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@BioWare and all you responsible for launch


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Guys, I really hope you let all the rest of us pre-orders in to play today. I say this for the good of the game.


Cause you know, angry nerds on the Internet is fine as long as they aren't angry at you.

I have high hopes, my fingers crossed and are expecting to be playing withing 6-7 hours from posting this.

Edited by Ecrofeht
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Guys, I really hope you let all the rest of us pre-orders in to play today. I say this for the good of the game.


Cause you know, angry nerds on the Internet is fine as long as they aren't angry at you.

I have high hopes, my fingers crossed and are expecting to be playing withing 6-7 hours from posting this.


They don't care, you get in when you get in.

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My guess is November by the end of Thursday, December over Friday.


My only worry is that December take 2 days. Being a December 13th pre-order, chances are I'll only see a day or two of Early Access.


Well, and 90 days of TOR after that :D

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A quick update on today's (yesterday) invites, and a little preview of tomorrow.


Today (yesterday), we invited people who had pre-ordered up to the very beginning of October (roughly). Tomorrow (today), we're going to be inviting the same number of people again; that will take us up to the last week or so of November. On Friday, we'll be inviting even more, and we'll give you an update on that tomorrow.


You'll see more servers coming online tomorrow, and almost certainly there will be some queuing. That was always expected. As a reminder, our plan here is to maintain healthy server populations post launch, and during the excitement of launch that will mean queues. That said, we'll be working hard to keep those queues reasonable.


We'll check back in tomorrow with another update.

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After several days of wondering why I haven’t gotten my access to the early access of SWTOR I’ve realized it’s not the fact I bought the Direct Download version on 11-30-2011 but that I haven’t demonstrated my fervent belief on how great this MMO is going to be.


So to demonstrate to the EA Producers my belief on how great this game is and how much I want to play it, I’ve decided they wanted me to sacrifice my oldest male born child to them to gain access, may the Producers be appeased.



Here is the video of the act;

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Guys, I really hope you let all the rest of us pre-orders in to play today. I say this for the good of the game.


Cause you know, angry nerds on the Internet is fine as long as they aren't angry at you.

I have high hopes, my fingers crossed and are expecting to be playing withing 6-7 hours from posting this.


For the long term good of the game, I actually hope you do all get in tommorrow


Im listed in the middle of the "to enter dates" so pretty sure im in tommorrow but even though it would affect my own experince, Im not as selfish as others around here and can think beyond my own needs and desires and say whats good for the game.


For the good of the game I do hope you get in.


I dont think Dec (end of November) will because if this debacle was going to be fixed it would have been fixed Tuesday night or Weds at the latest. But they stuck to their 18 hour break plan yet again and let everyone fume again.


Ill give the mods of forum credit, they have worked hard at removing the intigators and attack/taunt posters in large but still to many got through to ramp up the hard feelings even higher.


So I expect tommorrow your on the forums, still locked out, being attacked, taunted, trolled, insulted, spoken down to once again.



Honestly wish I could say otherwise.

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yea yea yea, jeez if I have to read a post like this again, I'm going to go on a killing spree with my Mace Windu fake lightsaber.


lol Someone just beat you to it! :)



LOL this is what happens when the EGA qqers are not able to get in.

I present to you a local news clip I just read.




Police responded to the Toys R Us in Jantzen Beach after calls that a man was attacking people with a lightsaber.


By the time the officers arrived, they said three people had already been assaulted by the 33-year-old man with the toy lightsaber.


One officer attempted to calm the man down, but he allegedly kept swinging the lightsaber and yelling incoherent statements.


The officers then tried to Taser him, but the man managed to break the wires free using the lightsaber.


After the Taser attempts, police were then able to tackle him and take him into custody.


The suspect was treated for injuries and then taken to a hospital for a mental evaluation.


He will face charges after he is evaluated.



*Raises bottle*


Cheers man!

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Who cares its botched up anyway, the 20th is going to be funny. with all the crap with pre-orders and all the children (yes of all ages) getting this game for xmas, the 20th is going to be a Queing hell... mark my words young padawans or sithturds. lol


nice verbage :rolleyes:


I agree Xmas will be crazy.


Thank god im cooking Xmas dinner and have family over for the day and into evening cause yup, the Queues are going to be out of control crazy

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Duude they know what there doing lol. I'm sure they have it all figured out and it is to the best of their capabilities..

They've spent the past how many years and millions of dollars for launch? I'm pretty sure they know what to do, there's always going to be QQrs.

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I am struggling to understand why people are upset. The principle of how much EGA you get being tied to how early you register your pre-order code has been well known since the pre-orders went on sale. It's not new, it's not something they sprung on us, it's what the plan was.


Similarly, the phased way that invites are being sent out is how they planned to do it. It's hardly a surprise. What were people expecting? That once BioWare saw that you REALLY wanted in, they were going to change their mind?


Please remember that EGA is Early - ie, free, extra, a bonus, not one of you basic Human rights.


Calm down a bit.

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Guys, I really hope you let all the rest of us pre-orders in to play today. I say this for the good of the game.


Cause you know, angry nerds on the Internet is fine as long as they aren't angry at you.

I have high hopes, my fingers crossed and are expecting to be playing withing 6-7 hours from posting this.


Cry sum moar kiddo.

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Guys, I really hope you let all the rest of us pre-orders in to play today. I say this for the good of the game.


Cause you know, angry nerds on the Internet is fine as long as they aren't angry at you.

I have high hopes, my fingers crossed and are expecting to be playing withing 6-7 hours from posting this.


lol ?!

Do like everybody else, wait in line.

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Hello Ecrofeht!


We appreciate your interest in speculating about players being accepted into Early Game Access but we are going to close this thread as there is already an active thread about it here. We suggest continuing your discussion there.


Thank you!

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