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Texture resolution.....


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I feel the exact same way. Graphics dont make up for bad gameplay, but great gameplay cannot make up for graphics (imo).


If I am going to be looking at a game for hours on end, I want to enjoy looking at that game.


I hope that they release a texture pack upgrade by this time next year


The textures are there as far as i know... they are just bugged to all hell and don't show up the way they're supposed to.


One thing is for sure... i will NOT be playing the game by this time next year if that issue is not fixed soonish.


I like Star Wars, i like SWTORs gameplay and story so far, i love MMOs... but as you stated in your first sentence all this can't make up for this graphical nightmare.


I doubt i'll play a game for an extended period of time, no matter how good the gameplay is, if i can hardly look at my own character without wanting to throw up.

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While the issue I had was a serious one in my opinion, I don't really see the point of moaning about the need for high resolution textures outside cut scenes. Sorry, but if your not going to play the game because of that then this game probably isn't for you. Don't get me wrong, I think Bioware will offer some sort of option in the future but the textures don't look bad at all outside cut scenes and are more then playable.


Finally got around to putting a few hours into the Jedi Knight and had an absolute blast now that my texture problem is solved. That performance problem I mentioned in the fix post is nowhere to be seen, I'm guessing it was caused by me alt-tabing the game. The art style really is rather beautiful, especially Typhon.


But as for high resolution textures, I get it. But honestly Bioware have more important things to fix right now. Have Bioware ever confirmed the much rumored high resolution textures. Whenever I've heard of them it's been in forums and such. Don't mean to attack anyone, but like I said the textures look fine as they are (if you don't have the issue I had).

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Um... the entire game is on your hard drive. The information is still transferred over the internet. Graphic quality does effect lag, that's why MMOs never, ever have the best quality graphics. Granted I'm not a programmer or anything and don't know the specifics, but I can make the inference that it is an issue since all MMOs keep the graphics to a minimum.


That's not true, the only thing transfered is coordinates, there is no transfer of graphic. If you pick up the stream on low/med/high you will see that there is no difference in the traffic. That's handled on the client side.

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Nor do 99% of the people playing the game.

If you want to throw around numbers, every single person I have spoken to in game dislikes the current texture quality. That's 100% of people disliking the current bugged "medium" textures.


Im relieved it only appears to be a bug since it's something that should be fixed fairly quickly. The sooner the better since I dislike playing a washed out blurry character that looks like it came from a 10 year old game. Give me the cut scene quality in game pls.

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You must be new to MMOs. As an online game, MMOs are always years behind the current peak of graphics quality, so less information is being transferred over internet connections, and so people with lower-end computers can still play. Using the best graphics would cause too much internet lag in an online game.


... why would it increase the internet trafic if all the graphic infomation is on youre hard-drive? I dont know of any MMO who sends out graphic infomation over the initernet, unless it is a browser based game.


EDIT: And about graphics, have to take a picture of my shadow when I get home. I have a 6950 with 2gb DDR5 memory. Evertying on max, my still my shadow is like a square box with muiltible squair boxes for arms and legs. 1st time I saw this it was like, wtf?

When I was standing in the shadow everything was ok, but in the sun?


Im kinda of a eye-kandy person. I LOVE to straw around watching on the beuitful senario around in the game. People can say that graphics is not par of a game, but IMO it is. It brings you in to the envirement.

If you dont care about the graphics, you could as vell just read a book.

Edited by Mamono
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I'm also happy with the graphics; I don't need BF3 or Skyrim levels in an MMO. Being happy with the graphics doesn't make me a fanboi.


You don't understand trolls: if someone is an adult with a realistic outlook on life, isn't having a fit because this game isn't WoW, apparently finds the graphics great, his PC is decent and isn't BSODing or having FPS issues, must be a fanboi...

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Actually, 99.99%, I haven't seen ANYONE in chat, on my various characters, complaining about the graphics, quite the opposite.


