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Operative feedback


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I hope some dev still reads the operative boards and there still is a roadmap to adjust the spec class a bit further as the game play goes.


Personally I love the operative - however there are some issues.


About the current status there are tons of threads with all kinds of commentary which I will not go here, however I try to point out some improvements to the spec class what I feel would actually benefit and help switching the operative game play to be more adaptive to situations.


Skill points and the stuff that comes with them and how I personally would see some of them modified a bit.


Jarring Strike (Concealment) - Please make this skill that you can toggle it with stance on/off - very useful in solo and group pve, however in PVP I'd like to use the opener situationally sometimes without the knock down. Also if you must to appease those angry forum warriors that cry over it on pvp and tune it down, please take your heads out of the sand and change all CC then to have 50% duration in PVP only.


Slip Away (Lethality) - This two (2) rank skill could use a little love in function wise - the possible change to grant slip away ability that would increase your movement speed (15/30) without activating debilitate and retain the passive CD decrease in deb.


Skill trees:


While I do enjoy the backstabbing rogue like of concealment I levelled up with lethality build which I liked a quite much, however in the end game for any kind of game play it does not deliver any viable setups to use in PVE (at it's current state) for DPS:ing which would actually be very nice if you could choose ranged option (maybe increase the range by 5 meters).


Energy generation in Lethality is horrible and lack of ranged TA generation is rather.. disturbing.


DOTS! MORE DOTS!.. while it might have seem to be a good idea at some point, it just isn't. Looking at the skills in the lethality tree makes one wanna go 'hmm'. All kinds of skills that provide some weird utility instead of would actually make the tree potential 'mid range' combat expert. And some of them would make more sense in the concealment tree (at least considering the damage melee takes in PVE boss encounters) or slightly modied in the medic tree - and also the +3 seconds to the poison dart is actually dps decrease as it does not provide extra damage on top of the base damage, just increases the duration thus lowering the overall dps from the dot.


With 2 points you get 25% chance that the poison dart ticks twice? No, thank you. Leave me out of it.


But I guess the engineer tree in the sniper spec pretty much handicaps the lethality leaving it out of any potential ideas - if the lethality could be redesigned it would be awesome - if not, well, no change there then, melee it is and it is providing dps in raids to some extend where the lethality could provide more useful at times, ie. the damage output really cuts down when you have to start moving around, however the slip away could provide a bit useful tactics to this.


My few, cents. Most likely more to follow.


- B

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1. There is no benefit to turning Jarring Strike off, you might as well just not spec into it if you don't like it, but in PvP it saves you from having to use Debilitate right away and gives you some time to get hits in.


2. Slip Away has its name for a reason, the intent is that it allows Lethality Op's to stun and slip out of range to snare and start kiting melee. It's not called Bat Out Of Hell, because they don't want you to be running around at the speed of light firing arrows and swinging your knife like a Meth addict. It should not provide a passive MS increase, and definitely not 30%.


3. Lethality has tons of issues, but the Energy Regen and TA issues are the most widely discussed. For starters, I think Energy Regen across the board needs a bump. After playing a Sorc, I see no reason to use an Operative starting with Energy Regen being absolute garbage. I can just chain cast spells on my Sorc and finish up entire areas without stopping, where as my Op had to Recoup every other pull (probably doesn't help that Kaliyo is as useful as ***s on a log). TA really does need a possible activation from a ranged ability. I could see it getting a talent like the KP one where it has a chance to be granted on DoT crits, but that would require some reworking the tree.


4. Corrosive Dart, I'm not positive, but I don't think you understand how good having a chance for an extra tick is. It feeds both energy regen and is basically free extra damage--Internal Damage at that. As for the other talent, I think the assumption is that the extra 3 seconds allows for an extra tick, but the tooltips don't properly calculate it. I haven't done the testing myself, but a talent that decreases the damage of an ability does NOT make sense.

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