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A way to Fix the Random PvP Bag System and Help New 50's not be Ganked in Warzones


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Since the Centurion gear is pretty useless just make it items that a new 50 can buy for warzone/merc commendations or a combination, that way the Champion bags will no longer drop these useless Comms. If your going to keep the system random and keep giving duplicate pieces, make it so the Champion bags drop Champion Commendations/Pieces, and the Battlemaster Bags drop Battlemaster Comms/Pieces. Another idea to improve this system to stop this getting of duplicate pieces is to make it so that when the 1 in 10 or 1 in 30 bags depending on luck does drop a piece that it's simply a token for a piece of the given gear, and one can choose the piece they need and not be forced to get yet another duplicate piece.


This will help new 50's have a method to get expertise right away and not be fodder in warzones, honestly it's really no competition to me when my telekinetic throw is hitting new 50's for 900-1000+ crits in warzones and really giving them no competitive chance. Give them the chance to buy the Centurion gear for warzone/merc comms to give them basically their starter PvP gear off the bat if they've saved enough comms, or the chance to at least get say 5 % expertise if they've saved 1000warzone comms/1000 merc comms, so they could buy say 4 or 5 pieces Centurion off the bat. Make the champion bags drop Champion comms/pieces and battlemaster drop simply battlemaster comm's/pieces. Easy fix, also fix the duplicate pieces problems, nothing more insulting then have 16 pieces of duplicate gear one already has to the point that their companion has nearly as much expertise as them, especially with how low the drop rate of pieces can be.


Lastly GO FIX ILLUM!!!!!!

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PvP gear isnt a huge deal when your talking a lvl50 vs a lvl50. It's a huge misconception that expertise makes you amazing. Full champ gear gives you about 10% less dmg from players, not hugely significant by any stretch of the imagination.
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PvP gear isnt a huge deal when your talking a lvl50 vs a lvl50. It's a huge misconception that expertise makes you amazing. Full champ gear gives you about 10% less dmg from players, not hugely significant by any stretch of the imagination.


I have 11% expertise atm, against a new 50 with no expertise my tele throw hits them for over 1k per crit, add a project/disturbance/telekenetic wave to that and they are dead before they can really react or even know who attacked them. To me that's not competitive for myself, and not fair to them, because your forgetting that because of the system where expertise both increases damage and reduces that being taken. So really the player with no expertise is at a double the other players expertise gain disadvantage. So say I have 10% expertise, the new 50 has 0, they are at a 20% disadvantage overall because they are doing 10% less damage, and taking 10% more equaling a 20% disadvantage in the fight. Trust me it makes a huge difference, when fighting people with equal expertise, since this game is so gear based, it makes the fight much more fun and even. Overall why would a new 50 even want to do the PvP gear grind if for perhaps weeks because of the random bag system, even months for a casual they will be dominated in warzones, and likely targeted because they are an easy kill and get hit like a wet paper bag.

Edited by Yinata
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Ah this is my life :( Warzones are brutal for me, and it's so obvious Im not geared, I get stalked every match cause I'm an easy kill due to no gear, I'm 15-1 on my bags :( Thus is life but it totally turns me off of PVP. Edited by KineticPoet
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