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Should successful interrupts be a flat 4 second silence/lockout of some sort?


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What I'm seeing here is that you're playing a SWTOR melee who can't kill anything so you're begging for huge nerfs, and you couldn't kill casters in WoW either...


Conclusion: you're a bad.


I play Powertech and faceroll everyone. Although I'm working on some melee alts cause I like them. Also, in WoW I played Disc Priest and was almost never interrupted by rogue, warrior or enh shaman. Fake casting is pro, I suggest you learn it.


Conclusion: You're bad sorc who gets interrupted all the time and die. L2P.

Edited by Makhbet
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I dunno why you'd want to add what boils down to effectively more cc when there's too much available in pvp as it is. My sin has a knockdown, an interrupt and two stuns all by himself, all of which activate instantly. I very rarely have issues with casters, and it's usually only when they're being supported by their allies and I am not, aka I'm getting outplayed, which is fair game.
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The world might collapse if casters actually have to fake cast in this game, the tears would be enormous. The interrupts would have to have a decent animation so people would know.


Yah yah yah, it's casters who should need to do all the thinking... Meanwhile, we melees shouldn't have to think about what we interrupt at all, right? Whatever we interrupt should just lock out everything!


It looks silly when you try to nerf a class to make your own more faceroll, then accuse the players of that class of being facerollers.

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I'm an operative, thanks.


I think the problem here is just that operatives are comparatively weak healers.


With bubble and other instant casts It can be incredibly difficult to kill a healing sorc even if you land all your interrupts and cc interrupt on every cast you can.

Edited by Aidank
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Yah yah yah, it's casters who should need to do all the thinking... Meanwhile, we melees shouldn't have to think about what we interrupt at all, right? Whatever we interrupt should just lock out everything!


It looks silly when you try to nerf a class to make your own more faceroll, then accuse the players of that class of being facerollers.


I just made a thread asking people which class they thought took the most skill... Almost every single answer was a melee class.


And I have to agree with them, in this game melee are just not faceroll.

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Yah yah yah, it's casters who should need to do all the thinking... Meanwhile, we melees shouldn't have to think about what we interrupt at all, right? Whatever we interrupt should just lock out everything!


It looks silly when you try to nerf a class to make your own more faceroll, then accuse the players of that class of being facerollers.


I know what heal to interrupt it isn't hard. Ranged are heavily favored in this game heaven forbid they have one thing going against them.

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I just made a thread asking people which class they thought took the most skill... Almost every single answer was a melee class.


And I have to agree with them, in this game melee are just not faceroll.


I was accusing him of trying to make his class faceroll, not being faceroll. He literally doesn't want to have to think about what he interrupts.

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Makes for a more interesting game rather than mindless heal spam. O that got interrupted better cast dark heal instead of dark infusion.


Mindless interrupt spam makes for more interesting gameplay than mindless heal spam?


Seems like a double standard to me. You just want YOUR gameplay to be mindless, while everyone else has to think about everything.

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If it's not hard, why does it need to be much easier? Something doesn't add up here.


Because there just isn't enough penalty when things are interrupted, the issue isn't that interrupting is too hard, it's that interrupting doesn't do enough.


Interrupt a sorcerer's long heal and they cast the fast one, which does almost the same healing per second, and even though it costs a little bit more force they're virtually impossible to focus starve.



And It makes no sense for me to have to blow all of my cooldowns that trigger 1.5 second globals to interrupt 1.5 second casts... and their resolve completely fills after 2 maximum.



They should need to fakecast occasionally.

Edited by Aidank
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Mindless interrupt spam makes for more interesting gameplay than mindless heal spam?


Seems like a double standard to me. You just want YOUR gameplay to be mindless, while everyone else has to think about everything.


Can't spam interrupts.

Edited by Nocorras
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Because there just isn't enough penalty when things are interrupted, the issue isn't that interrupting is too hard, it's that interrupting doesn't do enough.


Interrupt a sorcerer's long heal and they cast the fast one, which does almost the same healing per second, and even though it costs a little bit more force they're virtually impossible to focus starve.


Answer me this... Are you unable to kill casters or drastically hinder their casting as a melee? Yes or no?

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Because there just isn't enough penalty when things are interrupted, the issue isn't that interrupting is too hard, it's that interrupting doesn't do enough.


Interrupt a sorcerer's long heal and they cast the fast one, which does almost the same healing per second, and even though it costs a little bit more force they're virtually impossible to focus starve.

Yes. You touched another issue. It is much easier to force "OOM" on Operatives or Mercs than on Sorcs. That is just how the resource mechanics difference works. This is class is borked on so many levels...

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Some comments here are priceless. If you interupt a sorcetard, he (unless its anoob) casts another spell / cc and continues with his happy bussines for 4s. If you root marauder/sentinel he cannot fulfil his role. If anyone has trouble with interupts, its just one-two ability spammers.


If any sorcetard complains against marauder quick (with talent only) interupt, he should learn to TACTICALLY use his CC, not just midlessly spam them on every occassion.

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Answer me this... Are you unable to kill casters or drastically hinder their casting as a melee? Yes or no?


I can't kill sorcerers / mercenaries and after my ccs are blown I do very little to hinder their healing with just interrupts.

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So your solution is to completely break operative healers? Good one!


I've posted before that operative healing needs a buff, but that's an entirely separate issue, the main reason I made this thread is actually because of how faceroll caster damage classes are.



Considering it's the least played class, and 90% of the people who play the class play it as damage, it's obviously not the reason I made the thread.



And even then, an interrupt lockout wouldn't be as big of a nerf to ops as it would be to the other healers, they use more instant casts than mercs and sorcs. If anything it'd bring them more in line with the other healers.

Edited by Aidank
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I've posted before that operative healing needs a buff, but that's an entirely separate issue, the main reason I made this thread is actually because of how faceroll caster damage classes are.


Considering it's the least played class, and 90% of the people who play the class play it as damage, it's obviously not the reason I made the thread.


It's a solution to an imaginary problem. Melees are doing fine in WZs. Some of them are downright scary effective. It all depends on what class you're playing. Could sorc ability #s use some tuning? Probably. But we don't need to put in whole new (old) game mechanics just because WoW had it.


FYI: it didn't work so hot in WoW either. In MoP, Blizzard is removing school lockouts because they punish casters too hard.

Edited by Caelrie
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It's a solution to an imaginary problem. Melees are doing fine in WZs. Some of them are downright scary effective. It all depends on what class you're playing. Could sorc ability #s use some tuning? Probably. But we don't need to put in whole new (old) game mechanics just because WoW had it.


I think i've already outlined the problem, and explained why it is a problem. Almost everyone here seems to think that caster classes in this game are easy to play. Sorcerers don't do outstanding damage, they don't have crazy burst, but what they do have are mechanics that are incredibly foolproof. There is practically no penalty to anything past standing in a flame pit.

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It's fine as it is right now. Between interrupts, pushback, knockbacks, mezzes and stuns, it's already plenty hard to get timed casts off unless you create some distance first.


This is rubbish....I use distraction now against Force Lightning and that **** is straight back on me again and then I'm dead in about 1.5 channels worth. It needs to be way more interruptable and with an actual lockout >> 4 sec gets me about 5k dmg if I'm lucky and GS is "alledgedly" great DPS....I don't think so!

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