in elite/champ fights, or fights with more than 2 trash mobs. They just run out of energy so quickly and have limited ways of getting it back, and we are oh so squishy.


The one trade off was the 1v1 burst dmg in pvp, i could usually take out a class if i was able to sneak up behind them in stealth, but now we can't even do that, we'll probably get them down 10-20% and they will just turn around and **** us up.


Christ, you say you'll be able to get them down to 10-20% while they are stunned AFTER the patch and still whine?


What? ops and scoundrels just shut down after their first burst?

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The one trade off was the 1v1 burst dmg in pvp, i could usually take out a class if i was able to sneak up behind them in stealth, but now we can't even do that, we'll probably get them down 10-20% and they will just turn around and **** us up.


You're telling me that you won't be able to kill a target at 10% hp before he can drop you from full?

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You don't see new 50's because it was a fotw class....


People didn't realize how OP they were at first. When the videos, posts and other info started coming out about how you can instagib other classes they DID start popping up everywhere.


In the few weeks after all the complaints started I was seeing 2-3 ops on each team in Huttball. It was when they announced the nerfs that they started dropping off again. They simply aren't a popular class because of the cover system.


In 10-49 they were stomping people, killing 10 times faster than any other class possibly could. It was almost funny hearing the pop of a ops attack then seeing half your health vanish instantly, then another 30% in the next second. In the 50 bracket, once geared, they were again just rolling over people although it took a bit longer.


Plus the change is not as dramatic as people make it out to be. None of the mechanics were changed other than the knockdown length which was ridiculous.

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Every Warzone i enter, I count the number of smuggler/imp agent. Half of the time I'm the only smuggler on my team, and other time I see a brand new 50 who hasn't realized their class is gimped in PvP. I see an imp agent maybe once every other game.


Thus it makes perfect sense to nerf that class every update right? Nerf smuggle/infiltrate so that they officially have no team pvp utility. Nerf scrapper/concealment damage so that not only does it have bad sustained dps, they will also have bad opening damage. What next for the most complicated/convoluted class? A paid class change to Commando/Mercenary or Sage/Sorcerer?


Designers need to FIX the class, not further break the class by senselessly nerfing it.


Hidden Strike/Shoot First is too much? Then reduce that and increase the sustained dps and ability to stay on target to compensate. Smuggle/Infiltrate is too strong...? wait... that's not true, idiots just need to L2P and stand next to the turret/door. That nerf was completely unnecessary.


At the rate it's going, any group that brings a scoundrel or operative into a rated WZ is gimping themselves. If you're a scoundrel/operative and aren't leveling another class, be ready to be kicked out of all rated warzone groups.


How on earht are you gimped? Game makers should have a disclaimer on their games saying "May not be suitable for people who need to l2p"

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Least played class? Man I would love to live in that universe, because reality tells me otherwise.


Just so you know, in ilum when there's around 50-70 imps that usually only 1 is an operative.


In BG's, I can count the number of operatives on one hand in an entire weeks worth of playing....which means there are more Sorcs in 1 match than an entire weeks worth of Ops!! And uh I get my weekly done in the first day btw.


If at the height you see 2 Ops in a BG.....nope still not OP enough.

Edited by _Morholt_
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Just so you know, in ilum when there's around 50-70 imps that usually only 1 is an operative.


In BG's, I can count the number of operatives on one hand in an entire weeks worth of playing....which means there are more Sorcs in 1 match than an entire weeks worth of Ops!! And uh I get my weekly done in the first day btw.


If at the height you see 2 Ops in a BG.....nope still not OP enough.


I see plenty of ops and soundrels on my server. Maybe your server really likes sorcs?

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You don't see new 50's because it was a fotw class....


People didn't realize how OP they were at first. When the videos, posts and other info started coming out about how you can instagib other classes they DID start popping up everywhere.


In the few weeks after all the complaints started I was seeing 2-3 ops on each team in Huttball. It was when they announced the nerfs that they started dropping off again. They simply aren't a popular class because of the cover system.


