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Should successful interrupts be a flat 4 second silence/lockout of some sort?


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Zarthorn has been on the whole "best of both worlds" corruption/madness BS for the past few days. I laugh every time he claims sorcerers can do both extremely well with that joke of a spec.


To be fair i do quite well with the spec.


in a good matc h i can do 220k-300k dmg 150k-200k healing


in a healing intensive match i ll do 125k-150k dmg 200-250k healing.



This would be on huttball.

Edited by OsirisZoran
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surely sounds like a L2P issue to me. Seeing as every WZ i've been in has never ended in a stalemate i surely can see where you're coing from! not.


Yes i know its going to be rough being in line now with every other burst dmg class. Gone are those glory days of 3 shotting people and talking crap about how pro you were. dont worry still have the memories!


And when the nerfbat swings in your direction, surely Bioware will have had it in for you, etc huh?


If it's a l2p issue:


-I wouldn't have a champ geared Guardian

-I wouldn't have being killing people prior to getting shoot first

-I would be saying Gunnery specced Commandos are balanced and not faceroll stupid.


Yes, I advocated a nerf to shoot first, but what Bioware are doing is an outright gutting of our sustained dps based on pre 1.1 information just because you Sorcs wouldn't stop crying that Scoundrels were killing you still because you didn't know how to use anything other than Force lightning.


l2p is the last bastion of the "dead man walking" when you start throwing it around, it's obvious that you know the nerfbat is coming your way.


But hey, I'm sure you'll find sympathy on the forums when they get round to it and write an essay on how you were fine, etc and didn't need it......the same sympathy that you showed to Sc/Ops more like....absolutely none.

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Seems most of this discussion is fueled by some melee having a hard time against sorcerers.

Maybe this fix would work on sorcerers but it would destroy every other ranged/healer.


Right now, as a merc healer an assassin or marauder can already "lock" me out of the game for prolonged periods of time. I can get an occasional heal of but I'm only gonne be using that on my own so I feel they are strong enough. As a bodyguard merc I do not have means to get away, I don't have slows, the only thing I have is a weak knockback and a stun, but I don't have speed increase to get away and I have to stand still to heal. Easy enough to sit on me and take me out of the game completely unless you're either undergeared or bad.


Healers aren't unkillable and coordinated burst can take down anything in a matter of seconds, even if 2-3 healers are on the target.

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And when the nerfbat swings in your direction, surely Bioware will have had it in for you, etc huh?


If it's a l2p issue:


-I wouldn't have a champ geared Guardian

-I wouldn't have being killing people prior to getting shoot first

-I would be saying Gunnery specced Commandos are balanced and not faceroll stupid.


Yes, I advocated a nerf to shoot first, but what Bioware are doing is an outright gutting of our sustained dps based on pre 1.1 information just because you Sorcs wouldn't stop crying that Scoundrels were killing you still because you didn't know how to use anything other than Force lightning.


l2p is the last bastion of the "dead man walking" when you start throwing it around, it's obvious that you know the nerfbat is coming your way.


But hey, I'm sure you'll find sympathy on the forums when they get round to it and write an essay on how you were fine, etc and didn't need it......the same sympathy that you showed to Sc/Ops more like....absolutely none.



There is nothing they can nerf on the sorc/sage because we dont 3 shot people and we take forever to kill anyone.


The face remains every class has an equal chance to kill a sorcerer. Its not overpowered like the scoundrels 3 shotting you.


You cant nerf a class because it synergizes well with its own class or other classes when paired together Lmao thats just silly.


Again, its a pure learn 2 play on your part thats the bottom line.


Learn 2 CC, Learn 2 seperate players with knockbacks and grips.


Learn 2 med kit learn 2 interupt


learn 2 work with a group

Edited by OsirisZoran
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Seems most of this discussion is fueled by some melee having a hard time against sorcerers.

Maybe this fix would work on sorcerers but it would destroy every other ranged/healer.


Right now, as a merc healer an assassin or marauder can already "lock" me out of the game for prolonged periods of time. I can get an occasional heal of but I'm only gonne be using that on my own so I feel they are strong enough. As a bodyguard merc I do not have means to get away, I don't have slows, the only thing I have is a weak knockback and a stun, but I don't have speed increase to get away and I have to stand still to heal. Easy enough to sit on me and take me out of the game completely unless you're either undergeared or bad.


Healers aren't unkillable and coordinated burst can take down anything in a matter of seconds, even if 2-3 healers are on the target.


My Marauder does that to Every Single healer. Even a Sorcerer can't get away.

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There is nothing they can nerf on the sorc/sage because we dont 3 shot people and we take forever to kill anyone.


Sounds like Bright Wizard to me. "Playing with fire is fine, not our fault healers don't know how to purge it" (Bright Wizard argument when they were dot stacking and getting two for one kills with playing with fire)


"AoE damage is fine you just need to learn to move" (Bright Wizard argument when they were running magnet/aoe bomb squads killing entire warbands in a few seconds)


And Pyro. "Circle is fine, we need it because we can't survive outside of it" (Pyro argument as to why circle should keep them CC immune and have its mitigation increase)


"It has an 8 sec cooldown!!" (Argument as to why they should be allowed to one shot)



And now we get to you.


