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Texture resolution.....


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It's an MMO, an online game, it's just not going to have the best graphics for that reason. If you want great graphics you have to play offline games. It's just the way it's always been with MMOs.


Um, no. The first game to require a 3D accelerator was a MMO. Gimping MMO graphics is a recent development to make games able to run on "your mom's HP," so then they could try to get subscription money out of more people.

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Um, no. The first game to require a 3D accelerator was a MMO. Gimping MMO graphics is a recent development to make games able to run on "your mom's HP," so then they could try to get subscription money out of more people.


god forbid they try to make money off their multi-million dollar product by not arbitrarily keeping many many people out of the game because of their machine limitations, amirite?

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You must be new to MMOs. As an online game, MMOs are always years behind the current peak of graphics quality, so less information is being transferred over internet connections, and so people with lower-end computers can still play. Using the best graphics would cause too much internet lag in an online game.


Before posting with such a condenscending tone, perhaps you should at least make sure you're saying something accurate. The fact is, there are current and upcoming MMOs that easily surpass TORs graphics (especially with regards to textures). Also, if you honestly think all the graphics from a MMO get transferred over your internet connection as you're playing then you are sadly mistaken. The game install takes up a load of GBs for a reason.

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MMOs have low graphical quality because they are designed to appeal to a wide variety of player with a wide variety of rig quality.


that's why MMO graphics are low. they don't want anyone's machine keeping them from sitting in the queues.


which is also why i will never understand people who complain about graphics in an MMO. you shouldn't be playing MMOs for the visuals.


It's not a case of moaning about the games graphics, this is an actual technical issue with the game. The game isn't looking as it should, it might be a bug or a simple restriction we don't seem to know and I don't think Bioware as said anything.


It's not like we have come on these forums going 'these graphics suck'. I know this game should be looking better then it currently does.

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It is an MMO. it is never going to push the boundaries of what my rig can do and I am fine with that.


Not everyone has the income to build a decent setup and Bioware knows that. To get a big customer base they need to keep things simple. I have a really sweet puter and if i want to be blown away by the graphics it is capable of, I will play a single player game that is designed to knock my socks off.

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I don't understand this feeling that its okay for an MMO to look just ok graphically. Why can't we have good graphics and great gameplay too.


because MMOs are not designed with high-end rigs in mind, because most people do not have high-end rigs.



this might blow your mind, but in a grand scheme to make a few bucks, EA/BW created a game that can be played on varying computer types and levels, so that it appeals to a wider variety of customer.


if you're looking for cutting edge graphics, there are many games out there that offer it. None of them will be MMOs, though, because you don't play MMOs for the visuals.

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Does anyone have any comparison pictures between the beta weekend textures and launch textures? I tested two weekends and didn't notice much difference.


I didn't notice any difference between the big beta weekend and early access / launch, but I had my graphics setting set to High Texture during the beta weekend and I've heard it said that they accidentally swapped medium and high back then.


However I do know that the game looked better in the earlier closed beta, when the client was also much larger. I unfortunately don't have any comparison screenshots, but maybe someone who was in closed beta from the start does and could show us if there was even more of a difference between graphics back then and the graphics in the cutscenes and ingame as they are now.

Edited by Amarinth
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Go through the entire media screens, they all have higher textures. My belt on my Sith looks like it was made in minecraft. http://i.imgur.com/YWM1L.jpg


Something is broken still.



Somewhere earlier in this thread some argued texture definition over lag. Ping won't change, but you can bet your *** 100 players on screen with high rez will crush your pc if not done right. (Hi warhammer!)


This game has bad textures all over. I love the game, but my eyes, they bleed sometimes. It's not EVERYTHING, and no one wants battlefield 3, (so tired of that response), but they ARE broken right now.


My .02

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god forbid they try to make money off their multi-million dollar product by not arbitrarily keeping many many people out of the game because of their machine limitations, amirite?


Nobody is asking for them to re-vamp the graphics engine so the low end machines couldn't run it. All we're asking is for the high-res textures to actually work in game. If you'd bothered to read any post in the entire thread you would know that.


Has anyone been in game since the servers went back up? Was there a patch that might have fixed the issue? I'm stuck at work.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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Been stated several times that some graphics options werent ready/polished for launch so they disabled them, perfect example is the AA setting that was in the last test but was removed from the launch options, sure it didnt work either way, but its obvious that they are still working on the kinks in their engine.


The fact that its still being polished should be obvious from how un-optimized shadows are in this game, you can double FPS just by turning shadows off even on good hardware, now shadows can be demanding sure, but not THAT demanding. Its fairly obvious that the engine still needs some tweaking, they havnt even fixed the major light glitches on the jedi start areas yet, im betting the first major patch is going to be a monster.

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Does anyone have any comparison pictures between the beta weekend textures and launch textures? I tested two weekends and didn't notice much difference.


These are some screenshots from MMO Champion showing how the game should look, and below I've posted some pictures that show some of the odd textures. It does seem to affect certain textures as others look okay.


Picture 1


Picture 2


Picture 3


Picture 4


Picture 5


Click on the image for a bigger version.


