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Should successful interrupts be a flat 4 second silence/lockout of some sort?


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Should successful interrupts be a flat 4 second silence/lockout of some sort?


Yes, otherwise they simply re-cast the ability while you have lost a useful GCD of damage! FAIL!


Ofc it's a bit different when there's another guy doing the kill for you while you interrupt...




just forgot to add, due to very long cast heals and the relative ease of interrupting those, 4 seconds lockout is probably too long, a 2 seconds, maybe 3 seconds lockout should be enough.

Edited by Pwnzie
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Heal is in compèarison to dmg already a bit too weak and i am not talking of up but srsly every nap spamming force ligthning only vs me healing only (yyeah i know i can los and so on just theoretical ;) ) will outdmg me !


Nearly every halfkilled dd will outdmg a healer, only merc can tank dmg ;) as a sorc you dont even have defensiv cds like a 50% less dmg for 6 sek or so...


if spellschool gets locked with counter healers need some defensiv cds at leat op and sorc HEALERS !!!


and yeah beeing sorc i think force lightning needs a nerv ;)

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Instead of trolling, try facing a team with stacked healers (3 or more), come back and tell us your experiences.


I bet instead of making sensible suggestions like the OP made, you'll be screaming for nerfs.


no trolling melee fine. i LOVE how people defend bad ideas with words like sensible. this is a sensible idea like my slow should lockout melee's gap closers for the duration of the slow.

Edited by Averran
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People really need to just learn to interrupt.


I think the problem is too many people are used to and wanting WoW's PvP.


The point I'm trying to make here is that getting interrupted hardly penalizes casters.



My most played character right now is my sorcerer, I only really have one move that people can interrupt, force lightning, however If my FL is interrupted I can always death field, shock, reapply my dots, overload(knockback), slow, reapply my bubble, cylone someone, electrocute someone, or crushing darkness if wrath had procced (or hardcast it if it hadn't)




Basically interrupting a sorcerer does very little if anything to slow it down. There really isn't any penalty for being interrupted, hell if you're interrupted after the first 2 ticks of FL you don't even lose a gcd.



I've never bothered to fakecast on my sorcerer because fakecasting is a bigger hindrance than just getting interrupted.

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So, what happens to melee when they get interupted? Nothing, than can still carry on beating on you. So you lock out the Sorc's main Damage/Heal spell then you out-damage them. Heaven forbid people actually work together and focus fire. How about you stun the Jedi your melee is on preventing them from DPS, whilst the Marauder charges onto them and kills them quickly?


Yes, you can maintain casting, but what would be the point if every interupt would flat out stop you doing anythhing for 4 seconds? Ranged classes would be useless. There are swings and roundabouts to every class. I guess we all see things from different perspectives....

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The point I'm trying to make here is that getting interrupted hardly penalizes casters.


And what we discussed last night was the issue of because of the amount of CC in the game that one interrupt on the correct spell can be fatal for a healer.



But if they added some sort of passive ability where an interrupt wouldn't affect healers like rdps by allowing same-school abilities to be cast, I would more than welcome that change. But in the game's current state, improvements to interrupts would severely gimp healers to the point where they would go from 100%-0% if focused by more than one person.

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So, what happens to melee when they get interupted? Nothing, than can still carry on beating on you. So you lock out the Sorc's main Damage/Heal spell then you out-damage them. Heaven forbid people actually work together and focus fire. How about you stun the Jedi your melee is on preventing them from DPS, whilst the Marauder charges onto them and kills them quickly?


Yes, you can maintain casting, but what would be the point if every interupt would flat out stop you doing anythhing for 4 seconds? Ranged classes would be useless. There are swings and roundabouts to every class. I guess we all see things from different perspectives....


The equivalent of a lockout is... being out of range.


It's terrible game design if two melee are required to focus one caster to lock him down while one caster can prevent a melee from doing 90% of his damage simply by kiting him.


And I play a dirty fighting scoundrel and a madness sorcerer. I would say that I've got less bias here than most players.


And no, I don't believe casters should be able to sit there and cast while a melee is on them without any penalty. On my sorc I really don't have a hard time kiting most melee players, but I'm finding that a lot of the time It's just plain easier to sit there and cast while i'm being beaten on rather than kite them.


