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Why do many MMO players not appreciate the story?


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I admit I didn't use Isabella much but I got the creeping suspicion from her that Bioware pretty much said "People loved the threesome in DA:O! Let's make more of that!". She might not be as two-dimensional as she appears on first glance but the whole "Pirate Whore" thing seems pretty defining.


Aveline was made out to be a strong, upstanding person the entire game. It felt very much out of character for her to not be the same in regards to relationships. The writer felt the need to give her a flaw but did it the worst possible way. Jaheira was a strong, upstanding woman too and you didn't see her turn into a stuttering fool during the romance in BGII. In fact they could've played the whole "Dead Husband" angle but chose not to. That's just sloppy writing.


I bet if we continue this discussion someone will close the thread though.


Perhaps, but I happen to love DAII so I shall tempt fate. I apparently already do that by loving the game. ¬¬


Aveline's flaw as you say was a bit hammy, but I dunno I thought it was kinda cute, and given that it was in Act 2, it doesn't really entirely make her change, I actually really liked that once she was in the relationship she still was herself. I could see you saying it was character murder if she suddenly turned into this submissive wife, but she didn't. I thought it was just a bit of cute in the midst of the game.


And with Isabella, when she was shown to be the lesbian love interest, I was extremely off put considering I had Leliana in DAO, and Leliana was an amazing, caring character, and as you put it succinctly, Isabela is a pirate whore. Through her romance arc especially I really came to care for Izzy and she is a deep character imo, especially when it comes to both her promiscuousness and her femininity. The interactions between Izzy and Aveline are wonderful and show that the Bioware team is capable of writing strong female roles, something that I love them for, and for giving a character I initially dismissed as just fan service a place above a character like Leliana.

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Hold on a second!


Modern Warfare, as a shooter goes, has the best story line of any modern shooter which is impressive given that its such a core multiplayer shooter game. Not so much black ops, but the MW1-3 had a great story line that carried through all the games well.


The true answer to your question is very simple - BAD PARENTING. (hang with me for a second, its worth it)


MMO players pay monthly for their game and devs need to keep them happy so they give into what they whine and complain about to keep them subscribing. However, if you continue to give in you basically make a whole society of fat kids and then wonder why McDonalds is all anyone wants to eat.


Please devs - just say no. Do not give in and cripple your game because some WOW players are still pouting and are vacationing in TOR until they can get activision to give into their demands. Build your content for your SW fans and build the lore -- the game will thrive.


All of the storys are much better than 4 of the 6 original Lucas movies and do much more for the overall starwars universe.


But parents don't make their living off of their children. See, you left out the factor of $. And that is all EA/BW cares about with this game. If you can't see that you are a lost soul. And saying this game's story is better than the movies is pure opinion.

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OP just have low standards and that's it. If he think that TOR story is great then he don't read to much. He never did experience good story that he could compare to TOR. And as I said before - story is bad in this game by all standards.

Also I completed Bounty Hunter story in less than 4 weeks without skipping anything important except some side quests where all they were telling you is "kill 40 mobs" and as bonus "kill 20 mobs".

For me it was like listening to an idiot that want me to do same thing over and over but he thing about new "story" so he can make me do it again. All side quests are like that.


It's not matter of taste in my opinion. It's matter of standards some people have. People that read a loot and experienced good story in some games see all the flaws. It's like with new car. You will always look down on TOR story when you experienced something better just like you look down on some cars when you were driving a better car.


Also as I said before my post was deleted (because of small spoiler not marked as spoiler when I told that:


Bounty Hunter story that OP was talking about is just pile of crap where some Hunter just met two people that got killed and then he decide to avenge them for 2/3 of the game killing thousands of people he just met.

Then he met 3 people that got killed and he is avenging them to the end of the game.

Cheap, stupid and not interesting at all.

I do like Imperial Agent and I think it's ONLY story in this game worth experiencing since you will be going undercover you will have a loot of small moments you will enjoy (like killing people that trust you or helping them out). And you will only enjoy it if you can stand all that crappy "kill 40 mobs and fetch that item" quests that you will do along the way for 99% of your time.



OP is just thinking that he is right and he can think that. He just need to drive a better car at least once.


And one last thing. That story is for about 3-4 weeks. After that - you will realize that this is all this game can offer right now.


Yes, by god, if you say the stories suck, then they must.

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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


Honestly, the class stories I've played so far (Consular, Inq, Smuggler, Warrior) are all pretty lame.


Great story? No, Tolkien wrote a great story. This is pedestrian at best, even for a video game. My goodness.

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Honestly, the class stories I've played so far (Consular, Inq, Smuggler, Warrior) are all pretty lame.


Great story? No, Tolkien wrote a great story. This is pedestrian at best, even for a video game. My goodness.


At one point I was reading the Eisenhorn books (You know, WarHAMmer 40k) and thought "Wow, this is actually better than what Bioware has managed lately".


Think about that.

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At one point I was reading the Eisenhorn books (You know, WarHAMmer 40k) and thought "Wow, this is actually better than what Bioware has managed lately".


Think about that.


You doubt the might of the almighty God Emprah! We are SPESS MEHRINES, FROM SPESS!

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Honestly, the class stories I've played so far (Consular, Inq, Smuggler, Warrior) are all pretty lame.


Great story? No, Tolkien wrote a great story. This is pedestrian at best, even for a video game. My goodness.