As you can see, some textures don't look bad, but compare them to how they should look at you should see the weird issue. Obviously the game is still playable and I have been doing so. But this bothered me and wondering what is the cause.

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Hi all


If you don’t care about graphics quality, but just love the game as is...don’t read this thread....just GAME ON !!


First of all...I got in last night, plus I was in the beta....I played and played and played.....great game....but I am one of the people that really has a problem with bad graphics...for me it can be game breaking.


And to make things clear....I like the art stile and the models, so it's not a question about that.


I forgot to take some screenshots of what I’m talking about, but it's old news to many of you.


Some of the textures are ok I guess, but when you get close to a rock or a ship or a building, textures look really fuzzy and washed out...and no..iI'm not looking at it with a magnifier..it's easy to see the low quality.


This is something you would expect from a game from 2000-2004 (Texture wise).


I just don’t get it. Yes they want everyone to be able to play the game, but what about the rest of us.


It's like saying... "Not all can buy a great looking sports car, so now people can only buy small cheep a** cars".....that’s fine...but what if someone wanted to buy that sports car..should he not have the option ?


If SWTOR had a ULTRA option in graphics settings....then we could use that, and people with problems could turn it down. At middle settings the game would look like it does now ??


I love the game, but graphics are just ..... OLD.


Hope this will change in a Patch...even AA and AF would be a big help (Yes you can turn it on in the .ini file...but still)


Sorry for the rant...just think it's crazy thinking from a company like BioWare


Am i really the only one... (Expecting a lot of short posts saying..."YES"):D


Any way....see you in game


I agree 100% the texture resolutions are just...dismal to be honest.


Anyone that thinks otherwise has obviously never seen a HD texture or for that matter even played WoW (I know but let's face it, the textures in wow are like years ahead of swtor).


I'm not asking for Skyrim graphics here just for some HD textures even if you have a low spec PC you can easily turn them off.


Same goes for AA and AF I can't actually remember a time when PC games released without that option it is quite a let down considering.

Edited by RTCBrad
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No gamer should ever have to enter in code to their game to get aa. That should have been done by the devs, they are embarssing themselves everyday with how unfinished this game has been released to public.


If i worked for another dev company i would be pointing my finger at bioware and laughing.

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To be fair to Bioware, this as been one of the smoothest launches for an MMO I've experienced. Been part of some abysmal launches in the past and although there are still many problems, I'm sure they'll get around to fixing them.


I'll say one thing though, I would have waited till 2012 if they had no other choice. It does seem like they hadn't had enough time to iron out many of the issues. Still, it's launched now. :D

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Yeah the shadows are broken.


On my GTX 580 the shadows don't seem to work at all - "High" quality shadows are static blobs.


At work, I have a "9600 GSO 512" and the Low quality shadows are better than the High ones on my 580.


That aint right.

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The only problem I have texture wise is on the armour.. Currently i'm wearing a really nice looking robe that I like on my Jedi Sentinel, it looks great but the texture looks very blurry.

It would be nice if it was sharper and you could see the clothing better, other than that I think the game is beautiful as it is.

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The only problem I have texture wise is on the armour.. Currently i'm wearing a really nice looking robe that I like on my Jedi Sentinel, it looks great but the texture looks very blurry.

It would be nice if it was sharper and you could see the clothing better, other than that I think the game is beautiful as it is.

Umm...yeah...that blurry texture thing?


That's texture resolution. And that's exactly what we're talking about.


IT doesn't just affect your armor, though that is where you would notice it most. It affects other textures in the game world as well. They look muddy...undefined..and blobby in many instances.


They certainly do not look like the screenshots from in-game footage that Bioware is handing around to websites. I have seen some people say that they are seeing high rez textures...but many are not.


So something is WRONG. And that fancy robe you have on your Sentinel? You *should* be seeing that in much higher detail.

Edited by Gelos
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Asked @Rockjaw on Twitter, but I doubt I'll get an answer. Not because he couldn't be bothered, but because I bet he is getting a billion questions at the moment. Have a feeling we'll have to wait a good while before this even gets looks into, especially if it's only affecting a certain percentage of players. :confused:


Still, least we can still play.

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People jumped all over me in beta for saying essentially the same thing.

the fanbois were going on about how the gfx were all "turned down" for beta and how they'd be awesome on release, I said that it wouldn't happen and now we see who was right.


Its a shame since the current texture res doesn't even push 4 year old hardware much less anything newer.


I was right there with you and i knew when they took the AA option out it was a bad sign for any high res textures or AA coming back to the game any time soon. Bioware certainly did not spend any of that 100 mil on Scaling options or optimization lol.

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Umm...yeah...that blurry texture thing?


That's texture resolution. And that's exactly what we're talking about.


IT doesn't just affect your armor, though that is where you would notice it most. It affects other textures in the game world as well. They look muddy...undefined..and blobby in many instances.


They certainly do not look like the screenshots from in-game footage that Bioware is handing around to websites. I have seen some people say that they are seeing high rez textures...but many are not.


So something is WRONG. And that fancy robe you have on your Sentinel? You *should* be seeing that in much higher detail.


They have no high res textures nor AA or AF. Apparently they modified the living daylights out of hero to scale it for a lower end computer and broke the living Fug out of the high end options.

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