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Texture resolution.....


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Im one of those just like u.Graphics are game breaking for me too.

The art style is fine but the textures as u mentioned on rocks etc are ridiculous.

Those kind of textures existed in some games back in 2004.

And if it was not that enough the performance of the game fps wise is horrible as wel.

Some people that are saying the textures are looking good they probably playing on 1024x768 resolutions but for people just like us that are playing on 1920x1080 on uber rigs those kind of textures and fps are simply ridiculous game breakers and reasons to start searching for a new mmo or game.

For my 980x 580 sli 12 gigs of ram i was supposed to play this game at 120 fps without a single drop.Guess what i cant.

While i play other games that have 100 times more heavy graphics physics etc at 80-120 this game drives me crazy with such awful performance.

I m just gonna say that in balmora i reach 38 fps.Yes u heard right such is the bad engine of the game.Metro 2033 which has god like graphics rarely falls at 45-60 with an average fps at 80-120


Glad im not allone. The problem is that people have this strange idear that if it's an mmo...well...then it will look like a single player game from 2002...... the mmo i'm following at this point is Archeage, because im an old SWG-vet....this game has it all (no voice though). The engine is Cryengine 2 (they are upgrading to 3), and the people in beta says it is one of the smoothes running mmo's.


Don't get me wrong..i dont want thouse graphics for SWTOR, but just the option to play it on a HD system without it looking like a lego starwars game !!


sorry for the rant

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I have an amazingly fast system. Every graphic setting is maxed... and sometimes it looks like I am playing Minecraft...


I am even ok with the polygon count most of the time. It's the textures. They are so amazingly bad. How they released a game in 2012 and have worse graphics than some MMO's released in 2005 is beyond me.

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I have an amazingly fast system. Every graphic setting is maxed... and sometimes it looks like I am playing Minecraft...


I am even ok with the polygon count most of the time. It's the textures. They are so amazingly bad. How they released a game in 2012 and have worse graphics than some MMO's released in 2005 is beyond me.


Yup !!


Polycount is all part of the art stile, but you can make a low poly model look high poly with the right textures/normal maps/bump maps


Moste of the details in armor are normal maps, and not part of the model mesh. so the normal maps are there, but edges are plurry, therefore the normalmaps also look like they are washed out sometime.


we will just have to waite waite waite....and waite !!

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If you look closely you'll notice the screenshots of your armor in the character selection and the cutscene look very crisp, but that's because you took them at the only times where the game displays them in such high quality. If you look at the same pieces of armor while ingame and not in a cutscene, you'll notice they look worse and that's because ingame those armor textures are Medium, not High.


That's the problem most of us would like to see fixed, we want those high textures ALL the time, not just during a few select moments. And this isn't something we can tweak with ini files or graphics driver settings, it seems to be an inherent restriction in the game client.



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