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Fixing Faction Imbalance


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How to solve current and future faction Inbalance


This is already partly in the game, and will involve some work rather than just paying 15 bucks for a switch.


The light side and dark side alignment in game will be the key to switching sides.


Step one: Sith that wants to go to the republic. First you have to get 10,000 alignment or Light V.


Step two: Coding in the game realizes you are Light V and next time you enter your ship you receive a coded transmission from a Jedi Master/Smuggler/Republic Commander involving RP about the republic has sensed or followed your movement and foresees a change in your destiny. You are told to go meet him/her on a planet at a set location. When u arrive you talk to the NPC where u have a choice to accept the change, fight and kill if you wish to remain same alignment and or fight and accept. Killing the npc triggers an internal cool down where u cannot be offered this choice again for a month.


Step three: if you accept the offer you are sent on a series of quests where you meet Masters and or commanders who test your loyalty and dedication to becoming a member of the republic. On the final quest you have the ability to kneel and server the opposing faction and or go nuts and kill everyone in revolt staying Imperial. Either decision will trigger the internal cool down for a month so u cannot chose to switch back or take quest again for the month.


Step four: you can no longer display title of Darth, Lord etc. alignment based class title or Imperial title if going republic. You are granted new titles of XXXXX the Enlightened and such; I’m not great on thinking of this stuff but w/e.


Step five: you are now Republic, you have same skills, abilities, ship, companions and such as you were on imperial side but you now roll for the other team. Dailies are open to you for Republic, WZ’s are for republic and you can no longer be part of an Imperial Guild or talk in tells to imperials.


Step six: Switching back, after the cool down of a month you can do this in reverse and go back to imperial side. Only difference is once back imperial if you were imperial you have do a chain to regain your title s and position IE part of dark council and such. When restored imperial you gain special title of Vindicated or w/e for RP purposes.


All quest line to change faction should take about 30-40 quests and 12 hours playtime. You keep your gear, if it was Dark V required if u had it equipped you keep it on, use relics won’t work but gear is kept equipped.


Same deal for Republic wanting to go Imperial, different quest line but same idea.


Contains RP, keeps your character and you won’t have to regrind, u keep all gear u earned and credits. This way if the faction balance swings too far back to the Republic u can switch back.


The game already contains Jedi that went sith and sith that found the light side so it keeps within cannon, BH and smugglers already should be neutral and Commandoes can be recruited by the opposing faction. Imperial agents already have double agent title, and they could easily go “undercover” working for the republic or a traitor to their side.

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Nice idea, I love the redemption thing, just like KOTOR, I guess they will add something like that in the future...I remember I read something on a third faction in the future of SWTOR.


I hope they will make more sense of the allignment , more than just relic and useless stuff.

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Nice idea, I thought about something similiar, but encountered a problem:

What happens when a new patch is introduced which advances your class storyline?

"Please visit the Jedi Council on Tython" - "Well, I'm currently on the Empire side with a 25 day cooldown".


Also small error: "You keep your gear, if it was Dark V required if u had it equipped you keep it on, use relics won’t work but gear is kept equipped."

One of your prerequisites to get the quest in the first place is being Light V ;)


I'm currently thinking a 3rd faction which you can join at 50 might be interesting. Like the Revanites, since some of them "studied and met in secret in order to maintain their ordinary lives", which solves the classstory problem, as you could keep access to your old factions facilities (and grouping / guilds, ...). And the faction has different objectives in the Open PvP zones / WZs (since that seems to be the reason why most people cry about faction imbalance?), while everything stays the same (though you could introduce additional incentives, but that would lead to the question, why anyone should stay Emp/Rep at all)

Edited by Zocat
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As a smuggler, it should be as easy as buying imperial access codes on the black market and heading on over...


An IA, all they need to do is put some dirt on their jacket, and bribe information of the republic fleet location.


I don't even want to wait for a gimmicky quest. This particular class should be playing both sides anyway.

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