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Sith Warrior names


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Raddix. Permutation of the word "eradicate." Going the latin route has its perqs, but I like taking evil words and chopping them up. That's what the original Sith did. The Emperor is Darth Sidious--short for "insidious." Vader is short for "invader."





I decided to go with a Latin theme with this MMO. My character list, the Maleficorum Legacy (Mal-eh-feh-core-um):


Malleus Maleficorum, "Hammer of the Witches" - Juggernaut (Main)

Gladius Maleficorum, "Sword of the Witches" - Marauder

Arcana Maleficorum, "Secrets of the Witches" (I use this as a feminine name) - Sorcerror

Arcanum/Arcanus Maleficorum, "The Secret of the Witches" (Male version) - Assassin

Maleficus Maleficorum, "Mischief of the Witches" - Operative


I have all of these reserved on the majority of the highest pop PvP servers, in case of server mergers, so feel free to use them on whatever PvE server it is you're rolling on because they're not available on the Heavy/Full pop US PvP servers.


= )


I really hope you don't care about this, but you spelled it wrong. It's maleficarum. With an "a." :-/

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All good sith names should sound good as "Darth ___". Thats the whole point.


Also, lots of good sith names are plays on dark sounding words.


Darth Maul (maul means to destroy)

Darth Vader (invader)

Darth Sidious (sounds like insidious)

Darth Nihilus <--- love this one (Nihilism is believing in nothing)

Darth Mortis (latin for Death)

Darth Decimus (sounds like decimate)

Darth Malus (latin for Hammer)

Darth Tyranus (Tyrant, as in T-rex)

Darth Havok




Mine are Darth Vicius and Darth Malice

Edited by miliways
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