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Should successful interrupts be a flat 4 second silence/lockout of some sort?


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I feel like for casters the game is a lot more forgiving than it is for most melees. Seems like this is mostly because if any of their casts get interrupted they can just cast something else.


I don't think I've ever seen someone bother to fake cast in this game... Ever.



a 4 second lockout might be a little bit much, maybe 2 or 3 depending on the interrupt, but what do you guys think?



edit: To add, my main reasoning for starting this thread Is I posted a thread earlier today asking people which class they thought took the most skill.


Out of some 6 pages not a single person said sorcerer, mercenary, operative, and only some 3 people said sniper.


I figured the reason for this is that melee classes are penalized a lot more for playing badly in this game than caster classes are.


edit2: When creating this thread, I didn't really have healers in mind. I'm speaking mostly about sorcs/mercs. If we could keep discussion mainly to those that would be better.

Edited by Aidank
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I feel like for casters the game is a lot more forgiving than it is for most melees. Seems like this is mostly because if any of their casts get interrupted they can just cast something else.


I don't think I've ever seen someone bother to fake cast in this game... Ever.



a 4 second lockout might be a little bit much, maybe 2 or 3 depending on the interrupt, but what do you guys think?


should be 10 seconds imo

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Maybe a lockout of that type of skill (e.g.: all heals, all lightning, all missiles, all DoTs, etc) but not all out silence.


An all out silence would essentially be yet another stun in a situation where there's already too many.

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Maybe a lockout of that type of skill (e.g.: all heals, all lightning, all missiles, all DoTs, etc) but not all out silence.


An all out silence would essentially be yet another stun in a situation where there's already too many.


I was thinking to go with wow's solution and something like this, but I don't think Bio categorized skills like that at all, so I'm not quite sure how they would pull that off.



And I'm just brainstorming here, 4 seconds is just what the lockout is right now and I think it would be better if it applied to multiple skills.

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Maybe a lockout of that type of skill (e.g.: all heals, all lightning, all missiles, all DoTs, etc) but not all out silence.


An all out silence would essentially be yet another stun in a situation where there's already too many.


It's fine as it is right now. Between interrupts, pushback, knockbacks, mezzes and stuns, it's already plenty hard to get timed casts off unless you create some distance first.

Edited by Caelrie
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Even locking out a type is too much. You're a healer? Not anymore, you were noticed by a marau. Sorry buddy, you're an autoattacker with occasional cc now.


Well to be fair, healers had the same problem in WoW and the good ones just adapted w/ fake-casting.

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Nobody would ever be able to cast with a sentinel/mara on them at all. Their interrupt CD is too short.

Melee shamans in WoW have 5 seconds cooldown on their interrupt ability (with 2 seconds silence). Try again please.

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Just out of curiosity, what exactly do you feel it is about casters that justifies nerfing them in this way? That's effectively what this is, after all.


Also, can we stop with the "it was fine in WoW, it'll be fine here" logic? Entirely different games with different mechanics and classes.

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This isn't WoW. Too much stuff is different.


Like? I mean for the most part here the problems with casters seem like they stem from a lack of penalty when you're interrupted.


In wow, the interrupts penalize the casters a lot more, and for the most part I think it works out better.

Edited by Aidank
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Melee shamans in WoW have 5 seconds cooldown on their interrupt ability (with 2 seconds silence). Try again please.


And nobody got any spells off with an enhance shaman on them. Why do you think they killed all casters so easily?


You just proved my point. You looking to make this game face-roll easy for melees?

Edited by Caelrie
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Even locking out a type is too much. You're a healer? Not anymore, you were noticed by a marau. Sorry buddy, you're an autoattacker with occasional cc now.


Time to learn how to fake cast. It was bread and butter for healers in WoW, and I laugh at all the healers in this game that can't do it and die. On the other hand, here they just can't use the interrupted spell, so it doesn't really bother them that much. The only class that gets completely clueless after interrupt is Merc/Commando spamming Tracer/Grav.


And nobody got any spells off with an enhance shaman on them. Why do you think they killed all casters so easily?


You just proved my point. You looking to make this game face-roll easy for melees?


You serious?

Edited by Makhbet
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Just out of curiosity, what exactly do you feel it is about casters that justifies nerfing them in this way? That's effectively what this is, after all.


Also, can we stop with the "it was fine in WoW, it'll be fine here" logic? Entirely different games with different mechanics and classes.


Just as an example, I started a thread asking which class people thought took the most skill.



Almost every answer was that melee classes take the most skill.


Out of some 6 pages nobody said sorc, nobody said merc, and some 3 people said gunslinger/sniper.


I asked myself why that is, and I feel it's like because playing badly penalizes melee classes far more than casters.

Edited by Aidank
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Time to learn how to fake cast. It was bread and butter for healers in WoW, and I laugh at all the healers in this game that can't do it and die. On the other hand, here they just can't use the interrupted spell, so it doesn't really bother them that much. The only class that gets completely clueless after interrupt is Merc/Commando spamming Tracer/Grav.




You serious?


What I'm seeing here is that you're playing a SWTOR melee who can't kill anything so you're begging for huge nerfs, and you couldn't kill casters in WoW either...


Conclusion: you're a bad.

Edited by Caelrie
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And nobody got any spells off with an enhance shaman on them. Why do you think they killed all casters so easily?


You just proved my point.

Yet enh. shamans were not an ongoing issue in WoW. Well, once they were, in very early Vanilla - becouse they were "1-shotting" people with their Windfury. There was an issue with Wind Shear cooldown recently which made healing shamans OP so they had to increase the cooldown for this spec. Yet melee shamans still rock with 5 seconds cooldown and I dont hear much complain about this.


Maybe SWTOR needs a different balancing but seriously... it is very fun to interrupt a heal from a Sorc only to see ANOTHER HEAL starting to get casted 0.5 sec after that.

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The lockout in wow is for a school of spell, so the caster can still cast other spells.


True, but most classes had almost all of their abilities in the same lockout tree in wow, so an interrupt wasn't that much different from a silence

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Yet enh. shamans were not an ongoing issue in WoW. Well, once they were, in very early Vanilla - becouse they were "1-shotting" people with their Windfury. There was an issue with Wind Shear cooldown recently which made healing shamans OP so they had to increase the cooldown for this spec. Yet melee shamans still rock with 5 seconds cooldown and I dont hear much complain about this.


Maybe SWTOR needs a different balancing but seriously... it is very fun to interrupt a heal from a Sorc only to see ANOTHER HEAL starting to get casted 0.5 sec after that.


Nobody said enhance shamans were wrecking everyone and were arena stars. They were too fragile against melees for that to be the case. The simple fact is that they were EXCELLENT at harassing and killing casters.


As for the heal interrupt... If you interrupt the big one you make her use the fast one that heals for little and uses a lot of force. That's a plus. If you waste your interrupt on the little one without a kill coming soon, well you're usually just bad.

Edited by Caelrie
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