Let me rephrase that then. It is a great story for a video game, and a good star wars story.


Are you expecting tolkien quality in a video game, which has to apeal to the lowest common denominator?


THe Story in Entertaining. Which is what it is supposed to be.

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Honestly, the class stories I've played so far (Consular, Inq, Smuggler, Warrior) are all pretty lame.


Great story? No, Tolkien wrote a great story. This is pedestrian at best, even for a video game. My goodness.


They're okay far as video games go but it isn't anything highly noteworthy from what I have seen. Enjoyable to an extent.


If I want to watch a good story though I'll turn on Breaking Bad, Boardwalk Empire, Sons of Anarchy, The Wire, etc.


Their stories are better than a lot of Hollywood movies to come out these days. I will say that much. Unless you were always looking forward to the day Hollywood would turn the game Battleship into a movie.


Still trying to wrap my head around who in the **** thought would be a good idea.


So the story works for me considering the genre. Really for me, my biggest issue at this point with this game are its grouping mechanics and how spread out populations seem to get making areas seem very empty. On the higher level planets many times it simply feels like a single player game.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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At one point I was reading the Eisenhorn books (You know, WarHAMmer 40k) and thought "Wow, this is actually better than what Bioware has managed lately".


Think about that.


Well, I suppose if you're really into Star Wars and have read all the books, you'd be really excited to see all the story lines here. However, I think if this game was made into book form, and sold to the general gaming public, what percaentage of us are they appealing to? 10%? If I was looking for story, I'd go read a novel. And not a Star Wars one, either. Probably 1Q84.


Now, if Murakami ever wrote a video game, you could sell it to me just on the basis of story. I wouldn't even care if there was no gameplay whatsoever.


And, how about the side quest stories? I've seen most of them already - in every other game ever made.

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Because they'd rather avoid listening and instead click 'accept' and go kill Kobolds in Elwynn Forest.


Some people don't care, they'd rather get the quest, speed to 50, then cry about whatever it is they don't like.


The average MMO gamer isn't into storytelling ...

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Let me rephrase that then. It is a great story for a video game, and a good star wars story.


Are you expecting tolkien quality in a video game, which has to apeal to the lowest common denominator?


THe Story in Entertaining. Which is what it is supposed to be.


I think Chrono Trigger is a great story for a video game. So is FFVII. Shadowrun for Genesis. Deus Ex. Sam and Max. KOTOR.


I wouldn't rate this story in the top 25 or anything. It's not bad.

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Because they'd rather avoid listening and instead click 'accept' and go kill Kobolds in Elwynn Forest.


Some people don't care, they'd rather get the quest, speed to 50, then cry about whatever it is they don't like.


The average MMO gamer isn't into storytelling ...


Side quests, I just spacebar through and go kill Vine Cats on Kaas. Fundamentally the same.

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The average MMO gamer isn't into storytelling ...


As a gamer, I'm more into story making than story telling. I would be happier with this game if my decisions actually affected the story arc, as in KOTOR. However, I realize this would be a huge endeavour to do in an MMO. You'd need years, hundreds of millions... it would have to be a Guiness Record type effort.

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A lot of people come from other MMOs that are light on the story. So they are used to ignoring it.


That's the point. Most MMO players are used to ignore story as it either doesn't exist or is boring and unaspiring. Any MMO developer should know this and not rely on story as a selling point for a MMO. Bioware tried it and while many like this there's also many many players not giving a damn about story; they're here for the MMO part.

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That's the point. Most MMO players are used to ignore story as it either doesn't exist or is boring and unaspiring. Any MMO developer should know this and not rely on story as a selling point for a MMO. Bioware tried it and while many like this there's also many many players not giving a damn about story; they're here for the MMO part.


Yes, let's not try to innovate at all. Let's all go play UO to show these nasty developers what we think about their games that introduce something not in the game before it! Actually, make it DikuMUDs.


Funny, how UO is still one of the best though... :p

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Story is fine. I do enjoy it.


It's not an acceptable substitute for good gameplay when I am paying a subscription fee.


this^. the actual mmo elements need to be the point of sale to a actual mmo fan.

using a element that is mainly perfected in single player games be the selling point in a group hyped game is counter productive.

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Yes, let's not try to innovate at all. Let's all go play UO to show these nasty developers what we think about their games that introduce something not in the game before it! Actually, make it DikuMUDs.


Funny, how UO is still one of the best though... :p


If they released UO3D™ tomorrow with WoW's mod system . . . .


But I digress. The story isn't the problem. The problem is that the rest of the game is mediocre and the story isn't good enough on it's own to carry the game. Even if the story were great (it's not IMO, even by game standards) then it still wouldn't be enough for an MMO audience.


Whether it's enough to keep BioWare and SPRPG fans subbed for months remains to be seen.

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It's more of a single-player game with elements allowing players to connect with each other.


Just like every other MMO, unless you know of an MMO that makes you group up for every thing.


I wont hold my breath for a response lol.

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I know a player who never reads anything, listen to anything and just presses spacebar when he sees dialog. He plays Sith and choose option 3 (evil usually) always - sometimes he accidentally refuses quest that way because option to refuse is the last - third. He is guild wars player btw...


Some ppl are beyond reason/redemption or whatever, just ruining the game, it cannot be helped because they dont care for anything. :mad:

Edited by Loladarulz
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