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Why do many MMO players not appreciate the story?


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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.

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A lot of people come from other MMOs that are light on the story. So they are used to ignoring it. Unfortunately with SWTOR, the story is the main focus, when you ignore it TOR's other shortcoming become even more visible.


It doesn't mean anyone is dumb, just that this isn't their type of game.

Edited by Miragee
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uhm, what's wrong with modern warfare? it's the most fast paced fps atm, if you want quick action, it's the way to go


don't see why you would bring that up . :confused:



also, the story can be awesome etc etc but you still need to keep everything else top notch aswell, can't just take a crap on everything else but story

Edited by Fentz
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uhm, what's wrong with modern warfare? it's the most fast paced fps atm, if you want quick action, it's the way to go


don't see why you would bring that up . :confused:



also, the story can be awesome etc etc but you still need to keep everything els top notch aswell, can't just take a crap on everything else but story


I like FPS's too (prefer BF3 over MW) but people just seem to be out for the quick thrills, nothing more. That is what you get from Modern Warfare.

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It's more of a single-player game with elements allowing players to connect with each other.


As opposed to what?! I've soloed SWG, WoW and LOTRO, and Lotro had an epic quest story line. I've grouped and joined guilds too but you don't have to in alot of mmos, seriously learn about the genre before posting such nonsense, like Maybe playing another mmo or two

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The thing is that people don't look to MMOs for a storyline game. So most MMO fans are not looking or story in their MMOs -- they want other things like group PvE and group PvP. People will play Mass Effect for the story, because that's what the game is, and it's what attracts people to the game/genre to begin with. In MMOs, the story isn't what attracts people to want to play an MMO.


I like story and I like BioWare's games. I'm quite uncertain, however, that these two things (BioWare/story and MMO) mesh very well in terms of the preferences of the playerbase (most of the playerbase for MMOs, I mean). I suspect that in the end TOR and its approach will be much more popular in terms of staying power with people who are not big MMO players, or people who otherwise very much like BioWare-style storytelling or Star Wars as a setting.

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As opposed to what?! I've soloed SWG, WoW and LOTRO, and Lotro had an epic quest story line. I've grouped and joined guilds too but you don't have to in alot of mmos, seriously learn about the genre before posting such nonsense, like Maybe playing another mmo or two


I think this is a common complaint for many MMOs.


Maybe there really was a time where MMOs always required teaming up, and had content that could only be done with dozens of players working together.


But these times are long gone. In these times, I wouldn't bother with MMOs, because I don't have that kind of committment. I am happy when I can organize a self-made Pizza evening with 4 friends once a month!


The stronger solo focus of new MMOs is probably a direct result of them trying to appeal to a larger audience. (And this has nothing to do with the "sophistiatcion" of the audience. They include brilliant and dumb people, but mostly, they include people that have a life that they occupies a lot of their time, due to job, family, friends and other hobbies.)


A few gameplay types, unfortunately for the fans of them, seem to be going the way of the dodo, or at least become very rare. 40 man raids, Turn-based games, Space Combat Sims, they have all gotten rare. (And what wouldn't I give for the two latter!)

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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


This game has probably the worst story in gaming history.

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This game has probably the worst story in gaming history.


thanks for your deep thoughts. Please explain WHY it has the worst story in gaming history. Which story elements did you not like. Which characters were flat. What about the writing style ruined it for you?

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I think of this game as an interactive story. Instead of simply reading a book or watching a movie I have a hand in the plot progression. My friend who chooses every dark side point comments on his facial change, how his skin continues becoming blotched, darkened and drained of color. It matches his story line and he loves it. I choose every light side point I can and I received the title "Honorable" which I am happy to display. We each try to participate in each other's class quests to see the other's story line. For us the game is a story first and MMO second and it's something fresh for both of us.


The story is what will make re-playability enjoyable, new classes, new plot, new story line, new decisions and outcomes.


I can understand people pressing space bar to skip content, they have become accustomed to how other games don't "start" until end game and doing the instance grind for gear. There's plenty of games out there for them that follow that model. They buy the next expansion to get to the end cap and grind more instances for more gear and don't care about the story and if they did they'd be upset that each expansion breaks those stories and goes against all logic developed throughout their expansions. Here though the game starts at level 1 and continues to max level and the plot varies with each decision made, the game is based around those decisions with other stuff like flashpoints or operations tossed in to play during "intermission". They don't play their games wholly, they focus on aspects of a game like PvP or raids and while there's nothing wrong with how they play, they sure are missing out on all the efforts put into this game.


Don't know what end game will look like six months from now or how they will progress the story, but with a franchise having over 40 years of works, there's plenty of room for sub plot.

Edited by NuanceNW
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I played a Jedi Knight, and the story was ok, and kept me somewhat interested. I am rolling a Sorc now, and i can barely get through it..


I have never played a bioware game, and all i heard was about their awesome story..


honestly, i feel like im watching a B-movie for the most part...


I don't really care for B-movies.


I doubt i'll try another character, just because the side quests are pretty mind-numbing.



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The story is great, the problem is that the story also ends fairly quickly.


A MMO needs to be able to keep people interested over months, to keep people subscribing. The story ends too quickly to be able to do that.

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Ask yourself this. If your character's story were a book, would you want to buy and read that book? So far I would have to say no. (Jugg, BH, Sniper)


I would. As I said, I love the Bounty Hunter Story. I read many Star Wars novels, and this story is not lacking in anyway. THe lead Writer for TOR actually wrote a great Star Wars novel recently, so no, the story is not bad.

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A large percentage here on the forums hate on the game and state that they don't give a crasp about the great story Bioware has put into the game. These are probably the same type of people who would play Modern Warfare, but feel they're a more sophisticated gamer, so they play MMO's....then constantly complain about them.


IMO, story is what sets this game apart. Ive only played bounty hunter so far and love the story and look forward to playing every class.


Funny how you like to generalize...


I came to TOR thinking the story would be KOTOR / DA1, where I could change the course of my class quest if I went a certain route. I also cam to TOR thinking that the class stories would be addicting and very engaging, like that book that you can't put down. But, no, that's not the case.


If you ever play a smuggler there's a MAJOR plot twist, but the execution of it was horrible. The entire REASONING behind the plot twist was just BAD (also played a Jedi knight, who is SO FREAKIN STEREOTYPICAL!) .


So, now I'm not playing TOR anymore since these stories were just not as engaging as their previous products. :(

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