"Sorcs do crap damage!" (most sorcs finishing high damage in WZ's and regularly critting for 3k with force lightning regardless of spec)


"Bubble isn't all that good" (Takes 2-3 people to take a single BM geared Sorc down as shown time and time again)


"We don't have too much CC" (Chain CC's anyone that comes near them even through resolve)


Sound familar?

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Sounds like Bright Wizard to me. "Playing with fire is fine, not our fault healers don't know how to purge it" (Bright Wizard argument when they were dot stacking and getting two for one kills with playing with fire)


"AoE damage is fine you just need to learn to move" (Bright Wizard argument when they were running magnet/aoe bomb squads killing entire warbands in a few seconds)


And Pyro. "Circle is fine, we need it because we can't survive outside of it" (Pyro argument as to why circle should keep them CC immune and have its mitigation increase)


Oh god, the horrible memories as a Squig Herder.

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No. I meant exactly what I said.


I don't care about training abilities(see what I did there?)


So you guys lined up and attacked each healer one at a time?


That or you had sex with them. I'm not going to judge.


The reason why the term is "train" is because when casters (mainly healers) were getting herped down by 2-3 melee DPS, it literally looked like a train from far away.

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So you guys lined up and attacked each healer one at a time?


That or you had sex with them. I'm not going to judge.


The reason why the term is "train" is because when casters (mainly healers) were getting herped down by 2-3 melee DPS, it literally looked like a train from far away.


How I miss the days of the DaoC Choo Choo...armsmen and mercenaries as far as the eye could see!

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Sounds like Bright Wizard to me. "Playing with fire is fine, not our fault healers don't know how to purge it" (Bright Wizard argument when they were dot stacking and getting two for one kills with playing with fire)


"AoE damage is fine you just need to learn to move" (Bright Wizard argument when they were running magnet/aoe bomb squads killing entire warbands in a few seconds)


And Pyro. "Circle is fine, we need it because we can't survive outside of it" (Pyro argument as to why circle should keep them CC immune and have its mitigation increase)


"It has an 8 sec cooldown!!" (Argument as to why they should be allowed to one shot)



And now we get to you.


"Sorcs do crap damage!" (most sorcs finishing high damage in WZ's and regularly critting for 3k with force lightning regardless of spec)


"Bubble isn't all that good" (Takes 2-3 people to take a single BM geared Sorc down as shown time and time again)


"We don't have too much CC" (Chain CC's anyone that comes near them even through resolve)

Sound familar?


lol 3k force lighting crits? really? because with 660 force dmg and relic + 15% expertise buff my force lightning ticks crit for 1100-1300 on a 500+ expertise geared player.


as for the other comments. Yeah keep dreaming and stop playing with terrible players in terrible gear trying to kill BM sorcs..

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"Sorcs do crap damage!" (most sorcs finishing high damage in WZ's and regularly critting for 3k with force lightning regardless of spec)


"Bubble isn't all that good" (Takes 2-3 people to take a single BM geared Sorc down as shown time and time again)


"We don't have too much CC" (Chain CC's anyone that comes near them even through resolve)


Sound familar?


Force lightning, can't crit for 3k its a channeled spell if they could crit for 3k with that spell they wouldn't use any other ability.


Bubble absorbs like 3-4k damage, You and your 3 friends should probably hit the trainers and upgrade the abilities you start with. Your in for a big suprise to your class actually has more than the two abilities you started with I hope you saved your money 49 levels of abilities will be expensive to train.


I give up not even going to waste my time explaining resolve to you. Your trolling or by far the worst player ever. However, I have saved this page so i have something to laugh at and repost when I'm bored thank you.

Edited by Rhazesx
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So you guys lined up and attacked each healer one at a time?


That or you had sex with them. I'm not going to judge.


The reason why the term is "train" is because when casters (mainly healers) were getting herped down by 2-3 melee DPS, it literally looked like a train from far away.



You can act 12 and talk about double entendre or argue semantics all you want to.


I meant exactly what I said. The meanings were clear. Stop trolling.

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Force lightning, can't crit for 3k its a channeled spell if they could crit for 3k with that spell they wouldn't use any other ability.


Bubble absorbs like 3-4k damage, You and your 3 friends should probably hit the trainers and upgrade the abilities you start with. Your in for a big suprise to your class actually has more than the two abilities you started with I hope you saved your money 49 levels of abilities will be expensive to train.


I give up not even going to waste my time explaining resolve to you. Your trolling or by far the worst player ever.


Honestly he's been in denial since the op nerf. i think he was one of those ops who seriously thought they were a great PvPer when they could kill a person in under 5 seconds but now depression has set in knowing he has to use more than his opener and the few other button smashes to kill someone.


He actually has to use tactics and skill now.


Gonna be hard with all the sorc/sages out there stunning people through resolve though and dishing out 3k tick force lightnings all the while tanking 2-3 melee classes.

