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Jaesa (Light) Saying dark things while fighting?


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Is my game glitched or did Bioware intend for both Dark and Light Jaesa to yell dark things while in combat?


It's strange hearing Jaesa (Light) yelling things like "I will make you suffer!" or "Their pain is exquisite."


Is this happening to any other light aligned Sith?

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She tells you in her first conversation that she'll faithfully pretend to be a dark side apprentice, which is why I assume she does it.


I absolutely hate it, though, on my LS Juggernaut. I kept wanting to tell her: "You know, you don't really -need- a battle cry - can we try slaughtering in peace and quiet?".


On the other hand, maybe their pain really was that exquisite - it is an odd power she has...

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She's under cover. Playing the part


This. Although it's a joke, in actuality they probably didn't have her voice actor do different tones and phrases. What you hear is probably generic.



If you get enough affection she will say, "Master, permission to break character for a moment..." And yadayada

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My guess is that they are the same. However, I wouldn't put it past them to have forgotten to tie in the light side comments to the light side Jaesa since they forgot to properly tie in the comments at the end of the companion missions to proper outcome.
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I'd wager that it's simply from the lack of VA for LS Jaesa since they already admitted that they wouldn't think she as LS would be in any way popular.


But that "she plays the role of dark apprentice" is pretty convenient though.


Seems a bit odd, I mean it's only like 3 or 4 lines she spams while in combat. It wouldn't have taken that much effort to record lightside/neutral versions of those lines.

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