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Texture resolution.....


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You know what? I get a lot more out of this artistically than I did out of BF3. Looooot more imagination both in design and portrayal in this studio than a certain number of franchises that keeps grinding out the same meticilously detailed STANAG magazines year after year.


BF3 had similar issues imo, the characters looked dated while the terrain looked great.

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in my opinion, the gfx are slightly better than beta - and AA is on its way very shortly.


id just like to point out that this game is AN MMO and NOT BATTLEFIELD 3


what other MMO's do you see where the you are running around with next gen gfx?! for an MMO, id say this game looks pretty damn fantastic..



get. over. it. already. and. enjoy. the. game. . . sigh.



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Hi all


If you don’t care about graphics quality, but just love the game as is...don’t read this thread....just GAME ON !!


First of all...I got in last night, plus I was in the beta....I played and played and played.....great game....but I am one of the people that really has a problem with bad graphics...for me it can be game breaking.


And to make things clear....I like the art stile and the models, so it's not a question about that.


I forgot to take some screenshots of what I’m talking about, but it's old news to many of you.


Some of the textures are ok I guess, but when you get close to a rock or a ship or a building, textures look really fuzzy and washed out...and no..iI'm not looking at it with a magnifier..it's easy to see the low quality.


This is something you would expect from a game from 2000-2004 (Texture wise).


I just don’t get it. Yes they want everyone to be able to play the game, but what about the rest of us.


It's like saying... "Not all can buy a great looking sports car, so now people can only buy small cheep a** cars".....that’s fine...but what if someone wanted to buy that sports car..should he not have the option ?


If SWTOR had a ULTRA option in graphics settings....then we could use that, and people with problems could turn it down. At middle settings the game would look like it does now ??


I love the game, but graphics are just ..... OLD.


Hope this will change in a Patch...even AA and AF would be a big help (Yes you can turn it on in the .ini file...but still)


Sorry for the rant...just think it's crazy thinking from a company like BioWare


Am i really the only one... (Expecting a lot of short posts saying..."YES"):D


Any way....see you in game


This game looks pretty good to me. I meant its not witcher 2 or skyrim but definately not a 12 years old game. I don't understand why they disable AA and HDR lightning though. Although you can enable these features using a "not recommended" method.

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in my opinion, the gfx are slightly better than beta - and AA is on its way very shortly.


id just like to point out that this game is AN MMO and NOT BATTLEFIELD 3


what other MMO's do you see where the you are running around with next gen gfx?! for an MMO, id say this game looks pretty damn fantastic..



get. over. it. already. and. enjoy. the. game. . . sigh.




Fanboy alert.

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You must be new to MMOs. As an online game, MMOs are always years behind the current peak of graphics quality, so less information is being transferred over internet connections, and so people with lower-end computers can still play. Using the best graphics would cause too much internet lag in an online game.


The only thing that is not wrong in this paragraph is people with lower-end computers still being able to play. Other than that... let's just say that graphical detail has nothing to do with network performance, internet lag or server load.

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You must be new to MMOs. As an online game, MMOs are always years behind the current peak of graphics quality, so less information is being transferred over internet connections, and so people with lower-end computers can still play. Using the best graphics would cause too much internet lag in an online game.


Ok here we go.


I played:


SWG 6 years

WOW 1 year

RIFT 1 year

AION 1 year

AOC 2 years

EQ2 2 years

COH 2 years

WAR 2 month

Ryzom 1 year

DCUO 1 year

SWGemu quality tester

and more....


Sooo yes i have played my share of mmo's


look at rift and AION and AOC.......they can't be real then ??.... what about the upcoming Archeage that uses Cryengine 2...


There are so many things wrong with your comment i don’t know where to start.


EDIT: even SWG had better closeup textures at some places....


Better graphics are posible with no problems, the ....it's an MMO...is old.


No we dont want SKyrim graphics...thats not the point..if you read OP you will see i like the stile and...some...of the textures....but some of them looks like they were made in microsoft paint.... !!

Edited by Qui-Zan
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It's an MMO, an online game, it's just not going to have the best graphics for that reason. If you want great graphics you have to play offline games. It's just the way it's always been with MMOs.


no, its only been that way since WoW went after the simpleton market and made a game any idiot could play and run it on an abacus.


before then MMOs were pushing limits as much as any other game.


UO had decent graphics for its day, as did EQ1 and WWIIonline.

infact WWIIonline did it all on one open world server with no loading or zoning or instances with a full ballistic physics model which has still not been improved upon by any game since.


games used to be designed with the future in mind, but since WoW and Xboxs because the benchmark games have been made so they'll run on commodore 64s.

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in my opinion, the gfx are slightly better than beta - and AA is on its way very shortly.


id just like to point out that this game is AN MMO and NOT BATTLEFIELD 3


what other MMO's do you see where the you are running around with next gen gfx?! for an MMO, id say this game looks pretty damn fantastic..



get. over. it. already. and. enjoy. the. game. . . sigh.




well, honestly as long as we have that kind of player base in any mmo, we will never get what we want, in this case, photo-realistic and nice graphics in a mmo. But hope never ends, one day, we will :)

Edited by engindeniz
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It's an MMO, an online game, it's just not going to have the best graphics for that reason. If you want great graphics you have to play offline games. It's just the way it's always been with MMOs.