In 10-49 they were stomping people, killing 10 times faster than any other class possibly could. It was almost funny hearing the pop of a ops attack then seeing half your health vanish instantly, then another 30% in the next second. In the 50 bracket, once geared, they were again just rolling over people although it took a bit longer.


Plus the change is not as dramatic as people make it out to be. None of the mechanics were changed other than the knockdown length which was ridiculous.


1. Ops/scoundrels were and always have been the LOWEST played class. That is the opposite of the fotm class (sorc/sage)


2. None of the mechanics changed other than the stun lol.......Damage on our only burst attack reduced by 20%, armor penetration on all attacks reduced by 20%, stun reduced to 1.5 seconds (the duration of a gcd....really nobody is going to spec into a stun that is 1.5 seconds and gives the target a full resolve bar)

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You do realise that in the lower bracket is there is like a billion scroundels and operatives?


Every warfront there is like atleast 2+ on each side. Talk about FoTM.


Yes, lower bracket matters because lower bracket is where rated warzone is going to take place. lol


Talk about Fail of the Eon.

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How on earht are you gimped? Game makers should have a disclaimer on their games saying "May not be suitable for people who need to l2p"


Compared to other melee classes, ops don't have gap closers. Our ability to harm enemies outside a 10m range is limited, so kiters will tend to beat us. Right now the class is based around annoyingly powerful burst. Essentially, most fights are decided by how much damage I am able to do in the initial burst. That isn't fun for either of us, but a burst nerf without some added mobility/gap closers just means I'm gonna lose against intelligent players most of the time instead of half the time now.



I see plenty of ops and soundrels on my server. Maybe your server really likes sorcs?


Mine certainly does. It's ~4 sorcs, 2 mercs, and 2 others in most warzones.


You do realise that in the lower bracket is there is like a billion scroundels and operatives?


Every warfront there is like atleast 2+ on each side. Talk about FoTM.


I haven't noticed that. I'm leveling an assassin in preparation for the nerf, and most players are sorcs or mercs. I made my operative blind, as I hadn't played one in beta, and there still don't seem to be too many of us. I blame our end-game gear looking like crap.

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Compared to other melee classes, ops don't have gap closers. Our ability to harm enemies outside a 10m range is limited, so kiters will tend to beat us. Right now the class is based around annoyingly powerful burst. Essentially, most fights are decided by how much damage I am able to do in the initial burst. That isn't fun for either of us, but a burst nerf without some added mobility/gap closers just means I'm gonna lose against intelligent players most of the time instead of half the time now.


Shadow/Assassin? We have our Force Speed ability, but I wouldn't consider it a gap closer since I have to save it to counter movement impairing effects.


The problem isn't that you don't have gap closers. The problem is that Ops are so reliant on their 3-shot that they aren't using abilities such as Sever Tendon/Whatever it's called for Smugs. 50% reduced movement for 12 seconds? Yeah, sounds like you won't need a gap closer if you bind that ability and add it to your rotation. Proc it with Pin Down and you get a stun plus reduced movement.



I don't see the validity of all of the complaints. Now, why don't we wait until it goes live and see how it actually performs. See how many of the naysayers are right/wrong, and how many of the supporters are right/wrong.

Edited by JediGerad
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If class popularity affects how Devs make balance changes then this game is going to fail.


Looks more like balance effects popularity- week two everyone was rerolling smugg/ops... couple weeks later, Op threads about the patch scares all the new rollers- now everyone's either a sorc or trooper.


Once a nerf comes out, everyone's rerolling sentinels. Sad thing is- in most games people at least wait to see the changes themselves- this one it seems everyone's too busy listening to the forum clowns- that's what is going to make a sad game.

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Since some people claim that in lower bracket, scoundrel/op dominate the populace. Here's some non-scientific random census check in Nar Shadda. out of 42 players in Nar Shaddar on my server right now:


8 Shadow

7 Sages

5 commando

5 Vanguard

5 guardian

4 Sentinel

3 Gunslinger

3 Scoundrel


6 / 42 lol


Too much smugglers!? Not enough nerfs! Let's keep it up.

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