The class almost rewards playing badly.

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And what we discussed last night was the issue of because of the amount of CC in the game that one interrupt on the correct spell can be fatal for a healer.



But if they added some sort of passive ability where an interrupt wouldn't affect healers like rdps by allowing same-school abilities to be cast, I would more than welcome that change. But in the game's current state, improvements to interrupts would severely gimp healers to the point where they would go from 100%-0% if focused by more than one person.


edit2: When creating this thread, I didn't really have healers in mind. I'm speaking mostly about sorcs/mercs. If we could keep discussion mainly to those that would be better.


Please read the original post.



And if anything the amount of CC in the game is worse for melees than it is for ranged.

Edited by Aidank
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seems rasonable..

only becouse noone spams the same spell over and over and over...


oh wait..


Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile , Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, Grav Round, .


I wish I could just spam Blade Storm over and over with my 9 second force rush in effect.

Edited by bamsmacked
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The equivalent of a lockout is... being out of range.


It's terrible game design if two melee are required to focus one caster to lock him down while one caster can prevent a melee from doing 90% of his damage simply by kiting him.


And I play a dirty fighting scoundrel and a madness sorcerer. I would say that I've got less bias here than most players.


And no, I don't believe casters should be able to sit there and cast while a melee is on them without any penalty. On my sorc I really don't have a hard time kiting most melee players, but I'm finding that a lot of the time It's just plain easier to sit there and cast while i'm being beaten on rather than kite them.


The class almost rewards playing badly.




What I don't get is the mentality that people should easily be prevented from using their abilities. That is bad pvp design.


People erroneously claim this game is like wow then make suggestions to change it to be just like wow.


It is okay if the game is balanced around range being able to use their abilities.


Someone earlier in the thread latex out how spellcaster lockdown in wow caused further changes that just changed everyone into instacast.


That is not better. I prefer both sides get a chance to use their abikities in a fight. There is already a ton of cc in the game.


Beefing up interrupts and stuns on range is a bad idea.


Ps I play melee

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What I don't get is the mentality that people should easily be prevented from using their abilities. That is bad pvp design.


People erroneously claim this game is like wow then make suggestions to change it to be just like wow.


It is okay if the game is balanced around range being able to use their abilities.


Someone earlier in the thread latex out how spellcaster lockdown in wow caused further changes that just changed everyone into instacast.


That is not better. I prefer both sides get a chance to use their abikities in a fight. There is already a ton of cc in the game.


Beefing up interrupts and stuns on range is a bad idea.


Ps I play melee


A. People love to hate wow, but they got a lot of stuff right.


B. It's not balanced if the game lets ranged use their abilities all the time, but melee are susceptible to kiting.


C. I quit during wotlk, so I'm not sure what happened after that, but interrupts worked absolutely fine up to then.

Edited by Aidank
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And what we discussed last night was the issue of because of the amount of CC in the game that one interrupt on the correct spell can be fatal for a healer.



But if they added some sort of passive ability where an interrupt wouldn't affect healers like rdps by allowing same-school abilities to be cast, I would more than welcome that change. But in the game's current state, improvements to interrupts would severely gimp healers to the point where they would go from 100%-0% if focused by more than one person.


With how many instant casts ALL healers have, 1 interrupt is NEVER fatal. Ever. Sorry, try again.

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You can't fake cast in this game because the game sucks, lol.


Try it, it's hilarious. The game will get confused, and the cast bar will go away (even if you're casting it), and tons of weird **** starts to happen.


Honestly, that's what I think the entire first page of the PvP forum should consist of. About 10 threads, and they all are just saying "Please fix the game. It sucks right now".

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Interrupts aren't punishing to healers is the problem.


It doesn't matter how many heals I interrupt they just switch to another one instantly after. I don't think any class can even kill a healer 1v1 and you usually have to train healers to kill them which doesn't work if you have two of them healing each other.

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A heal in SWTOR heals for around 20-25% of a person's HP pool. And that's on crit. The HOTs are terribly weak also.


In order to allow interrupts to completely lock out all casting, with interrupts on 10s (and in the case of powertech/vanguard, 6s) cooldown, that means that along with 2 stuns and a mezz on the tail end, 1 person can lock down a healer and prevent all healing for upwards of 20 seconds. That is of course assuming the person knows what to interrupt and when.