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You can act 12 and talk about double entendre or argue semantics all you want to.


I meant exactly what I said. The meanings were clear. Stop trolling.


You used a slang term that made no sense to the context, and I just pointed it out.


No need to try to insult or call troll.

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Honestly he's been in denial since the op nerf. i think he was one of those ops who seriously thought they were a great PvPer when they could kill a person in under 5 seconds but now depression has set in knowing he has to use more than his opener and the few other button smashes to kill someone.


He actually has to use tactics and skill now.


Gonna be hard with all the sorc/sages out there stunning people through resolve though and dishing out 3k tick force lightnings all the while tanking 2-3 melee classes.


No he is one of keyboard turning clicker ops that you see behind you in stealth who takes 3 secs to line up and another 2 secs looking for an ability to click on

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lol 3k force lighting crits? really? because with 660 force dmg and relic + 15% expertise buff my force lightning ticks crit for 1100-1300 on a 500+ expertise geared player.


as for the other comments. Yeah keep dreaming and stop playing with terrible players in terrible gear trying to kill BM sorcs..


You answered without even realising it =p


Can any of my abilities do that every single second that it's running for without heavily depleting my energy pool?


Back blast? No wait it requires positioning and has a 6 sec cooldown


How about quick shot? No wait it depletes my energy pool stupidly fast to spam and is a 1.5 sec GCD


Maybe Sucker punch? Nope it requires upper hand and is tied to GCD which triggers AFTER the damage portion hits


Maybe my auto attack? Nope no chance and again, tied to GCD.


What about I dunno my Guardian?


Hrm lets see Blade storm? Nope 9 sec cooldown

Maybe Master strike? Nope 45 sec cooldown

What about Sweep? 9 sec cooldown



So lightning which can be made no cooldown, can be triggered 3 times from 30m when your CD buff is up and the GCD is finished so it can be used again before the channel is completed and does 1.1-1.3k each SECOND it is running vs BM geared players...means it is doing crap damage now?


You really are in your own little world aren't you?

Edited by Zarthorn
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You answered without even realising it =p


Can any of my abilities do that every single second that it's running for without heavily depleting my energy pool?


Back blast? No wait it requires positioning and has a 6 sec cooldown


How about quick shot? No wait it depletes my energy pool stupidly fast to spam and is a 1.5 sec GCD


Maybe Sucker punch? Nope it requires upper hand and is tied to GCD which triggers AFTER the damage portion hits


Maybe my auto attack? Nope no chance and again, tied to GCD.


What about I dunno my Guardian?


Hrm lets see Blade storm? Nope 9 sec cooldown

Maybe Master strike? Nope 45 sec cooldown

What about Sweep? 9 sec cooldown



So lightning which can be made no cooldown, can be triggered 3 times from 30m when your CD buff is up and the GCD is finished so it can be used again before the channel is completed and does 1.1-1.3k each SECOND it is running vs BM geared players...means it is doing crap damage now?


You really are in your own little world aren't you?


You relaize i have to push 3 buttons and then force lightning just to activate the power to get that much dmg behind it. Then guess how much dmg it does when it gets interupted or LOS? Here s a hint. ZERO.


and yes, 3k dmg is pretty small time compared to every other class easily clearing 4-7k for their dmg crits.

whats that? none of the abilities you listed above are affected by interupts or are channeled or cast? Pretty sure they're all instant cast.

Edited by OsirisZoran
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You relaize i have to push 3 buttons and then force lightning just to activate the power to get that much dmg behind it. Then guess how much dmg it does when it gets interupted or LOS? Here s a hint. ZERO.


whats that? none of the abilities you listed above are affected by interupts.


Master strike, which you can simply walk out of range of (10m) and can be interupted, all skills require melee range or 10m at the very most.


Let me guess, trinket, range boost and lightning....yes because no other class uses trinkets for there crits either :rolleyes:


Guess what a Scoundrel has to do to do those big Shoot firsts!


-Load Flechette round

-Position behind target in melee range

-Pop Trinket

-Pop Adrenal

-Shoot First


What do you have to do?


-Use range extention

-Pop trinket

-Force Lightning


Guess what a Guardian has to do for the big Force Sweep Crits (Focus spec)!


-Force leap/Zealous leap

-Force exhaustion/stasis

-Pop Trinket

-Pop Adrenal

-Force Sweep

-Be in melee range the whole time praying they don't get CC'ed which would break the chain


What do you have to do?


-Use range extention

-Pop trinket

-Force Lightning



Obviously you are unaware of a little thing called risk vs reward.

Edited by Zarthorn
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This works in a one on one when you can easily manage the resolve bar and they are not actively CC'ing you back.


If it isn't one on one (95% of the time) or they try to CC you back....good luck with stopping them from healing.


Then it becomes much more interesting....

Aoe taunt and aoe SMASH works like a charm

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Fine as it is.


If such a change were implemented, interutps would have to be reduced in number and increased in cooldown.


If it were a total lockout, if arena were implemented for example, two sorcs would render a healer unable to heal indefinately.

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