Then you never played other MMO's , look at LOTRO much older but with DX11 effects and optional HiRes Textures:rolleyes:

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Ok here we go.


I played:


SWG 6 years

WOW 1 year

RIFT 1 year

AION 1 year

AOC 2 years

EQ2 2 years

COH 2 years

WAR 2 month

Ryzom 1 year

DCUO 1 year

SWGemu quality tester

and more....


Sooo yes i have played my share of mmo's


look at rift and AION and AOC.......they can't be real then ??.... what about the upcoming Archeage that uses Cryengine 2...


There are so many things wrong with your comment i don’t know where to start.


EDIT: even SWG had better closeup textures at some places....


Better graphics are posible with no problems, the ....it's an MMO...is old.


No we dont want SKyrim graphics...thats not the point..if you read OP you will see i like the stile and...some...of the textures....but some of them looks like they were made in microsoft paint.... !!


bump for this, totally agree

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Posted this in my own thread, but I don't think we are seeing the texture resolution that we should. I took screenshots for proof.


Ok. I was playing around with the in-game texture quality settings, and didn't really notice any difference. I mean none.


So, I started looking at the client_settings.ini


In this file, there is a setting; TextureQuality = ?


The number range seems to be "0 = High", "1 = Medium" "2 = Low" (edit: ok, they apparently have more than 0-2. There are many different levels of detail. However, while "in-game", I am stuck at the medium setting, per the examples below.)


This allows me to change the texture quality in the character select screen.


TextureQuality = 2 (low)

TextureQuality = 1 (medium)

TextureQuality = 0 (high)


Easiest way to see the difference, is to look at the patch on my arm.


However, regardless of how my character looks at the character select screen, my in-game character appears to be stuck on the medium settings. This is regardless of which .ini file option I use, or the in-game setting I use.


In-game (regardless of setting)


Clearly, the textures appear to be stuck on medium in-game (with some color distortions at that).


Can anybody else confirm these details?

Edited by PlayLoud
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i agree.


Models are above average and so the detail of landscape.


But what BW thought about the texture i dont know. They are defintily low. EXTREM low-


And to the fanboys here.

NOONE is expecting the frostengine 2 (from BF3) but above average should be an aim.

Look at TEra


The game is already released at korea and will be release early 2012 at EU/USA.


And of course the famous candidate Guild Wars 2 has extremly better graphics than SWTOR. Release also early 2012

Edited by McJohny
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You can always improve grafics by forcing AA and AF through your card settings(not sure if AF affects it though, when i get my access I will try it).


Also if grafics where that much of an issue everybody would play Lineage 2 or other korean rpgs when WoW came out and yada yada.

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I got the feeling there are better textures out there, there's just something not working as intended. Maybe the lowres textures are a bug, known issue still being worked on or something just some players are experiencing.


Someone mentioned setting it to low, exiting, then setting it to high and restarting would fix it. I also had a problem with other preferences settings not being saved after restart (cover quickbar).


I do have the lowres issue and sometimes textures even don't load at all (had a pitchblack Satele earlier). So I'm sure there's just something wrong there and let's hope it will be fixed soonish – either way an official statement concerning this (including AA, AF, etc) would be nice.


So before people are get all heated up: it might be that the other person isn't seeing the game as you are, so consider this being the reason he has a different opinion about the visual quality of the game.

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When playing the game i dont mind the low(er) resolution textures, its the talks with npc`s or cutscenes that do it for me.


Darth..whats his face, the one when playing a Sith Warrior, in his Ice Hockey Goaly uniform..


Looks like a 2004 character, the resolution of his armor is absolutely dreadful.. (and yes i`m playing on Max).


If you have a game with a older graphics engine, you should try and and avoid scenes where your 2ft away from a character, zoomed in on his upperbody.. hence showing the immense lack of detail on his armor/helmet.

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go to:


C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Local\SWTOR\betatest\settings \clientsettings.ini


edit these to your content (I use notepad++):


Height = 1080

Width = 1920

D3DFullScreen = true

PlantDensity = 150

Height = 1080

NativeHeight = 1080

NativeWidth = 1920

Width = 1920

WindowX = 0

WindowY = 0

DynamicLightsLimit = 2

MeshLODQuality = 1

TextureAnisotropy = 8 (or whatever you like, 2, 4, 8, 16)

FarClipScale = 4

VerticalSyncState = true

doShadows = true

UseMinSpecShaders = false

EnableBloom = true

FullScreen = true

TextureQuality = 0

AllowDepthOfField = true

GammaRamp = 1.037854

SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 1.25

AntiAliasingLevel = 4 (or whatever you like, 2, 4, 8, 16)

DebugAdvEnviroLighting = true


save when finished and enjoy :)


Remove yellow

Edited by Ironstarr
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Can you not just force AA and AF on your graphics card setting if they aren't available ingame yet?


Sitting tight for my invite just now and hoping it will play well on my laptop!




yes you can...but that will not fix the texture quality !! only the edge rendering of object !!

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While it's not game breaking at all, I have noticed that for some reason textures look worse then they did in the beta. I'm a fan of the art style but I agree that something seems off with the textures. It looks like they've changed the graphical settings anyway with them entirely removing AA which, again isn't a huge deal. Is baffling considering most modern games today.



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