Given that this would lead to a healer being simply unable to heal at all, and if 1 heal goes through it only does 20-25% of a HP pool, one would have to rebalance healers to either:


a) heal for around 200-300% more, that is 1 heal = 50-75% of a person's HP pool

b) have instant-cast hots that heal for 50% of a person's HP pool over 10-12 seconds.


Healers are largely defenseless on their own. They need teammates to peel for them in PVP. They cannot kill a dps class in a timely fashion and will get eroded down without actually contributing to the fight if they cannot heal.


Why should 1 unsupported interrupter be able to render a healer useless?


Think about it.


This is one of several examples as to why the changes proposed here are bad. I have to assume some people only ever played wow and don't understand you can have pvp based on classes using their abilities instead of based on fighting to use 1 ability.


As you noted healing is balanced on being able to heal. I prefer that be the target than retuning it do only 10% of heals work. Why people feel that is better seems to cone from lack of experience outside wow

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This is one of several examples as to why the changes proposed here are bad. I have to assume some people only ever played wow and don't understand you can have pvp based on classes using their abilities instead of based on fighting to use 1 ability.


As you noted healing is balanced on being able to heal. I prefer that be the target than retuning it do only 10% of heals work. Why people feel that is better seems to cone from lack of experience outside wow


Preventing damage is generally the best way pvp works, if you're a really good player you should be able to take very little damage from a bad player.



On my sorcerer, I can easily kite most melees for long periods of time, doing this I don't take a whole lot of damage. Even after their resolve is filled I can kite them fairly easily.


On my scoundrel I don't do a whole lot of damage while i'm being kited, and even once I land on my target after their resolve is full I've got pretty much no way to stop their damage.


It's a double standard, Melees should have a viable way to prevent ranged damage and the best way to do this is through interrupts.

Edited by Aidank
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I play a sorc, and besides force lighting there really isn't anything else for people to interrupt, and if my lightning IS interrupted I can reapply my bubble, reapply my dots, shock, cyclone someone else, overload(knockback), or cast crushing darkness if wrath had procced.


Simply put, being interrupted hardly does anything to me, I'll always have something to do If I'm interrupted, there is literally no reason why I would ever bother to fakecast because fakecasting is more detrimental than actually getting interrupted. It's a terrible system and should be changed.


Being able to use your abilities is a bad system?


A bad system is a casting system based on stupid fake casting. Every time someone praises stupid fake casting in this thread I kick a flamingo.


I can't even take anyone serious who thinks fake casting should be the cornerstone of an mmog pvp system, it is absurd.

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Being able to use your abilities is a bad system?


A bad system is a casting system based on stupid fake casting. Every time someone praises stupid fake casting in this thread I kick a flamingo.


I can't even take anyone serious who thinks fake casting should be the cornerstone of an mmog pvp system, it is absurd.

No, people shouldn't be able to use whatever ability they want whenever they want. This isn't pokemon, pvp should be reactive.


Fakecasting is a fine system, I'd like to see what you think is wrong with it. It's a psychological battle between the caster and the interrupter and it works fine.



I played a priest all the way through wotlk, fakecasting isn't that hard, casters should need to worry about being interrupted

Edited by Aidank
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Well to be fair, healers had the same problem in WoW and the good ones just adapted w/ fake-casting.


Healers also had dozens of very short time heals that were good, were harder to lock down with roots, snares and stuns, had to deal with actual silences too, and had countless instant cast heals and hots.


Healers in this game have zero instant casts if they don't spec into the healing tree. That is a huge difference- sorcs get two heals, one of which heals so little it's pretty much useless- it is like flash heal but without the healing. The other heals a good amount, but is 3 second cast time- meaning impossible to get off when one person is on you.


Furthermore- interrupts are on a very short CD in this game- and, they're added to things like charge/leap.


If you say, leap someone- that would root and silence them for several seconds? That's pretty much a stun at that point since you can't move- would give marauders a 12 second ranged stun which includes a gap closer every 12 seconds.



The reason nobody fake casts now is because tricking out someone's interrupt has no purpose when everyone has so many on such short CDs- it's the opposite of WoW where tripping it out meant several seconds of free casts. Here, it means almost nothing- you might as well heal and hope for the best.

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