I concur. I like the style, and I'm patient. We don't have to have textures RIGHT NAO, you know? We're passed the WoW-Wrath era people, it's time to grow up. :)

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I concur. I like the style, and I'm patient. We don't have to have textures RIGHT NAO, you know? We're passed the WoW-Wrath era people, it's time to grow up. :)


yeah, would it be nice to have HIGHRES textures? Hell yeah. Is it preventing me from enjoying the game?Nope. Maybe OP should go back to CoD. Seems more his cup of tea

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Since the beta there is something wrong with the texture quality. During cutscenes the detail is high, but during the game it's stuck on medium.


Also you will notice there is no difference between the medium and high setting. THis needs to be fixed as the game looks MUCH better with the high res textures :/

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Since the beta there is something wrong with the texture quality. During cutscenes the detail is high, but during the game it's stuck on medium.


Also you will notice there is no difference between the medium and high setting. THis needs to be fixed as the game looks MUCH better with the high res textures :/


^ This.

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For all the doubters, for those that said people were stupid and the graphics were perfect. To those that blamed people on this thread and other threads for not knowing how to configure our graphics cards. To those that said we were whining ******* and hurled a host of vituperative statements at people reporting/lamenting the problem


It brings me pleasure to say : You're wrong :-)



Originally Posted by Spankyjnco

2. Is there a plan to fix the graphic settings? Right now there is no real difference between medium/high graphics and it's apparent that we are all stuck with the medium textures. What's the reasoning for this, and do you guys have a fix planned?

It's a bug, and we are working on rolling out a fix.




The MipMap thing is still a good idea, but it isn't the main reason for the low textures.

I suppose we can all stop fiddling with driver settings now as well.


It's a bug, it's been acknowledged..and hopefully we will have a fix soon .

Edited by LexiCazam
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It's an MMO, if you're here to play for graphics you need to find another genre. SWTOR doesn't look much better or much worse than any other MMO on the market, I think people have more of a problem with the art style more than anything. Sure the textures aren't amazing but go play a game like DCUO or even WAR








to compare




SWTOR in most cases looks better, people aren't giving this game enough credit. If you're playing sub HD with everything turned down it's your own fault, and if you're playing full settings 1080p and you still think the game looks bad visually you need to go play some other game.

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I still have LOW blurry textures bug on my character (and sometimes background). It's really HORRIBLE and totally game-breaking (well, really not, but hell, it's hard to play with that).


I have 2x ATI 5770 in crossfire, 6 gb ram and i7-3.60 ghz


I hope for a fix soon


EDIT: Here it is a sample of what i see, and im on HIGH SETTINGS



Edited by xVarthx
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I still have LOW blurry textures bug on my character (and sometimes background). It's really HORRIBLE and totally game-breaking (well, really not, but hell, it's hard to play with that).


I have 2x ATI 5770 in crossfire, 6 gb ram and i7-3.60 ghz


I hope for a fix soon


EDIT: Here it is a sample of what i see, and im on HIGH SETTINGS




Yeah! The same happens to me. After much experimentation I've noticed that if you use low resolution textures they are better than this. I suppose it's a problem loading the textures.


Sometimes I also find black eyes during conversations, but also only when using hi resolution textures. I hope there is a fix for all of this soon. Meanwhile I'll be playing with low resolution textures :(

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Bumping daily, because this issue ticks me off.


Here is a compiled list of threads covering this unresolved and relatively unacknowledged issue: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=91723


Bioware, please acknowledge this in your OFFICIAL game issues thread asap: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=5533


Once this above is done, I will no longer feel the need bump daily in the attempt to bring this to Bioware's attention.

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Bumping , because this issue ticks me off.


Here is a compiled list of threads covering this unresolved and relatively unacknowledged issue: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=91723


Bioware, please acknowledge this in your OFFICIAL game issues thread asap: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=5533


Once this above is done, I will no longer feel the need bump daily in the attempt to bring this to Bioware's attention.

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