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Texture resolution.....


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you can easily tell that hi-res textures aren't functioning as the game doesn't reload if you switch it from medium to high.


True, though I do find it odd that game reloads between "low" and "medium or high", because the textures don't look any different before/after the reload.

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Love the game so far, not loving some of the graphics. Feels washed out, and dated. (except for the cutscenes which after this thread I now know why)


I agree with most points in this thread, but the textures should be much more up to date than where they currently stand. There are a lot of us that put money into a new computer with high hopes based off the last few mmo releases (conan and rift come to mind.) Given the fact that its almost 2012; I don't think our expectation levels should look like something from pre wow in some cases.


Take rift for example; on high settings there is not the close level of pop up of grass like there is in this game on high, and that game came out almost a year ago. For me its a bit discouraging for a game I have waited so long to play.


I like the tweaks provided, but would love a real response from Bioware that they have something in the works for those of us that want to enjoy the graphics on a level that we can.


For all those out there defending the graphics right now, seriously compare some of these recent mmos, and take a deep breath! The ones posting here enjoy the game just like you (ME), and just want to use their hardware more!

Edited by Solaxo
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I know what you mean. My only real concern is the character armor sets, they look blurry and undefined. I don't want to bring up WoW, but at least there armor has detail and isn't all blurry. They need to make a high res texture pack IMO. :D


Wows armor is blurry and has 50 spikes in every direction for most armor sets. That I wouldn't call defined. They reached their design peak in tier 6, everything since has been mediocre except Tier 8.

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you can easily tell that hi-res textures aren't functioning as the game doesn't reload if you switch it from medium to high.


Yeah, I'm waiting on that high-res texture bug fix. I'd love to see the game with its "proper" textures (though I'm mostly curious to find out if my computer can even run well with them functioning).

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There is so much facepalming in this thread its not even funny. Im shocked most of you can even install this game let alone make comments in a forum about graphics OPTIONS.


Everyone here needs to look at this: http://www.desura.com/games/sickbric...-to-neoaxis-10


To check how well your system is running in game hit ctrl shift F to check your FPS. Also at the bottom right corner of your screen it has a latency or ping indicator, which is how strong your connection is to the game server.


FPS= Frames per second. Most console games run at 30 FPS. 60 FPS is the PC standard.


Video lag from high video settings on a low end PC is different then connection lag which is based off net speed, distance from server, and actual server performance.


Seriously this thread has made me lose even more faith in humanity.

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i must agree, the graphics looks good from a distance but as soon as you zoom in they are just blurry mess and look nothing like they should.. infact i was having the discussion today with a friend who said the same thing about 2000-2004 graphics
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Gave the game another try, it's fun. I have everything turned high, yet some places look god awful. Most computer console for example, are just horrendous. Most objects, like pot, chair, carpet, bottles...etc feel they were taking from a 2004 game and made by a 12 years old.


In general, if you look at the big picture, the game looks "ok" but nothing exceptional....especially for a game release in 2012. However, I do understand why people are upset.

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People jumped all over me in beta for saying essentially the same thing.

the fanbois were going on about how the gfx were all "turned down" for beta and how they'd be awesome on release, I said that it wouldn't happen and now we see who was right.


Its a shame since the current texture res doesn't even push 4 year old hardware much less anything newer.


who cares who was right, stop tooting ur horn.

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One problem I see with higher resolution textures, is the 32-bit RAM limit. The game already takes up 1GB of system RAM, and just a hair under 1GB of Video RAM on my system (1920x1080, everything maxed, AA forced at 4x). 32-bit apps have a RAM limit of 2GB, unless the /largeaddressaware (or whatever it's called) is set. Maybe it's a memory thing.


I'm pretty certain the game is large address aware and I'm surprised it's not using more on your system. Then again it's only using around 1gb RAM and 600mb VRAM when the game first starts up (in addition to 300mb for the errorhandler process). However after extended periods of playing I've seen it go upto 2.3gb RAM, close to 1gb VRAM and 600mb for the errorhander. So the game is veritable "RAM hog".


It depends on how much RAM you have available and whether you run a 64-bit OS though. On a 32-bit OS you'll never see the game client exceed 2gb memory (including VRAM) anyway unless you've tweaked your OS. On a 64-bit OS you may still not see it go upto or over 2gb system RAM used if for example you only have 4gb RAM in total, since your OS and other background processes and even the game's own errorhandler are taking a fair chunk out of that system RAM first, leaving much less than 4gb, possibly even less than 2gb for the game. On a 64-bit system with 6 or 8gb of RAM though it seems to be able to use as much as it needs and possibly even gets a little bloated in the long run.


In short the game does seem to be a RAM hog, but it seems to have no problem dedicating more memory if it's needed, so I don't think that's what's holding them back from enabling the high textures permanently. Besides those textures have to be loaded into memory already anyway since they show up regularly in the cutscenes. You might need more RAM and certainly need a 64-bit OS to use them, but aren't most people with high end computers running that already anyway?

Edited by Amarinth
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The other thing to bear in mind in this thread is that the original beta client was a whopping 35GB download at some points, whereas today the retail client is a mere 18GB by comparison. It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest that we're paying somewhat for the hundreds of 'that's way too big, I won't buy the game if I have to download that much' complaints. Most efficient way to cut download client size (after compression) is to axe the biggest textures.


I too would like to see a high-res texture pack & true use of them in the game, and whilst we're on unreasonable demands, how about DX11 support & better RAM handling. I don't mind TOR being made accessible to low-end PCs, but that's never equated to not being able to look gorgeous when given a high-end PC.

Graphic quality does effect lag, that's why MMOs never, ever have the best quality graphics. Granted I'm not a programmer or anything and don't know the specifics, but I can make the inference that it is an issue since all MMOs keep the graphics to a minimum.

In case this hasn't been thoroughly debunked yet, this is entirely untrue. Latency on your net connection has absolutely nothing to do with how many FPS your GPU can achieve, or vice-versa. Also, LOTRO & EVE, and even in fact WoW in DX11 all have graphics systems that quite happily push high-end PCs. Art style != texture/lighting quality. You can have a very highly detailed well lit bump mapped cartoony texture and it'll still be cartoony.

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In case this hasn't been thoroughly debunked yet, this is entirely untrue. Latency on your net connection has absolutely nothing to do with how many FPS your GPU can achieve, or vice-versa. Also, LOTRO & EVE, and even in fact WoW in DX11 all have graphics systems that quite happily push high-end PCs. Art style != texture/lighting quality. You can have a very highly detailed well lit bump mapped cartoony texture and it'll still be cartoony.


My point exactly.... But there is talk in the forum corners that this is all an error, plus high textures are on the way....(but only forum talk, still no dev comment).

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What I noticed on my Twi'lek is that the lip textures are very low res.

The armor it self is low resolution as well, it just looks very bad even in cut scenes.

The shadow of my character are a bit block like, again low res, honestly what's the point of having shadows if they look like that.

The same goes for some fountains, it shoots blocks.

There is no AA even when I force it the game looks so/so.



The game is enjoyable but I don't get why they can't support a bit more scalability.

We're not talking about overhauling the engine ,but the poor textures are a bit extreme in the game.


The game feels unpolished the UI/graphics/servers/bugs, it's good but it feels like I am playing a beta.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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I managed to turn on AA in the Catalyst Control Center and now the game looks pretty good. Not great (Draw distance is still tiny) but acceptable.


Let's face it people: There is only so much you can do with a crappy outdated and single-threaded graphics engine to begin with.

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Did they make a funny change last night with the Grass Draw distance ??


instead og fade in/fade out.... they have this Grass grwoing effect...really looks like s***..


it creates nausea for me !!


I have the grass growing in place as I run thing going on too. Because of the lushness of the grass, it's almost as if hills and stuff are growing as I run across the landscape. Very disorienting.


Someone told me it's a bug and I need to turn down the quality of the grass. I'm hoping they fix it in the future, but these little problems aren't enough to make me stop playing the game. The core aspect of the game is still attractive enough for me to continue playing.


After my 30 day trial and my 3 month sub are up, if some of these problems are still around with no sign of being fixed, I may go and do something else, but I trust that they'll get these issues ironed out.

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People still don't understand why the graphics are the way they are? They are doing what WoW did, making the game accessible to as many computers as possible, including crap computers. While I doubt we will ever get higher resolution textures I don't really care because gameplay>graphics. Just look at minecraft for anyone who plays and enjoys that.. That game is all gameplay no graphics, I absolutely love it. Seems the kiddies these days just care about graphics. If it doesn't have good graphics its not a good game!


Blame it on gears of war and whatever else everyone is playing.

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I managed to turn on AA in the Catalyst Control Center and now the game looks pretty good. Not great (Draw distance is still tiny) but acceptable.


Let's face it people: There is only so much you can do with an outdated and single-threaded graphics engine to begin with.



People would run MMO's much smoother if they used a proper engine.

I can't force it with my 580GTX though I can change the ini files.

Still the AA and textures just look bad, hope they can do something with it.


But I doubt the game can do a lot with this engine.

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People still don't understand why the graphics are the way they are? They are doing what WoW did, making the game accessible to as many computers as possible, including crap computers. While I doubt we will ever get higher resolution textures I don't really care because gameplay>graphics. Just look at minecraft for anyone who plays and enjoys that.. That game is all gameplay no graphics, I absolutely love it. Seems the kiddies these days just care about graphics. If it doesn't have good graphics its not a good game!


Blame it on gears of war and whatever else everyone is playing.


As has been sort of pointed out before:


graphics scaleability =/= the game being unplayable on cruddy computers


You can have high quality graphics that look great and can only be run on high end computers AND still have low end settings that make the game playable on much much lower end machines. Case in point: LOTRO. That game is playable on a really wide range of machines and the difference between lowest and highest graphics is day and night.


In comparison SWTOR's graphics scale very little and as I also said before there aren't any 'high end' graphics settings that really take advantage of powerful systems besides the shadows and you can argue that those are WAY too heavy compared to the result they give.



The issue with these things is that if no one complains, nothing will ever change. We'll always be stuck with subpar WoW graphics just because 'WoW does it'. I cannot express how much I loathe this type of reasoning. Just because one game did it, doesn't make it right. WoW is like the "console platform" of MMO gaming, it is really aged and yet everyone is still using it as the excuse of 'why we can't have nice things'.


The thing is that yes, we CAN have nice things and it doesn't have to affect those whose PC's aren't able to handle it. It doesn't even need to affect their download/install size if it comes down to it. LOTRO/DDO had an optional high texture pack. You didn't have to install that, but it was there for those who wanted it and it made the game look really good, something that didn't go unnoticed in many a review.

Edited by Amarinth
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People still don't understand why the graphics are the way they are? They are doing what WoW did, making the game accessible to as many computers as possible, including crap computers. While I doubt we will ever get higher resolution textures I don't really care because gameplay>graphics. Just look at minecraft for anyone who plays and enjoys that.. That game is all gameplay no graphics, I absolutely love it. Seems the kiddies these days just care about graphics. If it doesn't have good graphics its not a good game!


Blame it on gears of war and whatever else everyone is playing.


People still don't understand what scalability means?


I like how u call us kiddies. How old are you? How long have been gaming? Its sad that you lack basic PC/gaming knowledge at your age.


Qweet u need to educate yourself before you post another embarrassment. Thanks!

Edited by Toweleeeie
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